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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 238 KB, 1500x1363, 154FECF2-718B-4A0F-B560-6A358459F8C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18192150 No.18192150 [Reply] [Original]

So how much longer do you have left, anons of /ck/?

>> No.18192162

>pizza takes time off
>tomatoes, which go in pizza, adds time

>> No.18192173

>source: university of Michigan
the absolute state of modern ""science""

>> No.18192179

what else is in pizza sauce anon....come on lets work through this.

>> No.18192182

>source university of Michigan
So, aside from calling bullshit immediately, how do they explain this?
Do you have a doi or something?

>> No.18192219

>study funded by Big PB&J™

>> No.18192231

about a bucket of corn syrup

>> No.18192247

According to this I should have been dead long ago

>> No.18192255

The only thing I've learned from this retarded image is that I should always back up eating a hot dog with baked salmon and a banana for optimal longevity.

>> No.18192259

>bread with sugary spread is the healthiest
>things that have actual fat and protein like cheese and meat are unhealthiest
really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.18192263

Won’t let me post a doi, because it thinks it’s spam, but here’s the APA citation. Look it up on Google Scholar.

Stylianou, K. S., Fulgoni, V. L., & Jolliet, O. (2021). Small targeted dietary changes can yield substantial gains for human health and the environment. Nature Food, 2(8), 616-627.

>> No.18192271

If you eat enough peanut butter and jam sandwiches do you become immortal?

>> No.18192279


>> No.18192325

Time to eat some hotdogs.

>> No.18192342

Well corn syrup is not on the list so I can safely say "no changes"

>> No.18192368

>1 minute for every cheddar
should have been dead decades ago apparently

>> No.18192371

Time to throw some oil in the pot and make a big batch of french fries.

>> No.18192382

>eat nothing but peanut butter and jam sentences all day, every day
>sandwiches easily take less than 30 minutes to make and eat
>live forever

>> No.18192554

Where’s vodka i can imagine


>> No.18192912

43.51 PB&J sandwiches per day to become immortal.

>> No.18193058

Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich is that healthy?

>> No.18193098

What makes pizza so unhealthy? Do american recipes just add mystery shit (not a criticism of 'muricans, just their shitty food laws)
When i make mine i just make basic flatbread dough, tomato passata mixed with some herbs n shit, cheese/mozzarella, and salami or cherry tomatoes or whatever plus sometimes a drizzle of olive oil (also a spoonful in the dough when prepping)
So what the hell makes it so unhealthy? Cheese is the unhealthiest part and its not even that bad, and olive oil doesnt become shit for you once baked (atleast what i can find)
Also, is this saying pb&j can make you immortal? I thought they would be too oily/sugary to be healthy too, much less healthier than fucking fish and fresh fruit, especially with that much whoit brade

And why the fuck is a hot dog unhealthier than a soft drink/burger? Soft drinks and burgers are the sloppiest of goy, and a hot dog is literally just an extra processed sausage sandwich with ketchup/mustard

>> No.18193115

nvm its just retarded, pizza is most certainly unhealthy if you buy fast food or frozen pizza, but if its homemade its literally just a yummy sandwich without a top slice
i'd call this a psyop but i cannot figure it out. also, french fries are in no way good for you, even homemade
also what the FUCK is that source? How did the university obtain that info, let alone such an accurate number?And thats such a vague source anyways, you might aswell just write 'science', and i bet its the same tier as those ''studies'' that claim washing rice doesnt do anything

>> No.18193116

retarded research like this is almost always conducted by undergraduate groups trying to find some big shocking conclusion to make themselves look good on a resume. The conclusions drawn are tenuous at best. Move along.

>> No.18193139
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>she left

>> No.18193183
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>> No.18193491

~107 bananas per day = immortality?

>> No.18193504

Lol there’s literally no good quality evidence to show that processed meat is bad for you.

>> No.18193600

don't care

love me dogs, simple as

>> No.18193800

I made 200 million PB&J sandwiches. I am biologically immortal

>> No.18193810

If you eat one every half hour, yes

>> No.18193826

Fun fact: if you walks backwards while eating the hot dog, it reverses the effect and you actually GAIN minutes.

>> No.18193840

=chronic hyperkalemia = eventual cardiac arrest

>> No.18193845

>constantly eat PBJs all day
>become immortal

>> No.18193860

>peanut butter jam
>white bread and sugar
>longer life
... checks out, right?
couldn't they have some more real food? everyone already knows burgers and soda are bad and fish and greens are fairly healthy

>> No.18194297

Life hack: eat peanut butter and jam sandwich every 30 minutes to live forever

>> No.18194556

Peanuts have super good fats anon. Avocado too.
But they're still super on that 'meat is bad' bandwagon. The Mediterranean diet is the healthiest despite cured red meats and cheeses

>> No.18194579

I recently cut peanut butter out of my diet but i may have to start eating it again cos of this, if true

>> No.18194589

There was an episode or billy and mandy where a guy ate healthy foods all the time so that grim couldn't kill him and they killed him by trickint him into eating a giant cheato puff. I assume that the research i OP os based off of that episode.

