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File: 919 KB, 1100x1698, milkshakeipa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18164750 No.18164750 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the craft beer scene so shit these days?
There is way less variety than 5-10 years ago, aside from within these meme styles like hazy IPAs and milkshake IPAs
Beer nerds always say "just go to microbreweries, dood". But I checked out the menus of most of the ones near me, and it's the same shit.
It will be 10 IPAs, 5 sours, 3 non beers, and a token pilsner.
I don't buy that there's "more variety than ever" and it does not seem that things are getting any better.

>> No.18164775

The entire novelty of craft beer is waning. Breweries are sticking to a few safe bets that still sells.

>> No.18164779

I can't believe this meme IPA/meme stout shit is the "safe bet".
You would think they'd make really good beers that you'd want to drink several of at once (like good German beer).

>> No.18164801
File: 174 KB, 460x512, bostonale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Sam Adams Boston Ale
These kind of beers are hard to find

>> No.18164821

Has the brewery closed down?

>> No.18164826

sounds like your neck of the woods just sucks.
i can get everything from meme IPAs to medieval table beers.

>> No.18164856

No but they discontinued this beer and I doubt they'll ever bring it back

>> No.18164910

You would think "regular" beers from these places would sell more volume

>> No.18164920

>be me
>enjoyer of stouts and porters
>visit micro brews
>1 stout or porter
>7 IPAs
what the fuck is it with IPAs? are they just easy as shit and cheap?

>> No.18165023

I gave up and just drink Coors Banquet these days

>> No.18165026

it kind of serves the same function that Guinness did in the 70s.
a couple generations grew up on flavorless adjunct lagers, IPA is the first style they came across that has Actual Flavor, and then dudes with no personality turn it into a pissing contest to see who can make the Most Flavor

>> No.18165085

19 choices for beer sounds like more than enough, and you sound like a whiny little bitch desu

>> No.18165243

t. Milkshake IPA fag

>> No.18165255


I'd rather drink a four loko than whatever this shit is supposed to be.

>> No.18165317

>these days

>> No.18165339

My brother

>> No.18165417

Idk it's pretty nice in my area. Most breweries have a few traditional beers, pilsner, here, schwarz, and then an IPA and special release stouts. There's a few that do the Belgian stuff too. I can find pretty much anything I want from my state

>> No.18165460

It's a combination of IPAs being easy and >>18165026
IPA is pretty much babby's first brew and because it's hoppy as fuck and you can hide a shitty brew behind the bitterness of the hops, and sad fucks will flock to it anyway because it's different. There are decent IPAs out there but for every good IPA there's like 40 shitty ones.

>> No.18165713


Look at the styles of beer out there on Wikipedia, most definitive authorities have listed over 50 styles that are based on what each major beer producing country has produced based on available water profiles + immediately available ingredients. Where only a few new styles have been created in the past decade.

The craft beer scene hasn't become shit, it evolved into what it set out to avoid... That is the macro producers, who brew the same / similar beers all day long. They can say they are craft and independent but act as big business and pretend they're different because they brew beers with more flavours and charge a premium price.

There are breweries that exist as unique and make beers outside of just hop bombs with the token pilsner/lagers. I would look out for those beers and breweries, an easy way to find them is to look on untappd for lagers that are 4+/5 stars or higher, or highly rated German beers. I would also be on the look out for anything that isn't hyped up by beer nerds that has high ratings and/or good reviews. Even look over the classic styles of beer and find the examples that set those styles.

>> No.18165753

>milkshake IPAs
This is a joke right? Right?

>> No.18165759

maybe if you all went to your local craft brewer and demanded non-ipas they'd start making some. right now ipas are selling and they're easy to make so that's what they make.

>You would think they'd make really good beers
most of them can't, so they add a ton of hops and make ipas.

>> No.18165861

I just drink Kirin like a true weeb.

>> No.18165881

I am fucking tired of all this IPAs, just give me a god damn stout, for fuck's sake.

>> No.18166493

They've hit the ceiling man
The basics are done best by a couple of large indie brewers, the experimental stuff is being done by the 2nd string guys and the smallest brewers are trying to find the one niche beer that they can use as a flagship: Belching Beaver and their peanut butter beer for example.
Milkshakes were cool a couple years ago, but they've been done to death. I'm glad sours got popular there's a bit more play with those, but there's only so many POG flavored beers that the market needs.
IPAs are just over, but the market keeps pumping them out because that's supposed to be the defining factor of craft beer.

