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18226898 No.18226898 [Reply] [Original]

Made philidelphia rolls tonight. First time making sushi. How did I do? I feel like it's at least Publix tier. Also does anyone have any tips or tricks?

>> No.18227157

The rice is packed too tight, and you should shoot for more even fillings (as long as there's at least as much fish as everything else). Other than that it looks pretty good for a first try. Next time go for 8 slices by cutting it in half, then cutting the halves in half, and then doing that again. Just slicing it like that looks really weird

>> No.18227187

What did you do for the fish? Bought sushi-grade salmon from a reputable source?

>> No.18227503

Thank you, will definitely incorporate these tips.

Do you consider H-mart reputable source? I live on the west coast so I figure an asian mart sellong "sashimi salmon" is good enough but I coukd be totally wrong.

>> No.18227549

I think your rice is pretty fine. I like losing the cream cheese and having cucumber egg carrots then dipping it in soy sauce myself.

>> No.18227554
File: 9 KB, 185x273, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating anything with the word philidelphia in it

>> No.18227560

nigga eatin cream cheese with fish and rice.... bruh

>> No.18227588

>How did I do?
You didn't.

>> No.18227632

of course a nigger has never had sushi lol

>> No.18227637

Sushi places don't usually take ebt.

>> No.18227650

>cream cheese fish

>> No.18227656

Looks good.
Ignore the seething weeabs in this thread, most of them have never had real sushi.

>> No.18227660

just feel like sushi would be improved with smoked fish always

>> No.18227671

OP here, was literally just saying this. Smelled a bon fire through my window and told my gf that would have been better.

>> No.18227674

Thank you, this was literally my first roll so I'm not salty. Weebs will be weebs.

>> No.18227702

Looks really good. One way to keep the slices cleaner is to dip the knife into water before slicing, and wipe it off after slicing (then dip in water again before next slice, etc).

>> No.18227714
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enjoy your cream cheese, u fucking subhuman yankee

>> No.18227726

If you have a Costco membership their smoked salmon prices are great. I might be a tastelet but I’ve never really enjoyed raw salmon sushi.

Have you tried these with scallions?

>> No.18227755

Good work anon. Roll size is 100% preference.

>> No.18228411

>Also does anyone have any tips or tricks?

Yeah. Fry it in a pan.

>> No.18228849

Fun fact: the Japanese woman who invented the Philadelphia roll originally called it the “Jewish roll”, as she was inspired to make it after having salmon & cream cheese on a bagel with a Jewish friend.
But she lived in Philadelphia, and the locals screeched it should be called “Philadelphia roll” when she unveiled it.

>> No.18228882

That's perfect, slicing did get a little iffy halfway through. Thanks for the tip anon.

>> No.18228895

>sushi grade salmon

jesus christ this doesnt exist

>> No.18228997
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>He fell for the sashimi grade meme
Anon, there is no such thing. There are just two things you need to watch out for to make good and safe sushi: freshness and parasites.

Freshness is easy, if the fish looks beat up, off colour, smells fishy, feels slimy or is very near its sell by date. Don't use it for sushi.
>Inb4 hurr durr what else would a fish smell like if not fishy
Fresh fish really doesn't have much of a smell, the fishy smell you get at a fishmongers' is the amides in fish breaking down into smelly amines, it is a sign of rot setting in. Fine to cook with, but don't eat it raw if you don't want food poisoning.

Parasites are more of a concern if you don't want tapeworms coming out of your ass. The only reliable way to get rid of them (and their eggs) is to either cool the fish down to -70C or cook it, all wild caught fish usually carry parasites, that doesn't mean you will get infested by these parasites but there is a chance.
So when you go buy fish and ask for "sashimi grade", a reputable fishmonger will point you out to something that has been super cooled, a shit one will just point to any salmon or tuna he has lying around. FWIW most tuna is frozen immediately upon capture and is fairly parasite resistant as fish go. Wild salmon can be riddled with parasites so eating it without the freezing can give you a nice tummy friend, the good way to get around this is just to buy farmed salmon that has been eating pellets all its life and has had no introduction to parasites, your tastebuds will probably be unable to tell the different after wasabi and soy sauce are added.

Remember, eating raw fish will always have some risk associated with it but it really isn't that big of a deal. Japs catch and eat still wriggling fish and still remain under 1000 cases of parasitic infection per year. Farmed fish from walmart is just as much sashimi grade as expensive fish from a "reputable source".

>> No.18229004

Do you feel smart now?
Or rather, are you just as willing to make tartare out of a Walmart steak as one from a reputable local butcher?

>> No.18229158

If it's just as safe and fresh as beef from a reputable butcher then why not? Farmed salmon from a grocery store and sashimi grade from a fishmonger are practically the same to the average person in taste, so if both are safe to consume why go about spending extra dough?

Or do you just think more costly means it tastes better? Bet you buy name brand salt.

>> No.18229232

>comparing a literal mineral a meat where handling conditions matter
Fair enough, post some pics of the Walmart fish you’ve made with raw preparations.

>> No.18229240
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I'd just like to interject for a moment, but the standards for how meat is graded and labelled are actually set by the US Federal Register through the Code of Federal regulations.
The CFR does not specifies any definitions for the terms to be applied to fish meant for consumption raw, and so instead it falls to other authorities such as the US FDA and local Health Departments to set guidelines.

The FDA requires all seafood labelled for raw consumption to be treated to its standards for parasite destruction. The use of the terms "sushi grade" or "sashimi grade" in labelling implies that they are meant for raw consumption and thus subject to the applicable FDA standards.

So, yes, the official definitions for "sushi grade" don't exist and aren't enforced by the FDA.

Instead, the FDA still regulates the use of terms like "sushi grade" under the umbrella of their regulations on seafood labelled for raw consumption. Your local Health Department may or may not have additional regulations and recommendations.

The simplified version of the FDA's recommendations on the subject can be obtained on their website:

>> No.18229245

if it looks good yes.
If you cant tell by sight and feel if its fresh, you should just order sushi so you can pretend that they went to the dock that morning to haggle for your wild salmon who had a full happy life and lots of fish friends and was ready to die anyways and always wanted to be delicious so its all ok!

>> No.18229251

Whats the deal with oysters then? They are served alive.

>> No.18229261

This post contains a lot of anger and sour grapes.
Are you okay?

>> No.18229267


>> No.18229277

>cream cheese with fish
I don't like it but those are really well made rolls.

>> No.18229315

Thank you anon.

>> No.18229361


Looks good, I'd dip and eat em bro.

>> No.18229387
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It’s okay bro, here’s a cute Japanese grill.
I mean it’s technically a dude, but I still would. And so would you. So here ya go.

>> No.18229715

What's the best knife for cutting sushi rolls?

>> No.18229982

thin and sharp

>> No.18231565

Jiro would be ashamed of you, gaijin.

>> No.18231831

I'll email the pics to you next time I do lmao.

Ah fair enough as far as the official label goes, does farmed salmon fall under this regulation?

>> No.18231839

And wet, dip the knife in water before making cuts or else the rice sticks and fucks up the roll.

>> No.18231925

Very informative, thank you mr open sores.

>> No.18232126

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.18232214

>and the locals screeched it should be called “Philadelphia roll
couldn't possibly be because she used Philadelphia brand cream cheese

>> No.18232231

How would they know what brand she used?
Anyway, it’s the story as she told it. Go argue with her if you want to cross examine.

>> No.18232279
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>How would they know what brand she used?
Philadelphia brand cream cheese is pretty much the standard in America

>> No.18232320

Did you miss the part where she was literally living in Philadelphia?