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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18169807 No.18169807 [Reply] [Original]

>the local IPA homebrewing, industrial furniture using, exposed brick wall "gastropub" closed down

>> No.18169847


>> No.18169854

chuckled even though I kind of like those places

>> No.18169899

just had a porter the other day, shit was cash

>> No.18169915

They'd be better if non obese women ever visited them

>> No.18169918

what do you have against them?

>> No.18169922

I like that they've brought handmade-on-site food back to pubs after decades of them all being owned by breweries and servicing pre-prepared mass produced shit.

Irritatingly expensive though and the tiny amount of chips (usually served in some sort of shitty novelty container) pisses me off.

>> No.18170051

Sounds like they need to raise their prices. For some reason fat people hate paying more for food. You'd think that fatties would care the most about food but that's wrong, they hate food and will go out of their way to pay as little as possible no matter how shitty. It's weird.

>> No.18170504
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My local brewery serves really good food for a reasonable price. The beers are cheap enough for me to get drunk though which is nice. Their poutine is my favorite and is always enough for 2-3- servings so it's not bad for $14 imo

>> No.18170566

Ithaca brewery in New York used to give out free samples early 2010s. I had a recurring job out there so we'd always go after work. Of course we'd by growlers before we left and tipped well.
They revamped a few years ago and no longer do this. Just a faggoty brew pub now.
Those jews will never see a single cent from me again.

>> No.18170694

Some people just get irrationally angry when you tell them that you don't like corny piss water beer unless it's hot outside or you're out camping. Presumably because they're MANLY MEN that associate craft beer with soyboys with handlebar mustaches and think that leftism is the only reason someone would want to drink a beer that actually tastes like hops or malt instead of tasting of weak corn tea like Coors or Bud. Alternatively alcoholics and poorfags/cheapfags that bristle at the thought of paying more than $0.75/can to get drunk.

>> No.18170699

>Some people just get irrationally angry when you tell them that you don't like corny piss water beer unless it's hot outside or you're out camping. Presumably because they're MANLY MEN that associate craft beer with soyboys with handlebar mustaches and think that leftism is the only reason someone would want to drink a beer that actually tastes like hops or malt instead of tasting of weak corn tea like Coors or Bud.
it's retarded

>> No.18170728
File: 1.07 MB, 1284x1860, BEAA6B61-C870-42E3-9253-79EAF514CE5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who aren’t me spending money that isn’t mine on something I don’t personally approve of
It’s literal autism. Autists become genuinely angry if someone likes something they don’t like. Combine that with being an awkward sperg who seethes at the sight of others having fun in a social environment, and you basically have OP.

>> No.18170972

So 4chan.

>> No.18171375

it's all the rightoids with their shitty taste and shallow contrarianism

>> No.18171855

IPA's are for faggots and you're a prime example of an insufferable one.

>> No.18171865

Actually they feel their manhood is in question when they can't handle bitter or spicy flavors, so they shit on it

>> No.18171872

Also a lot of 4chan has bland baby-tier palettes

>> No.18171873
File: 150 KB, 1140x1521, Cuppa Soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah bro, you gotta try this IPA, it's super floral and bitter. You can almost taste how much it sticks it to binald blumph.

>> No.18171875

>no curds
fuckin queers

>> No.18171885

That isn't an IPA, it's an ale with coffee

Ale is any beer with top-fermenting yeast, lager is any beer with bottom-fermenting yeast

>> No.18171892

>proves anon’s point by becoming irrationally angry at the mere existence of a beer he doesn’t like and anyone who drinks it

>> No.18171921

>Why yes, I have my degree in advanced phytoestrogens

>> No.18171958

>industrial furniture
>exposed brick
What's the weather like in 2008, where you're obviously posting from? Here in 2022, cars are literally melting.

>> No.18172011

On average educated people are fitter, taller, and better looking

>> No.18173344

>irrationally angry
>resorts to emasculating slurs
Don't forget to call me a rich liberal next time so that we can check all the boxes, ok?

>> No.18173706

Pretty true, but it can be quashed if one trains their brain to be less irrational

>> No.18174371

average people arent educated.

>> No.18174381

>tried making a gay /pol/ comment
>someone corrects him for not understanding beer on the food and cooking board
>gets mad and calls everyone gay

>> No.18174382

He didn’t say average people are educated, he said average educated people. Word placement matters in English, go back to the esl class.

>> No.18174397

>go back

>> No.18174432
File: 614 KB, 664x663, Jim face closeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your humanity was based on what easily ignorable faggots were doing with their time & money
Develop a real personality.

>> No.18174681

based and true

>> No.18174698

>the local coffee shop that catered to uppity hipsters with shitty coffee, shitty attitudes, and shittier tattoos burned down

Don't know how,

>> No.18174750

Pure circumstance and nothing to do with you or any of the other impotent rage faggots who were mad about it.

>> No.18174767

>getting drunk

>> No.18174945

Can someone explain what I shiggy diggy means?

>> No.18174969
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>being this much of a newfag
I shiggiously hope you diggies don't do this.

>> No.18175960

You're a mess of a person.

>> No.18175983

“le soyboy libtard commie cuck blacked dot com” is basically the only reply you’re going to get from these types who only come here for epic maymays

>> No.18175985
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>> No.18176587

serving good food and drink isn't good enough, the decor has.to be 'edgy', the beers always have stupid names, the food is the same shot as every other 'gastropub' and every faggot dresses the same

>> No.18176618

Do you ever check your blood pressure?
Everything you mentioned is either meaningless exaggeration or entirely benign. Getting angry about those sort of things can’t be good for your health.

>> No.18176636

just checked, blood pressure is normal but I'm afraid you're a faggot

>> No.18176649
File: 102 KB, 392x392, 1647132112645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hi I'd like a pint of Jim's Wife's Double Hopped Extra Yeasty Pussy Juice Triple XPA, whatever eating challenge meal you have, and the hot sauce menu my sweet

>> No.18176912

It's because you're not deserving of respect. If you can't figure out why you're being ridiculed, just look at the retarded names, art, and culture of the beer you're defending.
In its quest to be unique it has conformed to the sort of libshit manchild culture all the microbreweries do.

>> No.18177467

Imagine being such a little snowflake that you assume every single bar or restaurant is trying to be utterly unique.

>> No.18177477

>my BP is fine but OMG REEEEEE
you should actually check it sometime, screechy rage-kun.

>> No.18177479

Gastropub is such a fucking ugly term. Makes me think of gastrointestinal distress.

>> No.18177485

>local owned small business closed down
You should be mad

>> No.18177486

>instead of almighty cider
manchildren, the lot of you

>> No.18177504

Avoids drinking estrogen, yet is still the most useless, overly opinionated, and flagrantly wrong cunt in the thread. I bet if you have a sip of beer you’ll get your period.

>> No.18177565

I prefer brewpub. Its a pub with a brewery.

>> No.18177591

Drink your faggot juice, just don't pretend it's good.

>> No.18177672

Cider is what 17 year old girls drink

>> No.18177697

>Tastes good
>Higher ABV
>More variety
17 year old girls are based

>> No.18177706

Craft beers are fucking gay but I had a sour for the first time it was pretty good

>> No.18177715

Yeah they kind of are. I actually drink cider sometimes too lol

>> No.18177716
File: 43 KB, 533x594, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More variety

>> No.18177718

It's like soda without the sugar

>> No.18179239

There are good IPAs out there but you had a lot of retards going MOAR HOPS!!! and unbalancing that shit to the point that's what people thought an IPA was.

It's not supposed to taste like Malort.

>> No.18179775

>local businesses...LE BAD!