There is more variety than ever, but you need to look at the breweries rather than just one beer here or there. Great Notion, Breakside, and some others that just knock whatever they do out of the park. There's others that just seem to make meme beers, I don't know how they survive. I guess shock value of seeing some crap and buying it as a goof but over all the scene is all the better if people can experiment. Seems like most just want to live long enough to get bought out by InBev anyway (looking at you, 10 Barrel)

>> No.18166505

I fucking hate IPAs
I have like 7 breweries within easy stumbling distance of home, all of them specialize in IPAs. Most of them ONLY make IPAs and nothing else. Only one of them does lager and they only make one and it's only OK.
so i just get good beer from the grocery store and hope the local places go under and someone else moves in

>> No.18166838

>kriek guuuud
>american strawberry ipa baaad

>> No.18166871

You been living under a rock? Must be nice

>> No.18166881

All markets eventually consolidate in this manner because the very notion of running a business is a huge money pit. Logistics and transportation, labor, liscences to distribute goods, new safety standards every year, and on and on. Intelligent business owners build up a brand and then sell it to larger corporate concerns.

>> No.18166908

The American craft beer scene has always been shit. IPA has always been monotone. Loud and monotone. 1 Sip: that's a lot of flavour! 3 sips: well that's growing! Half a beer: I had enough of that. As boring and predictable as it was 20 years ago.

Making a sour beer is easy, just use wild fermentation. Making a sour beer with depth and length is impossible without the right wild yeast and bacteria. Eventually you'll find a spot somewhere that'll mimic Gueuze. You'll call it Belgian-style Gueuze and make a fool out of yourself (as you did with the buffalo-style mozzarella and Serrano-style ham).

Good luck with your beer. It's a shame you're you're looking for quick, cheap profit as usual, instead of developing your own style of slow movement beer. Which is what craft beer is all about.

>> No.18166949

sometimes I try and imagine the people who write things like this.

kind of like politics, this place is a constant reminder that we live in our own bubble and people in different places have completely different worldviews.

I hope you have the self awareness to reflect and accept that the world is bigger than your own experience.

have a nice day, anon.

>> No.18166961

sometimes I try and imagine the people who write things like this.
And all I see is a fat cunt with no sense of tradition.

>> No.18167486

check out "belching beaver" brewery

>> No.18167493

I just want more good abbey style ales dammit

>> No.18167649

You know it's all mental right? People who think this way just believe x is better than y because x was made here instead of there, when in reality you wouldn't be able to notice any difference if they did a blind taste test

>> No.18167718

Abbey ales are made by men of God. Such quality cannot be replicated by nihilist fad-chasing bugmen.

>> No.18167835

>Abbey ales are made by men of God.
not anymore, they just supervise at this point. the actual brewers are rarely, if ever even, monks.

>> No.18168010



>> No.18168028

IPAs are out. Stouts and sours are in. Get with the times.

>> No.18168148

Craft beer is interesting in that the "safe" and popular choices have generally stuck around for a reason. Old Rasputin or KBS are better imperial stouts than 90% of the small-time stuff that tries too hard to be unique. Space Dust or Lil Sumpin are generally going to be better than some local IPA.
I wish more breweries would get into growlers or singles, the slight increase in overhead would definitely attract more curious customers. I'll happily try something weird if it's on tap, but I've had far too many bad experiences with $30 4-packs that ended up being undrinkable.

>> No.18168158


Because it was a fad and all the hipsters have moved on to whatever the next thing is. Knife sharpening or shoe shining or some shit.

>> No.18168239

The novelty of "beer that has actual flavor unlike the shit boomers like" wore off and not they're getting extra gimmicky to stand out, but the brands that got big will just take over all the smaller ones.

>> No.18168242

Things are alright here. Maybe your neck of the woods is behind the times

>> No.18168542
File: 98 KB, 660x660, ssi_DSC_11231598977747-18828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking an IPA right now, hustle-and-bustle-bros. Love that classic American west coast style. It doesn't get any better than this. Grapefruit, tropical fruit, weed, and the vague sense that a cat may have went tinkle in your glass. Beer peaked with this and all other iterations on it are merely attempts to catch lightning in a bottle twice.

>> No.18168646

Also it's funny because craft beer is mostly a 40+ thing, all the youngsters I see either drink Bud Light, Michelob Ultra, Mexican beer, or are complete non beer drinkers and just drink gay seltzers.

>> No.18168648

t. Milkshake IPA drinker

>> No.18168727

> Great Notion, Breakside, and some others that just knock whatever they do out of the park.
Portland is the most overrated beer scene in the country. The majority of brewers are mediocre at best, and the losers in the beer scene are endlessly chasing after the new. That said, Breakside is great, and there are a few other breweries making good stuff. Great Notion is not one of them. The epitome of the meme brewery.

