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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 620x471, 9A9900AF-93F0-4C94-A7DF-70CFB82987B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18208230 No.18208230 [Reply] [Original]

Hello there growing teenager, it’s 10:20am, here’s your lunch.

You get out of here at 3pm, and remember that food is strictly forbidden outside of the cafeteria

>> No.18208237

What sort of country feeds this to their kids?

>> No.18208240

bullshit, you only get one packet of ketchup

>> No.18208243

Also correct

>> No.18208256

Been a long time since I have been in school and don’t have any siblings that are either, do they still try to pass off a handful of chips and a couple drips of cheese as a lunch?

>> No.18208264

>thinking we would get that after Obamafood

>> No.18208266

Do yanqui really do this?
eating at 10:20am
eating that
forbidding outside food
all of it is fucked

>> No.18208272


>> No.18208279

Ketchup is a vegetable.

>> No.18208282

>eating at 10:20a
Really depends on the school. Large population schools have to split up lunch times, so you have some who go at 10:20 and others who go at 11:30. Usually you get 20 mins of lunch, at least 10 of which are spent standing in line waiting for your lunch
>eating that
Yes. There was a big push for kids to eat healthy, which the government based on calories only
>forbidding outside food
Usually no, you can bring your own lunch. You just can’t eat it outside of your lunch period.

>> No.18208321

my school did the split lunch thing because of the size too, but they gave us an hour and 15 minutes.
our lunches were also at 11am and 12:15.
guess I was just lucky

>> No.18208329

you don't use plates in USA?

>> No.18208330

What’s this LARP about there not being enough food? Even the poorest kids in the poorest districts are fat fucks.

Question the taste or quality, but a high schooler is getting like 1500-2000 calories between breakfast and lunch. Those parents crying about how their180 pound 11 year old who came home hungry are full of shit.

All the fat kids ate free lunch and the majority of kids who brought lunch were average size.

>> No.18208336

the greatest one

>> No.18208347
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Bread with butter and cheese, a piece of dry saucage, a piece of fruit and/or a pickle has been my standard lunch for over 20 years now.
Can't Americans just give food to their children? It's clear the schools want them dead.

>> No.18208356

American parents hate their children just as much if not more so than the schools.

>> No.18208366

This is also some little bitch ordering. This is likely the vegetarian option. No school nachos anywhere in America come without Sysco Goyslop meat, tasteless tomatoes and sour cream.

>> No.18208417

The problem with school lunches in the US is not complacency or hate, it's two things:

1. Reimbursement Rate
2. Nutritional Requirements

When you buy a school lunch all the student is really paying for is the school's labor. The food is all reimbursed at a rate of about $3.25. And, typically, that $3.25 does not go entirely to food cost. Most school lunches will come in somewhere around $1 to $1.50 food cost, and the rest goes to various other costs (transportation, 3rd party labor, overhead, etc.).

Additionally, the nutritional requirements for the National School Lunch Program or Child and Adult Care Food Program are sort of insane. What you can serve is strictly determined by credits for whole grains or meat/meat alternates, and ridiculous fruit/vegetable subgroups.

When all is said and done, your kid's school lunch is whatever can be cobbled together for $1 or so food cost typically from a small range of ingredients or products that have what's called a CN (Child Nutrition) Label, which is certification that a product/ingredient meets the elaborate nutritional requirements. It can be quite difficult to make things from scratch because of this requirement for documentation; it requires scientific food-lab-tier analysis of recipes.

Want better school lunch in the US? Have the government chill the fuck out with the nutritional documentation requirements, and increase the reimbursement rate to $5. Either that, or get your school to run it's own (expensive) food service program and get ready for you kid to pay $7-8 for their lunch every day.

>> No.18208422

Or just pack a lunch for your kids, you subhuman retards.

>> No.18208426

holy shit, my school food was always a balanced plate of real food, mind you Im brazilian

>> No.18208449

>The problem with school lunches in the US is not complacency or hate
It is very much a problem of hate and you have to be blind or willfully ignorant to pretend it's not happening.

>> No.18208460 [DELETED] 

No, niggers will throw them

>> No.18208466

How much does a school lunch cost now anyways? When I was a kid it was $1.25.

>> No.18208469

t. fat kid who could stand to eat a few less calories

>> No.18208471

Of course their fat lard of a child came home hungry when their typical meals rival that of a large adult.

If you have ever seen examples of shopping in a food desert (which is most ghetto areas due to crime), you will understand why. Shaneequa goes to the corner store and spends all her SNAP on off brand soda, chips and cereal for her 6 kids. They probably are genuinely hungry because all they ever eat is pure garbage that does nothing but make them obese

>> No.18208475

poor people deserve poor people food

>> No.18208477

Well, being that I work in the industry and actually explained everything in detail, I don't know what you're fucking talking about and you must be a faggot.

