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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18208980 No.18208980 [Reply] [Original]

Not only are you flushing valuable nutrients down the drain, YOU ARE WASTING GALLONS OF DRINKABLE WATER. Some people wash their rice up to SEVEN TIMES. At 1/2 gallon per rinse, that's 3.5 gallons of water absolutely wasted every batch.

>> No.18208982

Not my problem.

>> No.18208983

you're only flushing nutrients if it's enriched rice.

>> No.18208984

I always wash my rice when I shower, so it isn't as wasteful, and yes I enjoy a shower beer while I'm in there.

>> No.18208985

>flushing valuable nutrients down the drain
>imagine being so poor you eat golden rice

>> No.18208986

idk where you're from, but round these parts water falls from the sky. no such thing as "wasting" an infinite resource.

>> No.18208987

>eco-soyboy angry I'm wasting water
Perfect, just the motivation I needed to was my rice few times more.

>> No.18208990

>wasting water
Right, because after we use water we just send it in rockets into the sun, hence it's never reusable, ever again.

Kill yourself, please.

>> No.18208994

I didn't waste it. I washed my rice in it.

>> No.18208998

valuable nutrients like arsenic?

>> No.18209011


and I don’t want to be farting from the over amount of starch in it

>> No.18209012

Infinitely renewable.

>> No.18209017

>Not only are you flushing valuable nutrients down the drain
This is only true if you're buying poverty-tier enriched rice.

The rice you should be rinsing is higher end japanese rice and similar shit. Not low quality enriched rice (which has nutrients and shit added for 3rd worlders who can't afford a proper diet)

>> No.18209022

whats the specs on your high end gaming rice

>> No.18209030

I'll worry about the water I waste washing rice when the water company decides to maintain their pipe network well enough that it stops leaking literally a quarter of the total supply into the ground.

>> No.18209041
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Here you go, you can read the moon runes yourself.

>> No.18209049

Not my problem

>> No.18209052
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I just water my plants with it, my water bill is my problem. I don't care about the environment though.

>> No.18209053
File: 32 KB, 267x250, 3C46ABE5-1683-4D43-B895-D3DB58B6F654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off, you Malthusian twat cyst

>> No.18209058

>New crop
They been selling old shit until now?

>> No.18209072

>They been selling old shit until now?
Yes they often do, especially in the US

> The name ''new crop,'' refers to short grain rice that is milled and cooked within two months of its harvest. The taste of new crop short grain rice is cleaner and has a sweeter flavor. It also tends to be stickier because the rice grains have retained some moisture. The taste and texture of new crop rice is ideal when served alone.

> Old crop rice tends to be less sticky because it contains less moisture. It is ideal for dishes like fried rice or curry rice. Interestingly, most sushi restaurants in Japan use old crop rice because as it loses moisture it develops small hairline surface cracks which permit the vinegar to be absorbed better.

> Most rice in the United States is harvested and run over a high-heat drying table, a process that converts the kernels to mature, aged rice without any remaining new crop quality.

>> No.18209080
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>high end gaming rice

>> No.18209196

I stopped eating rice. Too many calories and isn't filling at all. It's a nice junk food occasionally like once a month maybe. Or if you're poor I guess it's cheap. But I view it as one step above buying shit like chips or soda.

>> No.18209206


>> No.18209217

>my water bill
You pay money for water?

>> No.18209326

Waste? Bitch I use the rice water rinse to rinse my own hair with. Shit's fucking luxurious.

>> No.18209522

>Infinitely renewable.
california underground aquifer's are renewabe but it takes thousands of years to renew that water

>> No.18209530

20lb bag of enriched white rice Chad here

I rinse it because it cooks better that way. I get plenty of vitamins from my other food

>> No.18209563
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Post your battlestation

>> No.18209579

The nutrients absorbed by our bodies from the starch of rice is negligible.
>wasting water
By putting it back into the cycle? Nigga there's no such thing as wasting water except when it comes to paying the bill. Besides that I use that starchy water to water my plants because I guess the starch is good for the soil.
Now some retards go hard on the other side of the fence here and will say you're poisoning yourself by not washing your rice. That's equally stupid. There's nothing harmful about rice starch.
At the end of the day washing your rice is just a preferential thing. I like mine fluffier with little stickiness so I wash the starch off. My dad likes his rice very sticky so when I cook for him I don't wash it at all.
And then some dishes use the starch. If you wash your rice for a risotto then you've just fucked up the whole risotto. It relies on that starch as a thickener.