>> No.18168732

The people who claim "craft beer has never been better" are either in denial or are the type to love those wacky experimental beers

>> No.18169077

It's simply what's popular and profitable.
No way you can convince me it's hard to make a good beer in 2022, this isn't a new science

>> No.18169078

>There is way less variety than 5-10 years ago
must suck living in a beer desert

>> No.18169082

t. guy who thinks 30 different hazy IPAs is "variety"

>> No.18169086

If you live in a place with many breweries you're bound to strike gold

>> No.18169090

I live around a lot and they're all IPA/fruited sour oriented

>> No.18169098
File: 75 KB, 922x820, 456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more of a pilsner guy but stay thirsty anon

>> No.18169100

you're cheating, this is a rare lager themed craft brewery

>> No.18169120

It's not its just the closest brewery to me

>> No.18169135

Their IPA is great

>> No.18169164

Award winning too but don't tell OP that, they'll blow a gasket

>> No.18169172

lol why would I give a shit?

>> No.18169318

ABV 5% or less?
That's not beer.

>> No.18170069

There's one place around here that makes a drinkable milkshake/lactose IPA. Alpha acids and lactose are incompatible flavours - they need mid-L malt as a buffer.

>> No.18170188

I'm sorry that brewers and drinkers near you are looking more to marketing and numbers than the beer itself.

We're spoiled here. We might not find everything at one brewery/brewpub, as quite a few specialize, but there's almost always a pale or blonde pilsner or ale as a litmus test, and chances are if they're not great, the place is empty on a Friday night anyway. There's also usually some hybridization happening in one of the test tanks/taps, where the specialists will see if it's worth bringing extra hops to their Belgians, or some dark malt to their IPAs. When it works really well, these are usually out to market by the time the third keg's hooked up, pushing some of the less-balanced imports off the shelves.

What are you looking for? The technological changes have been geared a lot more to the hops and machinery than the brewing methods themselves in the past few decades, aside from the addition of lactose and blending of hops. If you're looking for a brand new beer, you might have to think it up yourself.

>> No.18170720

Even the better ones shouldn't take up 80% of a taproom's beer list

>> No.18170740

No. 1, 2 max. Why would you go if they cater specifically to a crowd that doesn't include you?

>> No.18170752

Unfortunately, most of the microbreweries by me are like that.
And the ones that aren't are still 90% IPAs of some sort.

>> No.18170755

Not all of us are alcoholics here

>> No.18170771

I'm a big drinker and I prefer 5% ABV beers.

>> No.18170783

You'll have to deal with the large number of IPAs in most places - that's what their patrons are buying. You might find a decent one - something fairly balanced that isn't just straight Cascade/Citra/CTZ, whether that's with English hops and a more blonde/copper grain bill, or late additions of more tropical hops without resorting to blending or lactose - or you might not, but some of these places make some really decent reds and lagers or kolsches, sometimes just to prove that they can.

Unless you're in the Dakotas. You might have to import if you are.

>> No.18170794

that's weird to me because styles like pilsners, golden ales, helles, etc. are much more drinkable. Look at how much beer people buy when they go to German beer halls, surely it's more than people at an IPA centric taproom would buy.

>> No.18170810

Reminder that the reason why soys love IPAs is because hops reduce testosterone.

>> No.18170814

A lot of that demographic's split. There's the group that will absolutely murder a good festbier if given the chance -knockoff or not-, a second that will only drink German pales, and the third that will only drink American pales, unless at (an) Oktoberfest, or in an environment that makes it feel ok to not order a Busch Light. Some places in the world are just 5x5 lager and IPA; I'm glad I have options.

>> No.18170816

Girls who drink IPAs must be hot as fuck then
Imagine having a cute soy gf with big ass titties

>> No.18170818

I mean, there's a reason IPA taprooms don't usually offer giant steins of their beer.
German styles are much better for heavy drinking, while I feel that IPAs are for 32 year old nerds who will have just a beer or two with a burger when they go out to eat.
Massive generalization of course, that's just my perception of things.

>> No.18170821

I keep trying, but I'm still large, hairy and full of a rage-fueled need to fuck. Maybe I need to switch to imperial IPAs.

>> No.18170826

Is that a scientific fact that plant estrogens reduce testosterone?

>> No.18170832

It's fair. Even when I'm in the mood for hoppy beer, it's certainly not going to be a dozen of the same in one sitting. You can coax those 32 year old nerds to have a few more pints than usual if you offer some variety - heavy to start, with a better malt balance, west coast early on, something a little lighter and fruitier to kind of cleanse the palate, maybe a sweeter heavy stout for dessert, and a few lower ABV pints to swindle a few more quid on their way out.

>> No.18170839

They do usually sell sealable jugs (growlers, etc.), and you are allowed to drink from them here.

>> No.18171233

Accurate. The craft beer scene has produced a small handful of really spectacular beers (like that Old Rasputin you named), and a lot of stuff that's as mediocre as miller high life but costs 2-3x as much. And with as much time as everyone's had to figure out which is which, there's little point in trying out random novelty beers.

