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File: 209 KB, 1400x1400, hooters-tokyo.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18171789 No.18171789 [Reply] [Original]

Hooters, Tokyo.

>> No.18171792
File: 247 KB, 752x339, 1659142690943248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no hooters
>no bum

>> No.18171812

what is the problem?
are the wings shit?

>> No.18171815


>> No.18171817

>they actually think it's an owl-based restaurant

>> No.18171826

I'll bet their tempura wings are better than anything florida side.

>> No.18171839


>> No.18171842

Asian females are so ugly ngl

>> No.18172077 [DELETED] 

I was in Tokyo last week and they were all like ooooohhhh Mr big white man your penis so biiiig like elephant trunk let me sucky sucky but I was like nah BITCH you ain't my type you got all pubes and shit so I glassed a ho then I went to the nearest elementary school know what I'm saying time to give some English lessons or something ya get me?
The only bad thing about going somewhere like Tokyo is that you see NIGGERS eurgh I never see NIGGERS where I live but in the big cities you see them with their dirty skin and it makes me start physically convulsing and wretching god I can't imagine what it's like to live in America, you poor, fat, retarded mutts, I do feel sorry for you.

>> No.18172097

is this pasta or are you actually this autistic to write all that shit out?

>> No.18172202

Spotted the nigger. What's it like to have poo colored skin?

>> No.18172211

BWC approved

>> No.18172215

are average jap women really that ugly or is it just the ones that work for a foreign breastaurant?

>> No.18172225

is it weird if my japanese vagina got wet reading this

>> No.18172235


>> No.18172237
File: 131 KB, 1599x900, 96D39FB5-1AF5-4969-9E8D-ACE3C95CC7F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooters in Atlanta, Georgia

>> No.18172249

they don't have tempura wings

>> No.18172254

Kek, big if true

>> No.18172948

I said I wanted to go to Hooters, not to Hoggers.

>> No.18172974

why are Japanese women so hilariously bad?
the main staple bitch of nipponland is office lady which is literally just woman in pants suit
their gayru is just watered nigger
Yamato nadeshiko is just an inferior version of authentic Chinese femininity
even anime girls are disney (America) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory female?

>> No.18173001

><stock image>, Tokyo
Wow, great insight. Epic thread. I hope someone archives this amazing thread.

>> No.18173011

Even a parody of the most tiresome pastaspam on the board is instantly tiresome by association.

>> No.18173012


>> No.18173026

I'd eat there

>> No.18173324

>reply to pasta
t. retard

>> No.18173348

/lit/ tier post

>> No.18173354

>shitty American food chain
>overseas location
>becomes mediocre food chain
Why is American food quality so shit?
t. Burger who learned to cook just because I hate eating out

>> No.18173361

Wapanese or actual jap? You are SEETHING, brother.

>> No.18173388

>You have to order off the kid's menu if you want tendies
Japan why won't you learn

>> No.18173389

>black guys shit piss and cum themselves to this

>> No.18173393

Difference in public perception.
In the US, fast food and chain restaurants are viewed as low quality, cheaper alternatives to dining out in a "real" restaurant. As a result, that's what those places produce: low quality, cheap food. Additionally, the people who work at such places are typically high school dropouts because they can't attract quality workers with their no quality reputation.
Meanwhile, in other countries, they're not viewed like that. In Korea for example, places like Outback are viewed as higher quality dining (until Outback was bought out by Koreans in Korea: now they sell food kits). To meet expectations, they prepare higher quality foods, and the people there take their jobs more seriously.
The end result? In America, you go to Mcdonalds and you get shit that is sloppily thrown together, while abroad, Mcdonalds provides food that actually looks close to the stuff on the advertisements.

>> No.18173486

We must find a middleground

>> No.18173605

"Gaijin could be here" he thought. "I've never been in this neighborhood before. They could be anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare samurai chest. "I HATE GAIJIN," he thought. "Gaijin piggu go home," he thought again, whimsically. Plastic Love reverberated through the entire 4.11 meters of his Honda Fit, making it pulsate even as the $9 sake circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of disgusting piggu and brackaru after dark. "With a shinkansen, you can go anywhere you want," he thought, bowing to no one in particular.

>> No.18175349
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x1000, EAFABB68-B0F9-49EE-A8A6-84FDFACD440C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18175415
File: 64 KB, 1080x960, FDDF2212-CE8E-438A-9AB4-2EF35DBE1256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would give my left nut to smell their orange shorts. I have the yellow fever so bad bros

>> No.18175442

What's with nigresses shaving their heads?