>> No.18208478

Majority of parents think school is an all expense paid daycare for their kid for 12 years. Even daring to suggest they make their kid lunches will be met with hostility

>> No.18208480

>Majority of parents think school is an all expense paid daycare for their kid for 12 years.
because it is

>> No.18208485 [DELETED] 
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>Well, being that I work in the industry and actually explained everything in detail, I don't know what you're fucking talking about and you must be a faggot.

>> No.18208487

I don’t recall the reason, but I do remember there being periods where nacho day didn’t come with goyslop meat. Then eventually it would come back, then it would go away again

>> No.18208489

>Buy loaf of bread
>Not white cake, I mean real whole grain bread, no sugar
>Buy block of cheese
>Buy bag of apples
>Buy jar of pickles
>Buy bunch of dry sausage.
Now you have lunches for the whole family for at least the whole week, you fatsos retardos.

>> No.18208492

the lunchroom wagie has spoken

>> No.18208495

A decade ago it was $1.65

>> No.18208496

you realize there are places where those foods aren't available right

>> No.18208499

In the end this makes that issue worse. Kids starve at school so they go home and gorge on garbage just to make up for a pitiful lunch

>> No.18208502

Like inner Congo?

>> No.18208504

in a way yeah

>> No.18208507

Uhhh sweaty, some of us work a 12 hour shift as a CNA, we don’t have time to shop and be a chef

>> No.18208511

It was a trick question, they do have food in inner Congo.
Where do you live where the most basic foods are unavailable? Do you even have meat where you live?
lol do they really?

>> No.18208512

Well, it’s many places in the US, however their demographic and crime rates are comparable to the Congo

>> No.18208514

Always blaming the negro for your own failings, eh Amerifat?

>> No.18208519

It has nothing to do with me, I don’t live in the ghetto where the only source of food is the quickie mart with bulletproof windows

>> No.18208520

>tfw you get home from a 12 (with an hour of unpaid overtime on both ends obviously) of wiping obese old people's asses just to wipe your obese children's asses

>> No.18208522

Most retailers flee from inner city areas due to the losses from theft and vandalism being more than the profit they make. This makes the only nearby sources for food gas station quick shops. Some in the ghetto do carry meat, but all their products are the absolute bottom of the barrel. The concept of whole grain bread there is non existent

>> No.18208524

So most Ameritards are actually capable of making daily wholesome lunches for their kids, but they don't? It is as I expected.

>> No.18208527 [DELETED] 

yes we call them blacks. we provide them food, housing, education, and every modern convenience and in return they rape and murder us. they was good boys.

>> No.18208528

White families do, or they simply don’t have to due private schools having actual kitchen staff. The majority of the kids in public school these days are brown

>> No.18208532

don't be antismite

>> No.18208536

Arent CNAs paid pretty decently?

>> No.18208540

All I see is fat fucks blaming black people for the problems their own laziness and hedonism have caused. I will go to bed now, I must work tommorow.
Good day to you fat asses. Eat more fruit and vegetable, you will have more energy and less pain.

>> No.18208542

Lmfao no, it’s barely above min wage. Actual real nurses make decent pay, CNAs are a job you just need a pulse to land because you don’t do any real medical things, unless you consider the removal of poopy to be medical

>> No.18208543

in poop lmao

>> No.18208546
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>I will go to bed now, I must work tommorow.

>> No.18208549

So let’s say we toss out all the regulation. Would that improve things, or just encourage schools to make lunch even cheaper to pocket more of that cash?

>> No.18208550

sleep tite lil jewer

>> No.18208552

Kek. Busted

>> No.18208557

>junior and senior year
>get in car and drive to nearby restaurant
I don’t think anything in this life can recapture that feeling of freedom and power

>> No.18208580

When I was in HS the school was over capacity, one class had an extended period for lunch. I believe it was like 11-1:20 or so. Anyway that time was split between 5 lunch groups, each one filled the cafeteria almost entirely. People unfortunate enough to be last in line often had to stay into the next lunch period because by the time they sat down it was time to switch already

And in the 4 years I was there this system never improved

>> No.18208584

I used to walk to a gas station and buy a corn dog with my friends. they were fucking delicious.

