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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18236304 No.18236304 [Reply] [Original]

Off to the shop. You do write physical lists, don't you Anon?

>> No.18236309

I make tiktok video and keep it on repeat while shopping

>> No.18236310

No, I just memorize what I need. I’m not demented yet.

>> No.18236316

Google Keep checklist.

>> No.18236328

There's apps for that

>> No.18236333

I got one of those newfangled smartphones a few years back and literally the only things I use it for are texting, setting an alarm clock, taking pictures, and using the notepad app for shopping lists. Once in a blue moon I'll make a phone call or look something up on the internet when I'm not in front of a computer, but that's about it. Half the shit I buy is going to be something I bought on one of my last 2 or 3 shopping trips, so there's no reason to write everything out every time. I feel like the only reason people write everything out in a little notebook at this point is just so they can post it online for reddit points or whatever - and yet you still fucked up and couldn't even rotate your fucking image. Like, seriously, you wrote all that shit out and then took a picture with your phone. Why in the actual fuck would you take the notebook with you when you literally have the list on your phone?

>> No.18236336

yes but not in a fancy notebook
usually on some used toiletpaper, im super eco aware.

>> No.18236368


>> No.18236371

I write it on a white board and take a picture with my phone

>> No.18236420

I use an app called SoftList.

>> No.18236423

i just bring the white board with me in case i have to make some changes while i'm at the store.

>> No.18236464

why would i make a list?

>> No.18236474

why are some lines skipped?
what kind of 'tism is this?

>> No.18236477

not being a retarded single mother, no, I don't.

>> No.18236534


If i just wrote cereal id spend 20 minutes in the cereal aisle indecisively walking up and down trying to make a decision , i make a decision before i go with 1 backup in case the first isnt available

>> No.18236546

vegetables are together because they're together in the same section of the store. canned foods are together on the list because they're in the same section of the store.

>> No.18236551

that's some slight ocd levels.
they're all in the same building, anon.
think bigger.

>> No.18236620

i always buy the same shit so dont need a list

>> No.18236632

Thank you. At least someone here understands my methods.

>> No.18236660
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>> No.18236663

I just buy the shit on Amazon and a guy comes in my house and puts the shit away for me.

>> No.18236670

This is gay.

>> No.18236671

was going to post literally this just with capitalized "I"s and an apostrophe in "don't"

>> No.18236694

Why the fuck are random things capitalized for no reason?

>> No.18236701
File: 313 KB, 460x818, 1660429849089214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Needs to put water on the grocery list

So this is what it's like living in the third world huh

>> No.18236736

>Agave Nectar
>Lowfat Milk
>Almond Milk
>Gluten Free Bread
>Old Fashion
>Everyday List
>Bottled water
Bet she's an unsufferable prick.

>> No.18236747

>water (obviously)
Is she being a bitch to herself for putting something she thought was obvious on the list?

>> No.18236775

guys the point of checklists is just to avoid forgetting something that is obvious in retrospect. You might think it is stupid, but when they implemented checklists in hospitals it brought down cases of iatrogenesis (injuries caused by healthcare providers) significantly.
Even though each individual step is obvious, making it trackable external to your brain is valuable.

>> No.18236779

yeah well im fuckin smart and i dont forget stuff so i dont need a list
and if u do need a list then ur a dumbass? so..

>> No.18236784

>blah blah
Faggot, she literally wrote “(obviously)” as a parenthetical next to water.
I know what a checklist is for. You don’t write “(obviously)” next to a checklist entry.

>> No.18236788

I see
fuck you i bet you forgot a bunch of simple shit you simple bitch

>> No.18236809

Lol you sound gay as fuck

>> No.18236813
File: 12 KB, 500x301, 1urgjs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to buy water in a first world country since you can literally get it from the tap retard

>> No.18236814

stop shitting up my thread

>> No.18236819

>drinking tap water
Enjoy your micrometals

>> No.18236821

and there is also microcum and micropoop in

>> No.18236824

See i don't have to worry about that since my tap water is literally cleaner then bottled water, welcome to the first world

>> No.18236837

>doesn’t mention country
If you’re too ashamed to say it, it’s probably not 1st world.