>> No.18171275

>strawberry milkshake IPA
really makes me wish i wasn't lactose intolerant

>> No.18171281

>Is that a scientific fact that plant estrogens reduce testosterone?
they bind to estrogen receptors and prevent the more powerful endogenous receptors from acting on the body, they actually increase the influence of testosterone by way of reducing the influence of estrogen

>> No.18171287

endogenous estrogens*

>> No.18171342

People finally realized that all beer tastes the same just with varying levels of bitterness

>> No.18171384

any strawberry milk flavor would be immediately killed by overwhelming bitterness

>> No.18171558

you're probably right but i still want to try it

>> No.18171730

>employee owned
how does this work

>> No.18172135

These tend to either have very late/dry hop additions, or hops blended in post-boil. If they're done right (which can, admittedly, be a crapshoot), it would be just enough bitterness to keep this from being cloying. Something like Galaxy, blended in and left to lager for a month would could work quite nicely with strawberry and vanilla. The lactose and unfermented/unfermentable sugars from the grain bill should (ideally) be more than enough to turn 30-ish IBU back around to sweetness.

>> No.18172199

IPA's are unironically easier to make. You don't see lagers and German ale copies because those require more time of knowledge to get them right. IPA's are low risk and, if your area's demographic is full of homos, high reward.

>> No.18172349

>should (ideally) be more than enough to turn 30-ish IBU
they wouldn't bother calling it an IPA in that case

>> No.18172368


GRUAAAHHH *rips shirt*

>> No.18172371

craft beer is for fags
busch light, and busch light apple are the only 2 u need

>> No.18172493

Regular Busch is better

>> No.18172577

It's a milkshake IPA.

>> No.18172585

He's jesting, Gary.

>> No.18172603

I see lagers, kolsches, Goze, Berliner weisse, schwarzbiers, festbiers, and even the occasional rauchbier. You have to have slightly cleaner water, and occasionally have to lager the beer. There's a slight price issue with importing hops, or getting new-world versions of old-world hops to behave appropriately sometimes.

>> No.18172604

slightly cleaner as in less carbonate and zero chlorine. Sulfate's alright, and sometimes even beneficial.

>> No.18172606

>your’re missing the real g’s: Upright, De Garde, Cascade, Alesong

>> No.18172608

no shit.....

>> No.18172616

De Garde actually wild ferments... good for them!

>> No.18172622

so they called it a milkshake IPA. If you go much over 40, even theoretical, you're looking at a lot of lactose to bring that back to being a dessert beer. Which is probably why the style itself tends toward being fucking gross.

>> No.18172712

I see those too, but not from upstarts.
Breweries like Schlafly, Urban Chestnut make good german beer, but they're big and don't make too many retarded beers.

>> No.18172718

Tragic. They're just a general thing here.

>> No.18172756
File: 105 KB, 1341x1254, FBC05687-BBC1-4ADC-80F1-C9EBC36E90CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of y’all seem really mad.

>> No.18172805

It's hard to be mad around shitty, gritty beards and kitties

>> No.18172879
File: 120 KB, 500x500, SWEETWATER-420-EXTRA-PALE-ALE-12-PACK-CANS-500x500-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /ck/ think of pic rel.
I consider it pretty much the ideal IPA
Dry and crisp, supremely refreshing on a hot day.

>> No.18172980

I hate IPAs so much. Always have. They are so bitter, I really don't understand how people actually enjoy them. Give me a lager or ale.

>> No.18172993

>Give me a lager or ale.
sure thing anon *hands you IPA*

>> No.18173517
File: 627 KB, 619x830, beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me a lager or ale.
ignorance is bliss

>> No.18173542

fuck Aphria, fuck them inn their stupid aces.

>> No.18174963

It's usually a few extra questions, but for the most part it's something like this:
"Hey man, can I get a beer!?"
"Sure thing! What kind and what size?"
"I dunno, a lager, an ale... a beer."
"We've got 30 taps of that. Anything fancy, or just a pint of beer flavoured beer?"
"Yeah! Exactly!"
... [pouring]
"Here you go man, 568 millilitres of our golden pilsner from tap number two. There are a lot of try, and we do test flights and tasting shots if you want to try anything else we have - taps 1 through 6 might be to your liking. The menu, and a few of the TVs will tell you a lot about what we have on tap, but if you have any questions, we have the answers. Are you hungry this evening? We've got a [beer braised/infused/syruped/sauced something or other] on special..."

>> No.18175002

>acts condescending while sheepishly ignoring the truth that ipas are gross.

>> No.18175087

They're just pointing out that "Ale" is right there in the name of an "India Pale Ale" and that (with very few hybridized exceptions) all beers are either ales or lagers.
You're allowed to dislike things. Not everyone shares your dislike for IPAs or the style would have died on the vine.

>> No.18175116

IPAs literally taste like soap

>> No.18175239

Maybe it's the limonene? I suggest you stop eating soap, and start drinking what you like.

>> No.18175417

Because craftbeers a a shitty overpriced meme that taste like shit.

