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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18162100 No.18162100 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18162104

don't they usually only hire cute girls?

>> No.18162112

Wait a second…wasn’t it Chic-Fil-A?

>> No.18162117

>Work one shift
>Be dead tired
>Have to carry 40 chicken sandwiches back home
>Rent is due in a week

>> No.18162142

No, it was Chik-Fil-A

>> No.18162148

it's a ragebait article

>> No.18162152

>take orders on an ipad for a couple of hours
>feed yourself for a week with daily fresh chicken sandwiches
Hell I makes a comfy salary and I’d still be tempted.
>people screech that Chic-fil-a is “asking people to work for free”
That particular store literally said they hire at $19/hr, but offer the volunteer gig for people who just want to do an hour or two whenever they feel like it and get food.
People are retarded.

>> No.18162166

you're even more retarded for reading vice articles

>> No.18162172

Deluxe sandwich at my closest CFA is $5.35
So it’s just shy of $27 worth of food for an hour of inputting shit on a tablet whenever you feel like doing so.
Honestly isn’t a bad deal.

>> No.18162178

>oh no le <website I don’t like>
The story is interesting. Don’t screech at me just because you’re too dumb to filter the relevant from the bullshit when you read things outside your echochamber.

>> No.18162182

Welcome to the new timeline, friend

>> No.18162200

What's the conversion rate in Burger terms?

>> No.18162203

20 mosquito cakes an hour

>> No.18162206

lol, no thank you.


>> No.18162207

All fast food sandwiches are shit when they become cold and aren't reheatable. A family of 5 that is so poor someone has to work for chicken sandwiches needs 27 dollars not 5 chicken sandwiches

>> No.18162235

Yes. Adequate compensation in gainsbird and flirting with qts sounds like a good deal

>> No.18162236

Don’t be dumb.
It has always been “Chick”. Period.
You can literally look up the 1968 trademark registration.

>> No.18162245

if they let you just come in and work without having to go through 3 weeks of waiting for 8 fucking managers to approve and then training like all shit jobs do nowadays yeah I'd do it when I was hungry

>> No.18162248

Please tell me you aren’t so stupid as to think they send you home with all your sandwiches.
You get vouchers.
>family of 5
Wow. You really are that stupid, aren’t you.

>> No.18162249

Can you pay your bills with those?

>> No.18162280

>21 minutes
lol, no thank you.

>> No.18162287

You're obviously not meant to

>> No.18162323 [DELETED] 

Jewish capitalism strikes again!

>> No.18162331

OK glowie. Not clicking your link

>> No.18162337

absolutely fucking not and anyone that would is a fucking retard unless theyre literally homeless.

>> No.18162338

Why are you trying to pay bills by volunteering for an hour instead of just getting a job?

>> No.18162368


>> No.18162383

>send 14 year old kid to chik fil a for one hour a day during summer
>work experience plus free chicken
ez win there
'volunteers' aren't limited by child labor age requirements

>> No.18162391

That's an odd way of bypassing minimum wage laws. Chicken sandwiches doesn't sound like a very stable currency though.

>> No.18162393

>That particular store literally said they hire at $19/hr
They don't. Unless you're young, white, and drug free. And they wonder why they can't get work, fuckers.

>> No.18162396

Is anyone willing to trade with me, a soup and salad from Panera Bread for 3 chicken sandwiches from Chick-fil-A? Also, how does the federal government tax the barter system?

>> No.18162404

>umm yeah I read "news" that is deliberately written in a way to twist the truth and make me retarded. but I magically filter all their efforts and only see the truth bro trust me

>> No.18162415

Sounds based to me.

>> No.18162417

So they prefer competent staff from a race of people with more empathy and diligence so that they can ensure they always deliver a quality product. Makes sense to me.

>> No.18162422

CPA here. You convert the value of the property you're exchanging into USD and figure out the gain/loss from there. Sorta like stocks being bought and sold. But at such a small level, it doesn't really matter if you report it or not. Also, the "volunteer" is supposed to report those sandwiches as income. It's really an employee/employer relationship and pay is just in the form of "property" instead of cash money. I can almost guarantee the store will be deducting those sandwiches as an expense.

>> No.18162423

fduck off we had a mandela thread like 3 days ago
kys bot

>> No.18162424

Then you remember you have to waste gas driving to chic-fil-a every time you want to redeem your sandwich and/or get dressed to drive out each and every time to redeem it plus wait in line. So bare minimum 30 minutes of time and gas to get your sandwich with each meal. Complete waste.

The only way this would be worth it is if you could sell them easily online.

>> No.18162429

As always, sounds like Jewish tricks for someone to remain alive without having to wipe sweat from one's brow, as God commanded.

>> No.18162432

or just, you know, financial tricks.

>> No.18162433

Yeah because I never get dressed or go outside for any reason that would ever make me drive past chic fil a or any other fast food place. What a hassle!

>> No.18162438

>working one hour a day
>get 5 sandwiches
>440 calories & 28g of protein per
>times 5
>2200 calorie meal with 140g of protein for an hour's work
not bad desu

>> No.18162440

Look, if you don't like it, complain Congress. They literally make the laws.

>> No.18162443 [DELETED] 

And Jews aren't known for financial tricks or word play? Why do they always disobey God? Lying and not working for the right to be alive.

>> No.18162446

Why would I respect some entity that disobeys God's laws?

>> No.18162448

Yeah now try doing that with 30 chicken sandwich vouchers you fucking retard. You're going to get sick of it and you won't feel like driving out for every meal or wasting gas for every meal just to pick up a chicken sandwich.

There's a reason they're offering this. Many reasons. The fact that you're too braindead to realize you're not going to utilize that many chicken sandwiches is the kind of stupidity they're counting on to take advantage of people. Wouldn't be surprised if the vouchers expire after 1-3 months too.

>> No.18162454

People that aren't jews can also use financial tricks. Your obsession with jews has nothing to do with finance or cooking or anything. Get help.

>> No.18162458 [DELETED] 

And these people that aren't Jews, do they believe God told them not to do these things? That's the differences.

>> No.18162460

Oh my god 30 vouchers that don't expire use one at a time?! I never go to the same place twice, who does that?? Who would even leave their house twice for that matter???

