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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18204144 No.18204144 [Reply] [Original]

>vodka sauce
What the hell does vodka add to pasta sauce???

>> No.18204160

Nothing. 99% of it cooks out.
It's just marinara and alfredo mixed, but fat asses feel awkward saying "mix alfredo in with the tomato sauce so it tastes yummy" so they started calling it vodka sauce to make it seem more classy.

>> No.18204176

It's not for flavor, it causes 2 chemical reactions:
1. heating the alcohol converts it to sugar, which adds sweetness to the sauce, and also /thickens/ it because its being caramelized as it cooks
2. it causes the starches to bind to the sugars in the alcohol as it converts to sugar, and also defonds the pan. this allows the cheese to emulsify with the tomato sauce.

the reason you use vodka is that its the most neutral tasting spirit for the job.

>> No.18204185

alcohol also releases certain flavor compounds in tomatoes that aren't water soluble

>> No.18204189

yeah that too.
>well why not just put a shot of vodka in everything?!
Not everything benefits from becoming a sauce or can cook long enough to get the alcohol out.

>> No.18204209

add it towards the end and don’t cook it all out, it compliments the sweet richness of tomatoes with its sharp tone.

>> No.18204217

this makes sense

>> No.18204229

You are making a sauce not some extract. Also the alcohol cooks off so it's bullshit anyways.
Just cook with wine or cognac so you add some flavour at least.

>> No.18204230

Fuck Poccия I stand with the democratically elected government of Ukraine

>> No.18204235

Once the alcohol has dissolved and released the flavors into the sauce, it doesn't matter what happens to it. It has done its job.

>> No.18204240

that's nice
also, Slava Ukraini!

>> No.18204254

Go back to you containment board, faggots.

>> No.18204255

The stuff is already in the sauce before you add the vodka. It does nothing.

>> No.18204261

What containment board? Biz?

>> No.18204303

It's not water soluble, it's alcohol soluble. Read the fucking thread, I already covered this.

>> No.18204311

Yes, and it's not solved anymore if you cook the alcohol off. And still vodka is a terrible choice. Use something that has flavour so it actually adds something to the sauce.

>> No.18204328

Unless you're adding the vodka at the end directly on your plate then the alcohol is gonna literally get vaporized near instantly

>> No.18204333

100% of the alcohol doesn't get cooked off

>> No.18204376

>Use something that has flavour so it actually adds something to the sauce.
OK, agreed, wine would be a better choice here, but don't say vodka doesn't work

>> No.18204386

/k/ is full of faggots

>> No.18204406

yeah unlike /ck/ which is full of fat faggots

>> No.18204429

Don’t go there but I believe you

>> No.18204430

The compound from the alcohol cooks the tomato.

>> No.18204600
File: 55 KB, 520x386, alcohol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcohol has a flavour, also
>at very low concentrations, around 1% or less, alcohol actually enhances the release of fruity esters and other aroma molecules into the air
- Harold McGee, On Food and Cooking

>> No.18204721

>heating alcohol converts it to sugar
retard alert

>> No.18204734

>What the hell does vodka add to pasta sauce???
vodka soluble flavors.

>> No.18204783

try explaining that to this idiot >>18204255
I gave up