>> No.18209694

How do I WASTE water if it was reclaimed, processed water to begin with and will get reprocessed?

>> No.18209743

>living in Commiefornia
I'd rather die

>> No.18209751

>You pay money for water?

this lmao, every apartment I've lived at has the water bill included in the rent. The only people here who pay for water are homeowners.

>> No.18209754

>fresh water is infinite because rain
what if you use more than falls from the sky, retard?

>> No.18209758

rice water is good for the enviroment

>> No.18209777
File: 195 KB, 869x1280, 100percentwrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not only are you flushing valuable nutrients down the drain, YOU ARE WASTING GALLONS OF DRINKABLE WATER

the nutrients are NOT in the dust on the rice and you cannot waste water.

do you actually think that water that goes down the drain is gone forever? are you that stupid?

>> No.18210081

>valuable nutrients
>drinkable water
>chemically treated fluoride infused city water
what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.18210115

I never use gallons.

>> No.18210534

Mmmmmmmmm arsenic DDDdDdDdDd:

>> No.18210538

You sound retarded

>> No.18210581

have fun shitting your gut lining from arsenic I guess?

>> No.18210603

Blessed post. A God walking amongst mere mortals typed this.

>> No.18210605

Golden rice is genetically modified to have more nutrients, OP is talking about the common practice of dusting white rice with nutrients as a means of fortification. This all wouldn't really be a problem if people ate more brown rice. Sprouting said rice before cooking would also help.

>> No.18210619

Your rice is precooked?

>> No.18210622

I save the water and then use it to water my tomato and chilli plants, lots of great nutrients that help them to grow

I also piss on my rhubarb plants whenever my wife isn't home and you should see the size it grows to

>> No.18210627


>> No.18210629

No thanks, I'm not into bugpeople food and I don't have celiac.
Wheat, barley, or oat wholegrains for me.

>> No.18210630

That rice is a Monsanto scam. The amounts of rice you have to eat to get any benefit is so much, yet they brag about helping people like one serving does anything all while they take control of your countries food supply.

>> No.18210652

based, waste nothing, the plants and soil bacteria and insects can handle pretty much anything organic

>> No.18210658

you cant

>> No.18210666

Lol this guy never heard of drought

>> No.18210674

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.18210721

Of course you can, unless you live in some shitfuckland where rain never stops.

>> No.18210736
File: 392 KB, 824x615, FY38LdAXEAAhr3r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I come across this kind of thing, I picture this face and wash my rice ten times out of spite.

>> No.18210741

based europoster

>> No.18210813

How do you think that water gets back into potable form, genius. Do you think it just teleports back into your pipes?

>> No.18210829

But the smell. Do chinks follow you as you walk down the street?

>> No.18210833

Gee lucky you, you don’t own your home. I wish I could be so lucky.

>> No.18210862

I cook rice with absorbtion method, I dont like when you end up with a plasticy film of starch on top that sticks all the rice together. So I wash it to avoid this.

>> No.18210887

I paid for the water, if I want to waste it, that's my prerogative

>> No.18210913

by going down my drain

>> No.18210970

I can't imagine how someone ends up so benighted.

>> No.18210983

put down the thesaurus faggot nobody is impressed

>> No.18210985

>'wAwTe wAwEr'
Ah yes because water is a finite resource and doesn't ever get recycled naturally and automatically
Your problem retard
Still not wasting rice because it's a waste of time and does nothing
lmao ngmi

>> No.18210991
File: 62 KB, 529x546, Difference-Between-Arsenic-and-Phosphorus_1-e1585798197782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just dont want arsenic in my food.

>> No.18210992

>Does not even address the main issue why people wash their rice
Yep, it's bait.

>> No.18210993

Yeah I´m thinking you´re way out of line here, my dad taught me how to cook rice and it requires perfect rinsing.

>> No.18211009

In third-world Asian countries, I think it actually does make a difference. Most of the poor consume white rice as a large part of their diet. You can look at the history of disease such a diet can bring. I don't deny that this is negligible for any person who eats a less-than-extreme quantity of rice as their diet, though. I'm just proud of another beautifully capitalist invention.

>> No.18211143

Have none of you lot heard of drought? Or gone outside once or twice and noticed that rivers don't constantly flow at the same rate? It's like you saw a poster about the water cycle in elementary school and your brains hit max fill. It takes months or years, not to mention the fact that the stuff that comes out of your tap is heavily processed. Fucking hell.