>> No.18162463

You're an actual moron.

>> No.18162465

Says the guy thinking putting on my clothes it a deterrent for anything

>> No.18162469

Getting dressed to go out and eat is a hassle. It's time wasted. So is waiting in line. And driving to the restaurant. And paying for gas.

But don't let me stop you, you giant fucking retard. Go take advantage of this amazing deal. I'm sure you'll redeem every sandwich.

>> No.18162473

What a weird and gay article
>Chick-fil-A Is Asking for 'Volunteers' to Work for 5 Chicken Sandwiches Per Hour
No, one franchise location did that, not Chik-fil-A.
>The post racked up 265 comments before being deleted. Many of the commenters pointed out that Chick-fil-A is a massively popular fast food chain whose owners are worth roughly $14 billion and thus should not be asking people to illegally work for free.
The owner of the corporation doesn't decide what people at a specific store are paid. Only a retard would think that.
>We’ve had multiple people sign up and enjoy doing and have done it multiple times. People who sign up for this chose it voluntarily. We are still hiring full time and part time team members, so if you are interested in working in our store, we pay $19/hr
Sounds like a great place for low skilled wagies and teenagers to work, what other McJob pays $19/h? And people actually volunteered for this, but antiwork retards still mobbed the store and got the opportunity shut down.
> it looks like Hendersonville is so hard up for staff that it’s asking for volunteers to work for nuggets and sandwiches.
The author argues that they can't find anyone to work for $19/h, so they somehow get people to work for sandwiches instead. Think about how retarded you have to be to have a thought like that.
And the of course there is this completely unrelated paragraph at the end
>Asking for labor and paying with nuggets isn’t the first time the fast food giant has been criticized. The controversies surrounding its founder, his opinions on the LGTBQ community, and money the company has donated to anti-LGBTQ causes is so vast and complicated it necessitates its own Wikipedia article.

>> No.18162485

You don't need to respect it, none of us do. But if you live here, you should probably follow the laws of the land.
>Jews are le bad
Better than Christians

>> No.18162505

Only to work the window.

>> No.18162532

small businesses amiright

>> No.18162642

No vitamins or minerals though. If you prepared some veggies to eat with it then yeah not bad at all

>> No.18162649

Do you never drive anywhere such that you drive past fast food places? Most people do. It's just a matter of stopping on the way. Your protests speak to the fact that you never leave the house

>> No.18162650

just help yourself to some lettuce leaves and tomato slices while you're on the clock and you'll be g2g

>> No.18162658

I'm a paid chik fil a drive thru customer and it's a much better gig I already get free food

>> No.18162666

>what other McJob pays $19/h?
Dick's Drive In in Washington state starts at $19/hr.

>> No.18162673

Nope. They need to raise their wage so people will want to work there. I aint helping them avoid this reality.

>> No.18162678

say the niggerword, you coward

>> No.18162688
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>> No.18162704

>being literate and having a modicum of critical thinking ability? Lol people can’t do that!
Your parents must be very proud.

>> No.18162740

I thought they gave you the sandwiches in the end of the shift

>> No.18162751

>dude trust me I read the bible and all I learned about was science and evolution
k. keep me posted.

>> No.18162753

Paying a living wage? Nah here is some chicken sandwich tho :)
Well crack heads or hobos probably would take the gig i mean its free food and being inside

>> No.18162757

they give vouchers you idiot

>> No.18162765

Volunteer, and blacks don't do that.

>> No.18162769

we're talking about pure nutritional value, not taste, you fucking obese whale

>> No.18162774

They wouldnt need """volunteers""" if the salary was somewhat good

>> No.18162787

chicken sandwich vouchers are unironically a more legitimate currency than USD

>> No.18162791

It's 19 dollars an hour for flipping chicken, that's easy as fuck and a livable wage for a single person

>> No.18162805

If they can't get people to work for $19/h, how would offering $0 help? That makes no sense.

>> No.18162817

Yep, the salary is too good for fast food even, but there still a massive labor shortage due to lazy niggers still clinging on covid gibs

>> No.18162830

The entire franchise concept itself is broken by now. You can't sell cheap as fast food and pay everyone a decent wage. It all rides on the concept of exploiting the desperate.

>> No.18162835

>[zooming intensifies]
Now I see why you think reading/thinking is hard.

>> No.18162837

do i have to report my chicken sandwich volunteer income on my taxes

>> No.18162841

dae mendela affect biblically accurate liminal spaces?

>> No.18162867
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>> No.18162877
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so what's the real story

>> No.18162882

>You can literally look up the 1968 trademark registration.
That doesn't matter. I was shifted into a timeline where it's "Chick", so of course it's also "Chick" in the year 1968 within this new timeline. I'm from the "Chic" timeline so I'm the only one that can tell it's different despite all evidence within this "Chick" timeline suggesting otherwise.

>> No.18162885

what did you do to switch is this punishment or reward of somesort

>> No.18162893

Chick-fil-a is Jewish

>> No.18162898

its another timeline shifter

>> No.18162938

>how dare they not hire literal drug addicts to make my food!

>> No.18162941

depends if i get to fondle and kiss my female coworkers

>> No.18162946


>> No.18162949

I am willing to tolerate a lower quality of life and accept certain risks in order to reduce the egregious social sins committed by our society. I am a decent person. sounds like you are not.

>> No.18162959

>Vice article
They are doing it just to attack le heckin' evil fast food corp that doesn' love my faggarinos

>> No.18162964

Yes, just to get her number
You didn't get the CERN notice last week?

>> No.18162971

Sounds like you want welfare, and there are no decent people on welfare.

>> No.18163024
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>It's me, the designation of the local poultry eatery franchise has been tampered with as a result of the organization's dubious plans...
>The world will never be the same...

>> No.18163120

>not hiring niggers and druggies is a sin

>> No.18163291

>need more salary living wage that’s why they can’t get workers
You guys appear to be missing the fact that the “shift” is literally 1hr. Just the lunch rush. That’s it.
You can’t have a 1hr employee position.