>> No.18236840

Sweden FAGGOT, in fact the stream running outside my house probably has better water then your average bottled water

>> No.18236842

>Sweden FAGGOT
No need to repeat yourself, anon.

>> No.18236846
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>Keep being jelly

>> No.18236853

My memory is good enough. I don't bother with a list.

>> No.18236867

>think bigger
No, think smarter. Know the general layout of your usual store and write your list in the order you go past various food groups. Now your shopping time has been cut in half because you don't go back and forth and won't get tempted by random offers.

Wa la.

>> No.18236895

hell no nigger i smoke a fat blunt before hitting the store. then i load up on bogos and whatever the fuck else i want and ring up half of it at the self check out

>> No.18236901

>won't get tempted by random offers.
Yeah nothing sucks more than saving money on things.
>inb4 they only trick you into thinking you’re saving money
I know the normal prices of things I buy.

>> No.18236902

no, I keep a list on my phone like a normal person

>> No.18236905
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>> No.18236919

I don't like using my phone because I have to keep unlocking it every time I need to look at the list or take something off it

>> No.18236941

I write some things on my arm or hand, hard to forgoet when it's on me. Other times its little notepad i may have because just feels easier writing it. I've had a few brain injuries in the past so my memory is abit janky
That sink looks shit as fuck

>> No.18236950

It's at work ;^)

>> No.18236972
File: 81 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220815-103443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had some classy cursive handwriting like all the old heads born in the first half of the 20th century

>> No.18236999

Can you not write like that?

>> No.18237000

>old heads
adding that to my filter list

>> No.18237018

dude, what the fuck?
I pay about 7% in my state, and it is one of the top 10 highest tax rate states in the country

>> No.18237023

I think the list is for somebody else and they (obviously) need bottled water because the city's water is contaminated.

>> No.18237025

>Know the general layout of your usual store and write your list in the order you go past various food groups.

greets my fellow based shoptimizer

>> No.18237030

Good luck anon

>> No.18237037

>he actually thinks salestax is the only tax he pays
oh no no no

>> No.18237056

aww you don't own a house or car

>> No.18237063
File: 329 KB, 469x363, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hand write everything because it's a pain in the ass trying to hold your phone while carrying a basket. the paper can molded to the shape of my hand as i'm carrying stuff around. fuck phone shoppers.

>> No.18237079
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>mfw fumbling with my phone while pushing a cart with one hand

>> No.18237089


>> No.18237168

Never have but i've got something in the works a bit more complicated I think I might need to

>> No.18237171

Maybe OP actually did just make it to read off a photo on his phone but can write a lot faster than he can type

>> No.18237279

you don't know what cereal your supermarket has?

>> No.18237311

I'm with you too. Milk yogurt cold coffee and sour cream all in same area

>> No.18237320

no, i memorize my shopping lists, it's good for the brain

>> No.18237319

NGL i kinda wanna know which set of pens that is. i had a pilot g2 pack awhile back and i love em.

>> No.18237351


>> No.18237386
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>> No.18237388

Bro you write like fag

>> No.18237415

Holy shit, a woman on 4chan.

>> No.18237430

I go to the shop at least once a day so I just remember it in my head.
I have a bad back and no car so I can't buy too much stuff at the time since I have to haul it home in a backpack.

You missed a capital W in your own post and forgot to end with a period.

Few things please me more than finding errors in posts like yours. Lighten up about that shit when you're on 4chan, dummy.

>> No.18237886


>> No.18238068

read the capitalized letters, dummy

>> No.18238074

...where do you think bottled water comes from, exactly?

>> No.18238080

I do but not on a perfectly fine piece of paper. You fucking waster scum, sir. Don't you have some printed documents you don't need or something.

>> No.18238091

Natural sources, which are safe because poison doesn’t occur in nature.

