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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18183593 No.18183593 [Reply] [Original]

>Guy Fieri started a fund that raised over 20 million dollars for restaurant workers hurt by the covid shutdowns.

Let me know when a clown like Ramsay or White does something so remarkable. Cucks

>> No.18183611

He's a good Guy. The only complaint you can really make is that he prefers to have fun on TV instead of going back to his instructional format roots. As a result, a lot of people see him as an entertainer instead of a cook, but he did once prove he had good fundamentals to back himself up.

>> No.18183617

He has an air of only caring about filling his belly, rather than the actual food or people he works with. Not a fan.

>> No.18183892

Big based if true

>> No.18183959
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I remember rooting for him when he was on Next Food Network Star in 2006. He's a real dude with a well-rounded culinary background and a fun, magnetic personality. I can't blame him for making the big-man burger shows, they got good ratings. Blame the lardass Americans.
First time I made mojo marinade pork chops was his recipe, and now it's a staple in my household at least once or twice a year. I like that he takes small-town American cooking and elevates it to something to show the world. Innovative, concise, and respectful. Never got a bad vibe from the man, not even once.

>> No.18183991

Why would I give a single shit?
Why would anyone give a shit?

>> No.18183999

this guy is definitely based. he's been nothing but a good guy for a long time.
take care of him

>> No.18184028
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I was unaware anyone had anything negative to say about Guy.

>> No.18184043

Can he actually cook? I've only ever seen him make stupid shit like putting toppings on a Ritz cracker and toasting it or weird kitschy fusion stuff like BBQ pulled pork sushi.

>> No.18184049

He's a physically ugly guy with a loud personality. The type of person nobody sane can stand to be around for more than ten minutes.

>> No.18184064

I fucking hate restaurant workers.

>> No.18184102

then don't eat out, faggot

>> No.18184107

I don’t, nigger.

>> No.18184108

then don't bitch about something that doesn't affect you, retard

>> No.18184115

Imagine being his son. Probably a pretty cool childhood.

>> No.18184133

It does affect me. I want to live in a world without restaurants.

>> No.18184135

My local Dominos gave out prepaid gift cards to local restaurants with each delivery to do their part to increase the foot traffic and sales at the good mom-n-pops in town during their hurtful time.
I support Dominos, consequently now.

>> No.18184144

Guy seems like he’d be bro as fuck to throw back some drinks with while grilling outside.

>> No.18184148

Wealthy Anthony Boudain did nothing but larp as working class, and had nothing but disdain for actual working class people. He did fuck all from them except exploit their hardship to try to be an edgy faggot. Guy however is the real deal and helps working class people because he is not a piece of shit. He is an actual human being.

>> No.18184150

I met him in 2011, he was really cool even off camera. He does have a really dirty sense of humor though.

>> No.18184151

too bad, loser

>> No.18184169

>larp as working class,
yet his last will and testament showed he had about $150k in lifetime savings

>> No.18184179

Yeah a heroin addiction will do that. Noticed all the homeless lately?

>> No.18184181

Shane Torres does this whole stand up routine (it's only, like, 5 minutes, but that's a long time for a comic to stick to a single topic) about how great of a guy Guy Fieri is, though he takes the piss out of his appearance.
btw, this was before Bourdaine offed himself:

>> No.18184188
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I'd take Guy over this fat obnoxious slob any day...they're both pretty insufferable though.

>> No.18184227

>4 minute stand up routine
>audience laughs after every pause
>no jokes

>> No.18184243

>my precious tips
Get fucked, servant.

>> No.18184248

Aww, I like Matty. I hope he takes care of his health...not looking too healthy

>> No.18184307

The only thing more annoying than his personality is the fact that he is unable to chew with his mouth closed.

>> No.18184326

I went on a cruise once that had a Guy Fieri burger bar. Shit was so cash

>> No.18184337

I want Guy to like my butthole

>> No.18184586

A few years ago, CDAN featured a very interesting post about Guy. If you know, you know.

>> No.18184590

Since when was Big Jay Oakerson into cooking?

>> No.18184608
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real fuckin righteous, brother! see u in flavortown

>> No.18184627

Some spaz running a donation drive isn't interesting.

>> No.18184808

lmao what? are you retarded?

>> No.18184940
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>> No.18184944


>> No.18184948

his restaurant at the linq in vegas fucking slaps

>> No.18184954

>Can he actually cook?
No. All his time spent working in restaurants only taught him to put shit on ritz crackers.

>> No.18184966

Yes. Retards can be handed millions of dollars and go broke, even moreso with drug habits. Happens to performers and athletes all the time.

>> No.18184996

>his last will and testament
nullified by suicide.

>> No.18185133

Anthony Bourdain hasn't done anything for restaurant workers hurt by the covid shutdowns

>> No.18185138

Let me guess. You think boiled lamb with rosemary is tasty and flavorful?

>> No.18185183

I met him once at a food truck in Hawaii. Cool guy.

>> No.18185206
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very based

>> No.18185223


>> No.18185235

thanks for being a useless cunt. we know you know you are a piece of shit.

>> No.18185251

Dang. Why are you upset?

>> No.18185270

The only people that dislike him are food snobs with a stick up their butt.

>> No.18185520

Guy seems really nice. If you’ve ever worked in a kitchen or just have a well tuned bullshit detector, you can analyze the shows and see when he’s basically passively suggesting a diner/whatever improve or change while keeping the mood light. I don’t make solid judgments about people based on the personality they play on TV be that politician, cook, athlete, etc. because they’re curated and easily manipulated but Guy does give the impression of being a solid dude.

>> No.18187061

>Fieri addressed this himself and directed a comment toward Bourdain: "Anthony, I gotta ask a question, why do you hate me so much brother? ... Is it because you went to a fancy culinary school and I didn't?"

>> No.18187289
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Kek'ed and checked.

>> No.18187305

I'd have a beer with him. Seems cool

>> No.18187329

How much did he have before the hush-money payments to the kid his wife was fucking?

>> No.18187503

careful guys thw joke police is here

>> No.18188168

I lost my job watching that clip instead of policing jokes.

>> No.18188447

mojo is the shit. Try it on chicken and pork tenderloin or roast is even better than chops.

t. Floridian

>> No.18188475

I am going in the fox hole with Anthony. He probably has dope and hopefully wont be in the mood to opine

>> No.18189517

Ramsey litterly employs excons so they have a source of income to get back on there feet. All I see flava boi do is just rename things (see donkey suace).

>> No.18189519

Dave Portnoy did more and he's less obnoxious (barely)

>> No.18190089 [DELETED] 

So? Guy employs precons.

>> No.18190108

>living homo sapien is more of a human being than desiccated underground skeleton

>> No.18190696

Imagine leaving the best part out
>I hear you’re the only one in class who did most of his cooking with a spoon and a Bic lighter!

>> No.18190823


>guy who repeatedly sabotaged every single aspect of his own life ever since he was a teenager, all to get back at his wealthy, loving and supportive parents because they wouldn't let him smoke pot in the house, doesn't have that much money left when he ACKs himself, even though he had multiple successful books and TV shows

No way!

>> No.18190836

you can learn more about restaurant management from one episode of kitchen nightmares uk than you ever will from watching fieri

>> No.18190852

>thinking that much money qualifies you as working class

>> No.18190857

Based Guy.
Fuck Cuckdain.