>> No.18163309

those are rookie numbers we gotta get those numbers up

>> No.18163326

>volunteer to feed the homeless
>actual corporate entity makes it possible
>leftist blogsite: "no! not that way!"
this is why we should always denounce leftism, anons.

>> No.18163332

><website I don’t like>
odd take.
what makes you think preference has anything to do with nonsense?

>> No.18163333

>critical thinking ability
Part of critical thinking is not reading bullshit publications that are more keen reporting on transgender drug parties than they are on anything of any substance. It's like eating nothing but potato chips and then trying to nullify the diet with some pushups

>> No.18163336

>Also, how does the federal government tax the barter system?
the feds fear the under the table chicken sandwich worker

>> No.18163346

>hey, it's me again. Yeah, it changed back
>no, it wasn't us
>yeah, it was /x/ again
>yeah, trips, they also changed captn crunch

>> No.18163384

Tiers of discussion ITT:

Low IQ:
>debating capitalism, the nature of volunteering, exploitation, the quality of cfa's food, the source material
Mid IQ:
>debating the use of this service to get in proximity of young sluts
High IQ:
>discussing the potential of exploiting this program to get maximal free chicken sandwiches with minimum effort

>> No.18163399

Galaxy IQ: The Mandela effect bros

>> No.18163416

it was chick-fill-ya

>> No.18163419

Previously known as Chink-fil-A, a chinese fastfood chain. They server "real" hot dogs.

>> No.18163427

Don’t get me wrong; I despise vice and similar.
However, this particular CFA location offered 5 sandwiches in exchange for one hour of helping with those extended drive-thru lines during lunch rush.
That is the true bit, and is the only takeaway you should have from the article.
The disingenuous “well I’m not *technically* lying” wording piled onto the few facts should be obvious to anyone as to be easily disregarded.
The headline OP posted illustrates that perfectly.
Grammatically pointless quotes. But implies CFA is using the term dishonestly.
>…5 Chicken Sandwiches Per Hour
Technically true. But clearly meant to give headline-only-readers the impression these people are working full shifts. Nobody describes pay as “X per Y” when there’s only one Y.
>So hard up for people to work the lunch rush
Implies a hiring issue. But you can’t hire people for 1hr shifts, and that’s all they need.

>> No.18163447

>part of critical thinking is avoiding the need to think critically
I think you’re conflating it with personal idealism.
If a tranny says “one plus one equals two and also I’m a woman”, his statement is half correct regardless of my personal opinion of him. Your potato chip analogy would only apply to someone who can’t easily tell which half is correct.

>> No.18163450

trust journalists. so much of the issues of our country the past 5+ years are from people who refuse to trust and straight up counter signal the news. Guess what people? These are experts trying to help you by informing you about the world. You're literally ruining the country by pushing stuff like this

>> No.18163453

Nothing wrong with that
T. Chinese whyte women enjoyer

>> No.18163558

Yeah I drive past fast food places. I don't drive past Chick-Fil-A because I don't even have one in my area. Even if it was on the way to and from work(unlikely for most people), it's not worth it. Even if you only volunteered like 5 hours of time that's 25 sandwiches and 5 hours where you would have made $95 if you just accepted money instead of sandwiches and would have made $150 if you just worked a normal job. The money is infinitely better than the sandwiches. It can be used for anything.

The simple fact is most people aren't going to redeem 30 chicken sandwiches in a month. It's just not feasible or realistic. Which makes the work not worth it. Not to mention the entire point of why they'd want to do this is to get you to show up for a chicken sandwich and you'll probably buy something else while you're there with your sandwich. So they not only get you to work for them for jack shit(you get each sandwich at cost which is like $2 so you're working for $10 an hour), but they are basically advertising to you for free and getting you to come to their store in the bundle and probably throwing most of the money you "earned" right back into their pockets when you go to redeem their voucher.

I'm the one being a realist. It's a stupid fucking deal even under ideal conditions and this doesn't account for things like expirations or having to specifically go out to retrieve the sandwich if you're already home or it's not directly in your route.

>> No.18163565

That would be even worse.

>> No.18163579

you will never be a real woman

>> No.18163581

I would absolutely work 2 hours for 10 sandwiches.

That sounds like a lot of fun too.

>> No.18163586
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this CERN shit is getting out of hand. Next you'll tell me they don't grind up faggots into every chicken sandwich.

>> No.18163588

NEET detected

>> No.18163596

>give fake info
>wear a mask sunglasses and hat
>"excuse me mam could you please take your phone out and record me giving you your food?"
>throw food into window
>whip drink at their head
>sprint away
>let wagie manager deal with the blowback

>> No.18163614

uhm... based department?

>> No.18163622

>get arrested for assault and hate crime
>get charged with resume fraud

>> No.18163623
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I went to chick fil a like 2 hours ago and I had a girl take my order and then I didn't even pull up to a window I just pulled up to 2 swinging doors with like
T E N of the hottest girls I've ever seen in my life giggling at each other. it was like I was at a fucking college sorority party and I was the only male there. thankfully I kept the spaghetti in my pockets and just took my food and left but holy fucking shit no heterosexual man could ever work there without flirting with every single other employee

>> No.18163630

Holy fucking shit you actually existed next to like 10 attractive women and nothing happened??

>> No.18163642

You volunteer to stand outside in the sun with the tablet taking orders you dumb black, no way in hell would they let you step inside.

>> No.18163645


>> No.18163679


>> No.18163711
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Jesus,breeders are so fucking pathetic and such simps

>> No.18163735

A broken clock is right twice a day, but you shouldn't be checking it for the time. My analogy is comparing vice content to junkfood. Regardless of the fact that it has some nutritional value, its consumption is a long term net negative on your health. Likewise, Vice content is shit and sifting through that shit for nuggets of truth is a waste of your time and energy when you could just consume non shit content.

>> No.18163745

They're Godless heathens. Fornication is a sin for a reason, without self-restraint you have pathetic virgin simps cooming over japanese drawings and giving their paychecks to Onlyfans.

>> No.18163749

Dangerously based af

>> No.18163761
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Based. These should be the rules for all women and hedonistic men should be beaten until they stop.

>> No.18163817

You're jesting but there have been known instances of leftist fanatics going out and taking racism in public just to spark outrage.

