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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 600x750, DT420939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18172856 No.18172856 [Reply] [Original]

This is 10 cent

10 whole cent.
Not a lot you say but when you grab a fist full its that is a buck.
Imagen trying to run a reasturont and losing a doller in condiments every few minutes.

I know you would think these things are like 3 cent max, or how else would they just be free?

If i am being honest I really dont know how most places give out free condiments like they do.

>> No.18172860

It's not worth 10 cents. It's worth less than garbage

>> No.18172867

Anon, restaurants aren't buying this shit at Amazon prices.

>> No.18172870

Got the 10 cent off a bulk restaurant site.
The lowest I have seen is mustered at about 4 cent.
But yes you can get better deals when you buy them by the thousends.

>> No.18172921

how about by the tens of millions? you're not seeing even close to what actual players deal with when you look up online prices

>> No.18172944

I am thinking the local greek owned joints, or even the 2 -10 location small guys.
Yea MicDonelds peobly gets a good deal but most joints are buying them a few thousend at a time.
I just think most people are unaware of the price and even at 5 cent a pack.
7 bucks for meal
1/3 is coast 1/3 operations 1/3 profit.
I use 1 ketchup 2 musterd and a hot sauce, that is 20 cent. 1/3 of 7.00 is 2.30. So like 8 or 9% of the profit lost.
Double that if the packets are 10 cent.

>> No.18172945
File: 747 KB, 1140x655, 1140-diet-soda-study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this also costs 10 cents, but restaurants sell it for at least $1.00

they're totally fine giving away a couple of sauce packets

>> No.18172951

No doubt sugar water is a major way to make money for most restaurants.

>> No.18172976

to be fair, for sodas you also need machinery, co2, cups/straws/ice/etc, and people to service all of the above. yes a squirt of cola syrup itself may cost seven cents but you're not just getting the syurp. versus a pouch that sits in a box.

>> No.18173387

Just remimber this.
Most places dont spend the money to clean and flush the soda fountain.

>> No.18173394

Yeah, the problem with restaurant supply websites is you don't get the real prices unless you register your business with them. It's nothing like just buying shit off regular consumer websites. They'll give you significantly better discounts if you make consistent orders or massive orders.

>> No.18173413

But thanks for the tip.

>> No.18173435

>Spend 7-10 dollars on a meal that is just fried rice (basically free), a bunch of sugary sauce, and a few pieces of meat and vegetables
>Rice costs almost nothing, the vegetal are fairly cheap, not actually much meat in most things except for the ones that include chicken, which is a cheap meat
>This packet costs 10 cents
Yeah it is surprising these are so expensive but if your customer can put spicy mustard on your food and take even 10 of these packets but keeps coming back it's good, I usually take 5 of them and they buy them at bulk so I'm probably costing them 25 to 50 cents but spending at least 8 bucks there.

>> No.18173437

The only place I've seen limit sauces you can have is Chick-fil-gay(haters).
YOU ONLY GET 2 MAX. The fuck?!

>> No.18173450

Is that the floppy packets or the hard packets with peel off tops? The peel off top ones are in all honesty kind of pricey.
All places have caps on what they will give you its just 99% of people never get near enough that its not functionally unlimited.

>> No.18173467

I cant argue that its worked into the price. And you have to account in the overhead even with fried rice. You need a china man to fry it and the packiging and the cooking energy.

>> No.18173483

The chinamen come with a discount since they're family and probably not here legally / ccp agents. Think about it, there are chinese restaurants everywhere but WHERE ARE THE CHINESE? I only see them at the chinese restaurants.
Rice is still pretty cheap and the overhead isn't that bad, if you compare it to something like Mcdonalds that charges 1.50 for a mcchicken or 5 dollars for their more expensive sandwiches 7 to 10 dollars for some chinese is a comparable but noticeably higher price for a product that uses cheaper ingredients than even mcdonalds food. It is all priced in, although I'm surprised chinese hasn't doubled in price due to bidenflation.

>> No.18173499

So we might have a /pol/ thread at this point but yeah what the fuck is up with all the rice niggers you never see out and about? Its 100% a way for the CCP to get people into country.

The Tie government dose the same thing but they are open about it. Almost all Tie places are operating with assistance from the Tie government. I dont mind its good food.

>> No.18173500

I just realized it might just be my local Chick-fil-faggots.
I used to go to one that was an hour away and they had a condiment stand, also free soft peppermint candies. FUCKERS!!!!!

>> No.18173502

Priced into the meal cost you tard, nothing is free

>> No.18173505

Yeah location is a massive part of it.
But even the best places I have been cap the big sauce packets. Only in cities do you have to ask for the lil ones.

I litterly saw a lady at the grocery store today half clean out the soy sauce above the Susie without buying any. Always an asshole to mess up a nice thing.

>> No.18173515

The conversation is more about people who load up causing the average to be higher and there by the price and regulars who just grab the few they need. Obviously its worked into the price at some level.