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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18186311 No.18186311 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best meal for the first date?

>> No.18186312 [DELETED] 


>> No.18186313


>> No.18186315

If you're going out with a woman then it's ribs and baked beans

>> No.18186318 [DELETED] 

I'm 23 years old and I've never kissed a girl

>> No.18186331

>having a meal on the first date

The best first meal date is sandwiches and coffee at a deli in the nice part of town, though.

>> No.18186339

This. Not too fancy but not horribly godless with a nice atomsphere. You can swap deli opinions and have a friendly chat.

>> No.18186343 [DELETED] 

7 more years, you can do it

>> No.18186344

Gyros with lots of tzatziki and onions.

>> No.18186352

Lots of Oysters so it's obvious where its headed. Puking into each others mouth.

>> No.18186364 [DELETED] 

That's because you are GAY, anon.
Accept it.

>> No.18186365
File: 172 KB, 325x264, 99 Cent Sloppy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any place that serve that sloppy CHEAP

>> No.18186369 [DELETED] 

Hot mom dude

>> No.18186404

Gyoza, sushi, salad

>> No.18186418
File: 1.86 MB, 2048x1536, C7BC0E42-9C2E-405A-83BE-C1BF23BD9C3F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s a study that sushi as first date increases chance of a second date. No I won’t look it up for you faggots.

>> No.18186424 [DELETED] 

I was a late bloomer. Still am. But I am no wizard. Get in shape, be interesting, and make it happen kwab.

>> No.18186451

Too many factors to just name one dish honestly. Have to find something you both like, does he/she have allergies, are they racist ( yes that can factor in sadly ), are you planning on being intimate, etc.

>> No.18186459

I exclusively date Slavic women and as first date I always make them cook me Pelmeni or Vareniki. They love Anglo chads.

>> No.18186467 [DELETED] 

that image makes me really sad especially paired with the words "first date". delete this thread

>> No.18186468 [DELETED] 

>Get in shape, be interesting

That's alot of work. Why do guys do all the hard work

>> No.18186472 [DELETED] 


>> No.18186475 [DELETED] 

Im 32 and the only sexual contact ive had with a woman was a happy ending massage 4 years ago.

>> No.18186479 [DELETED] 

>be interesting
Define interesting without telling me to stop liking the things I like and adopt a fake persona that is socially acceptable. (No sportsball, black music, drugs etc..)

>> No.18186496 [DELETED] 

> Spoken like someone who has never had a single date

And don't try and tell us you're married to the best woman ever, your hand doesn't count as a wife.

>> No.18186498 [DELETED] 

it just seems very hard to create a flourishing relationship from a pretty bad first experience in which theyre about to ingest a shit ton of deep fried carbs and salt without much flavor or redeeming qualities in a loud place pumped full of smells from the kitchen but she seems very content and the person taking the picture is also very much enjoying the situation. there are surely better opportunities to hang out with someone than this...

>> No.18186500 [DELETED] 

That's your fault, no-one elses...

>> No.18186505 [DELETED] 

Women owe me sex
I'm not contributing to this fucked up society until women start giving me sex

>> No.18186506

Is that how you met your BF?

>> No.18186510 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 1824x3242, 1629513057278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women owe me sex
This is 100% correct.

>> No.18186512 [DELETED] 

it just seems very hard to create a flourishing relationship or even a few nights of fun from a pretty bad first experience in which theyre about to ingest a shit ton of deep fried carbs and salt without much flavor or redeeming qualities in a loud place pumped full of smells from the kitchen but she seems very content and the person taking the picture is also very much enjoying the situation. there are surely better opportunities to hang out with someone than this...

>> No.18186513

Go to McDonalds and order one burger and fries, then ask her to split the bill.

>> No.18186522 [DELETED] 

>be interesting
in other words: "become an insufferable attention whore and broadcast your worthless life on social media, so one day some used up karen offers you her hackneyed cunt while offering nothing in return and even then she'll always crave chads dick."

>> No.18186525 [DELETED] 

go back

>> No.18186526

Why don't you just ask her/him what they like to eat, when going out, instead of being an in-sufferable faggot.
I mean it's only one question.

>> No.18186527 [DELETED] 


>> No.18186531 [DELETED] 

Because rape isn't legal. Yet.

>> No.18186533 [DELETED] 

That says more about you, than us.
Have a great life...

>> No.18186545 [DELETED] 

Yeah OK,
There might be something in your way of thinking there, or lack thereof.

>> No.18186550 [DELETED] 

And that is why you're in prison, Jamal.

>> No.18186551 [DELETED] 

I'm a white guy, ok?