>> No.18163821

You misunderstand, friend. I should have made it more clear that don’t look to garbage like vice as a source of anything with any frequency.
However in this case, the only “sources” I found were vice, some blog literally written by a feminist HR manager, and Business Insider which is every bit as clickbaity bullshit as vice.
>broken clock
I get what you mean, but this isn’t a case of “accidentally having a shred of truth by chance”
The reason why “journalists” who write for things like vice have jobs is that they’re good at tricking readers into forming an intended (false) conclusion on their own, without explicitly writing said conclusion and opening their company up to a lawsuit.
I would assert this is exactly why people need to be able to recognize the tricks,
If a written article isn’t disclaimed as an opinion piece, and isn’t “reporting on a report”, then it will contain a truth that it then tries to distract you from. Being able to recognize it is useful at times.

>> No.18163823

>you may not loiter downtown in the icecream stores
why is this so specific? what happened at an icecream store that they needed to make this rule?

>> No.18163834

I only accept payment in ramen and cigarettes.

>> No.18163861


>> No.18163866
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>5 chicken sandwiches an hour
>Even chick fil a 2 sandwiches a day is too much food for a normal person
>Demand more than 5 an hour

>> No.18163898

Work for one hour to get dinner for your whole family. Seems good to me.

>> No.18164015

yeah this thread made me get chick fil a hope you get some extra satoshis op

>> No.18164048

I always see gay black kids working at chik fil a. No idea why. But i don't care. The service and food are always on point.

>> No.18164050

this moron is just rambling about economic conspiracy theories

>> No.18164069

>Chick-fil-A sandwich retails for $3.05
>5 per hour
>$15/hr in savings

>> No.18164406

Usually you only get that in Thailand

>> No.18164562

>turn up and volunteer during my lunchbreak
>work for 12 minutes
>get my first sandwich
check mate

>> No.18164857

Bad shit

>> No.18164869

>$15/hr in savings
Assuming I was going to buy 5 sandwiches an hour to begin with.

>> No.18164916


I'd fuck up all the orders and eat the customer's orders.

They can't even fire me.


>> No.18164955

then they'll discontinue it

>> No.18164985

what about all the jenkem you can chug?

>> No.18165752
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>shifting timelines
I thought I was alone.

>> No.18165761 [DELETED] 

Past generations were so fucking based it's unbelievable. Now its nothing but zoomer tranny faggots.

>> No.18165767

Those should apply for men as well.

>> No.18165770

>So it’s just shy of $27 worth of food



>> No.18165798

>unlikely for most people
lol.. do you live in bumfuck nowhere? Anyone who works in a town that's not some rinky dink shithole is going to be driving passed and assortment fast food places on every commute, they're fucking positioned with that in mind.

>> No.18165806

Jaws' girlfriend had braces, that's why he fell in love with her.

>> No.18165808

Arent those sandwiches like 6 dollars? If I just sold my 5 to customers i'd make 30 dollars per hour.

>> No.18165823

>He doesn’t know the difference between cost and retail
This board is full of fucking retards.

>> No.18165837

What percentage of the population do you think has a Chick-Fil-A directly on their route to work? I want to gauge how retarded you are.

>> No.18165875
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>> No.18165893

So that's a yes to bumfuck nowhere and not understanding my post with your hick IQ.

>> No.18165974

im white and i know first-hand that we are neither empathetic, diligent, nor competent.

>> No.18166009

Then you are white trash.

>> No.18166018

Whites are easily the most empathetic race on the planet. They're the only people who are so empathetic that they will constantly criticize their own people, sacrifice their country, sacrifice their own people, and everything they own to make other races happy. Not one other race on the planet would do that. Your own self-criticism is just further example that whites are extremely empathetic. They're the only people so empathetic that they can be brainwashed into hating themselves just for existing. Everyone else is too selfish or indifferent to ever do that.

>> No.18166024

olympic level mental gymnastics

>> No.18166029

this is true, don't know if it's inherent to white people or from being the mass majority and having some guilt attached to that, consider how white men have the highest suicide rate despite having "the best life" and black women are lowest despite having "the worst life"

>> No.18166037

In what way?

>> No.18166039

How in the world do black women have the worst life? Men I could almost see but women? They basically just have to exist and are eligible for gibs.

>> No.18166049

you'll stretch any favorable broad generalization about a race to fit your narrative.

>> No.18166052

This post smells like black sweat and coco butter

>> No.18166057

wow so empathetic

>> No.18166062

>boss, people don't want to work with fast food anymore, they say we pay too little
>how about we pay them nothing and give them burgers instead?

>> No.18166079

>don't know if it's inherent to white people or from being the mass majority and having some guilt attached to that
It's relatively unique to whites. Can't think of any other country or race that treats its minorities as well as Europe/USA does. Minorities under whites are so coddled that they think some "microaggression" discrimination bullshit based on their race's overall shitty behavior is an actual hardship or injustice. Most of them don't even know what it's like to be actually be discriminated against.

>> No.18166081


>> No.18166083

That doesn't even make sense. How was it a stretch?

>> No.18166086

I maybe would have when I was 15.

>> No.18166096

Volunter to make gøyslop? Are you stupid?

>> No.18166115

I'm only empathetic until I have a reason not to be.

>> No.18166135

okay. so an eternally conditional "empathy".
and the reason to stop your Mother Teresa ways was that someone else's opinion differed from yours?

>> No.18166163

>noooo everything he said was gospel and cant be refuted even though it assumes the world

the replies to this guy only proves how far they have their heads up themselves.

>> No.18166180

>the replies to this guy
>this guy
You mean you.

And white people acknowledging how self-sacrificing they are isn't an indication that they aren't empathetic. Go ahead and find me a post of black people saying "we are neither empathetic, diligent, nor competent" and let me know how other black people respond to that.

You're delusional, dude. You've been brainwashed to hate the nicest people on the planet.

>> No.18166214

>Would you do this?
Actual employees get workman's comp insurance for when they trip over a curb or hit by a car in the parking lot, or slip in the kitchen grease. Not being a full-time employee without health insurance is one thing, but everyone gets workman's comp. So, no, no volunteering for food.

