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18179843 No.18179843 [Reply] [Original]

what are some obscure fruits everyone should try?
I'll start by mentioning the fruit from a tree typical of my area, Arbutus unedo
pic unrelated

>> No.18179849
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-a Canadian

>> No.18179859
File: 74 KB, 732x549, mangosteen-732x549-thumbnail-732x549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the king of manchild who doesn't eat much fruit because it's boring and I eat lots of candy instead.
But, fuck me, mangosteen is delicious. Really, really rich and sweet, with a slight tang, and unique flavour.

>> No.18179867

what's the texture of this like?

>> No.18179929
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Yuzu is my favorite cirtrus to cook or make drinks with.
I’ve heard people describe the flavor as lemon+lime+grapefruit or lemon+grapefruit. I personally don’t taste any grapefruit and describe it as midway between lemon/lime.
But it isn’t really imported to the US, and only a very small amount is grown domestically in California.
So it’s impossible to find fresh when I’m here, and yuzu juice imported from Japan is way too expensive for what it is.

>> No.18180622

looks like my prostate

>> No.18180821

Canepas are my favorite fruit, near impossible to get where i currently live.
>similar to a lychee where it has an outter skin you open and a soft fleshy fruit surrounded by a large pit. come's from islands like the dominican republic

>> No.18181254

Not that obscure but persimmons are very nice

>> No.18181262

These must be on our property somewhere because I find coyote shit with the seeds in it all the time. I should plant them.

>> No.18181267
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Calamansi is like an improved lime.

>> No.18181282

I used to like Apricots until I realized they were made out of apes

>> No.18181425

The flesh breaks apart very easily; once you get through the fleshy, almost stringy part, it becomes extremely slippery and jelly like. You can strip that part off with your teeth if you don't mind risking a bit of woodiness, since it's usually attached very tightly to the seeds. The seeds themselves are usually so small that you can swallow them without issue, so this advice is better geared towards the larger vesicles.

>> No.18181471
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love me some oroblanco lads

>> No.18181587


OP pic is my favorite fruit. Name a fruit sweeter than ripe jackfruit. Protip: you can't.

>> No.18181674

you just know she imagines stroking one of king kong's nuts

>> No.18183118

is it sweeter than a lime?

>> No.18183125


>> No.18183175

Guanabana juice is godlike. Also Jackfruit juice.

>> No.18183524

a bit yeah

>> No.18183777

for me it's exclusively non astringent varieties, though

>> No.18183813

do people unironically eat citrus fruits?

>> No.18183839

I buy them from the local exotic fruit store. They're kinda expensive, but delicious.

>> No.18183841

in Vietnam they put these with sugarcane juice. very tasty

>> No.18183846
File: 63 KB, 760x500, Vietnamese-Star-Apple-or-Vú-Sữa-pkg0llow3bbpj26sqs16c9d74pnukjxdhva7ci6r9k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big fan of longans lychees and all members of that family.
passionfruit and its relatives. there's one in peru that is very tasty, forget what it's called.
vu sua/star apple (picrel)
dragonfruit, especially the purple ones
mangosteens are probably my favorite overall though. when i lived in VN and they came in season, i'd regularly buy and eat a whole kg (most of that weight is the rind, but still)

>> No.18184004
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Tastes like a perfect pear, with cinimon flavour. You can't be more kino

>> No.18184024

you just know

>> No.18184055

>big fan of longans lychees and all members of that family.
I love lychee season in Miami, where you'll see people selling them out of their car trunks in random places, from like an ice chest. If you're Jamaican chinese, you've probably planted them all over your yard when you first emigrated. A couple pounds of peak-ripeness lychee is like heaven. I pluck a couple out of the bottom drawer in my fridge and never share. No one could possibly love them more than I do, so why waste them? These utterly ripe lychees are as exciting as living in Maine and spotting that guy selling lobsters from wholesale prices from his truck, or going down to the keys and getting a big dolphin on the hook.

Also, my next door neighbor has a varietal called champagne mangoes, the best I've tasted in my whole life.

>> No.18184095

All fo them. I live in a tropical country.

>> No.18184120

This and all other annona fruits, like pawpaw. They're the best thing angiosperms have done.

>> No.18184130

I posted the yuzu, and I unironically use them in food and drink recipes.

>> No.18184131

Homegrown Tomatoes

>> No.18184154
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For me is the guanabana

Pic rel is the loli of fruits: nispero

>> No.18184242

So this is a cousin of the mango or something? I only know the name from King Louis (*Christopher Walken version) saying it while my kids watched that movie 200 times. Can you describe the taste, at least compared to a mango?

>> No.18184255

Nice fruit, poor comparison.

>> No.18184553
File: 273 KB, 1280x960, Chaunsa mangoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaunsa mangoes
The king of mangoes
not available in US grocery stores
people actually drive to Canada to load up

>> No.18185373

ITT thirdie niggers shilling their own fruit

>> No.18185415
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This shit is like a papaya that doesn’t suck. One of the tastiest fruits ever.

>> No.18186292
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>> No.18186299

Lili pili.

>> No.18187587

loquats are so good if they're well ripe but are too sour otherwise

>> No.18187628
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looks cute

>> No.18187697

I have one of those trees outside my window. It's stupid tall though, and I'm not sure how to harvest without breaking branches.

>> No.18187965 [DELETED] 


>> No.18187968

I meant to link this video to you