>> No.18208590

When I was in high school in the 90s, we had a Burger King and a McDonald’s inside the school. They had a truncated menu, but they had all the high demand items. And every single day the line for them was packed. I’m sure plenty of fast food places would gladly set up shop in high schools, even giving a cut to the school they still clean up. Idk if it’s better for kids to eat that shit every day, but it surely is better than what’s in the OP

>> No.18208599

Yea I don’t know how to describe it, something about leaving school to get food made it taste better

>> No.18208607

>Outside food
Really depended on the teacher. I remember when I was 17 I ate an entire pizza during US History. Of course if the food was too distracting then there'd be limits. At 18 during my government class I pulled out a steaming piece of salmon. Had to put it away since the teacher thought that was too ridiculous.

>> No.18208615

I was in high school in the mid 2000s and this is bullshit
all they ever served us was pizza and french fries
now my full time job is literally to deliver 30 pizzas to the same high school I went to 5 days a week
I wish I was joking

>> No.18208618

Around here it was a strict ban because it was always a huge distraction. If you rustled a bag of chips you immediately became the center of attention

Administration was strict on it too, so even if a teacher didn’t care, they didn’t want to risk an admin walking in and seeing you eating cause then they get in trouble

>> No.18208620
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>be an elementary student
>has a delicious chicken sandwich with smiley fries and good chocolate milk
>out of nowhere they replace it with a spicy one that isn't as good and get rid of smiley fries and sometimes has sweet potato fries which are shit
>goes to middle school and high school
>it's the same thing with the occasional smiley fries
I can handle spice better now than back then, but damn I wish I knew the brand of chicken patties they used. Shit was good.

Anyone ever had these in school? I had these with an orange juice carton for the morning breaks they had. I always wanted to buy these for home since the makers of these let consumers buy it too, but they only sell them in cases of 25 and are like $60 bucks. Not worth it. Why can't they just sell these in stores in smaller packs so I can bake it, these fuckers make Superpretzel so there's no excuse as that's sold in stores.

There was also one called Super Donut which was a warm sugary glazed type donut, so fucking good. Tasted kind of mapley in a way.

>> No.18208623

Does the school buy them, or is it students using meme food apps? I know that’s an issue around here where the entire district changed policy that students can’t order food to the school

>> No.18208624

at what point does this shit get more unhealthy then the fast food it was a replacement for?

>> No.18208631

Oh, you're mexican.

>> No.18208634

The moment the government got involved and based it around the food pyramid

>> No.18208643

>let’s say we toss out all the regulation
I wouldn't suggest going that far. I'm not fan of regulation, but I would say that the regulation in place should be more financially-based than nutritionally-based. I would recommend requiring documentation that a certain percentage of the reimbursed cost of meals goes towards food cost. Nobody or no entity is just arbitrarily feeding the worst food to children, they do it because they spend less money on shitty food while still hitting nutrition requirements. (In OP's photo the chips count as 2 ounces Whole Grain, the cheese sauce 2 ounces Meat/Meat Alternate, the French Fries count as a 1/2 cup serving of potatoes, canned fruit, and milk.)

>> No.18208644

>couple months ago
>had to pick up my sister from my old high school
>haven’t been in there in about 8 years
>when I was there could freely access the building, but security sat at the front desk and stopped any non teenagers
>walk in and the entire building is sealed off, immediately harassed by security
>one way in one way out
I think I had my first boomer moment then when I felt sad that my sister, as well as my future kids, will never experience school the way I did since now they all have to be locked down like a prison

>> No.18208656

You're forgetting plates aren't the only thing that can be thrown if someone truly wanted to throw things just for shits and giggles you racist

>> No.18208658

Why don't you take your own lunch (not excusing this joke of a meal)

>> No.18208666

Parents are busy enough as it is working full time slavery jobs

>> No.18208667

Most schools do not provide a place to keep lunches cool, and a cold pack only goes so far. Plus, a number of schools have implemented 'no brown bag' policies due to risk of food allergies.

>> No.18208674

I ate lunch at noon because I went to a white school

>> No.18208687

Who's we? What did you do personally to lift a finger for black people? Or any white person for that matter. Most white people I see these days are barely able to help themselves as it is being stuck in middle class hell and what not.

>> No.18208688

Every nurse I know works 4 on, 3 off, 3 on, 4 off you lazy sack of underpaid shit

>> No.18208690

Chips AND crisps?

>> No.18208725

>Who's we?
>What did you do personally to lift a finger for black people?

>> No.18208730

It's also midnight in Turkey and Ethiopia and I'm pretty sure none of those places are jewish so what's your point here

>> No.18208733

3rd worlders in denial.

