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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 800x501, young-man-using-blender-to-cook-cream-soup-kitchen-closeup-167461776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18186572 No.18186572 [Reply] [Original]

What is the earliest socially acceptable time that I can use my blender in an apartment building? 8am? 9am?

>> No.18186575

paper walls, room mates or a spouse?

>> No.18186576

Assert your dominance and use it anytime you want you fag

>> No.18186578

The same time for laundry in a common room. Non dick move would be 10am.

>> No.18186582

None. But even a blender is loud enough to be heard across the floor
>laundry in a common room

>> No.18186585

so paper walls

study your building regulations about it, in here it's 8 in the morning i think

>> No.18186600

Depends on the place. Attend the strata meeting and ask for a vote on it, dumbass.

>> No.18186673

6 am

>> No.18186684

“Quiet time” is spelled out in your lease. Try reading things you sign.

>> No.18186777

I specifically asked about the socially de facto acceptance, not the de jure acceptance according to my building's bylaws

>> No.18186782

Retard. You deserve eviction

>> No.18186963

>socially de facto acceptance
Just ask neighbours, then. At my place I can play music full blast early and late because I'm surrounded by deaf old people.

>> No.18186999

Whenever you want. Mystery sounds at all hours of the day and night are just one of the myriad joys of renting.

>> No.18187770

Use a blender soundproof box

>> No.18187778

literally just talk to your neighbors.

>> No.18187784

Not an option. I asked /ck/ for a reason. If I wanted to interact with normgroids I'd be on Reddit.

>> No.18187793

no, don't ask reddit either.
your neighbors are the people you will be directly bothering. talk to them.
not only will this give you an idea of what is or is not acceptable to do, they will also be more inclined to just talk to you next time you do bother them instead of hounding the landlord or the bylaw enforcement cops on you.

if you want to be an isolated sperg who never talks to anyone, move out to the countryside.

>> No.18187867

do it whenever the fuck you want, retard. its not like the blender is going to be running for 20 minutes

>> No.18187886

so just stick to the rules. your neighbors will have nothing to complain about and you obviously don't care about their opinions on the matter.

>> No.18187910

the correct answer is 10am

>> No.18187922

8:00 AM
Normal people start work no later than 9:00, generally, so they can't be getting up any later than 8:00. At least they can't have the reasonable expectation of peace and quiet any later than 8:00 (and I say this as someone who sleeps until 10:00 or 11:00 most days and makes his own hours at work).

But I don't think anyone would complain if you did it as early as 7:00. That's not downright outrageous.

Also, this guy makes a good point >>18187867
>its not like the blender is going to be running for 20 minutes

>> No.18187930

7am, and don't run it for more than 10 seconds.

>> No.18188420

if you have to actually ask a question like this, the answer is never. all your neighbors already hate you and will use any excuse, like noise from a blender during reasonable hours, to make your apartment life miserable.

>> No.18188427

pre blend the night before so you can just give it a quick blast in the morning

>> No.18188477

9am is completely reasonable, if you're an adult and sleeping past then you don't really have a reason to complain

>> No.18188492

i guess backshift can just go fuck themselves huh

>> No.18188507

>its not like the blender is going to be running for 20 minutes
Actually, it often is. I make homemade peanut butter

>> No.18188538


>> No.18188548

If you really cared about not bothering your neighbors, you'd use the local accepted time because that's probably what your neighbors are using to plan their sleeping schedules, you fucking autist. They don't care about the dumbasses on 4chan that told you it's okay to make noise at a certain time.

Go check with your building and seek therapy for your antisocial disorder, or don't bother and do whatever you want.

>> No.18188560

I'd say 09:00. Just think about what you think would be a socially acceptable time to mow the lawn in the morning when it comes to things that make a racket.

>> No.18188567

for me it would be 2 PM.
I wake up before 2 PM but I don't want to hear a blender before 2 PM.
Consider blending the previous day and putting it in the fridge.

>> No.18188871


>> No.18188913
File: 362 KB, 531x627, FXiDhELWQAIth5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of apartment are you living at where people would give a shirt about stuff like that.
I live at a hotel for my job(National Guard) and no one gives a fuck about shit like that.

>> No.18190170

>I specifically asked about the socially de facto acceptance
Then I think you've erred by asking the denizens of a site known for a complete and total lack of social awareness and tact

>> No.18190177

9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

>> No.18190598

>look at lease
>"no loud noises between 10pm-8am."

>> No.18190602

except the de jure was set by the de facto long before you were born.

>> No.18191365
File: 325 KB, 690x460, 1494699888277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally just talk to your neighbors.

>> No.18191368

do non-homeowners really

>> No.18191398

That's right, wagieboi