>> No.18186557

bitches love farm to table and local food shit. farmer's market, night market, little holes in the wall and ethnic places. ethnic grocery stores, buy a few ingredients and cook together. then, give her the DilzNick

>> No.18186560 [DELETED] 

Rape is the most legal it has ever been.

If you want to shoot up strangers at a school, a church, a neighborhood of people of a different race, etc, if you force a girl to have sex with you before hand (because your inability to get pussy is really the entire point) you have a lot of guarantees now that no matter what your genes will propagate so they can potentially rape people in the future when they also grow up to be as big a loser as you.

>> No.18186567

Bitches love Applebee's

>> No.18186569

Learn to do something artistic, learn another language, engage with an individual sport like surfing, climbing, dirt biking or whatever. become well read. learn to dance. learn a craft. Start traveling. Literally just find something you like to do other than sit on your ass in front of a pc all day. Posting this from Peru while on a surf trip right now, this could be you.

>> No.18186586 [DELETED] 

If abortion was legal BC, C would never have come to term. If rape is a good enough breeding strategy for God it's good enough for me, and anybody who disagrees is going to hell.

>> No.18186593 [DELETED] 

Is it people that are complete losers or people with really tiny dicks that can only imagine women wanting to have sex with them if they are forced into it by rape, an unwanted pregnancy, or a religious rule of forced monogamy? Is it both?

>> No.18186597

All that to stick your wiener in a bloody, festering hole...

>> No.18186602

You should prove to everyone how much better you are than them but jerking off alone. Everyone will be jealous about how cool you are

>> No.18186616 [DELETED] 
File: 662 KB, 754x675, 1617117524226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23 and never been loved
Started a career a while back and have been hitting the gym a lot too
Have traveled nationally many times
Still get rejected like crazy
I think I'm just gonna end my life at some point because women have made it clear my whole life was destined to work hard and accumulate resources to clean up after some bum Chad's leftovers in a loveless marriage
I think I'm reaching a point of being incapable of love because of how I'm missing out on young love and it hasn't improved at all despite my personal self-improvement skyrocketing
I guess there really isn't a gym for your face

Anyway for a first date I think buffets would be the worst option because it can make you guys look like slobs
The periods of leaving your date alone to get food make it awkward and you lose out on date time
You also don't want to trap her there longer because you eat more than her
And girls probably think it's cheap
I like the first date to be at a sit down restaurant that ISN'T fancy so you don't set some expectations that you don't want to continuously upkeep and to keep potential gold digging in check

>> No.18186624 [DELETED] 

Read more Dale Carnegie.

>> No.18186722 [DELETED] 

I'll read nothing and you'll like it

>> No.18186726

Is the desired outcome getting laid or having more dates?
The answer depends on that.

>> No.18186935 [DELETED] 

People posting without being aware of board rules, using the same joke over and over, then crying for a ban

>> No.18187034 [DELETED] 

As an actual history PHD and professor. Any society that fails to provide men with sex, has no biological reason to not be torn down.

>> No.18187057 [DELETED] 

Any man who laments not having sex "provided to him" and blames his failures entirely on external forces like society doesn't actually "deserve sex". He's a mental child and a detriment to society at large.

>> No.18187073 [DELETED] 

> history PHD and professor
>some retard


>> No.18187081 [DELETED] 

>as a history teacher, let me tell you about biology and sociology

>> No.18187085

ice cream

>> No.18187091 [DELETED] 

fuck off wannabe jannie nigger

>> No.18187150

Breakfast, the morning after I fuck her.

>> No.18187164 [DELETED] 

there's no social contract without available and formulized fulfillment of basic needs.

Sex is a basic human need. Reproduction is the most basic fundamental part of life as we know it.

A biological organism that fails to reproduce is considered a failure. All of your biochemistry is centered around reproduction. All of society is centered around structures held up by the promise of providing opportunities to reproduce.

No society that cucks its men will survive for long. Do you expect women to perform the basic roles of men after tens of thousands of years of recorded evolution to gear brains, behavior, and bodies towards patriarchal societal structures?
If so, you're the retard. And a coping one at that.

>> No.18187171

Brisket and Cole slaw are also valid

>> No.18187479
File: 411 KB, 1950x1426, _20200316_075023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've taken girls out for coffee + biscuits, Mexican food (she had never had it before and enjoyed it), Indian food (she had never had it before and enjoyed it), boba tea (her request) and I got absolutely nowhere other than polite conversation.
So...not those.
Picrel after the Indian food date we went to a flower festival for ice cream. It was a totally solid date, we just weren't into each other.