Seems like this should be illegal, really.

>> No.18166237

Chick fil a deal is better than what my state asked me to do to get food stamps, they wanted me to volunteer 20 hours a week for benefits. I got 160 a month for groceries. This came out to about 2 dollars an hour for my time.

Volunteered once for 90 minutes, then left because it felt like actual work, for 2 dollars an hour, then I found a job before they cut me off.

>> No.18166244

Using an iPad for an hour is dangerous. Workers comp is essential.

>> No.18166276

believe what you want to believe about who's who. clearly that was just a self-aware white anon.

the example of a lack of empathy was his white fellow ostracizing a guy for simply disagreeing. not whatever youre on about.
or were you saying that because a single anon was so self-aware in his insight it means that all of you are just as self-sacrificing? all the replies from white anons to him were disagreeing with him anyway in some weird backwards "we're so empathetic and kind to the point of suicide in favor of the human race that we're actually the best race ever" way. so selfless and not self-aggrandizing at all...

also your whole house of cards is built on assuming the behavior of a minority in a group serves as a guide to apply to the behavior of the majority. retard logic that only appeals to those who want worthless brownie points for being born the way they were.

>btw if they arent your ideal saint of an Aryan they're white trash and dont count so yes we're empathetic to our own kind too lol.

>> No.18166305

>clearly that was just a self-aware white anon.
You mean a self-flagellating white or a minority LARPing as a white. Either way, proving my point.

>so selfless and not self-aggrandizing at all
You're a moron confusing empathy with humility. Whites are the most self-sacrificing whether they acknowledge it or not. You seem to believe empathy is a matter of humility and it isn't.

You aren't self-aware. You're just a well trained dog that has been trained to hate himself by appealing to your sense of empathy(you know, a thing other races don't have as much of, the entire point).

>also your whole house of cards is built on assuming the behavior of a minority in a group serves as a guide to apply to the behavior of the majority.
No it isn't. That's an assumption on your part. I am going by the entirety of these minority populations as a whole, not just the ones who commit crimes. Whites as a group are more empathetic than other races. I'm sorry this truth hurts your feelings. You're not going to find any other country that bends over backwards like this to try to appease minorities. It only exists in white countries.

>> No.18166321

The only people who will accept this offer are homeless or extremely wealthy. There is 0 reason to help a company PROFIT for no pay.

>> No.18166366

again, believe what you want to believe.

im not confusing anything. he lacked the empathy to understand how being ostracized would feel. proving how the posters here lack humility is just icing on the cake.

provide one example that proves the world is as you say it is other than simply saying "yeah dude our assholes are dilated to the max for your pleasure

>> No.18166379

I love women

>> No.18166480

Most fast food restaurants sell at more than an 80% profit.
It's more like $5.40 per hour if you learn to make your own food.

>> No.18166526

don't these sheeple have jobs? why are they sitting in their cars?? I'm too busy to be like them!

whoops sorry guys I was taking so long to record this in my car that the camera overheated

>> No.18166617

Yeah, cry about it Jamal.

>> No.18166653

>again, believe what you want to believe.
Should tell yourself that since you're burying your head in the sand.

>he lacked the empathy to understand how being ostracized would feel.
We do understand it. Just because some guy is mean to you on the internet doesn't mean they aren't an empathetic person in real life, dimwit.

>provide one example that proves the world is as you say it is
Slavery abolished. Aboriginal protection laws. Overrepresented minority advertising and catering. Social focus on improving lives for minorities. Black lives matter. Affirmative action. Diversity quotas. Trillions in aid to Africa. Countless refugees. 9 examples and that's only getting started.

Most of these things don't exist in non-white countries, and certainly not to the extent that whites give. You are just a brainwashed idiot that probably thinks whites could never give enough or suffer enough to make up for their imaginary sins.

>> No.18166660

>whites are responsible for building our whole world
the post. you actually think whites are god and it's hilarious.

>> No.18166680

Nice job just giving up since you know I'm right.

Whites certainly are responsible for most of modern civilization. Though there are useful cultures and people of other races as well. That's yet another thankless thing whites have done in bringing our technological marvels to the rest of the world. The very reason you can type your weak dumb responses to me is because of white people.

It's the biggest and most hilarious cosmic joke that white people are the most selfless, giving, altrustic people and yet the most hated by the people they've helped the most. All because these retards have been brainwashed to think that slavery was some white sin that they deserve to suffer for eternally when whites themselves were the ones that abolished the practice worldwide lmfao. What an absolute joke.

>> No.18166702

Why does chic fil a make minorities so angry?

>> No.18166710

>im scared so im going to declare my own victory
^thats what youre doing, faggot.
baseless arguments dont deserve a targeted response. you'd have to be a white wanting some weird ancestral brownie points that dont exist to ever be fooled into thinking you raised anything noteworthy. when someone says "water isnt wet" i see their poor mental capabilites and conclude it's futile to refute their claim the same as it's futile to dissect your wild-goose-chase of a post.

>The very reason you can type your responses to me is because of white people.
again, you think whites are god and it's hilarious. the flexibility you have to suck your own dick is amazing.
why continue to imply that it was a white person's whiteness that gave them any chance at contributing to the world? because it makes up for how little prowess you actually have. you rely on race as your slam-dunk redeeming quality. too bad everything you claim is false.

im pretty sure they only piss off gay faggots like >>18166680 with their religious-based views

>> No.18166747

>^thats what youre doing
You responded to my post with nothing. You gave up. When someone gives up and has no points, they lose. I am sorry that this upsets you.

>baseless arguments dont deserve a targeted response.
So you're saying I shouldn't bother responding to you, then.

>you'd have to be a white wanting some weird ancestral brownie points that dont exist to ever be fooled into thinking you raised anything noteworthy.
You're genuinely delusional and just ignorant and obviously not white to begin with despite LARPing as one earlier in the thread.

>again, you think whites are god and it's hilarious. the flexibility you have to suck your own dick is amazing.
why continue to imply that it was a white person's whiteness that gave them any chance at contributing to the world? because it makes up for how little prowess you actually have. you rely on race as your slam-dunk redeeming quality. too bad everything you claim is false.
Man I feel like I'm practically typing to a retard just spouting out cliches. Your argument has now resorted to saying white people can't take credit for any of their own inventions or achievements because you think their genetics had nothing to do with it(though you contradictorily DO seem to think genetics and race matters from the rest of your posts, just not for white achievement). You are an actual idiot.

