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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 29 KB, 1008x576, Zojirushi NS-LGC05XB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18200423 No.18200423 [Reply] [Original]

So, I have always made my rice on stove top and I have finally decided to invest in a decent rice cooker. Is it worth it to get a higher end one or am I wasting my money? Also, is it actually that much better than stove top? Thoughts?
Pic related is the one I bought for about $150.

>> No.18200431

well if you've already bought it then use the one you've got.

>> No.18200434

Depends how often you eat rice, I eat rice basically every day or every other day, so spending for a good model equates to a cost of ownership of a few pennies per use over the lifetime of the device.

>> No.18200466

I should clarify I just bought it like, an hour ago and it won't be here for a few days. I still have the opportunity to cancel the order if I wish.
I don't eat rice everyday but, I do eat it a few times a week though. The fact I am not eating rice 24/7 is one of the reasons I have been hesitant to buy a cooker. That is a good point though since everything I read about Zojirushi seems to indicate it will last for decades.

>> No.18200472

I've always used a twenty buck rice cooker, I'm curious to hear your thoughts after you've tried the fancy one.

>> No.18200623

It comes in a few times and I would probably want to use it for a week or so before forming an opinion. I may make a thread on it.
How do you like your $20 rice cooker? Would you say it is comparable to stove top or better/worse?

>> No.18200697

It's worse in that some rice sticks to the inner pot so I always lose some to waste, which is annoying. Totally worth it for the absolute zero thought it takes though. I'll cook rice in a pot when the rice is the main dish, like plov, but when I'm cooking Chinese I have 3-4 other things going that I'm concentrating on.

>> No.18200773

Interesting, If I am buying a piece of kit, I would want it to perform better than stovetop. I see the merit of not having to worry about it though and for a cheap price at that.

>> No.18200780
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I eat enough rice as to where i'd rather just overspend to ensure a good rice cooker than worry about if the low end rice cooker i got is good enough or not.

>> No.18200790

>rice sticks to the inner pot
It's supposed to be nonstick though

>> No.18200799

Damn, you got one of those really nice $300 ones. How do you like it?
I assume that since it is so cheap the nonstick surface is probably of poor quality or has peeled off. idk though

>> No.18200800

You should eat less rice so you can eat more good, nutritious, non-filler food.

>> No.18200899
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I've recently got myself one for around 50 euros and have been really happy so far. It's nowhere near as sophisticated as the model you ordered, but it still makes very good rice without having to worry about it at all. (which is very nice)

If you have the money to spend then going for one that can adjust the cooking process might be worth it, but in the end it's your decision.

>> No.18200937

I thought about getting one like that but, I really need something that could adjust for at least brown and white rices. I am sure use is a good option though and def better then a $20 one.

>> No.18200993
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My nigga.
>How do you like it?
Not that anon, but it’s great.
I upgraded from a $200ish one I had for a few years, and was able to sell the old one for $100 so that help offset it a bit. First one was amazing, this one is even better.
But of course whether or not it’s “worth” it depends on personal use case and budget.

I do highly recommend going and ordering some premium koshihikari rice (or grabbing some from a local Asian store if you have one), as it’s what the primary function of what you ordered is dialed in for. It’s the best way for you to really see what it can do.

>> No.18201012

Yeah, it was pretty nonstick until I spent six years washing rice directly in it, it's kinda worn. The big thing to my mind is that as soon as I flick the switch the rice is effectively completed, I can forget about it entirely.

>> No.18201013

Fancy. I have a cheaper version of this (T-Fal, about $150 USD) and I love it. Do you have the stand-alone storage for your rice?

>> No.18201021

I do that too, twice a day, for the past 6 years as well. The coating has certainly worn, but it still mostly works.
Maybe you can find a replacement pot somewhere.

>> No.18201031

Zojirushi seems to be one of the best brands hence why I went with it. Had $150 to spend on it and was able to get one. Probably not as nice as yours or >>18200780 but, I am hoping it works out!
For a $20 rice cooker he may as well just buy a new one since a replacement pot probably will cost that. Unless he can find one for free.