>> No.18208738

You are correct, the silverware is also plastic so those can’t be thrown or used for gang retaliation

>> No.18208740

>a number of schools have implemented 'no brown bag' policies due to risk of food allergies.
You mean because little Timmy might hide his 9mm in it

>> No.18208747

Whites wouldn’t struggle nearly as much if half our paychecks didn’t go to taxes, which are funneled directly to blacks

>> No.18208750

What the fuck are you talking about and why is this something to brag about?

>> No.18208783

>when I was [a teenager attending the school] could freely access the building
>when I was [not a teenager attending the school] could not freely access the building

>> No.18208796

america is a business and americans are cattle

>> No.18208799

my school only allowed clear backpacks and closed all but two of the exits because there were only a certain number of metal detectors. one time a bunch of samoans chased a couple mexican guys through the hall with knives in the middle of class. thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.18208804

take it easy chaim you'll still get paid

>> No.18208939

The donut was also a vitamin supplement. Way to sneak vitamins into kids. It’s ok room temp, but great warmed in the microwave with coffee.

>> No.18208956

>Usually you get 20 mins of lunch, at least 10 of which are spent standing in line waiting for your lunch
Lunch was always 30 minutes for us
>t. midwestern suburbs

>> No.18208957

This is from a high school with an alacart line. My school had 2 main lines where you could get the main entree of the day, 2 short order lines that everyday served alternatives of burgers, chicken sandwiches and fries, and a healthy options line that just had salads, grilled chicken wraps etc, and then also the Alacart snack bar that served nachos w/chz, pretzels w/chz, slushies, etc. Payment was loaded on your school ID by a check my dad would give me and I could spend it how I liked but it had to last me like 2 weeks each time.

If this was the main entree taco meat was available but refused by whoever took the pic.

>> No.18208966
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When I was a teenager attending the school there wasn't a fucking security guard at the front desk and they trusted us enough to be back in class by the time our lunch break was over - and back in my day it was a full period's worth of time - forty minutes. Some schools even had an hour.
School has pretty much always been a pipeline to train useful servitors to fit into modern society but these days schools are literally run like prisons, complete with clear backpacks metal detectors at the door because thugs and CIA spooks kept bringing in weapons.
Image unrelated I just had the window open.

>> No.18209202

>Administration was strict on it too, so even if a teacher didn’t care, they didn’t want to risk an admin walking in and seeing you eating cause then they get in trouble
I swear school was like a fucking prison.

>> No.18209227

That’s not what I meant. NO ONE can freely enter or exit the building. Even if a kid managed to sneak out a side door, they would never make it back in.

>> No.18209239

Im glad that I finished high school on the tail end of things still being relatively normal. Some shootings had already happened, but the ones in the 00s were far enough apart that they didn’t trigger alarmist measures like clear bags, metal detectors and closing off all the exits

>> No.18209243

there was a shooting at my middle school but a couple years after I left

>> No.18209246

When I was in school it was either the lunch choice of the day or PBJ. Some days genuinely had nachos and nothing else as the main course, though it did come with a literal orb of mystery meat on top

>> No.18209252

What sort of country doesn't allow food outside the cafeteria? We had vending machines all over the school in the 90s, even .

>> No.18209257

Because it is, at least in the US. You are the state’s responsibility from 7a-3p. And a lot of people who work in schools let that bit of power go straight to their head

>> No.18209263

Yea, school wasn’t a prison camp until the early 00s. Our school had vending machines, but they were disabled during school hours

>> No.18209271

There was one at my high school a year after I left, but it was just one kid who blew the head off a single teacher who was giving him a hard time. He wasn’t there for anyone else and never attempted to involve anyone besides that one teacher

>> No.18209273

it makes jail easier though. it's pretty much just 24 hour high school if you grew up in a shitty neighborhood.

>> No.18209279

That would make sense if most jail bound nigs didnt drop out immediately or get blown away in a gang fight

>> No.18209282

I live in GA in a suburb of Atlanta and this was also my reality.

>> No.18209288

>clear bags
Is this a real thing? A big part of the enjoyment of high school was doing bad shit which often involved things you hid in your backpack. Where are kids supposed to put their drugs these days?

>> No.18209299

they lock most of the bathrooms now too. it's no wonder kids are all psychopaths when you look at the environment they're growing up in

>> No.18209301


HS teacher here and I can confirm yes.

>> No.18209303

When I was in HS, they used to sell this really kickass energy drink. It was a “healthy” one, so it wasn’t a pound of sugar like Monster, but probably was still shitty for you.

Anyway, I stole one about every day until the checkout lady started to catch on. Shit was good, but I can’t remember what it was called and looking through energy drinks at stores leads to nothing I recall. Anyone know what I’m talking about?

>> No.18209314

I went to McEachern for my sophomore year, and South Cobb for my junior and senior years.