I'm not relying on past white achievements for my own self-worth. My own deeds are my own. You were the one saying whites were not collectively empathetic, altruistic or self-sacrificing. I gave you examples and proved you definitively wrong and you ignored it and claimed they don't count.

>with their religious-based views
I'm an atheist.

>> No.18166767

Yeah but it looks like you're seething harder I can't tell if it's melanin or white guilt though.

>> No.18166814

I'd work for food if it was no strings attached

>> No.18166834

im not a fool so no, im not going to entertain your assertion that white people are responsible for BLM or anything else you claimed which was just as absurdly false. youre attempting to bind me in a catch 22 but i wont play ball so youre preemptively declaring your own victory. pitiful.

>though you contradictorily DO seem to think genetics and race matters
you wrote
>Whites certainly are responsible for most of modern civilization.
as if whiteness was the catalyst required. if one wasnt inferring that conclusion from your words already one needs to look no further than earlier in the discourse. this is a critical disagreement. you wrote that "white" qualities like "selflessness" and "altrustic" (i inferred altruism from your word there) can be claimed by or applied to a whole people but they cant. i get it though, youre backpedaling from that line of thought when you say your "deeds are your own". okay. take responsibility for how ridiculous youre being with your claims then.

lol. im just not smug.

>> No.18166957

Or white.

>> No.18166989

>im not going to entertain your assertion that white people are responsible for BLM or anything else you claimed which was just as absurdly false.
So you picked out that one thing and think that's justification to dismiss the rest of it? lol. And no, whites didn't start BLM. But they pushed it and backed it, idiot. You think a movement like that would take off in an Asian country or African country? You think BLM gets anywhere without whites pushing it? Only in a white country could such a stupid movement flourish.

>youre attempting to bind me in a catch 22 but i wont play ball so youre preemptively declaring your own victory. pitiful.
I'm making basic points and you're too stupid to actually address them or make an argument so you're just coping and claiming you don't need to argue.

>as if whiteness was the catalyst required.
Yes. White people are the ones that invented and created all of the things you enjoy, idiot. You claim any group could have done it, which is pure fantasy and not reality. White people did it.

>you wrote that "white" qualities like "selflessness" and "altrustic" (i inferred altruism from your word there) can be claimed by or applied to a whole people but they cant.
You can't read. I didn't say they were exclusive to white people. I said white people exhibited them the most, and they do. They are the most giving, patient, understanding and altruistic race of people as demonstrated by their actions. This attribute can broadly be applied to whites, just as we can make broad observations about any race of people. Is every single white person altruistic? No. Are they collectively more altruistic than other groups? Yes.

>i get it though, youre backpedaling from that line of thought when you say your "deeds are your own".
I haven't backpedaled on a single thing I typed.

>okay. take responsibility for how ridiculous youre being with your claims then.
I would if I were being ridiculous, but I'm not. You're just stupid.

>> No.18167023

>Yes. White people are the ones...
this isnt true but even if it were i cant believe that you think it's whiteness that created anything. interesting to peer into the mind of a white supremacist. i guess you HAVE to be white to invent anything...

>Only in a white country could such a stupid movement flourish.
okay now i understand that you just wanted to use this as an excuse to soapbox hate for minorities.

>just as we can make broad observations about any race of people.
false. and because this is false, most everything you claim is false.

>I haven't backpedaled on a single thing I typed.
yes you have. you say every deed is one's own but now all of a sudden it belongs to a whole race. pick one and only one.

keep the ad-homs coming though, it's only killing your character.

>> No.18167030

that would make sense if it was a high end chicken themed clothing store fuck face

>> No.18167053

>this isnt true but even if it were i cant believe that you think it's whiteness that created anything. interesting to peer into the mind of a white supremacist. i guess you HAVE to be white to invent anything...
I'm not a white supremacist, for one. I don't believe white people are unique or special. Only the most giving. I also don't try to disregard and deny their technological contributions or nearly endless philanthropy due to not wanting to admit that they are, unlike the media tries to brainwash you into believing, kind and incredibly giving people.

For two, no, you don't have to be white to invent anything. Just mostly white people did invent everything of note that you currently enjoy in the modern world. And they spread and shared that technology so you could use it. And your thanks is that you hate them.

>okay now i understand that you just wanted to use this as an excuse to soapbox hate for minorities.
I don't hate minorities. I just think Black Lives Matter is a stupid movement.

>false. and because this is false, most everything you claim is false.
You've yet to give a satisfactory answer as to why even one thing I've stated is wrong. You seem like you're used to just using these broad, vague, infantile generalities and getting applause for it or something.

>yes you have. you say every deed is one's own but now all of a sudden it belongs to a whole race. pick one and only one.
The fact that you're too stupid to understand this distinction is depressing. My deeds ARE my own. I am a white person. They still reflect on all white people as a group as I belong to that group. You are the hypocrite who wants to assign race when it's negative on whites and ignore it when discussing white achievement and philanthropy.

>keep the ad-homs coming though, it's only killing your character.
Will do you dumb faggot. It doesn't matter whether I shit all over you on the internet. You're an idiot.

>> No.18167103

>whites arent supreme... okay maybe they are in these ways and every way
found the white supremacist.

>you hate them.
never said i hated anyone. youre projecting hostility because ive got you mad that your argument defeats itself.

>why even one thing I've stated is wrong.
you say
>My deeds ARE my own.
but go on to say
>They still reflect on all white people
as if thats not contradictory when you know it is. eat shit more, it's doing wonders for your ego, pal.

im only entertaining your worldview for the sake of communicating with a dense brickwall. speaking in race generalities is all you understand, as a private white supremacist.

its weird how race-centric your thinking is. alarming. creepy, even. should i come to school tomorrow or no? not sure if youre planning something with how disturbed you seem.

>> No.18167135

>found the white supremacist.
Idiot. They are the most altruistic. Blacks are the best basketball players. Does it make me a black supremacist to acknowledge this? According to your logic, yes.