>> No.18201092

>Zojirushi seems to be one of the best brands hence why I went with it
In North America I’d say it definitely is.
In Japan, Zoji, Tiger, and Panasonic are basically equal and always trying to each other. Their top-end domestic models are over $1000US.
Oh, and be sure to use the plastic cup it comes with.
A “cup” of rice in Japan is a different measurement than western cups. It’s 180ml. If you want a sturdier one, you can get a metal one from Amazon for a few bucks. Just search “Japanese rice cup”.

>> No.18201115

>A “cup” of rice in Japan is a different measurement than western cups. It’s 180ml.
Damn, thanks for telling me this. I would have probably fucked it up the first few times before looking into it and realizing I am an idiot.

>> No.18201128
File: 51 KB, 1259x900, 61InAjgtnHL._AC_SL1259_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redpill me on why you'd spend more than $100-150 on a rice cooker. i'd even argue there are diminishing returns after you get past the glass lid rice cookers that go for $80 tops.
fwiw i own pic related and it seems good enough.

>> No.18201210

>diminishing returns
The same could be said for almost any category of item as you go up in price range.
There are noticeable improvements. Whether or not those improvements are worth the cost is completely dependent on personal finances.

>> No.18201228

Anything more then $50 is playing into the Jews hands. No one who hasnt been fooled by Semitic propaganda would buy something so expensive for something so simple as a grain of rice. So many people in this thread disappointment.
Cancel it and get a cheap one, (((they))) should not get another victory.

>> No.18201237
File: 394 KB, 802x722, 16949309903443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf are you on about? Please go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.18201238

The new ones use deep learning lol. Anyway the more expensive ones use higher durability/quality parts. You get what you pay for after all

>> No.18201239

Go be a schizo elsewhere

>> No.18201243

you've told me literally nothing, and in the most condescending way possible too. what are these improvements? i don't need someone to explain cost benefit analysis to me like i'm a child, i need someone to tell me what on earth a $1000 rice cooker offers to warrant that price tag.

>> No.18201255

Pretty much what >>18201238 said. Plus they have extra features and functions. Like some of the nicer ones let you bake cakes or have options to work like pressure cookers to name a few.

>> No.18201275

Personally I split them into 4 tiers:
>basic ass fully mechanical
Does only rice, built as cheap as possible
>digital control
Has more cooking modes and convenience features like a timer
>IH cooker
Uses induction instead of a hot plate
>IH & pressure
Cooks rice using a pressure cooker

>> No.18201296

>Uses induction instead of a hot plate
How much of a difference does this even make?

>> No.18201304
File: 756 KB, 1373x2597, 1638581209232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are two higher tiers (at least in japan).

A tier with multiple induction heating elements at various places around the machine
and the highest tier of all which uses multiple induction elements in a specific way to attempt to mimic open flame iron pot rice cooking.

>> No.18201306

Apparently they do some magic with it like heating specific parts of the pot to create a flow or something.
At the very least it usually means the whole pot can be heated, hot plate types just heat the bottom.

>> No.18201328

The fuck are you on about?
You said diminishing returns. I agreed.
You get more precise cooking. Faster cooking times. More settings optimized for different grains. More subsettings such as adjustment of texture.
And the $1000 ones in Japan literally replicate the process of rice being cooked in a heavy iron pot over an open fire, which is what they consider the absolute gold standard as far as the best possible way rice can be cooked.
It’s worth $1000 to Japanese people who can afford it.
It isn’t worth it to westerners so they don’t export those ones here.

>> No.18201333

Even heating. The whole cooking vessel is heated, not just the bottom.

>> No.18201339
File: 519 KB, 1416x747, 1630839514655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cheaper induction ones are single zone and just have a bottom induction heating element, still better than a normal hotplate, but you don't get full-zone induction heating stuff until the more expensive models. Which can have between 3 and 7 different induction elements.

>> No.18201340

What about the non induction ones that have top, side, and bottom heaters that are not induciton? are those comparable?

>> No.18201355

got an example?

>> No.18201397

They'd need to remake them to work on our outlets too so probably a nonstarter. Oh well my zoji from the 90s still works fine but I am interested in how multiple induction zones would change the taste

>> No.18201524

Doesn't Japan have same outlets as America?