>> No.18196025
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IM GONNA LIVE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.18196089

finally no one will make fun of burger cuisine again now that it has an item that keeps you alive forever if consumed every 30 minutes

>> No.18196208
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Anon, if I shoot you with a bullet coated in soothing aloe, would it surprise you to learn it still hurt?

>> No.18197484
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>> No.18198386
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They are desperately trying to stop us from eating certain foods.

>> No.18198396

Yeah it's pretty nuts.

>> No.18198560

No source?

>> No.18198569

lmao and he still won

>> No.18198574

This is the same community coercing people into taking experimental drugs for big pharma to profit off of. Don't trust science bros

>> No.18198578

French fries add to your lifespan? What in the god damn
That's like the least healthy thing you could possibly eat. A hamburger as a concept isn't bad for you, a bun with some meat and maybe a bit of dairy product and vegetables. It's the mayo and shit that potentially makes a hamburger clog your arteries.
But a french fry? It's literally starch soaked in oil and covered in salt. There are no nutrients in it anymore.

>> No.18198581
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>French Fries +1.5 min

I'm going to live forever

>> No.18198589

Any "science" like this is a gigantic pile of bs, there is no way to control for the absolute ass load of variables and you can't force someone to eat only one type of food their entire life.

>> No.18198641


>> No.18198660

>It's the mayo and shit that potentially makes a hamburger clog your arteries.
What’s it like living in the 1980’s?

>> No.18198664
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the absolute fucking state of the science religion in 2022 lmao

>> No.18198665

Most of the calories are in the mayo and it's from PUFAs as an added bonus

>> No.18198674

apparently my sister is suicidal because she's been cramming hot dogs two at a time every day since she was 14.

>> No.18198678

So peanut butter and banana sandwiches are a superfood

>> No.18198685

Dude that’s not cool, good way to get aids

>> No.18198688

Cute chart, but inherently wrong and deceptive because it leaves a lot to assume. It would have you believe that eating a diet of nothing but PB&J sammiches, is going to make you immortal. Same with bananas and salmon. Ridiculous. The problem is the quantity and type of food combination that you eat. Every food has certain properties. Vegetables and fruits, for instance. If they taste flavorless, like most store bought regular tomatoes, they're nutrient poor. It's the nutrients themselves that give these foods their flavor.

But that aside, the major problem are the food combinations. Remember, carbs are a fancy word for glucose, what they're digested into. The only difference between eating white bread, brown bread, oats, rice, pasta, potatoes and pure sugar, is the pacing of the digestion - i.e. how fast your insulin levels spike, how quickly you absorb the glucose into your body. Ultimately, it's all sugar. Eating a diet heavy in carbs, combined with fats and/or proteins, causes glycation, the creation of sticky compounds that clog your blood vessels.

But that's not all. Your body can operate on glucose or on ketones. You get glucose by eating fruits, carbs, pure sugar or honey. Most of these sources also contain fructose (sugar is 50%), which is far worse because it can only be digested in the liver, whereas glucose can be absorbed any any body part without issue, as long as you are not diabetic. Type 1 diabetes aside which is genetic, type 2 is entirely preventable and 100% the cause of a SHIT DIET high on carbs. Whenever you eat carbs, sugars, even foods with artificial sweeteners, your pancreas releases insulin. Insulin is the hormone responsible for delivering glucose into your cells for energy and it's also responsible for storing excess energy that you get from said glucose, into fat. Reason why we have an obesity epidemic. Also, by eating frequently refined grains, fast food, processed GMO and pesticide laden foods, you keep spiking your...

>> No.18198691


she sounds loose

>> No.18198702

Insulin, getting closer to type 2 diabetes with each meal.

Ketone bodies, the other fuel source, are a byproduct of fat burning. Be it fat from food or your own body. You cannot have both ketones and glucose as fuel, one is always going to be primary and that's because insulin blocks ketone creation. And insulin is triggered whenever you eat carbs. Reason why carbs are so damn bad in high quantities.

Eating healthy fats (grass fed butter, extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed coconut oil, tallow) along with meats and fish and vegetables, you enter ketosis and start burning fat without even working out. That's just how your body works. It isn't calories in - calories out. It's very hormonal. Also remember that having a high body fat as a man, is really unhealthy. The fat produces an enzyme called aromatase, that converts your testosterone into estrogen; turning you into an emasculated little bitch with feminine features.

You know the recent tranny fad? Men have to take estrogen to grow boobs and lose facial hair. Women have to take testosterone for the opposite effects. Likewise, insulin as a hormone, also has its effects and role to play, as I described already. It transports glucose for energy (reason why you feel so damn tired some 2-4 hours after a carb heavy meal, is because your insulin dropped after digesting all those sugars) and stores fat. The big problem with losing weight is that people take the wrong approach and instead of fixing their diets and eating healthy foods until they're satiated, they start eating less and starving themselves. By feeling hungry all the time they release the hormone cortisol, a byproduct of stress, which raises blood sugar and stops your weight loss in its tracks. But cortisol gets secreted for numerous other stress related issues as well.