>never said i hated anyone.
Your disdain and disregard for white altruism is evident on its own. Saying they aren't altruistic, competent, or diligent is so ignorant that it is basically hateful.

>youre projecting hostility because ive got you mad that your argument defeats itself.
lol. I couldn't be less indifferent. The thing about you that has me most angry is just how obviously stupid you are.

>as if thats not contradictory when you know it is.
As in not once have I taken credit for white accomplishment that I didn't personally do, idiot. You claimed I was feeling vicariously important through the achievement of other whites(in much dumber terms). I don't. White collective accomplishment doesn't matter in my own self-worth or determining my worth as an individual by others. However, my own deeds, being that of a white person, do contribute to collective white action and achievement.

Do you understand now? Collective white achievement is not my own, but my own achievements do belong to collective white achievement. I can't dumb this down any more than I have. I can be judged both as an individual and part of a group.

>im only entertaining your worldview for the sake of communicating with a dense brickwall
The irony being that's what I'm doing.

>its weird how race-centric your thinking is. alarming. creepy, even. should i come to school tomorrow or no? not sure if youre planning something with how disturbed you seem.
You just took exception to being called a hypocrite, then accused me of being obsessed with race, then made an obviously racist joke. You really are a moron.

I honestly don't have anything left to say to you at this point. I've again and again just wrecked you on this topic.

>> No.18167224

>Does it make me a black supremacist to acknowledge this?
its crazy how it never occured to you that it wasnt blackness that would have led to any success but simply the individual. only white supremacists think in terms of
>all of this group is this way because some are that way.
then extract that logic to apply favorable qualities to themselves because, again, they want points for being born the way they were.

>Saying they aren't altruistic, competent, or diligent is so ignorant that it is basically hateful.
>noooo whites are victim to your language!
cry more. you sure can fabricate a foul where there is none. whites arent any more ________ than any other race because generalities like that are fundamentally false.

>Collective white achievement is not my own, but my own achievements do belong to collective white achievement. "white action"
"collective achievement" means nothing when looking at an individual as youve conceded. i guess collective human achievement exists too but it's no guiding light in life. there are so many "collective achievements" of mankind that you can slice demographically any way you want. but you want to slice it by race because you think it would favor the white race thus inflating your ego. youre probably a white supremacist.

>The irony being that's what I'm doing.
oh cmon. dont "no u" me

>obviously racist joke.
if thats what you see... i didnt intend a stereotypical joke. because in fact im not joking. im afraid for my life a little. not sure what youre truly capable of with all of this hate and hostility festering. i thought i was having a friendly discussion online but you seem so disturbed that i might not... be. anymore. soon. wow. im sorry we wont see eye to eye and tell the senpai i love em because i'll be with my ancestors soon it seems.

>> No.18167260

yeah cause i wanna get fat

>> No.18167261

This would only work if they allowed you to sleep in the storage room or something. You can't pay rent with chicken.

>> No.18167444

>for no pay
chick fila sandwiches are basically a currency in suburban America

>> No.18167463

A 14 year old can get a work permit anyway.

>> No.18167639

>go to chic fil a
>fuck slutty christians in the walk-in
>steal, a lot

>> No.18167653

Men work the night shift and wearing long dresses interferes with manual labor.

>> No.18167657

No you’re looking for Universe 67Delta. You’re in 43Omega

>> No.18167670

What the fuck is up with the Random Letter Designations instead of using just numbers to designate things? You might as well just use colors like mice in European children's books.

>> No.18167680

>All this fucking reddit spacing
I didn't read a single one of these posts but I know for a fact every single one of you is a cunty faggot

>> No.18167813

"reddit spacing" lmfao what a fucking loser

>> No.18167861

>leftist fanatics
I'll never forget when I learned that people actually bought into these lies, and weren't just trolling on 4chan. Trump lost dude. Its gunna be ok.

>> No.18167867

I would but only like for 2 hours every saturday

>> No.18167957

Ask me how I know your either Blob-tier fat or Tales of the Crypt-tier skinny and have zero friends?

>> No.18168085

A voucher for a chicken sandwich is a stable investment. Not only is it backed by Chick fil a (as long as CFA remains I business it will be honored) but it is completely unaffected by inflation.

>> No.18169249
File: 372 KB, 1200x1055, Chicken Slaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Valued Team Members:

You have been replaced by vagrants working for food. You're fired.

Thanks: Management

>> No.18169299

> The store in Hendersonville is perhaps best known for employing Madison Cawthorn as a cashier, years before he was elected as a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Lot of odd folks once you get back toward the hills.

>> No.18169300

Why is everyone complaining just flip the sandwiches in the streets

>> No.18169641

Found the soulless native NPC

>> No.18169659

I have a hard time believing a fast food place bothers with paying for drug tests. Obviously you're gonna get fired if you come to work on crack or don't come to work because you're off doing crack, but at that point it's more about you not being able to function in society than any hatred of drugs.

>> No.18169882

Under normal circumstances, no. But im in an interesting situation. I'm on disability and have blown through all my "trial work period" time so if I work at all my SSDI gets cut.
I often find myself using the food bank near the end of the month and i hate going there for food even though its pretty good stuff its just a hassle.
It sounds like these shifts are only a couple of hours, so for me I'd much rather go take drive through orders for a couple of hours and get vouchers for chick-fil-a, plus it gives you a chance to meet people

>> No.18170227

It's not the Mandela effect, you're actually misremembering it. The actual term is and always has been the Mandingo effect

>> No.18170231

>I'm on disability
this is a known problem. I think you can work, but only x number of hours/week, nothing more, so maybe this is a thing.

>> No.18170719

Yes because they only hire Christians and right wing women are cute.

>> No.18170751

better than pagpag

>> No.18170778

2/3 of those are prerequisites for being human and you shouldn't work fast food if you're not young.

>> No.18170841


>> No.18171047

No. CFA is OK for what it is, but fast food in general sucks.

>> No.18171057
File: 860 KB, 320x253, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right wing women are cute.

