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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.20 MB, 2121x1414, selery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18184508 No.18184508 [Reply] [Original]

Flavour of the month. It is just perfect in so many ways.

>> No.18184511

Oooooh. Op, so controversial.

>> No.18184518
File: 730 KB, 1460x1095, 65b0fe77-79d7-4eae-8ac5-2e37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not here to pick a fight. I forced celery here 3 years ago and now it's time again.

>> No.18185193

I never understood the appeal.

>> No.18185215

Your rhubarbs look sick

>> No.18185611

literally so low cal you lose cals from chewing it, makes men's cum taste less bitter, decently nutritious, good for filling you up without any weight. nothing but perks but it tastes like seawater and is painfully astringent

>> No.18185748

If your celery tastes like seawater you have either never been to the ocean or you need to get better celery.
I did have a friend from the Midwest who had never eaten a stick of celery on its own before and had to spit it out. Have you had celery that actually tastes salty?

>> No.18186347

Do you have to pull out the strings?

>> No.18186736

celery is hella gay nigga

>> No.18186748

It goes in bolognese sauce.

>> No.18186758

that's a myth
if you ate more calories in celery a day than your TDEE you'd still gain weight
you'd probably also die

>> No.18186819

Celery is based and versatile

>> No.18187937

the perfect vehicle for peanut butter, a stick of celery filled with peanut butter is like 100 calories and super fucking filling

>> No.18187948

If I forget celery in my soups I always think something is missing.

>> No.18188812

Easy as fuck to grow too. Had to dig one out once because it grew too fukken big

>> No.18190608

The worst raw vegetable I can think of, makes me gag and I don’t know why

>> No.18190867

how can anyone say that celery is "perfect". it's like a c tier vegetable at best

>> No.18190873

>makes men's cum taste less bitter, decently nutritious, good for filling you up
you faggs are disgusting

>> No.18190957

My personal rules regarding celery:
1. Raw Celery
1a: Raw celery is to be consumed in whole stalks (or "sticks"), plain or with dip or topping such as cream cheese or peanut butter; with or without ants
1b: Raw celery cut into slices or dices is pig food and nobody wants to eat it on their salad or as a garnish, period.

2. Cooked Celery
2a: Cooked celery is never to be served in stalk, or stick form, period.
2b: Nobody likes the texture of celery in cooked food; in fact, nobody should really be aware they are eating celery despite the very desirable flavours it provides.
2c: All cooked celery should be diced at least but preferably minced, the reason as stated in item 2b.
2d: The celery leaves, bitter and offensive raw, are the most flavourful if not the most nutritious part of the plant. All cooked food wanting celery should include the leaves. These leaves are acceptable to use as garnish but in stems, not small dices that cannot be removed

Celery Root aka Celeriac should be treated as a turnip or parsnip and used as such. Beware adding it to mashed potatoes as salt won't negate the bitterness effectively as it does with turnips.

>tl:dr; celery is your worst friend so handle with intent