>> No.18209320

>low fat milk
>all the fat chips
the fat in the choccy milk should be better for you than the old bloody fry oil they used for those chips

>> No.18209327

Hello fellow Cobb bro. Harrison for Freshman year and it was stupid overcrowded. Like a sea of trailers in the parking lot. Went to Hillgrove once it opened.

>> No.18209333

They locked the bathrooms when I was in HS too. Someone kept dropping monster shitlogs and clogging up the system every day, so they made everyone who went to the bathroom sign in and then inspected afterwards to identify the mega pooper

>> No.18209337

You type this on 4chan. Please see the irony. This and the internet at large is the major issue.

>> No.18209348

Schools have some deal with farmers where their subpar milk gets sold to them.

There is also so much government overreach that micromanages calories on school lunches you get all kinds of dumb shit

>> No.18209350

McEachern was not so bad when my parents were growing up. South Cobb might as well be a school in Guadalajara today.

>> No.18209351

yeah but 4chan never murdered anybody that didn't deserve it (mostly)

>> No.18209363

It radicalized alot of people. I've been here since 2010 and no longer mess with anything but /sp/ and /ck/ because I'm old and aged out of /b/.

>> No.18209365
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Always kind of jarring to see people who didn't go to private schools talk about the food. It's a double edged sword but still, it's like i'm peering into another dimension.

>> No.18209371

a filipino guy pulled a knife on me in the back row of a chaotic 9th grade biology class because I wouldn't buy stolen pornography from him

>> No.18209395

I said double edged sword for a reason. More than half the students, teachers and administrators in all the schools I had been to acted like psychopaths.
But frankly i'm not sure that would be much different in a public school.

>> No.18209397

Lunchlady Doris, the children are becoming restless. Add more bromide to the slop.

>> No.18209399

My daughter just started kindergarten and her lunch time is 1:48 PM…….. the fuck???

>> No.18209400
File: 1.00 MB, 1569x1080, B6CBCD2E-DAF8-4630-885D-3A111C1987D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he had poop inspection day

>> No.18209405

Does she do full days? When I was in kindergarten we only had half days.

If not 1:48 is retarded because in about an hour they are going home anyway

>> No.18209406

>My daughter just started kindergarten
does her school have uniforms

>> No.18209411

Reminder, the school district makes the actual decision about how to comply with the guidelines in the school lunch program. You can literally run for school board in your local area and focus on improving them if you really care

>> No.18209419

No I took her out of private school to go to a dual language immersion charter but they didn’t tell us about the crap lunch times. Seems like torture

>> No.18209432

Good luck winning. The people on the board fight fierce to keep their spots, and running on a campaign about lunches won’t get you far

>> No.18209437

Yeah it was similar for mine, like what's the fucking point

>> No.18209454

what's the teacher like

>> No.18209463
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>its Garfield pizza day

>> No.18209477

Even if we pack a lunch for the kids, depending on their age it could be considered not cool so they just pick at the school lunch or don't eat.

The problem my kids have is that their "modern" schools have done away with lockers, etc., because they don't have books, just iPads. This means if they bring a lunch, they have to carry it all day between classes and such.

>> No.18209480

Depends where you're at. Maybe if you're in a big metro, but if you're just in some 100k pop city? Not that hard

>> No.18209483

ethiopia isn't on 4chan, and turks don't have jobs

>> No.18209500

When I was in HS over a decade ago, most people refused to take a locker. There was usually no reason to take the books with you aside from math, and everyone taking solidarity on not having lockers discouraged teachers from assigning books

>> No.18209503

Well don’t leave us wondering, did they ever find the culprit

>> No.18209506

What is taking a bus to another neighborhood once or twice a week? This isn't rocket science, people.

>> No.18209518

No time between getting your nails did, getting your hair did, and getting your lashes did

>> No.18209546

No they did not. Their draconian bathroom laws pushed me to start shitting in an unused supply closet. Upon discovery of the many logs left there, the bathroom rules were lifted to discourage further closet shitting

>> No.18209747

Lmao I went to private schools my whole life, our lunches were never that shitty. There would always be one part of the meal with a decent amount of meat. Even if it was just pizza with pepperonis or something

>> No.18209757


>> No.18209782

And kikes are the ranchers

>> No.18209786

The school gave us an amenities room with kettles and microwaves to use during our senior years so most of us just ate cup noodles or whatever. Had a cup of tea or coffee with lunch every day too
Oh yeah and we could sit wherever we wanted and smoked cigarettes down by the batting cages.
You seppos are fucken are weird man

>> No.18209788

literal pill addicted gay retards who work at schools which is everyone there
bunch of worthless fucking pedophiles

>> No.18209804

so this is what an off topic /ck/ thread looks like...

