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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 219 KB, 1728x2304, 1659887347033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18203645 No.18203645 [Reply] [Original]

sup /ck/, i need the best goat/lamb recipes you got

>> No.18203651

That’s a goat

>> No.18203654

No that's a baby horned deer

>> No.18203772
File: 48 KB, 1024x962, 1637783136446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't kill him

>> No.18203780

you want OP to eat him alive?
you sick fuck

>> No.18203786

A queer?

>> No.18203788

too late dumb frogposter

>> No.18203814

looked up goat on foodcombo.com and few results were for the actual meat.
as for lamb:

>> No.18203817

He's just sleeping, right?

>> No.18203819

Why do schizos always need a bunch of dumb shit around their wrists?

>> No.18203834

The goat was trans. Notice the noose around its neck. There was no saving it sadly.

>> No.18203938

animal abuse

>> No.18203954
File: 38 KB, 261x450, 1F9766B4-F37E-4BBE-9588-DC599DB1863D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you hurt him?

>> No.18203960

>sup /ck/, i need the best goat/lamb recipes you got
typically, you won't be buying goat anything unless you already had a recipe in mind. It's usually stew or some jamaican style curry.
Probably the same situation if you were buying lamb, lamb chips, leg o lamb, etc. They have their usual recipes.
Do you know if you even like gamey tasting meat? I like lamb in small doses, like when blended into gyro meat, but I am not even a fan of most lamb chops.

>> No.18203964

Goat taste good. More people should try it.

>> No.18203983

You just never had lamb/mutton prepared properly. You really need the right amount of spices to cover up the gaminess. Lamb is the GOAT meat when it comes to succulent and juicy.

>> No.18203984
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I won't let that goat hurt my frens

Time to die

>> No.18204036

Yet here we are, asking for recipes.

>> No.18204050

Spitroast it whole

>> No.18204102

Try cooking some middle eastern dishes with those meats
Follow middle eats for recepies

Also try to make a broth out of the horns and the leg bones (just boil the bones and horns for a few days with salt and add spices to it before the day you're eating that)

>> No.18204169
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>> No.18204211

Bruh those are fucking hair ties. OP probably has long hair.

>> No.18204215


>> No.18204232

What’s that Gussy feel like?

>> No.18204244


>> No.18204329
File: 43 KB, 442x442, osama bin laden anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goat tastes alright, the big problem with it though is that it's consistently prepared by a bunch of mongrel 3rd world illiterates who don't understand proper butchery and just hack at the meat with cleavers and smash up the bones and all into giblets. Goat would be more popular is butchered properly instead of served in tiny chunks with bone shards throughout.

>> No.18204966

op here, so far only 3 recipes, and from one guy? kek i thought you guys were culinary autists cmon let me see some magic.

just finished cut and wrapping the goat along with 20 chickens. nice day out on the farm. taught my 13 yo sister how to butcher. pics to follow.

>> No.18204975


>> No.18205097
File: 157 KB, 1728x2304, 1659910253767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tis a goat

sorry fren i gotta eat something right?

will read after this post, thanks jimmy

he was alive in that pic, just hogtied. it dont hurt him at all. they are pretty dangerous to me if they have horns and arent hogtied actually. they seem weak but trust me they can hurt you if they wanted.

as the anon already said they are hairties. while blood is good for hair i try to avoid it. kinda stinks.

goat def not trans, his sack was about the size of a baseball. very large for a buck of his age. tasty.

i treat all my livestock 1000x better than any factory farm. free range plenty of space and good food with lots of frens.

i hungries

i love gamey meat. moose elk deer hare fowl, love it all man. i didnt butcher the goat with any recipe in mind just needed meat in the freezer.


sorry buddy guy

the local flips do that so for can into celebrations. tastes....interesting...

i love middle eastern food but im leaning to some med style shit this week. i dont bother to make bone broth with goat. had it once and >_>. dog loves the feet though


boer goats are the white mans goat. i cant wait to eat the sumbitch.

>> No.18205191
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missing a rack of ribs and a backstrap (moms portion) and the trimmings bowl but this pretty much it. the total cut and wrap weight is 30lbs. you gents need to learn to butcher. this is the freshest highest quality meat you boys can get. and if the boogaloo happens you might not starve.

still need some recipes frens

>> No.18205315

*schloppy salivation noises*

>> No.18205359

That's actually a lot less than I thought you'd get out of a goat. I thought they'd have a lot more belly meat for some reason. Guess I've never seen one shaved though

>> No.18205362

That doesn't look feral, did you just rustle it from somebodys property?

>> No.18205386

If you got a bone saw, slice a leg into chops then cover it with cumin, chilli, thyme, oregano, salt and turmeric. Sear the fuck out of it in some lard in a cast iron, then flip it and put the cast iron into the oven low and slow for about 40min.

>> No.18205511
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some of the wrap

a good chunk of their weight comes from their 4 stomachs yeah

goatchops lol i never even considered it they are so small. if i get bored and run out of ideas ill do exactly this.

