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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18216552 No.18216552 [Reply] [Original]

if you had a practically unlimited lunch budget, the only requirement being that it must keep at room temperature, no HOT or COLD, it will fit in a standard "classic" lunchbox, and you WILL consume it ALL during your 30 min break, what would you prepare or have prepared? The drink should also fit in the box. Also: no alcohol or drugs of any kind permitted, as you're at work.

>> No.18216557


>> No.18216567

Ok, but I feel like you're not really vibin' with the possibilities here...

>> No.18216571

all the food I pack is either HOT or COLD so I wouldn't bother if you're disallowing thermoses and ice packs

>> No.18216590

3 fried Wagyu steak sandwiches on classic baguette, lettuce tomato onion, fried jalepenos, cheesewiz, 2 pickles, chips, and iced T with lemon.

>> No.18216629
File: 46 KB, 700x700, sustenance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As many of these bad boys that can fit

>> No.18216676

two sanwich

>> No.18216693
File: 136 KB, 960x540, Bento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make weekly lunches for my boyfriend that are considered on the extravagant side but not that hard to put together when u have the proper containers. Almost always cold
I send him with a sandwich or meat skewers
Roasted potatoes are standard
Mid day snacks like deviled eggs, a few slices of bacon, or good cheese
I make all the bread at home on Sunday to use
A sliced up fruit, usually mango, strawberries, or pineapple
2-3 cookies
A thermos of mid day coffee to go with the snacks
Sautéed veggies of whatever we had left over from the night before
And a weekly dessert I make on Sunday. Usually banana pudding or coffee cake.
Veggies and hummus if he says he's real hungry.
>this is daily mind you

>> No.18216694

The heat from the cramming warms the lunchbox

>> No.18216740

Antipasto with pepperoni, prosciutto and locks

>> No.18216763

>unlimited lunch budget
>only requirement being that it must keep at room temperature
>no HOT or COLD
You understand that they make insulated containers that can be kept at room temperature, right? There is absolutely no reason that not having access to a fridge or a cooking appliance means "hurr, no HOT or COLD because I said so!!"

>> No.18216802

jamon burre from the french bakery. I don't like complex shit for lunch, but those fuckers are delicious and overpriced as fuck. When i get tired of that probably something like >>18216590