>> No.18209831

Threads like these make me grateful that my parents put me through private school.

>> No.18209835

I always gave up on the shitty food because my school let us get a pass to go to the library during lunch if we wanted, so I'd go chug a powerade from the drink machine and would then go fuck around on the library computers instead.

>> No.18209844

What were they even going to do, could they discipline someone for shitting overly large logs?

>> No.18209847

mmmm nacho... my favorite :)

>> No.18209943
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Wanna see what Europeans feed their kids? Pic related.

>> No.18210054

I did the same, id eat breakfast at about 7a, then eat NOTHING all the way till about 3:30p. Id have a drink in there but that’s it. I can’t even get close to doing that anymore, no idea how I did that for years and years

>> No.18210063

If anything, I'd say prison is the better environment. At least prisons punish inmates for causing trouble to discourage shit. School though? You might get a detention which just involves sitting around in a classroom for an hour (the same shit you're doing anyways) or maybe a letter sent home (to parents who don't give a shit). Suspensions? They'd thank you for the extra freedom.

>> No.18210068


You’ve condemned your daughter to a horrible future.

>> No.18210077

What do serve in your country?

>> No.18210085

I'm sure it's dirty water and goat testicles served with stale bread

>> No.18210122

Nope we use styrofoam trays

>> No.18210155

you can bring your own lunch you poortard lmfao

>> No.18210175

If we are serving food anyway why not put in a tiny bit of effort to have it not be slop?

>> No.18210178

You wither bring your own food or buy a pie or sausage roll from the canteen

>> No.18210193

4chan radicalized nobody. That's a media term to shift the blame from the killer to his environment in the same way vidya and music are blamed.

>> No.18210211

When I was in school the nachos had meat on them but they'd give you meatless ones like that if you asked for them. You also got a green salad along with the milk and fruit/juice and sometimes a bonus treat like an orange sherbet/vanilla cup or those weird triangular fruit ice pops. Then again I lived in a state that actually funded their public schools so we had a huge variety of entrees to chose from plus the salad/snack line and the student store that sold all kinds of candy, soda, ice cream/smoothies, bagel sandwiches and, on fridays, papa johns pizza.

>> No.18210213

Im not sure what their endgame was actually.

>> No.18210221

everything about cnas is depressing

>> No.18210249

Not sure why they got fries, should've been a veggie with dog food nacho 'meat'. School I work at offers free breakfast and lunch, and free lunches over the summer for children. Yes I live in a poor town, I grew up here.
I also eat the same shit they eat every work day to save money, most of it is stuff you get from normal stores like Tyson chicken or Pillsbury bagel bites for breakfast. Not every county operates the same either.

>> No.18210267

Fries are a vegetable

>> No.18210275

What's the issue?
Nachos and cheese is the protein
Fries are the vegetable
Globohomogenised chocolate milk is the dairy
And one slice of fruit in jelly is the fruit.

>> No.18210282


>> No.18210283

Egg roll day always gave me rancid, liquid shit

>> No.18210284

Can you show me the pie or sausage roll from the canteen?

>> No.18210296

We used to have hoagie day, it was a 6inch bun with tons of lettuce, tomato, white chedder cheese and ham and mayo.
EVERYONE bought a lunch on that day

>> No.18210308

I graduated in 2007 and the whole time i was there papa johns brought breadsticks every thursday

>> No.18210309

I used to siddle up to my friends in line and then steal the bags of chicken nuggets. we'd all divide my stash once we got back to the table. Or just throw them across the caferteria

>> No.18210317

What high school/where

>> No.18210331

Shit.... my High school had a Dunkin Donuts, Wendys, KFC, McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell
Carl's jr, Arbys

>> No.18210337

one who doesn't care about them

>> No.18210342

Did you go to the school at the mall or some shit?

>> No.18210349

Thinking back, I have no idea how I survived childhood/teen years
>wake up at 6:30a
>drink glass of milk and eat breakfast donuts
>go to school
>eat literally nothing all day
>at lunch have one tiny jug of milk
>go home
>as a kid, I would usually just eat chips or other junk food after school
>as a teenager I usually wouldn’t eat anything till about 7pm
The thing was, I never really felt hungry or weak during this time. That was why I didn’t eat, I didn’t feel the need to

>> No.18210363

But sp has sucked since like 2013

>> No.18210370

I used to be similar. I just did not like eating the bland slop at school, and we got so little time to eat anyway it wasn’t even worth the trip.
Once I got to college and could access their decent cafeteria any time, I realized how much I was fucking myself over from a fitness gains standpoint by not eating properly. Unfortunately that means I have lost the ability to go essentially the entire workday without eating, but it’s for the best.

