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File: 67 KB, 560x840, soft boiled eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18204312 No.18204312 [Reply] [Original]

The best form of eggs.

>> No.18204330

What compels you to make these threads?

>> No.18204366

That's a poached egg.

>> No.18204374


>> No.18204576
File: 130 KB, 1500x1000, soft boiled egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came across a survey about how people like their eggs, and for some reason it didn't include soft boiled. I thought that was weird, because I love soft boiled eggs, then I realised there must be people who have never tried one. So I made a thread about them so that an anon might discover a new joy in soft boiled eggs.

>> No.18204697

I have never had a soft boiled egg

>> No.18204870

I did my first soft boil today to add to my ramen. It was pretty good could've added a second one tho.

>> No.18204878

I love soft boiled eggs, but eating them the obnoxious wannabe posh british way is incredibly cringe.

>> No.18204912

What the absolute fuck are you talking about?
>wannabe posh
I’m not even British and I think your statement is retarded. It’s a fucking egg. What’s “obnoxious” or “posh” about it?
And everyone knows the best way to enjoy a runny yolk is toast-dipping.
If anything, the “obnoxious wannabe posh british way” you’re crying about is literally optimized for maximum yolk-enjoyment. Hell, up until a couple generations ago, it was commonly eaten the same way in the US.

>> No.18204944

You seem so angry.
Most americans likely don't own egg cups nor could knock off the top of an eggshell with the edge of their spoon whatsoever.

OP, I like an over easy fried egg. I might serve it on top of buttered toast and enjoy with a knife and fork together, bite by bite. Will I slice my bread into long planks for soldiers like this guy, hell no. I'm not really using fingers when I dine in the AM.

>> No.18204947

>What’s “obnoxious” or “posh” about it?
Being served an unpeeled egg in a tiny container to eat with a tiny spoon is obnoxious. "Maximum yolk-enjoyment", I enjoy the yolk just fine breaking the egg over toast or eating it whole. In each of your pictures, there is yolk lost that runs down the sides of the egg container. Usually only brit faggots eat it like this, but I suppose non-brits of incredible faggotry like yourself would too.

>> No.18204949


>> No.18204995
File: 130 KB, 1004x1294, soft boiled eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's comfy and it lets you dip the maximum length of toast finger. People make the yolk spill for photos but obviously you don't have to do that.

>> No.18205214

Basted eggs, crispy white, runny yolk

>> No.18205229

>Most americans likely don't own egg cups nor could knock off the top of an eggshell with the edge of their spoon whatsoever
Are you done American-obsessing/seething now?
Eggcups were a standard household item until my grandparents’ generation. It’s almost like america was a direct descendant of England or something.
What do you want it served in?
A bucket? Perhaps laying loose on the table?

>> No.18205244

You can also enjoy crisps just fine by crushing them in the packet and pouring the crumbs into your mouth, but nobody would argue that it's the same as chewing a whole crisp.

>> No.18205250

>there is yolk lost that runs down the sides of the egg container
That was done for photographic purposes, don't be a fag.

>> No.18205282

Poached is thrown into a watery bath without the shell

>> No.18205293

very based thread, anon. I make chef john's "hard softboiled" eggs at least once a week, where you steam it past runny but still goopy. it's a pretty good way to get that fresh yolk flavor, prepared in advance and fridged if you like, but admittedly it isn't hot and runny.

>> No.18205306

>In each of your pictures
Lol faggot I didn’t post any pics. You seem to think I’m the only one who thinks you’re a retarded faggot.

>> No.18205573

If you really wanna go all out, make them the day before and marinate them (look up ramen eggs). It's delicious but once you start making them like that you can't go back to putting normal ones in your soup.

>> No.18207047

Unfortunately, not everyone gets to choose.
Some of us have hard water, and can only make hard-boiled eggs.
If you live in an area with soft water, think yourself lucky, and consider trading your eggs with others who don't have the privilege.

>> No.18207144

how are you not going to get tiny bits of shell in your mouth?

>> No.18207626
File: 7 KB, 223x226, egg topper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really a problem, you peel the top and the egg the membrane keeps the remaining shell edge together. If you want to get really serious you can use one of these torture device looking things.

>> No.18207684

Or you can just chop the top off with a butter knife like a normal person.

>> No.18208142

I feel like that would just crush the egg unless it's one of the ones with a really thin shell. I enjoy the process of cracking the top and peeling it open while trying not to burn your thumb.

>> No.18208160

>have friends over for the weekend
>making breakfast, ask friends if they want eggs
>they want some soft boiled eggs
>get them a pot with water, tell them to make their eggs while i prep the rest of the breakfast
>"but anon, we don't know how to make soft boiled eggs"
>my friends are in their late 20's
How pathetic do you have to be to not know how to make soft boiled eggs by the time you're 27?

>> No.18208229

It doesn't.

>> No.18208438

Listen to this dumb nigger calling an egg cup a tiny container. Also the egg is running down the side because the food stylist wanted it to.