>> No.18187557 [DELETED] 

By "interesting", people mean don't be that creepy guy who "kinda likes cooking i guess" and just stare at a girl until she notices him. They want a more or less healthy looking guy (as in doesnt look like he has too many issues to keep a conversation. Have you seen depressed people take selfies? You can tell by their lack of any facial exoression whatsoever), he must feel comfortable expressing his hobbies and be vulnerable from time to time saying what he likes and wants.

And you think women dont have to do anything because you never notice ugly women. Like ever. Youre fixated on that hot barista at starbucks and think she has it mega easy but forget the money she spends on hair products and all the healthy relationships she has, and never notice depresssed women who are never noticeable. These threads are all the same in that regard.

>> No.18187595

Movie+something to eat in a nice bar after.
For the movie make sure not cheap out on offering to buy her popcorn and a drink. You want to start off with a strong impression. Tip nicely in the bar too. From the second date you can steadily cheapening up if need be.

>> No.18187596 [DELETED] 

you will never be oppressed, hole

>> No.18187652 [DELETED] 

Stop crying like a bitch you are 23

>> No.18187700 [DELETED] 

But society hasn't cucked men in general. Look around you at all the people in relationships. Plenty of people are having sex all over the place. The problem here is people who can't get it end up in an echo chamber like this which makes them think it's some massive societal norm.

It's not. You're just losers, and the world is not going to fall apart because losrers can't get laid. The reality is that evolution depends on losers not being able to get laid and procreate. Letting every loser, literal retard and autistic dipshit have sex and children because they should be "entitled" to it is exactly how you destroy a society.

>> No.18187809 [DELETED] 

For me, it all happened at 27 so don’t worry.
If you want the help of the Jew, say you’re depressed and get some prozac prescribed.
It gives such an intense desire for social interaction, that you overcome a lot of social anxiety and just start talking to people, which really helps.
Just keep in mind that it’s big pharma, so treat it like any other hard drug and get off it asap

>> No.18187810 [DELETED] 

I'll read something and you'll like it
Roastie begone

>> No.18187989 [DELETED] 

I was 25 and the girl who took my virginity broke up with me after a week. Self improvement and 20 years later I am happily married still friends with her.

>> No.18188339

Is she kidnapped?? That smile does not reach her eyes.

>> No.18188349 [DELETED] 

I think he means what the girl's eat, not you

>> No.18188350 [DELETED] 

Shut up roastoid. We deserve sex.
end of story. We were good boys that did everything we were told to.

>> No.18188358 [DELETED] 

You're retarded. Society has elevated women at the expense of men. There's no getting around this fact.

For one genders sexual strategy to succeed, the other needs to be compromised or outright persecuted.

>> No.18188360 [DELETED] 

haha yeah

>> No.18188399

Anything really cheese-heavy. Cheese plugs the asshole so you can fuck your date anally with no worries.

>> No.18188416 [DELETED] 

I'm 25 years old and have been married for a year and a half to my girlfriend of 4 years. We were the only people we had ever dated, and were virgins until wedding night.

>> No.18188949


>> No.18189069

probably a nice steakhouse, then surprise her at my place with my famous banana cream pie.

>> No.18189084 [DELETED] 

based. are you guys religious?

>> No.18189106 [DELETED] 

No she wasn't

>> No.18189141 [DELETED] 

wow.... unironically talk to a therapist.

>> No.18189174 [DELETED] 

>tfw no average looking gf who has no piercings or tattoos, wears cozy yet proper looking sweaters and makes an effort to look pretty for you despite her shortcomings

>> No.18189180

i dont understand why youd want toast AND fries with chicken
too many carbs for me to be desu

>> No.18189205
File: 55 KB, 750x549, 4AA565C1-4639-4E25-9FE5-18720F395108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely spaghetti

>> No.18189207 [DELETED] 

its pretty nice but i sometimes wish she would wear sexier clothes

>> No.18189214

Something quick like tacos or ice cream, then walk over to a cool bar nearby

>> No.18189262
File: 845 KB, 750x1333, 1638337351441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a fast casual restaurant a good place for a first date?

>> No.18189284 [DELETED] 

I'm a wizard but I have been on a date before, we went to a nice sandwich shop.

>> No.18189288

I don't need to take someone out for that, I can make it.

>> No.18189295 [DELETED] 

>depressed that i think im unlovable
>depressed so clearly im right
>depressed so i dont enjoy living
How to stop this cycle? The only solution I can really think of is bullets to the brain.

>> No.18189315 [DELETED] 

Fucking get help, which will not happen on 4chan. If you were to ask for help on 4chan, a random thread on /ck/ wouldn't be the place to ask.
Get actual professional help.