>> No.18175431

>OH hell yeah I love how bitter and awful this beer tastes.
>The more hoppy the better
>Am I cool now?

>> No.18175432

>start drinking what you like
fuck you. how about you start drinking what i like.

>> No.18175437

Why would anyone do that?

>> No.18175441

>Why would anyone do that?
great question. IPAs are shit

>> No.18175451


If you don't want to drink the IPA, don't order the IPA.

>> No.18175459

I don't because I'm not a hipster memed into buying overpriced garbage. I will always make fun of fools who do though.

>> No.18175465

why even take the time to type this post? at least the person who hates pale ales has an opinion to share on a discussion forum. you've done nothing but point out the obvious that people other than yourself seem to have opinions.

>> No.18175470

That's kind of weird - you're basing a personality trait on what other people drink.

>> No.18175489
File: 197 KB, 400x369, Screen-Shot-2021-12-26-at-11.33.52-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you on the IPA's. Seems like everytime a new beer comes out its some sort of super hopped ipa garbage, tho not all of them are the same. If you don't like the skunk ass taste avoid any that makes hops the main focus of their packaging/marketing and look for IBU numbers, the lower it is the less bitter it will be and the more you will be able to taste the other flavors present.

Personally I love sours tho. My favorite brew is currently Dogfishhead sea quench ale.

>> No.18175491

IPAs have been popular for hundreds of years until hipsters found them. There is a good reason for that.

>> No.18175499

You're right. I want my five seconds back. I could put them to better use elsewhere. No... wait... I'm waiting on my wort to chill. I've got like 5 whole minutes to waste here! I could type up the recipe, or even explain what an Altbier is and the hows and whys behind the differences between mine and what you might get along the Rhine. But you (You) - and it is just you - are here for the sole purpose of harping on IPAs to a dozen people who don't give a shit. It would be like explaining the Group of Seven to a blind kid.

>> No.18175511

There's a good reason behind their popularity, or are you insinuating that they're less popular now that they've been the beer of choice for professional trendhoppers for more than a quarter-century? Did you link back to the wrong post?

>> No.18175513

if you don't give a shit. stop replying

>> No.18175528

Make me. I'm bored; I fucking hate waiting on thermodynamic processes.

>> No.18175544

some people like waiting on thermodynamic processes. maybe you shouldn't waste your life defining your identity on what you don't like.

>> No.18175553

I see what you did there. Have an IPA on the house!

>> No.18175567

thanks, i'll pour this one out for my dead homies.

>> No.18175651

Altbier is essentially the German version of an amber or copper ale. Oldschool ingredients (noble hops, "German" malts) need to make up most of the bill, or you're just making sparkling schadenfreude. A lagering period does wonders for this beer.
The end result should be fairly well balanced, but unobscured - showing off the toast on the malt, the aromas of the Spalt and Saaz hops, and even a slight bit of sulfur in the water, but the yeast should be quite clean. It should be carbonated and heavy enough to hold a slightly off white head, but not syrupy or impossible to pour. Generally somewhere between a Kölsch and a Kellerbier. Stronger varieties (Sticke, Doppelsticke) exist, but the same rules apply - the hops and malt should balance, and the yeast and water can be noticeable, but shouldn't draw attention.

>> No.18175667

That sounds gross

>> No.18175724

My water is very clean. There is a bit of sulfate, carbonate, calcium and magnesium, but at or below taste thresholds, so decided to throw a bit of Rikawa (a Saaz-based hop) in 10 mins after the Saaz and Spalt to make up for the lack of "snap" that the sulfate would have provided; the bitterness from Rikawa is more of a quick hint of lemon zest than a lingering hop bomb when dropped mid boil like this. My colour will also differ because of the relative lack of sulfate. I've added a bit of C120 and a tiny, tiny bit of light chocolate malt to give a copperiness without going full on red. If I had more calcium sulfate, I could probably just go with more mid-range crystal malt and a bit more Munich in the base.
Once it's done, this should be about 16 SRM (coppery), with a final gravity of about 1.013 (medium body), 38-ish IBU (technically bitter, but the extra sweetness from the malt will bring it right back), and 5.8% ABV (a bit high, but not enough to call it something else).

>> No.18175731

It's necessary for a crisp beer. Not enough that you'd taste it, but without it, pale beer tends to fall flat - it brings out the hops, and a bit of toast in the malt if it's there, but cuts off the aftertaste of both.

>> No.18175760


>> No.18175769

Ironic meme for a sourfag to post

>> No.18175790

Sometimes it's the difference between one German lager you might like and another one you don't... like 1 ppM differences. At high levels, yeah, it's gross - as Sulfur Dioxide or _Sulfate - but in appropriate amounts, especially with enough Sodium and Calcium salts to buffer, it's "Crispness" or "Terroir".