>> No.18175482

Massive fucking bwc approved indeed, all gigantic 5 inches of it

>> No.18175645

Some women prefer this and if they don't we offer many cocks above eight inches. Stable livelihoods and fantastic companions, excellent at romance, and in bed. My apologies to your inferior breed.

>> No.18175672


>> No.18175739

Hooters has great wings there's a reason It's the last trashy thing from the 90s still left

>> No.18175839

they rightfully hate their natural hair, so they can wear wigs. but then they're lazy

>> No.18175934
File: 200 KB, 1280x1707, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend is actually from the orient and she doesn't look anything like that. Pic related.

>> No.18176050

More like Raisins

>> No.18176079

Japanese women are fascinating. They have like negative ass. It's like their waist just segues directly into being their thighs. If I hadn't seen so many naked I'd think they literally didn't have butts.

>> No.18176097

You now realize that black women are the most obese group in America. 2/3rds of all black women are clinically obese.

>> No.18176160
File: 1.99 MB, 320x240, 1640799816097.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18176166


>> No.18176183

do they have a gay hooters in tokyo where its all femboys ?
the country is so obsessed with them that it seems natural, or maybe a maid cafe with mirror floors but theyre all male

>> No.18176201

you're thinking of thailand

>> No.18176209

no im thinking of japan

>> No.18176215

then you should be thinking of thailand

>> No.18176226

thailand has lady boys that have large fake breasts
i said femboys for a reason
why the fuck am i explaining this on a fucking indonesian grass cooking forum

>> No.18176235

Japs don't actually have cute boys. You're thinking more western. Even chinese boys can be cute, thai, korean.

>> No.18176244

korea does sound more accurate with the polished jawless boy bands
do they have places like that ?
im just wondering because i know theres fucking tallywhacks or w/e in america kek and ive been to a hooters before

>> No.18176259

well I would prefer it if you were thinking about thailand at least most of the time

>> No.18176264

well i have read the beach and i would like to visit a mystical island and i also have alot of money to burn so ive been thinking about visitng

>> No.18176272

yea why is that??

>> No.18176276

It's their culture. they're either skeletons of malnutrition with salty poops, or glaciers of sodium with greasy poops

>> No.18176319

yes thank you and please consider you get big discounts for weeklong and off season stays

>> No.18176429
File: 1.57 MB, 1500x946, 1644553998620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found his explanation to be nice, yes.

>> No.18177220

nogs want big breasts/thighs, and figured chronic obesity was the only way to achieve it

>> No.18178330

The utensils aren't the only flatware.

>> No.18178357

>and no webm

>> No.18178649

>go to twin peaks
>it's not based on the show
I was legitimately pissed off about it until i saw a chick bend over

>> No.18178696

Spicy Garlic is their hottest sauce? What baby palates

>> No.18178744
File: 49 KB, 433x376, maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just googled it. It is in Ginza, one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Tokyo. While odd, I don't think it is that strange since Japan has so many maid cafes. It feels more like a bar specialized for people who want a fake American ambience. For westaboos.

I found the main menu so people who know the traditional Hooters to compare

>> No.18178747
File: 112 KB, 962x681, 1632637635944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18178758

I don't like fat women.

>> No.18178836

biggest disappointment of my days, i even looked for slight references among the Tit and Ass

>> No.18178850

>Japan has so many maid cafes
why are they like this

>> No.18178878

This is obviously inaccurate?

Have they been to most of these places..?

Average cupsize above D in Sweden and Norway? No. Do they have bigger boobas than other countries, I think so, but hardly DD+ on average.

>> No.18178894
File: 49 KB, 491x680, FJUgajRXMAgLkQt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's pretty bad pasta but i would at least give it a few points for effort and the fact that just mentioning gyarus will make any man extremely happy

>> No.18178914

did you know your girlfriend is a cat?

>> No.18179036
File: 50 KB, 847x900, 1653850495017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18179097

European hooters

>> No.18179106

Poor person detected.

>> No.18179179
File: 2.80 MB, 4032x3024, EB89B937-6D91-46F0-BD7A-743A310328D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It feels more like a bar specialized for people who want a fake American ambience
You’d be surprised how many of those there are.
Pic is in Namba.

>> No.18180151

>With all our wing types and sauces, we tried to calculate all the different combinations,
>but NASA wouldn't let us borrow their supercomputer.
...you mean 88? or 96 if no sauce is an option?
I like the joke though

>> No.18180345

I've seen them. There are English themed, Irish themed, German themed, etc.