>> No.18211244
File: 275 KB, 1950x1297, iStock_000010933844_1950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"nooooo you cant just waste 3.5 gallons of water 3 times a week think of the environment!!"
>*wastes 3500 gallons of water every second for 6 hours every day for 3 months*

>> No.18211343

So? It's still part of a water cycle. You highs and lows. So what?

Explain to me exactly, step by step, how water used to was rice is "wasted". Pretty sure we don't launch it into the sun, so how is it wasted?

>> No.18211349

Look up china water crisis, most of their water is so polluted its unuseable, fucking retard

>> No.18211362
File: 1.04 MB, 695x738, unknown-108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think the water that goes into your drain is just shot into space afterwards? it's cleaned and put back into the system.
the same water your nigger neighbour flushed their jerk chicken shit with, will be used to cook your fortified rice.

>> No.18211369

thats growing crops

>> No.18211374

Reminder that the "you cant waste water" people can vote

>> No.18211380


>> No.18211407


Not a problem if you don't live in a desert shithole.

>> No.18211426

A single toilet flush uses about 5 to 7 gallons of potable water. Tell me why I should care about using like 2 liters of water to wash my rice

>> No.18211436

Sounds like their problem.

>> No.18211443

Shut up Adam

>> No.18211447

>china water crisis

Retards like you love to believe in fake news.

How would they have water crisis, when they have access to gutter oil?

Why bother reusing material for adaptation, when the action itself cannot overcome crises?

>> No.18211448

I have neither the crayons nor the patience.

>> No.18211485

Maybe they should stop polluting it, then.

>> No.18211659

Water is infinite and I don't want sticky rice.

>> No.18211671

Then you wait.

>but people will die
So then there's less people who need water. Seems like a problem that'll fix itself, no matter what.

>> No.18211789

I dunno bro I’m in the middle of a ten day typhoon in Hong Kong and most of Asia has had pretty heavy rainfall this year, maybe the water just left California because it hates everyone there. also it was never suited to have that many people and farms producing almonds and wine so maybe betting on water being eternal was your shitty mistake and you shouldn’t blame rice

>> No.18211796

Most civilised places split their water supply between potable (taps and showers) and unpotable (toilet waste) and they go through different treatments, which is why you shouldn’t really drink toilet water

>> No.18211810

you know water and pollution doesn't stay in place right ? but i wouldn't expect high level of thinking from a board that simps for fast food and think water magically form itself out of the tap.

>> No.18211887

So you're saying we should nuke China?
I'm up for that (should've nuked them before covid like I kept saying desu).

>> No.18211907

>Then you wait.
>crops die
Great job.

>> No.18211922

holy shit you too?
My rhubarbs went HUGE this year.

>> No.18211932

Euopre hasn't had a famine in a thousand years, I think we'll be alright.
Sucks to be you if you live in a shit hole desu senpai.

>> No.18211995

I don't eat rice because it's high in arsenic and mechanization has made quinoa very affordable. I'd just as soon eat any millet, but it hasn't been memed enough that I can buy it in large bags for $2/lb

>> No.18212003

Try pearl barley.

>> No.18212006

>I don't eat rice because it's high in arsenic
stop buying rice from areas with a lot of arsenic in the soil you dumb nigger faggot.

>> No.18212014
File: 426 KB, 595x548, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally as this thread was going this news hit

>> No.18212030

Is it weird to gift your extended friends and family rhubarb crumbles because you had such a bountiful crop this year, solely because you pissed on it?

I mean I washed it, and they all loved it, and it’s just chemistry that makes it so good and yet…

Seeing my wife’s publicist eat a big spoon of my piss rhubarb made me feel powerful and yet strangely morose

>> No.18212075

I'd rather have it with the bran still on.

>> No.18212091

>Euopre hasn't had a famine in a thousand years
History not one of your strong points either?

>> No.18212110


>> No.18212151

>wasting water

>> No.18212172

My apartment has a separate water bill, apparently to lower the rent. It's a pain since the city only accepts cash or check, but it is a damned cheap place.

>> No.18212187

well cubby it goes in to the sewer system, then in to a sewer treatment plant where it is made clean and pure again.

it could be put right back in to the drinking water system but namby pamby snowflakes (like You) won't drink it. so they release it back in to the environment where it eventually gets back in to the city water supply.