>> No.18175829

keep drinking Michelob ultra, budweisers, bud light, miller light and other goyslop beers.
i dont drink beer unless its higher than 7% good tasting craft beer.
because i wanna get drunk and only need 3. meanwhile i would need to down 5 beers of empty goyslop calories.

>> No.18175840

Milkshake IPAs are the ultimate "goyslop"

>> No.18175894

Sour is a much more commonly enjoyed flavor profile than bitter.

>> No.18176021

is that a lagunitas? lol it fuckin sucks, idk how people have the audacity and tastebuds to consistently praise it

>> No.18176045

ah I see so Americans invented
>wheat ale
>amber ale
>blonde ale
>their own porter
>their own stout
>light beer
>'ice beer'
>malt liquor ok I'll give you that one
>568 millilitres
spare a thought for the poor yanks

>> No.18176072

IPA's fucking get old tastewise real quick

>> No.18176162

>Spare a thought...
You're definitely mixing and matching who you're referencing here, not sure about the 'what' of it.
568mL would be 20floz. A legal "Pint" in much of the commonwealth, including here in South Detroit.

>> No.18176165
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>tfw you really like IPAs, Sours, stouts, and porters
Sucks to be a lagerfag i guess

>> No.18176176

I can't say that I don't get why there's this divide on here (It's 4chins, what else would we do?), but it really doesn't exist much elsewhere. Some people dress and live their stereotypes, and some really don't.
It's not like there's a shortage of beer, and for the most part, there's no shortage of choice.

>> No.18177001

Eh this divide exists in other beer communities too

>> No.18177159

It's not nearly as channed as it is here, and when it gets that way, it's usually pretty obvious it's one of us fleeing containment.

>> No.18177336

I've seen this happen in real time. The craft beer "revolution" that was supposed to be the antithesis of the boomer macro lager/etc but they really just switched out macro lagers with IPAs.

>> No.18177343

Milkshake IPAs are fucking shit. At least do a milkshake berliner weisse for it to be decent.

>> No.18177417

And the meme IPAs are unironically worse than macro lagers.

>> No.18177436

It's because hops are way more estrogenic than soy, and that's the primary vehicle by which the government has been targeting men to make them more servile and submissive.

Point to me a "soyboy" and I'll point to you a Craft IPA drinker

>> No.18177527
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i can give my opinion on different kinds of beers, i mostly only like well made euro beers and some american craft ones, and act like a redditssuer for a nice beer but the moment i say i like some basic macro beer just because i think the taste is good all normal autists will start hiveminding against my opinion

>> No.18177624
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>come up with cool name "india pale ale"
>tastes like cat piss
>make a really decent beer
>call it "bitter"

>> No.18177693

When someone asks for a lager or ale I just assume they don't get out much and I give them whatever is closest to a coors light

>> No.18177781

What's worse is when people say "Guinness is like a meal in a glass"

>> No.18178139

>enjoyer of stouts and porters
>visit bar that goes craft beers
> stout or porter is nitro
what a fucking meme that is

>> No.18178150

People have realized that eating a meals worth of calories via a few beers is a big fucking mistake

>> No.18178186

Just drink non-meme craft beer like trappists etc. They have been around for centuries and will always be good. Beers like Westmalle, Karmeliet, Omer etc. are never a bad choice.

>> No.18178187

Agreed - Belgium style will never go out of style

>> No.18178352

American pints are smaller, so they don't even get a full helping of their undrinkable craft concoctions

>> No.18178516

I think that would just taste like malted cheese.

>> No.18178522

That shit was cutting edge way back when. Between Trappist monks' dwindling population, and White Labs and Unibroue/Chambly doing some funky Dr. Frankenstein things with that Belgian banana yeast, Trappist/Abbey beer might get the front-line hipster treatment in the next decade or so.

>> No.18178538

When they walk in here, and expect a sports bar that would serve Coors... I kind of sympathize. It's like they went to the corner store and fell into Wonka's factory of murdered children. I mean, even our spirits are either local or collabs where our mash goes through their stills.
We've tried to make it easy (everything points to what a beer is - the art on the placards and handles, the colour of the uplighting) and we get a lot of those MGDbrehs back, but yeah, some people just assume we only do hop bomb IPAs... which is kind of funny, considering we did one actual hop bomb as a test batch, and it bombed like a flight to Nagasaki while the hipsters were murderfucking our "Old English" IPA.

>> No.18179420
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>the virgin craft beer
>the chad real ale

>> No.18179982

>t. chad chugger

>> No.18180087

Natural wine has replaced craft beer

>> No.18180118
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i just love booze bros
i drank half a bottle of shitty smirnoffs and played battlefield 4 with the lads..
woke up in bed with my shoes still on..

>> No.18180186

On one hand, yeah, you shouldn't do this all the time. On the other, if you haven't done this at least once, you should try it. It might start with vidja, but it goes to strange places that only photographic evidence can explain.