>> No.18189483 [DELETED] 

You are why all women are whores.

>> No.18189551 [DELETED] 

The world hates us, people don't care. You are valuable though. Seek God, that's what I did. You could try therapy, that might work for you. You just have to move. Staying still and expecting things to change doesn't work. Being alive is worth living for. When you think about self-harm, focus on the good things you'll leave behind. You're on a food board, so you must enjoy food. Focus on that enjoyment. That alone merits existence.

>> No.18189600 [DELETED] 

Please tell me you are joking. Holy shit dude.

>> No.18189651

I’m p sure I follow this girl

>> No.18189665

seems like most of those would be loud

>> No.18189677 [DELETED] 

If this is “M” you better be nice she’s out of your league

>> No.18189699

Butter sauce in clams

>> No.18189714
File: 52 KB, 400x537, Shit Is Pretty Decent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like a "Mongolian BBQ" type restaurant can be fun...depends on the person though. It's not like your Golden Corral sort of buffet which dabbles in a bit of everything very poorly; it's like an Asian Subway where you fill our bowl up with whatever, which is pretty decent quality, you feel like from the raw buffet and they'll then cook it for you. It can be fun because you gotta, essentially, design it yourself...meat, veggies, sauce and everything, but there are obviously people who will inherently hate it because of the "buffet" aspect...which might also be a boon because you quickly, and fairly cheaply, get rid of that unnecessary headache. Also they have suggestions for combinations to try sauce wise so those who don't operate well "under pressure" can have something to rely on.

>> No.18189858
File: 75 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dorsia. I have a reservation for two at 9.

>> No.18190041
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>> No.18190069

Baked beans and shredded pork. Do not use silverware.

>> No.18190080

>cooking at home on a first date
Please don't do this

>> No.18190101 [DELETED] 

I don't want to reach to please them, I want them to be pleased with me. The real me.

>> No.18190118

Choice in restaurants is so superficial that no one worth dating should either consider it reaching for the other party or a reflection of one's "true" self.
It's a fucking setting to get to know each other better, not the other way around.

>> No.18190123
File: 13 KB, 425x535, lizano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know why but that picture makes me really sad. She looks so sweet and nice but just kinda goofy and something sad and lonely about her at the same time.

Anyway, to answer your question, it obviously depends on the girl. Some girls would love a hot dog and an ice cream with a walk through the park, and some girls (stuck up rich cunts) would be very offended by something like that.

Some mid-level sushi would probably be decent for most women, since it gives them a chic and cool vibe and they don't have to worry about looking like a sloppy fucking pig in front of you. Or Mexican, I have yet to meet a female that doesn't love shitty queso.

>> No.18190151 [DELETED] 

>It's a fucking setting to get to know each other better, not the other way around.
What the FUCK does that mean

>> No.18190165

Your choice/suggestion in restaurants isn't a particularly strong or accurate read of the other person.
It's only a significant read if you do manage to choose a place the other party doesn't like or finds unfitting for the occasion - which is such a basic test of interacting with others that it simply displays the bare minimum to set up a date.

If you still have questions ask away.

>> No.18190168

*Of yourself or the other person.

>> No.18190180

That's a man

>> No.18190185

If so then only a fool would care about being called gay. He's hot.

>> No.18190401
File: 78 KB, 486x640, 0102160352955_48_14744640830_9d610917a4_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last time i went out to meet someone was off the craigslist w4m section when they had that, and it was always meeting for coffee somewhere, and another time it was for chips and salsa , at some restaurant called " Chevy's " that was like a mexican food applebees. Basically spend as little as possible and still meet in person to talk, and see what that person looks like, and if they are nice

>> No.18191096
File: 32 KB, 500x375, kjinuera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phrase not found

>> No.18191694

No you fucking don't you bullshitter. Bateman you snake, you cretin. Mark my words dorsia will never serve your ilk here AGAIN.

>> No.18191726
File: 1.19 MB, 848x858, sds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk for a first date I would avoid any food. I would only suggest coffee or tea and a snack.

1. Because if they expect a meal they'll come to the date hungry.
2. Girls always order something silly for themselves that makes them unsatisfied (every time) and those feelings of disappointment in the meal will translate into the date.
3. if you both eat before the date then you won't be preoccupied about the food or hunger which means you can focus more on each other.

I think everyone knows that movie dates are the worst first date because neither of you talk, and you're focused on the movie. Same goes for restaurants and food.
The only meal I would suggest would be something very light, clean and has good atmosphere, so sushi I suppose. Or coffee and pastry.

>> No.18191854

This pic makes me smile :) very cute

>> No.18192057

is that amongus girl?