A school forged talent I do miss though was being able to not use the bathroom for about 9 straight hours. I hated going into the school bathroom because they were always gross and never cleaned, so I trained myself to never have to go at school. Cant do it anymore, likely just from getting older

>> No.18210392

>they have to carry it all day between classes and such.
perhaps they could have some sort of bag. Maybe a bag that they could carry on their back.

We shall call it... The Snackpack.

>> No.18210399

I went to private school for most of my school life until I went to the local public school for high school.
The private school obviously had way WAY more money to throw around but honestly the students were a lot worse, lots more bullying and general shittiness there compared to the public high school where most of the kids were chill.
Also despite having loads of cash the food at the private school wasn't all that great either, better than public but they weren't offering anything gourmet. I think most of the money went towards construction projects and events there.

>> No.18210419

Are you alive now?
Did these little childhood events strike you so harsh that you can now longer function as an adult?

>> No.18210435

No, it’s just as an adult I got into proper nutrition, and looking back at how little I was eating in my younger years is concerning

>> No.18210492

>Those parents crying about how their180 pound 11 year old who came home hungry are full of shit.
No they're right about what happened, their child came home hungry.
They're simply retarded for not knowing why the kid is hungry (because if you eat garbage junk food you'll be hungry in 2 hours) and fixing it with oatmeal and vegetables.

>> No.18210502

>excel saga
My nigga. Used to steal the manga from my sister to fap to.

>> No.18210505

He did that six years ago when he came inside m8 that ship sailed.

>> No.18210529

So is school lunch peak goyslop?

>> No.18210539


>> No.18210846

I’m glad my mom loves me and packed me a lunch every day

>> No.18210850

20 years wtf? why aren't you buying your own food now?

>> No.18210867


>> No.18210874
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no he's a based as fuck godspeed you! black emperor fan

>> No.18210877

You only wish your children had the resources we give ours.

>> No.18211154

This is banned in many schools fyi.

>> No.18211191
File: 117 KB, 962x615, 25C4F0E200000578-2957301-UK_school_dinner_of_frankfurters_and_beans_a_baked_potato_corn_o-a-9_1424244473637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not great but it's not whatever the fuck OP's is.

>> No.18211212

They aren't "kids". They're "educational contract units". If they wanted better food their parents should have paid us more money.

>> No.18211257

Buying lunch is lazy as fuck, anon. It takes five minutes to make a sandwich and stick it in a box with some fruit and veg, and you can control exactly what you're eating.

>> No.18211288

My highschool had open campus at lunch, so you could just fuck off home to eat, or to get food elsewhere.
In middle school we had a buffet thing with burgers and pizza and whatever if you could afford it.
I always skipped lunch since my mom gave me 20 bucks a week (this went a long way on food 20 years ago,) and saved up my money for video games.

>> No.18211291

why make the effort when you can just spend more money on them programs?

>> No.18211303

>Bragging about not eating for 5 hours

Do americans ?

>> No.18211335

weimerica also known as the sodomy soverignty

>> No.18211355

>americans pay for school lunch
I am literally a third worlder and i don't have to do this, and they don't give the kids disgusting slop like this either

>> No.18211381

who cares what they eat? they're just going to get shot and killed by some gun toting mentally ill alt right teenager

>> No.18211390

>the students were a lot worse, lots more bullying and general shittiness there compared to the public high school where most of the kids were chill.
damn same thing happened to me, switched from private to public in the middle of high school and had a much better time at public school. Even the teachers were nicer which made them more approachable so I was less stressed out asking for help. I had money stolen from me twice in private school but never in the public one, and my old private school friends did way more drugs than my public school friend who barely did any

>> No.18211579

Same, I used to be able to walk in to the school gym on weekends or access my locker if I forgot something. Now to visit a teacher from my alma mater, you practically need to submit it ahead of time and have security clearance.

>> No.18211588

We need to slash teachers salaries and boost funds for nutrition.

>> No.18211593

That's just it. Good food and quality time at the table with family and or peers is the first step in solving this. You don't have to like them. And you don't have to like Brussels sprouts either. But you have to go through the ritual. There's a very good reason why it's "sacred" (by lack of a better word) around the globe and through the ages: it builds better people.

>> No.18211599

land of the mother fucking free brother helllll yeah

>> No.18211687

I had to go to sleep early because I had to work early. Keep blaming others for your failings, amerifat. You will never be a swampnigger like me. You don't have the guts.

>> No.18211998

Chuds did this.