>> No.18205563

goat is good in indian food
I would just substitute the chilis used in the video to whatever you can find, tamarind and jaggery might be difficult but if you have a mexican grocery store you should be able to find something like panela/piloncillo

>> No.18205580

reminds me of that one /k/ story about the deer

>> No.18205598

Basically the same thing:


>> No.18205919

Damn, chinamen know how to eat. I wonder what they do with the leftover marinade, it didn't spend all that long on the sheep. Maybe make a big batch of broth with the leftover bones?

>> No.18205925

if female revive her back to life and make goat cheese
if male throw in the trash and stop killing goats and eat beef instead you fucking tard

>> No.18205930

you can't eat goat asshole what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.18205932

A simple leg of lamb buttered up and seasoned with salt, pepper and rosemary is always good. Have potatoes roasting underneath it for maximum efficiency

>> No.18206476

>"My ancestors are smiling upon me, Imperials."

>> No.18207201

my recipe is hot sex

>> No.18207285

Where I'm from, we eat goat on easter. Rest of the country has a lamb's leg, but we crucify and roast a whole kid goat. No idea why, but it's good.
Simple, common mix of herbs, spices and aromatics for the med: in a mortar, grind up/powder dried rosemary, dried lemon zest, dried chillies, peppercorns and garlic, in that order, then add salt and olive oil. Crucify the goat, rub the paste on and roast in front of a fire.
If you can't crucify the goat or roast in front of a hearth, you can just put the sumbitch in the oven.

>> No.18208196
File: 1.14 MB, 1320x4000, 06EC25FB-F8C6-4C87-9445-76BBE1CA65D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.18208871

Biryani, Tuh'u, or just a good plain roast in the oven or over the fire.

>> No.18208910

Fucking hell i had never read that

>> No.18208912
File: 174 KB, 1280x857, Trippa_alla_fiorentina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me you kept the 1st and 2nd stomachs. Fresh goat tripe is possibly one of the most delicious foods known to man. You just dress it by trimming fat, slice it into a few big pieces, and boil and rinse a couple times. Then slice it up and cook it in numerous ways, boiled in soup, fried with onions garlic, boiled and grilled, etc.

>> No.18208915

Doesn't tripe have to be bleached and shit? Not op, btw.

>> No.18208922
File: 101 KB, 444x647, scared22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very large for a buck of his age. tasty.
You.. Eat the sack?

>> No.18208978
File: 261 KB, 1200x1200, 4912 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the rear leg:

I. With a paring knife, make 2-3in holes into the meat every couple inches apart.

II. Make a paste, of:
paprika/red chili powder
garlic paste
oil of anchovy, plus olive oil as needed
salt, 1 tsp per 2 lb
black pepper

III. Rub the meat with the paste to stain it red all over. Cut large garlic cloves into thick long slices. In each stabhole deposit a filet of anchovy, a sprig of rosemary, and a slice of garlic, so as the rosemary sticks out. Preferably marinade thus prepared for 1 day.

IV. Roast or bake until a medium doneness at the bone, and the exterior is deeply browned.

The anchovy flavor really accentuates the gamey flavor of lamb, goat or mutton. It does not taste fishy, rather just savory and succulent. Try adding divers spices to taste, such as coriander, lovage, allspice or oregano. I would avoid strong spices such as cumin or cinnamon unless in miniscule quantities.

>> No.18208995

Google gulai kambing, it's a (delicious) dish with lamb/goat from Indonesia.

>> No.18209004

You can in fact eat the asshole of a goat, but it's (rightfully) frowned upon.

>> No.18209020

Dressed by trimming, boiling and washing a couple of times. No, it doesnt have to be bleached. I've dressed my own tripe before and it's not as intense as you'd think, it only takes maybe 30-45 minutes of total prep time, but you have to be thorough. It's definitely worth it, though, it's one of the most delicious things you'll ever eat.

>> No.18209232

Goat. If it's lamb, it's gulai domba.

>> No.18209268

>never had prairie oysters
NGMI. everyone whos ever had it without knowing what theyre served absolutely loves it. try it srsly.

tripe however is where i draw the line. idk just the visual of interior stomach, i cant do it. and ill eat some pretty nasty shit.

>> No.18209529

>be me
>like 8 I think
>granpappy owns farm
>spend time chasing animals
>unholy shrieks from barn
>gramps tells me to go in truck while he goes to barn
>he runs in with shotty
>shoots at wolf running away
>gone into forest
>go into barn
>lamb all fucked up
>chest torn open and leg looks like lasagna
>guess grandpa didn’t know I was there because he blew the things head off
>mercy kill but god damn

>> No.18210680

I know it's supposed to be goat, most local indonesian toko's here use lamb (but sell it as kambing), must be due to the (lack of) availability of goat. Still delicious though.

>> No.18210700

Based farmer grandpappy