>> No.18238137

I do indeed, i also sort it by aisle so i can check things off as i go and move with maximum efficiency so i'm not one of those dithering morons that stands in everyone's way

>> No.18238169

Americans shop for more then just 1 day at a time, i shop for the whole month and do a small follow up order 2 weeks in for perishables like lettuce, milk

>> No.18238180
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Not normally, only if I'm making specific recipes and need to make sure I get everything I need

>> No.18238189

you just know this broad made the list then ordered chinese food. Never seen a woman under 60 eat a yam

>> No.18238199

no sales tax on food in my state nor any state income tax

>> No.18238213
File: 156 KB, 464x261, bicycle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do groceries with a bicycle. I don't buy that much on each trip, so it's easy to remember.
And I like having an excuse to ride the bike, so if I want something I just go get it right away.

>> No.18238220

I write my list on my phone in OneNote because I insert coupon codes and pictures so it's easy at the checkout.

>> No.18238234

About 10 years ago I completely dropped cursive in favour of block letters.
Fancy writing is useless, being less intelligible.

>> No.18238239
File: 683 KB, 1008x716, Screenshot 2022-08-15 at 16-52-26 Rainwater is no longer safe to drink anywhere on Earth due to 'forever chemicals' linked to cancer study suggests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poison doesn’t occur in nature.

>> No.18238494

>go shopping
>some fag dropped his list half crossed out

christ get a phone already

>> No.18238504

Exactly. Man made poison. Learn the difference between natural things and chemicals.

>> No.18238631

Are you daft? unless you're drinking distilled water you aren't getting 'natural' water

>> No.18238643

No, i just use my phones built in notepad app and remove things when i put them in the cart

>> No.18238670
File: 106 KB, 421x810, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i write my lists in all caps with lower case 'i's like cracker groups did in their NFOs

>> No.18238712

What the fuck, bro?
This is a blue board. We respect women here.
Run along back to your rage-group-therapy board if that’s what you need rn k?

>> No.18238727
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>> No.18238748

I do now since the last time I went shopping with a list on my phone I noticed that one of the items had been autocorrected to "corn dogs" and I had no idea what it was supposed to have been instead

so I got corn dogs

>> No.18238764

were they good

>> No.18238796

I work at a grocery store so I shop most days that I'm there instead of doing any big orders.

>> No.18239263
File: 9 KB, 225x225, HDBait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years ago I dropped a notepad with some mlp fanfiction drafts on there, I forgot I had wrote it in the back, I only looked at the shop list on front
Thanks for the bait pic, have this in return

>> No.18239363

Nigger you forgot to stop being a faggot.

>> No.18239364


>> No.18239743

>Still manages to make more money then you

>> No.18240130

That's a complicated way of writing Goyslop.

>> No.18240145

>Dairy Free Almond Milk
Almonds don't contain Dairy retard, make use to buy cage/cruelty free though.

>> No.18240152

I just buy what I want when I want it. That way I never have to think about anything.

>> No.18240155
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>> No.18240178
File: 21 KB, 396x484, AE1D5404-5D9A-44A8-AB14-DFCF6DEE4ABF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. OmniFocus on the Watch.

>> No.18240763
File: 65 KB, 500x523, 1614348821336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could've sworn I had one about baitception, but alas.

>> No.18240766

I use the keeps app on my phone and have a runing note called "eternal shopping list"

>> No.18240776

We have those hand scanner thingies with a screen to which you can connect a shopping list that you make on an app, of course it's gay but it's fun to flex on thirdies having to write bottled water on a piece of toilet paper in order to not die from dehydration or explosive diarrhea

>> No.18240874

>hand scanner
>willingly touching shit that gets fondled by over 9000 people every day
Do 3rd worlders really.
Here in the civilized part of the world we just use an app that has a built in scanner and payment method. It also comes with a shopping list.

>> No.18242455

Nice handwriting. It's good to slow down from time to time and take pleasure from simple things like writing a pretty shopping list. Don't feel insecure about it.

>> No.18242643

Fuck yeah I do bud