>> No.18212032

>Where are kids supposed to put their drugs these days?
In their anuses, I guess.

>> No.18212836

Oh PLEASE give it a fucking rest, will you?
Nobody believes this shit anymore.

>> No.18212983

>school removed ice cream vacuum vending machines and soda machines
>everyone forced to eat school provided food
>no smuckers uncrustables because one kid allergic to nuts
>food sucks ass because fuck these kids
>kids only getting those big ass chocolate muffins so they get rid of them wtf
>kids in shambles
>southern high school so kids are going jimmy raven on the black principal
>final straw was someone putting empty KFC buckets on principal parking space
>decides to get actual food for cafeteria during final semester
The moral of the story is that bullying works

>> No.18213001
File: 200 KB, 960x960, pizza hut nostolgia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My high school was half a mile from a Pizza Hut, back in the mid 90s when they still offered their all you can eat buffet and the quality hadn't gone to shit. You didn't even need to walk if you were feeling lazy, as there were always seniors around who'd be willing to give others students a lift. Sophomore year the principle started driving down to the Pizza Hut randomly several times per week and handing out detentions to any students he caught there eating lunch, and by Senior year the place had shut down. Such a damn shame, place had a nice little arcade room too.

>> No.18213017

so you're saying they need to cut military spending and increase education spending

>> No.18213022

The United States of America, aka the greatest failed experiment in human history.

>> No.18213039

Fun fact: Most public schools in America buy food from the same companies that deliver food to prisons.
So you have middle aged Mexican cunts serving prison food to kids and teenagers in most cases.

>> No.18213050

Nope. Why do you think there's such a fuck-huge shortage of nursing staff like EMT's, nurse aids, clinic staff, nurse practitioners, maitenance people and doctors?

>> No.18213055

There's actually a disturbingly high number of similarities between how prisons and schools are ran in the US

>> No.18213466

Of course they are; the whole point of schools is to prepare the student's for their lives as adults.

>> No.18213483

That's what happens when you corral a bunch of random people from the general population into a building who don't want to be there, feed them, keep them inside, while not being allowed to kick out retards and psychos. Schools and prisons are the only places like this. No other result is possible.

>> No.18213493

I pay 1600 a month for my child's schooling. If they served that shit, I would be pissed.

>> No.18213516

At my school they served barbecued pulled pork with nacho cheese melted on it and would give you a bag of extremely salty tortilla chips to eat with it. Kind of like OP's picture but better.
We'd also have greasy as fuck fried chicken drumsticks with hush puppies. Those shits were so good but so greasy.
Also sometimes they'd make funnel cake without the sugar or something like that and serve it with popcorn chicken and call it chicken and waffles. I assume they take waffle batter and just squirt it on the flat top.
In school I had a vegan girlfriend who would go in line and grab the meat and she'd give it to me. Shit was so cash.

>> No.18213524

Depends on the school. I graduated highschool last year, but... Public highschool where I was was super lax on everything. Food was decent. But I'd eat any sloppah you'd throw at me. When I was a wee lad I'd look forward to the za on Fridays but in highschool I realized how shit they were.
Then I flunked Algebra and they had to send me to a remediary school which was fucked. Literally made you take off shoes and your belt and get wanded like at the airport. They'd also make you put your cell phone in a paper envelope and they'd put them in bins separated by class and lock them up all day. Genuinely awful experience.

>> No.18213815

Anon is right about the facts, but idk you can't just blame it on over-regulation. The fact that we even do this food 'token' system in the first place is evidence of something much more complicated.

>> No.18214131
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Probably Tyson.
That's from their K-12 menu.
The regular consumer version is pick related.

>> No.18214178

>Nobody believes this shit anymore.
[citation needed]

>> No.18214187

When I went to school there was no food provided. Just a shop to buy crappy food that most people only used it sometimes. They usually brought food from home, or were like me and had a nice breakfast and didn't need to eat again until after school.

>> No.18214190

Nice looking potato, just needs some sour cream and chives.

>> No.18214204

Ever heard of Trotskyism? What about Maoism? The Khmer Rouge? The Nokia N-Gage?

>> No.18214360
File: 44 KB, 500x500, 381CA481-94FC-4C24-B3A8-40E1EC5AC5C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a terrible one that should die violently

>> No.18214370

What does glorious Russia feed its children?

>> No.18214454


>> No.18214578

Amerifag here. My high school let kids who didn't have lunch periods eat during whatever class. I hated lunch because I hated most of my fellow students so I just packed my schedule.
That was in the late oughts so idk how it is now.

>> No.18214579

If the N-Gage had been closer to what the PSP was it could have been a major hit.