>> No.18212194

I support this, then they can also nuke you and you fucks can stop shitting up with pol. Beta cucks

>> No.18212196

a 5 gallon toilet hasn't been made in 40 years. I had one in my house but even it had a flush device that made it use half that water. which meant it didn't work well.

in my new house we have 3 low water usage toilets. 2 litre or 2 gallon per flush (I don't remember and don't care to look). but they clog easily and need 2 to be flushed more often.

>> No.18212204

>Most civilised places split their water supply between potable (taps and showers) and unpotable (toilet waste) and they go through different treatments,
really? name those places.

>> No.18212205
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>they can also nuke you
Fucking FRANCE has more nukes than China lmao.
So yeah, go ahead, I fucking DARE China to do it. Go on.

>> No.18212257


>> No.18212264

from that article
>Strictly speaking, water that is discharged into the sewer, or directly to the environment is not wasted or lost. It remains within the hydrologic cycle and returns to the land surface and surface water bodies as precipitation.

>> No.18212270

>However, in many cases, the source of the water is at a significant distance from the return point and may be in a different catchment. The separation between extraction point and return point can represent significant environmental degradation in the watercourse and riparian strip. What is "wasted" is the community's supply of water that was captured, stored, transported and treated to drinking quality standards.

>> No.18212279

you cannot waste water no matter what mental gymnastics you try.

>> No.18212283

shut your fucking mouth you faggot if you ever spent a second in a field in your life you would know that grains needs to be cleaned before use.

>> No.18212742

Most places use fresh water because otherwise you waste more having to flush everything at least once a day or it starts to go bad and smell terrible

Realistically there's far more wasteful uses of fresh water than those, though, mostly in the US trying to grow lawns in deserts, and maintaining golf courses and shit. You can make small sacrifices all you want but you'll never even approach the impact of a millionaire or billionaire, and you're essentially a rounding error compared to some corporations and how they waste shit constantly. Like fuck, supermarkets throw absolute tons of food away just to make room for new products, wasting tons of fresh water used to grow or make products. You not rinsing your rice isn't going to impact anything

>> No.18212831

>every apartment I've lived at has the water bill included in the rent
That means you pay for water, they just assume average consumption lmao retard

>> No.18212842

I let my faucet drip in my bar on the other side of the house, the city keeps sending me letters as I'm using 5+ gallons a day but my cat likes to play in it from time to time as it goes down the drain

>> No.18212857

While I admire your peeing in other people food I am at a delema on you as a person making rhubarb

>> No.18212866

This faggot at my work always brings everyone homemade jam for christmas. I usually leave it at my desk for janitors to take or throw it away in my cubicle immediately the fuck do I want some unrequited food as a gift

>> No.18212895


>> No.18212911

I'm going to eat rice and teriyaki sauce for dinner now just for posting that

>> No.18212955

Pretty sure it's not because of them washing rice...

So you don't know huh. Right.

>> No.18212978

Tell that to my Asian gf who will not have her rice any way except washed

>> No.18212985

Acid rain tier nonsense

>> No.18213501

My rice cooker's lid was glued shut with maggots because my mom forgot to throw out the chicken and rice she made in it. It's completely fucked, with maggots crawling in the steam vents and shit.

>> No.18214007

it gets the rat shit out

>> No.18214036

Same, my fiancé insists on it. She's not even from a poor family or anything. I don't really care one way or another so I just do it.

>> No.18214070

You drink dirt water? Yuck.

>> No.18214154


>> No.18214163

Brown ricei s literal shit i eat rice a bunch and it sucks kys
SHUT THE FUCK UP 'waah muh water wayste'
Why do NPCs only care about water waste here, and not baths vs showers, or literally anything else? Kill yourself kike OP

>> No.18214206
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I can't wait for my upgrade

>> No.18214602

These idiots saying it's impossible to waste water don't know shit. It's hard to do but you can still do it if you're willing to put in a little extra effort. Seal all your waste rice-washing water in plastic barrels and bury it in a pit lined with bentonite clay and I guarantee you that shit is never going to return to the water cycle.

>> No.18214613

I use the water from the toilet cistern though.

>> No.18214868

>cook a four course meal
>throw it straight in the trash
>feel satisfied knowing it's not wasted because it'll end up back in the food chain eventually
Sure is nice being smart.

>> No.18214890

I never washed rice
I never washed chicken

>> No.18214901

You're supposed to rise rice, and technically stir it it in hot water and rinse it again before cooking to remove most of the arsnic.

Alternatively you can just eat it and accept the arsnic. If you only have it once I a while it dosen't matter. But more than twice a week and you will want to rinse it to reduce your arsnic exposure.

