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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18234744 No.18234744 [Reply] [Original]

I am cooking for a man, what types of meals are the fastest way to his heart?

He's uncultured food-wise so I was thinking umami burgers.

>> No.18234758
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>Being a woman and not knowing how to cook

>> No.18234763
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>> No.18235077

I know how to cook I'm just wondering which types of meals to cook. Fancy? Simple? Carbonara?

>> No.18235109

Pasta is fine, wench.
Preferably fresh or handmade if you really want to impress.

>> No.18235123

rule 31

>> No.18235125

considering that "man" isn't me you can probably cook up whatever and he won't care because he is too busy thinking with his dick

>> No.18235128

If a man loves you, anything you cook will be ambrosia.
If he doesn't, anything you cook will be foul.
Focus on making a connection with him.

>> No.18235145

What is a umami burger?
Just cook him something with meat and he will probably like it and do roast vegetables instead of salad.

>> No.18235160

>just serve him some dogshit while batting your eyelashes at him bro
“advice” from someone who has never used the art of cuisine as a means of both expressing their love and seducing their lover.

>> No.18235162

Some pussy extra rare should do the trick

>> No.18235183
File: 86 KB, 640x478, shepherd's pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like the product of a mane who doesn't know how to seduce a lover?

>> No.18235198

Begin sucking his penis as soon as he walks in, then order pizza.

>> No.18235201

I prefer to be good looking rather than having to do this bullshit for females

>> No.18235245

Why dinner? Just fuck him and be done with it, whore

>> No.18235246

>umami burgers
You can tell by this that OP isn't a woman, he's a faggot

>> No.18235262

Yes anon, the sky is blue

>> No.18235266
File: 124 KB, 695x695, gingerbread house 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, not all of us are so lucky. Some of us have to build something for our love.

>> No.18235281

can't you pretentious wannabe-faggots just call it "savory" or "rich"?
also not your personal chef

>> No.18235303

If I were really lucky I'd be able to find a woman on my level. Self-improvement is a meme and a lonely one at that. You are the lucky one

>> No.18235330
File: 1.39 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN0080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who you think you're talking to but I'm a single basement dweller. The gingerbread house only kept her around for so long. I don't even have a level for women to be on.
>pic related, earliest picture I ever shared on /ck/

>> No.18235361

Steamed clams

>> No.18235380

It's good to know that kindred spirits exist in this world

>> No.18235410

Tits or GTFO

>> No.18235417

Her loss, anon. That gingerbread house was really special. Hope someday you’ll find someone who can appreciate your talents.

>> No.18235421

>what types of meals are the fastest way to his heart?
he literally won't care what you make. either he thinks you're pretty and can stand to talk to you for more than 5 minutes or he doesn't.

>> No.18235501

you've never shared with that perfect someone a new affinity and love for food? it's like the closest thing any man can do to rekindle the flame once lit for her first time. not with food necessarily, but in this case why not?

>> No.18235517
File: 383 KB, 365x489, SLAM BUDUUHBABADUUHDUHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna to my heart the way fast.

>> No.18235593
File: 356 KB, 360x448, YOURE SUCH A FUKKN HOE I LOVE IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18235728
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x667, pasta-puttanesca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pasta puttanesca, send the message

>> No.18235735

>He's uncultured food-wise so I was thinking umami burgers.
First I wanted to say steak, but he might want it well done, which is a terrible waste of a good steak. But on the other hand, if you do make steak for him and he says he wants it well done the just give it up. He's a lost cause.

>> No.18236707

>you've never shared with that perfect someone a new affinity and love for food?
the average person on this website is like 16

>> No.18236720

Just whip out your dick and see if it’s bigger then his.
Then have a dickfight or whatever it is you fags do for foreplay.

>> No.18236727
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>> No.18236735

Steamed hams.

>> No.18236751

Sorry these posters are bothering you, I am very glad we have women on 4chan. You will have to excuse their poor manners, we haven't been subverted yet

>> No.18236804

And, more importantly, rule 30.

>> No.18236817

>The gingerbread house only kept her around for so long
Let this be a lesson to you. Build the next one of something sturdier, like concrete. Reinforcement optional, she's not going to break out of that one unless you're dumb enough to leave tools inside.

>> No.18237028

I put mushroom umami inside the burger meat.

I practice actual chastity.

I am a woman. I don't know about pasta, we both work out at the gym. I prefer more meat and vegetables.

This is really nice.

I can't eat seafood.

He already knows what I look like, we're friends.

Just looking for recipe advice. I already know what his favorite desserts are and how he likes his eggs.

>> No.18237054

>He already knows what I look like, we're friends.
yeah, so he already likes you. you're in. stop thinking that men think the same way women do. we don't.

>> No.18237058

make something you like to make.

>> No.18237066
File: 53 KB, 280x280, 1561106836058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a woman.
Chopping off your dick and putting on a wig doesn't make you a woman.

>> No.18237125

I kind of really want to make burgers. If I wasn't feeling lazy I'd make Kimchi to go with it, but I'm baking dessert. I also have a bottle of Mayochup

>> No.18237135

burgers sound like a great choice, anon. go buy separate ketchup and mayonnaise bottles like a normal person, though.

>> No.18237863

show vagene

>> No.18237882

I irl kek'd, good job anon.

For non latin-derived language anons:
putanesca = prostitutesque

>> No.18237885

Show us proof with a timestamp. Show us your hand or finger nails

>> No.18237937

>oh look at me i'm such a high fallutin' language nerd teehee
Good for you. Now list the other ~2 dozen latin words for prostitues and rank them by class. Highest to lowest.

>> No.18237946

>your mom
>your mother
>your mama

>> No.18238004

Anon pls... I meant languages like italian, french or spanish, they can understand eachother a little bit, didn't meant actual latin