>> No.18198713

In essence, it's the quantity and type of food that you eat, that matters in the end. Remember, high carbs = bad. High fat = good. Medium protein is always best. Excess protein can and will be converted into carbs. Fat can be converted too, but only if you're stressed out. So chill out.

Also, plant fibers are really good because they help out your friendly gut bacteria. The more friendly gut bacteria you have, the healthier you are, and the longer you live. Why? They feast on the fibers that you can't and some that you can digest, creating various beneficial byproducts. But also, they keep the bad bacteria, fungi (Candida) in check by lowering their numbers because they're competitors. And they all eat different foods. Yeasts like Candida thrive on sugars.

Did you know that our gut bacteria produce 95% of our Serotonin? It's the natural antidepressant and mood balancer hormone. But people's diets are so shit, that their gut microbiomes are wrecked by processed grains and gluten (it strips the lining of the intestines, causing leaky gut), that they have low Serotonin levels, are depressed and have a plethora of other issues. It's all about food. It's literally all connected.

>> No.18198724

Buster Keaton waltzed in like he was expecting it all along.

>> No.18198726

>eat a pizza with tomatoes and avocado on it + cheesy fries
>wash it down with a soft drink
>eat a banana

It's a balanced diet

>> No.18198756

if French fries increased your life, the average American would be immortal

>> No.18198819

>the absolute state of modern ""science""
black science, made by black people

>> No.18199503

You would have to eat ~14,488 hot dogs to take off one year. If you spread it out over that year it would equal ~39 hot dogs a day. I hope you're hungry.

>> No.18199801

I don't fucking care how long I live so long as I enjoy my time here.

>> No.18199821

>french fries
I will apparently live until the year 3236.

>> No.18199834

I had 4 whole eggs fried in butter this morning.
Verification not required btw.

>> No.18199836
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Chocolate covered almonds are good, almond M&M's are bad. Seems legit.

>> No.18199909

Okay. So, doing the math my PBJT&HD sandwiches are pretty much a wash.

>> No.18200579

Go back.

>> No.18200588
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It's just processed foods and sugar.

>> No.18200606

>cheddar is bad for you
>french fries are good for you
Take this to /fit/ for the lulz

>> No.18200827

Hopefully not too long.

>> No.18200840
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>peanuts cut with shit oil and fruit paste in sugar syrup slapped between two pieces of white bread add 33 minutes to your lifespan

>> No.18200914

I wouldn’t exactly call them people…

>> No.18200921

Lol. Lmao, even

>> No.18201035

I will keep eating eggs.
I will NOT eat the bugs.

>> No.18201061
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>> No.18201383

I died yesterday.

>> No.18201495

Lucky Charms the same as whole wheat bread.
Eggs fried in oil above butter
Bull fucking shit

>> No.18201670 [DELETED] 
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Ill just leave this here

>> No.18201693

>heart healthy cheerios
who do you think you're fucking kidding at this point?

>> No.18201705

the same science said peanut butter can increase colon cancer risk

at this point i'm certain every medical journal from prestigious institutions are just product advertisements

>> No.18202049
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>Yeah. 10K. No, I've got that stuff here...

>> No.18202060

what a load of bullshit.

>> No.18202072

so I can become immortal if I eat nothing but pb&j? nice

>> No.18203608

>Well corn syrup is not on the list
Anon...what's above "hot dog"?

>> No.18203630

not everyone is am*rican

>> No.18203662
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Beaver-posting level of quality. Very well typed anon. Enjoy this picture of my cat for your effort.

>> No.18203664


>> No.18203673

Soda addicts will tell me to stop smoking like they have some kind of high ground

>> No.18203683

how the fuck is pb&j a life adding food its literally sugar and fat on a sugar and corn syrup wrap.

>> No.18203711

Tasteless vegetables still have nutrients, sorry anon.

>> No.18203727


>> No.18203753

>eats a pb&j every 32 minutes
nothing personnel

>> No.18203923

not even the shittiest fast food marinara is using goy syrup sire
probably papa johns though. their sauce is sickeningly sweet.

>> No.18204042

I think you mean goy food and goy johns and goy sauce and goysickeningly goysweet

>> No.18204052

They do. Smoking is even shittier for you than drinking soda.

>> No.18204375

this meme is getting out of hand just like goyslop
anyways, the real horror is soybean oil... goybean oil is used excessively in every bargin bin pizza joint

>> No.18204597

this graph would make sense if not for the pbnj

>> No.18204670
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>> No.18204678

>goyslop sugar cereals
>eat more than cheese and fired egg
Fucking 100% believable yep.

>> No.18204703

sauce on image

>> No.18204707

terasu mc