>> No.18180210
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a mate of mine picked me up and we hung out for the night, before he even got here i had a quarter of a bottle of scotch
we went to the pub, had a guiness, played pool
stopped off at a liquor store and got a bottle of vodka and one of those little 5 dollar jager bottles for myself
Had a nice time at his, reminisced about school, knocking back vodka
Next thing im waking up with my shirt off in his spare bedroom very confused, threw up into a cookie time bucket he'd left there
apparently i played a game of connect 4 with him, and he later found me face down in my puke
went out to the pub again later that night lol

>> No.18180240
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I worked in the craft beer industry (retail, bartending, and even brewing) for almost all of my 20s and while I don't hate craft beer on principle and an IPA is good when I'm in the mood for one, I just don't like how everything's got shit in it now. I don't like beer with fruit in it and when I want an imperial stout, I want something like Old Rasputin, not these pudding-y sugar bombs that make me queasy. I've gravitated more toward old world style beers and they're almost impossible to find fresh where I am. I just came back from the UK where pubs have hand-pumped cask ales on tap everywhere you go and I already miss them.
I just really resent how anything slightly interesting about American beer turns into an arms races to make it as overloaded as possible to stand out in the now over-saturated market. I just want beer that takes like beer, damn it.

>> No.18180490

Taps 1-6, as per >>18174963

>> No.18180540

Yes I'm familiar with craft beer bars with like 30 taps. I don't know about that anon's bar, but the ones I've been to, I ended up having to do quality control because a lot of the old world stuff simply doesn't move that fast. Dirty lines are also rampant in those places.
My issue is that I don't know what I want, like I said I was a bartender at a brewery, I have given that entire spiel from >>18174963 almost word-for-word several times a day for years. It's that the stuff I like just isn't that popular stateside.

>> No.18180545

>My issue isn't** that I don't know what I want

>> No.18180657

I was just being an ass, I have no idea what taps 1-6 would be at any bar but the ones here, and they're not consistently beer flavored.

>> No.18180700

>I just want beer that takes like beer
This. Even back here in bongland I've noticed a huge increase in flavoured "craft" beers over the past few years. Loads of weird cocktail smoothie IPAs or dessert flavoured stouts seem to be in vogue and popping up everywhere. Like it's not seen as trendy to just brew a plain old oatmeal stout or something anymore.
I've been sticking more and more to traditional cask pubs for this reason, there's just far less gimmicky shite

>> No.18180738
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It's a wonderful thing, I enjoy many styles of beers as well as ciders. But I know at the end of the day, that even though most people look at me like I'm nuts, from my first sip Moosehead tasted exactly what I always thought a great beer would be. It's like returning home every time I have it and could drink that stuff all day every day and never get bored.

I know not everyone loves fizzy swamp water, but I hope you all can find your equivalent!

>> No.18180782

I crave a good brown ale but it's such a rare find, even at the liquor store. Getting a good dark ale that isn't some dirty meme water is rough

>> No.18180934
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The whole IPA thing with waves of sours, porters etc. that's dominated the US beer scene pretty much put me off beer and booze in general from my early 20s to now in my early 30s. I've got my other vices but alc hasn't snagged me aside from the 16-22 party days.

That said I really enjoy lagers, German especially. There's a German restaurant near me owned by a couple that moved over from Munich and at least there I can slam back liters of König Ludwig. Life is good but we don't go out there often. Everywhere else is just as you described, a shit ton of IPAs and other shit I won't bother wasting the calories and cash on. The whole brewery vibe in general is pretty awful as well, a lot of parents with their babies or toddlers.

>> No.18180949

>The whole brewery vibe in general is pretty awful as well, a lot of parents with their babies or toddlers.
i feel you on that. if i drive up to a brewery and i see a playscape out front i'll pull a 360 degree turn and drive away.

>> No.18180971

Trendy: no, but once the honeymoon phase is over, good beer tends to stick around.

>> No.18181062

>insert ___ hops
>remove ___ hops
>replace ___ hops with ___
>sells drop for ___ hops drink
>demand rises for ___ hops again
>replace farmland with ___ hops
>repeat until everyone is happy

>> No.18181149

We should be brewing beer with cows.

>> No.18181177

Went on a holiday and went to a brewery in the city and a popular one at that.
Got the taster set that's 6 200ml beers they brew them selves.
5 where horse shit and 1 was ok but tasted imbalanced like it had way to much malt.

>> No.18181272

simple grain bill 80/10/10 pils/wheat/oats. Little risk of contamination or off flavors due to tons of hops. They are in style, and really easy to change/update. You just use different hop strains and slightly change the grain bill.

Every single IPA i've brewed has turned out great. Dry hop or not, high or low abv (6-14%), variety of yeasts ect, they are always super drinkable. I've brewed probably 10 dark beers and maybe 2 or 3 actually turned out well. Same thing goes for just about any other style.