Also rinsing it changes how it cooks and allows for different preparation styles. Lots of ways to cook rice stop being an uncultured idiot.

>> No.18214907

ah yes the valuable dust and weevil proteins

>> No.18214998

I don't live in California or some other place unfit for human life. There is plenty of water here.

>> No.18215004

I thought washing rice or not depended on whether you were making starchy dishes like risotto or side dishes like most asian rice.
The nutrients shit is for fucking third worlders bro.

>> No.18215011

>be you
>spend $1500-$4000 per month just to live in a small apartment
Based retard.

>> No.18215017

>valuable nutrients
>white rice

Those nutrients are long gone

>> No.18215018 [DELETED] 

Good thing I don't live in China then you mong

>> No.18215065

They're trolling you bro. No one's that retarded.

>> No.18215093

water is so cheap that every day I take a shit in it and flush it away

>> No.18215131


>> No.18215638

>Not only are you flushing valuable nutrients down the drain
I don't need heavy metals and microplastic "nutrients".
How is that a problem?
>Some people wash their rice up to SEVEN TIMES.
I wash it until it's perfectly clear. It can take up to 20 times since I'm autistic about it.

>> No.18215649

If this was true then every single outdoor crop in the world would be contaminated.


>> No.18215907

i wash my rice for about 30 minutes under cold running water then put it in the rice cooker. i suspect i might be washing it a bit much, how long should i wash my rice for? because it seems like no matter how much i wash it, more of those white particles come off, and only after about 30 minutes do you get basically none of them

>> No.18215936

>If this was true then every single outdoor crop in the world would be contaminated.

>> No.18215955

the water cooks the rice

>> No.18216164

Soil nutrient depletion is a far bigger problem.

>> No.18216208

20 times seems a lot, have you tried using warm water? I use it and I never have to rinse it more than 5 times, but then again I don't go for perfectly clear, just so that it won't turn into a mushy shitpile

Warm I mean, not boiling obviously. Boiling I don't think would ever get clear water since it'd start cooking it

>> No.18216212

You shouldn't be using warm water to rinse, it makes the rice absorb the water, which is not what you want.

You should be using cool water. But you also don't want to use freezing cold water either.

>> No.18216225

But if I'm cooking it the rice absorbs water anyway

>> No.18216226

Stop eating carbs. Problem solved.

>> No.18216227

why are you eating rice with plastic in it? are you chinese?

>> No.18216228

Yes, but you want it to absorb CLEAN water, not the water you're using to rinse off the dust and dirt.

>> No.18216282

Are you actually getting your hand in there and scrubbing the rice? It'll never get clear if you just run water through it.

Yeah our soil is fucking dead.

>> No.18216284

I always use cold water. It's kinda clear after about 10 times but I just keep going while waiting for the pot to start boiling.

>> No.18216312

>It'll never get clear if you just run water through it.
This. You need to "massage it" and whisk it around with your hand and fingers.

>> No.18216350
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>don't rinse the rice, guys! how else will you ingest the arsenic and goyslop that we painstakingly sprayed onto it?

>> No.18216355

Fair enough, I mean it does run clear and I never noticed much difference, though I do use a rice cooker so maybe that's why. I guess I'm just being lazy

>> No.18216368

Sorry. I lift.

>> No.18216385

I'm using a $250 rice cooker.

Cool water to rinse, warm or room temp water to soak, and then rice cooker.

>> No.18216420
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>me washing my rice in the north-east several times while londoners/home counties residents are whinging and whining and crying that the north-east needs to send them water so they can avoid hosepipe bans

>> No.18217439

seethe harder, faggot. You should see how much water I use just to check my bike tube for leaks

>> No.18217471

What a fucking retard. I am disgraced to be the same species as you. You filthy fucking dumb nigger fuck you.

>> No.18217926

very smart anon

>> No.18218702

stop being californian

>> No.18218704


shouldn't be eating grains anyway

>> No.18218817

yes i scrub the rice vigorously the entire time, agitating it constantly, stirring it with my hand etc

>> No.18218824

I just put it in a pot with a sieve on top to stop rice escaping and blast it under a raging tap

>> No.18218828

so you "wash" your rice with the filthy run off water from washing yourself or you wash yourself with starchy rice water?
either way that's pretty nasty

>> No.18218829

you should be eating more poo, I recommend eating a fresh poo immediately

>> No.18220345

I use the filtered starch water to water my plants. I can recommend it, it really helps them grow.