>> No.18201543

Don't think so. Pretty sure they all work off a different voltage too. Though iirc I think Japan has 2 different electrical standards depending on the side of the country or something crazy like that

>> No.18201548
File: 2.85 MB, 4031x2691, 9625688D-0CDD-4D0D-ACEA-1FC2A4915477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on where “our” outlets are.
If you’re in the US, they’ll work fine.
But I’d be hesitant to import one, as they aren’t “officially” sold here. Which means you’d have a lot of issue if there was a warranty claim or it needed repair.
Which is exceedingly unlikely for a Zoji, but that’s how my luck works.
>I am interested in how multiple induction zones would change the taste
For better or worse, it brings it closer to that ideal of rice cooked in a heavy pot with a heavy wooden lid over an open fire.
That’s literally the holygrail/moonlanding/etc the major Japanese companies are competing for.

Pic is an example, I took it at a store in Osaka. That Zoji is (at least a year ago) approaching $1000.
Not only is it multi-zone, they gave the bottom itself additional zones using multiple induction coils, the purpose of which are to allow for minor fluctuating temperature variances which will more closely mimic the pot being over an open fire.
They’re quite serious about this shit.

>> No.18201556

US and Japan are so damn close that it’s interchangeable when it comes to most electronics.
The one exception being something that uses a traditional heating element. If you import an electric takoyaki grill, you need a converter.
But small induction appliances? TV’s? Stereos? Import game consoles? Good to go.

>> No.18201558
File: 13 KB, 640x480, AdamSmithWasRight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Economics bro noted
I like your style

>> No.18201576

>The one exception
Or rather, “The major exception”

>> No.18201623

>Task a bunch of autistic Japanese engineers who eat rice 3 times a day with designing a machine with the sole purpose of making better rice
>Throw them untold billions of yen across decades of development/innovation progress
>There are retired engineers in Japan who literally devoted their entire careers into advancing this technology
Godspeed, heroes of Japan.

>> No.18201790

>Like some of the nicer ones let you bake cakes or have options to work like pressure cookers to name a few
wow i never played around with pressure cookers before, but i wonder if getting a fancy rice cooker that does so would be a decent purchase

>> No.18201805

I bought one for like $30, it works well. I kind of wish I had a higher end one though, mine has no keep warm function, just simple on or off

the only problem with rice cookers is that if you accidentally add too much water or too little rice, you're fucked and it makes the rice mushy. I think if you have a higher end rice cooker this can be mitigated by simply cooking it longer, but in the cheaper models you don't have this functionality. I'd stick with the nice one if you already ordered it

>> No.18201879

>if you accidentally add too much water or too little rice
That’s basically impossible with higher end ones.
Take a look at >>18200423 or >>18201548
The bowl has markings for water, and separate scales of water-markings to use depending on what you’re making.
So you just measure the rice and fill to the appropriate line.

>> No.18201927

Also, to my knowledge, the real nice ones actually have sensors that can adapt to too much or too little water scenarios. Obviously a $30 one wouldn't have this.

>> No.18201955

>too much or too little water scenarios
Within reason.
They literally give you a “put water here” line. Of course some people will be in a hurry or whatever and go a bit above/below the line, and someone might measure rice a bit off, and you add the water after it’s in the bowl. So the marks are assuming X-cups of rice are already present. It can handle that to an extent.
But if you go full retard you’ll still get messed up rice.

>> No.18201973
File: 281 KB, 1186x538, ricemaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check some of your local goodwills or thrift stores. I picked this up a couple days ago for $20.

>> No.18201998

>I picked this up a couple days ago for $20
Then post a pic of yours instead of an Amazon item.

>> No.18202000

The goodwill must have not known what they got then. Nice find man, better then the average $20 rice cooker lol.

>> No.18202002

why is the 10cup version less that the 5.5?

>> No.18202031
File: 686 KB, 550x732, myricemaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lady at the counter did not. She just commented on how I'm getting a rice cooker.
Looks like there's a 20% discount going on for the 10 cup versions, which would put higher priced than the 5.5 cup version when not discounted.