If you can't lager, I do recommend baltic porter. 40/40/10/5/5 Vienna/Munich/Red Wheat/oats/chocolate. Use a wheat yeast and aim for ~7% abv. Fucking dank.

>> No.18181356


t. works in a beer/wine store

>> No.18181415

What went wrong with your dark beers?
You don't even need the wheat or the oats (they do help with the body, but some low/mid L crystal malt, carapils/carafoam, or a slightly less dry fermenting yeast would as well), actually your Baltic bill's really specific as well.

Kind of general for the rest of the crowd: West coast IPAs focus on limonene and pinene heavy hops (Cascade, CTZ, Citra and Mosaic), partly due to this influence, and partly due to what's available and cheap to ship, most American IPAs will have that grapefruit fucking a spruce tree flavour to them. If you go with East Kent Goldings, Fuggles (yes... Fuggles), and even some noble hops added really early in the boil, you can get pretty far away from that American flavour, into more of a spice, herbal and floral bitterness that makes balancing the malt and hops much easier. It's also possible to go the other way with late additions of fruitier, more tropical hops like Galaxy, Topaz, or even Mosaic if done late in the boil (it gets grapefruity early, and grassy when dry-hopped, but has more of a passionfruit thing going on when added in the last 10-15 mins of the boil) - you wind up with a hoppy IPA that doesn't taste like every participant in the west coast clone wars.

>> No.18181420
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You should really work at being less mad at things you can’t control, and simply enjoy what you enjoy without the air of superiority. Life gets so much better

>> No.18181428

Some people strive to live up to their negative stereotypes. It's hard to embrace these people, even as my enemy.

>> No.18181753

>t. soyboy IPA enjoyer

>> No.18181775

im seeing a return of good craft lagers, not just helles stuff either.

>> No.18181784

I'll add that craft american lager, especially light stuff, is very hard to do right.

>> No.18181790


>> No.18181830

What would you consider light?
But yeah, American craft pilsners are hit or miss. A lot of them are too floral and/or too hoppy

>> No.18181862

There is always more room to develop hops and yeast

>> No.18181894

I don’t hate IPAs, but what I don’t understand are double and triple IPAs, milkshake IPAs, etc.

Hazy IPAs can be okay, usually I’m looking for something a little cleaner and crisper nowadays

>> No.18182026
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My favorite? Narragansett. It's shit, but I fucking love it so much. Especially this time of year when they break out the vintage 1975 cans in honor of Jaws.
It's technically a craft beer now. Isn't that sad?

>> No.18182031

I don't see a lot of Helles though
Helles is a great style, like a pilsner but even more enjoyable to drink

>> No.18182484

Alcoholics don’t give a shit about abv. People that larp as “heavy drinkers” on a laotian sound art forum do, apparently

>> No.18182496

>Loads of weird cocktail smoothie IPAs or dessert flavoured stouts seem to be in vogue and popping up everywhere. Like it's not seen as trendy to just brew a plain old oatmeal stout or something anymore.
all the staples have been nailed to the wall by mega brewers like fuller's or greene king. weird craft brews are for middle-class alcoholics trying to disguise their habit as being trendy

>> No.18182856

Thank god I don't live in the US. Over here we have proper beer and microbreweries that actually brew good stuff.

>> No.18183140

The US is the best place in the world for beer though, I wish I lived there every time I want a beer.

>> No.18183371

You gotta take the bad with the good. For every brewer with a good product, there are ten who have more money than brains, and more hops than talent.

>> No.18183418


>Craft beer isn't this new crazy thing anymore
>Pretty much every town has at least one brewery now, and if not, the next town over does
>Lots of people of drinking age now are in the "craft beer? ew my dad likes that" phase
>The ones getting attention are meme-tier ones like pastry stouts, smoothie sours and super gimicky beers
>Breweries are now shifting over to stuff like seltzers, smoothie sours that are basically alcopops, and in many cases wine, all to appeal to basic bitches

Good news is that lots of the bad breweries are closing down and the days of even shitty breweries making lots of money are over. Bad news is I'd still say for every good, inventive and creative brewery, you'll still have 3-4 DDHNEDIPA/Pasty Stout/Kettle Sour/Meme beer heavy breweries.

They sell and are what most people default to. Even beers that aren't even IPAs are getting labeled as an IPA solely for marketing reasons. Breweries literally just make hoppy lagers and call them "cold IPAs" because the name sells better.

>> No.18183513

>>Lots of people of drinking age now are in the "craft beer? ew my dad likes that" phase
who gives a fuck what zoomers think

>> No.18184072

The people trying to sell them things

>> No.18184100

Every country has good beer and bad beer. Shut the hell up

>> No.18184168

There’s about a million different craft breweries. Plenty of good and plenty of bad. That’s a good thing about the US is the amount of options.