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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 423 KB, 1844x2193, Margarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18231424 No.18231424 [Reply] [Original]

Fun bit of food history:
Due to the efforts of the dairy lobby, a 2 cent per pound tax on margarine was put in place in 1887. This was raised to 10 cents per pound in 1902, and not repealed until 1950. Manufacturers were also prohibited from coloring margarine yellow, as it "infringed on the natural trademark yellow look of butter". Manufacturers often skirted this regulation by selling separate yellow dye packs that could be mixed into the margarine after purchase.
Pic related is a letter published in the April 19th, 1948 edition of Life Magazine.

>> No.18231446

Fucking hell that's a burn with a vintage.

>> No.18231452

Imagine being so cücked that you actually argue to make margarine more appealing. That shit should be illegal and I’m pretty sure you have to be a sub 80 IQ nigger to eat it instead of butter

>> No.18231538


i dont blame them because they were retards who didn't know any better. same type of people who today think drinking oxidized burnt pufa oil is fine.

>> No.18231587

>fell for the margarine-bad meme
how does it feel to be the desperate housewives of our generation, ladies?

>> No.18231651

Margarine literally tastes like dogshit which is why the only people that eat it are poorfag or niggers too retarded to know any better

>> No.18231682

>eating margarine
Post wrist

>> No.18231752
File: 153 KB, 1000x994, 1618750203939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like margarine. It's tasty.

>> No.18231866
File: 234 KB, 1024x1356, 5d0331cb5f2d9.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowadays you can sell white margarine to tards as special edition

>> No.18232623

But why did people want yellow margarine?
It's obviously not butter, even if you color it.

>> No.18232816

Technically the tea was dumped because they wanted it to not be tax free.

>> No.18232819 [DELETED] 

bros I live in east norwalk connecticut

>> No.18232833

Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, anon.

>> No.18232836

Canada has had various regional restrictions on this, including restrictions on what sort of colour dye could be sold with the margarine. Most of the restrictions were dropped by the 90s, but Quebec had neon orange margarine available up until 2008-ish.
In regards to your anecdote, the most popular fake margarine colour in the US was apparently pale pink.

>> No.18232879

the dairy lobby was literally right. They tried to warn us, but we didn't listen

>> No.18232898

>The dairy lobby gets to tell me how to live my life
Please become more based and less cucked, it will improve many things for you.

>> No.18233140

wtf based jews???

>> No.18234559

I don't trust any product with a soft G sound not followed by a vowel.

>> No.18234733

>Manufacturers were also prohibited from coloring margarine yellow
This seems perfectly reasonable to me, they're trying to present it as something it isn't

>> No.18234739

You hit your head a lot as a toddler, didn't you?

>> No.18235089

Seed oil shills are getting uncreative

>> No.18235093

Margarine is poison and causes cancer

>> No.18236203

>The seed oil lobby gets to tell me how to live my

>> No.18236383

Look lmao the mong can't even type out a simple sentence. Maybe I should eat more margarine if this is the type of "person" who opposes it.

>> No.18237170

Colouring is a totally normal thing everyone does for everything though. If they were trying to literally trick you into thinking it was butter you'd be right, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with changing the colour of an ingredient to make it look more appealing so long as you're not hiding any flaws by doing so.
As an example, many cheeses are artificially coloured, as is rum.

>> No.18238038

Go ahead and eat as much margarine as you want bitch boy, then enjoy your mantits, cancer, and anterograde amnesia when you hit your 60s

>> No.18238059

I'm already in my 60s and have none of that.

>> No.18238105

Seems the anterograde amnesia has already manifested. Your family must be in great pain

>> No.18238107

>arguing for eating margarine
what a failure of a life

>> No.18238761
File: 1.19 MB, 1601x1414, high test alpha male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go ahead and eat as much margarine as you want bitch boy, then enjoy your mantits, cancer, and anterograde amnesia when you hit your 60s

>> No.18238799

Why did this guy care about the color of his margarine so much? Why not just get real butter?

>> No.18238809

>over sixty
>still on 4chan
I'm sorry, pop-pop.

>> No.18238822

In all fairness, this was in large part because of product confusion intentionally caused by the margarine industry. It wasn't "just" entrenched interests trying to protect their position, it was because a, frankly, crappy product was being foisted on uninformed consumers.

>> No.18238831

BTW, if you want another example, see >>18238815

It starts with "Cricket Crunch!!! Proudly made with Real Crickets!!!" and then you get protein powder from ground insects added into your foods without your knowledge or consent, and pretty soon you're being force-fed the stuff and being told you're a Climate Denying Nazi if you vomit it up.

>> No.18238838

Margarine was regarded as healthier than butter. They thought it had less fat or something

>> No.18238842

Believe it or not, the margarine industry sold itself to consumers as "healthier" than butter for years.

My mother used to insist on margarine because "butter will clog your arteries, Anon!"

Nowadays, of course, she's in a panic over "trans fats" and how if I eat margarine I'll get cancer and dieeeeeee or some such shit.

Same bullshit with carbohydrates. Used to be "oh, eat the Mediterranean Diet, have a bowl of pasta, that's much healthier than meat and eggs because CHOLESTEROL!!!" Nowadays, of course, we know that carbs kill you because of diabetes, and that a keto diet or at least low-carb diet is much healthier.

>> No.18238899

oh god PLEASE don't OWN me by eating more margarine I'm SHAKING by the prospect of getting so owned

>> No.18240194

Did I rile you up so much that you refuse to reply to me? Thats pathetic. And I'm in better shape than everyone else on this board

>> No.18240209

Who the fuck would advocate for margarine over real butter? Why are Americans so addicted to goyslop?

>> No.18241068

>defending taxes

>> No.18241093

>Who the fuck would advocate for margarine over real butter?
scientists some years ago

>> No.18241335

Scientists with little hats

>> No.18241603

>under 30
>wasting time on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
old guys should be posting here but you need to get out there and live your life, kid

>> No.18241706

scientists with dairy competitor grants

>> No.18241749
File: 294 KB, 860x822, 230-2305304_ck-food-cooking-png-wojak-fat-crying-fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, anon.