>> No.18208518

At least it's not a unitasker

>> No.18208534
File: 133 KB, 1500x1500, 81aLDKOATbL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me? it's the long egg

>> No.18208827

>Hasn’t been mainstream in America in over 60 years
So people who commonly eat it are mostly fags who like to pretend to be British.

>> No.18208834

What do you do with the shell on the bottom portions? Do you thumb around a hollow, yolk dripping egg white peeling off shell or do you just throw it out wasting half the egg?

>> No.18208855

Are you retarded? Move.

>> No.18208891
File: 31 KB, 480x543, soft boiled egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You eat it with a teaspoon.

>> No.18208893
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ever had a preserved egg? they're a close second

>> No.18208895

I mean, you eat the remaining egg with a teaspoon, obviously. You don't eat the shell, you turn the shell upside down and pretend it's a new egg to trick children.

>> No.18208909

looks like globohomo

>> No.18209753

Soft scrambled with a little run

>> No.18209763

soft boiled eggs with soldiers is extremely comfy

>> No.18209858


I eat softboiled eggs by carefully peeling them and then putting the whole thing in my mouth. It literally doesn't get better than that, no matter what anons like to think or how hard they try to deny it.

>> No.18210593

My mom had those little jars for soft boiled eggs, they were ok as a kid, now I appreciate more and wish I kept them after her passing,

>> No.18210604

I can't boil them consistently, and I really don't like the texture when they're undercooked.

>> No.18210607

This is why everybody needs to experience dippy eggs. You people have not truly explored egg anatomy and simply have the wrong idea about the relationship between the shell, white, and inner yolk.

>> No.18210832

It's funny, I introduced a friend to dippy eggs and he asked the same question. He finished the yolk and didn't know what to do next.

>> No.18210904

dippy eggs that is also what mom called them, funny I thought it was just her.

>> No.18210974

>I can't boil them consistently,
You can't tell time?
Boiling water is ALWAYS EXACTLY 212° (100° to communists).
Just pick a time, the egg will ALWAYS be done the same amount.
>I really don't like the texture when they're undercooked.
Jebbus Fucking Christ, your parents must be disappointed in you.

>> No.18211049

Please understand, no clocks in Nigeria

>> No.18211155

>Boiling water is ALWAYS EXACTLY
based beach dweller

>> No.18211167

why do white people think soft boiled eggs belong in ramen?

>> No.18211189

Its because they are mainly had in the UK only. Americans don't know how to cook em

>> No.18211205
File: 53 KB, 152x183, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dish is never going to be clean again, ever.

>> No.18211497

Almost all human beings live near sea level.
And NO-FUCKING-BODY moves an egg boil from one altitude to another while cooking.
Try again when yer sober, shitposter.

>> No.18211505

>why do white people think soft boiled eggs belong in ramen?
You need a starch to soak up the runny yolk.
It's like you never saw an egg before.
Google "loco moco", ffs.

>> No.18212181
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>he can't knock the top off an egg with his spoon
Small fry

>> No.18212186

Not for me. The whites have to be cooked and the yolks runny.

>> No.18212448
File: 22 KB, 625x415, 1581131715946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not for me. The whites have to be cooked and the yolks runny.
Are you looking at a different pic than me?
Or is English a second language for you?

Opie's pic shows a cooked white and a runny yolk,

>> No.18212536
File: 40 KB, 381x507, 1501102291320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boiled eggs always make me think of my mum because she used to make them for me at the weekend when i was little

>> No.18212718

I took one chukar egg from work today. I have no idea if it is fertilized or not. I will try to make a soft boiled egg

>> No.18212738
File: 100 KB, 502x466, 1622516073204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been living off of soft boiled eggs, coffee, fruit and oats for several days now

>> No.18212758

I cook them 90% on one side then flip them over for 20 seconds to seal them off. No oil or butter. Serve on toast. Eat with knife and fork.

>> No.18212762

Based. What fruits?

>> No.18212893

Strawberries, grapefruit, apples, and watermelon

>> No.18212912

bleach , rinse, boiling water, rinse
simple as

>> No.18213083

I guess I was supposed to say fully cooked, then. The whites are not fully cooked in OP's pic. There's not a clean line where the whites and yolk meet and the whites are mixing into the yolk. That's impossible if the white is fully cooked because the whites are solid when fully cooked.

>> No.18213138

the heat of the egg cooks the toast

>> No.18214699
File: 42 KB, 550x413, ya-kun-kaya-toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could do the Malaysia/Singapore colonial adaptation where they simply crack the eggs, season with soya sauce and pepper then slurp it off the plate like a savage.

>> No.18215851
File: 136 KB, 800x800, 1629466099377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18216397
File: 2.92 MB, 640x360, half boiled eggs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mum always used to make eggs like that for me when I was ill. I still associate it with recovering from sickness.

>> No.18216972

learn to communicate correctly and don't use words properly. why say "ALWAYS EXACTLY" when it is simply not true.
What does moving during cooking have to do with anything? are you the drunk one?

>> No.18216992

put the egg yolk all over hashbrowns

>> No.18217140

Checked and keked