>> No.18202037

remember to clean between the gaskets and shit

>> No.18202064
File: 3.30 MB, 697x458, JOSPoU8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bud, but you did lie to us. You said $20 instead of $18.99. I am disappointed in you.

>> No.18202083


>> No.18202093

Already done.
$20.32 after taxes

>> No.18202098

Well damn.
I’m the one who asked you to post a pic. Normally people are bullshitting about this.
You got a legit fucking steal. Congrats.
Here’s the manual in case you haven’t looked it up yet.
Since it doesn’t have a steam-reducer, as long as it had the inner lid there’s no missing parts to worry about.
Just make sure to either get a Japanese rice measuring cup, or remember that a Japanese rice “cup” is 180ml, not a western “cup”.

>> No.18202684

What is that?

>> No.18203164

A removable part near the top-back of some that’s basically a multi-chambered thing that cools/condenses some of the water vapor on its way out. It’s in place of the regular steam vent.

>> No.18203649

>In Japan, Zoji, Tiger, and Panasonic
Mitsubishi, Hitachi, and Toshiba are missing.

>> No.18203666
File: 71 KB, 694x359, NW-KB10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Available June 2019
>99700 yen
Current price 69800 yen

>> No.18203668

This is funny because buying mass produced globalist disposable garbage is playing into their hands. Buying high quality long lasting products made in europe or japan is the opposite of getting fucked.

>> No.18203806

Maybe that poster was actually the Jew all along. Trying to convince use silly goyim to buy new rice cookers ever few years versus once every 30. How nefarious, you are on to somethign.

>> No.18204061

I have a Tiger 6cup, the inner pot is looking pretty bad with the nonstick flaked off. Replacement pots are on back order via tiger parts. Thought about buying a another tiger and just using that pot, then also having a backup heater/outer shell just in case. Original is like 15yrs old

>> No.18205105

If its something that can do shit other than steam rice in sure go for it.
But spending 150 on on appliance to cook rice is retarded.
>but muh asians all have them
No no they dont.
$30 tops is all youll ever need to spend on a rice cooker.
I prefer to use a pot because it saves on space and makes rice just fine.

>> No.18205146

>No no they dont.
They do actually lmao

>> No.18205164

Go be a retarded poorfag somewhere else.
Maybe your poverty jungle Asians don’t have one, but all 1st world Asians do.

>> No.18205171 [DELETED] 

>oh boy muh unitasker benchtop wasting goyslop cooker has arrived
>now i have a special machine to cook my goyslop just as easily as i always could before i owned this machine
>can't wait to eat my goyslop cooker cooked goyslop while looking for more things to buy

>> No.18205278

How is rice goyslop? Especially brown rice.

>> No.18205311 [DELETED] 

Falseflag goyslop poster spotted

>> No.18205319

Just report the post for “extremely low quality” and disregard.

>> No.18206537

>steel cut oats

>> No.18206548

I actually eat steel cut oats specifically quite a bit. I think it will be nice feature to at least try once.

>> No.18206572
File: 532 KB, 512x547, 1644250885483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use my rice cooker for oats (steel cut or rolled) all the time

Extra thicc bois are great in a rice cooker.

>> No.18206605

I buy that exact same package of oat meal as you. It works good it seems? I will have to try it.

>> No.18206620
File: 45 KB, 835x760, 1639371430854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, just look up your model and see what it says about oats.


My particular unit requires 2 (rice cups) of oats minimum and 3 maximum though, so it's a bit limited in that regard. But I find 2 cups to be enough for two small servings or one very large serving.

>> No.18206623

oh yeah, it will take awhile though. Don't expect your oats to be done fast.

I usually wake up at like 7am, start some oats, then shower and get ready for the day and come down and eat some oats around 8am, then start work at 8:30 in my office.

>> No.18207599


>> No.18207883

BTFO so hard that you ran to moderation to save you.

>> No.18207890
File: 380 KB, 1200x500, PANASONIC SR-VSA100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Bro. purchased a $650-700 rice cooker.

>> No.18207929

>Japanese cup smaller than US cup
I just made this mistake and ordered the 5.5 cup capacity zoji. Gonna return it for the 10 cup (which is only like an inch bigger, and has the same minimum cooking capacity)