>> No.18171138

I dont know what to do. I'm not competitive, assertive, aggressive, or confrontational. All things that dictate success in financial, academic, and romantic settings. I try to fake it but it just doesnt come naturally to me, its not who I am. I'm quiet, reserved, and low energy. How can I find my own success like this? How am I supposed to know where I belong?

>> No.18171773

How the hell is 880 calories too much for an entire day?

>> No.18171780
File: 19 KB, 640x480, after-double-masectomy__big_4x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue haired whores with sidecuts and tattoo sleeves are cute

>> No.18171824

>using buzzwords you don't understand
None of those are doubleblanks. You will never fit in tourist-kun, but keep trying.

>> No.18172016

Every single one of those is ideal for working in fast food.

>> No.18172032

seething subhuman angry he doesn't qualify to work in fast food lmao

>> No.18172041

>You're going to get sick of it and you won't feel like driving out for every meal or wasting gas for every meal just to pick up a chicken sandwich.
Are you some kind of retarded ubereats zoomer? You pick it up on the way home from work, you grab it while running an errand, you go there before/after going out, you tell a family member to grab it for you if they're doing any of the above, you fucking faggot.

>> No.18172082

Honestly I'd probably do it on weekends
I get stupid bored on saturdays if I have nothing to do. I'll clean my apartment, wash my car, play some video games, go lift a bit. But then it's only like 12 and I still have the other half of the day to kill and I'd take a lunch for doing something even high school kids can do

>> No.18172147

It was Shique filet

>> No.18172196

>You pick it up on the way home from work
What percentage of the US population do you think has a Chick-Fil-A directly to or from work you retarded dipshit? Any detour is time and money wasted.

>you grab it while running an errand
You time your meals to coincide specifically with errands? How often are you going out driving to do errands with gas being as expensive as it is right now? Not often.

>you go there before/after going out
To where? Where are you going regularly that coincides with lunch or dinner time? Most of us are working. On days we aren't, we probably aren't going to have plans that perfectly coincide with picking up a chicken sandwich during a mealtime. Or are you one of those fat fucks that just eats any time you want?

>you tell a family member to grab it for you if they're doing any of the above
Oh I see. Spoiled zoomer brat has mommy do everything for him and has no real life experience on why this kind of voucher bullshit is a lot more inconvenient than he theorizes about in his head.

People can't even be bothered to use an app for 1 minute to order online exclusive items and you think these fags are going to go out of their way to redeem dozens and dozens of chicken sandwiches? I swear this entire board is mentally challenged and the fact that honestly anyone thinks it's convenient or worth it is hilarious.

>> No.18172246

Oh, you're retarded, got it.
>What percentage of the US population do you think has a Chick-Fil-A directly to or from work
take a detour like you took the detour to earn those vouchers retard

>You time your meals to coincide specifically with errands?
No the other way around retard. If I want sunday lunch at noon I'll go out to run errands around noon. Was that so hard?

>To where? Where are you going regularly that coincides with lunch or dinner time? Most of us are working.
>most of us are working
Got it, so you're never going to go anywhere for food ever because you're at work. I'm also starting to think you're lying.

>Oh I see. Spoiled zoomer brat has mommy do everything for him
I'm so sorry that your family members do not care about you enough to grab food for everyone if they happen to go out, and the only way you can picture it is mommy buying tendies.

Congratulations, you were enough of a retard that I wasted five minutes of my precious evening replying to you. Kill yourself, thanks.

>> No.18172296

>take a detour like you took the detour to earn those vouchers retard
So you don't value your time and you're a loser NEET that thinks getting 5 $2 sandwiches is already a great deal and on TOP of that you're going to drive out of your way and specifically make plans to wait in line, waste gas, and likely spend additional money at a fast food restaurant rather than...just earn money and make whatever the fuck you want for yourself at home, including cheap, easy, delicious chicken sandwiches that you could make in less time than it took you to drive to the voucher prison you tied yourself to.

Yeah there's a fucking retard, alright. But it's you.

>No the other way around retard.
Literal same exact thing you fucking idiot. Imagine narrowing your time to do specific things just so you can justify picking up a fucking chicken sandwich. Peak loser.

Yeah, nowhere. Exactly what I thought.

>Got it, so you're never going to go anywhere for food ever because you're at work.
I don't eat fast food to begin with because I'm not a fat tub of lard like you. I bring in my own food that I prepare, which surprise, saves time and money. A concept that seems alien to you. I drive past some fast food places on the way home, but not a Chick-Fil-A because they aren't that common around here. The vast majority of the US population doesn't have one within an hour of them.

>I'm so sorry that your family members do not care about you enough to grab food for everyone if they happen to go out
They don't need to. I do it for myself because I'm not a spoiled child.

>Kill yourself
Please take your own advice.

>> No.18172389

Honestly you're just a fucking cuck

>> No.18172506
File: 451 KB, 1005x3301, 1633578372542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will always be a newfag.

>> No.18172512

did none of you retards think about reselling those vouchers? you might be able to make more than they'd usually pay you depending on their regular hiring rate. and you can always sell to cities where shit is more expensive to make a profit. low iq 0 business instinct people here.

>> No.18172529

>whenever you feel like doing so.
which is the catch
volunteer work is NEVER "whenever you feel like doing so" and always turns into 12h a week commitment that's hard to get out of
i work in the hotel industry and that's how they trap 3rd worlders into doing housekeeping for free for 12~15h a week.
"oh it'll just be 2 mornings a week"
"yeah you can quit anytime"
"yeah flexible hours, of course bro"
and then once the cunts sign the contract they're locked into working 4 mornings (aka: 8am~2pm) a week for free

>> No.18172554

God you are an idiot. Why are so many posters on here such flaming idiots? You're not going to get as much for a voucher for one item from one specific restaurant as the item itself costs you idiot. Even at max value at the most expensive CFA restaurant, that sandwich sells for what, 4 dollars? 4.50? So you're looking at selling a 2-3 dollar voucher maybe on the internet if you're lucky(who the fuck is going to go through all of this trouble to save a dollar?) and then having to ship them. Not counting the time you wasted advertising and selling them. So maximum, 15 dollars an hour, well below what they pay for just normal work.

The deal sucks and you're a retard for trying to make it sound like it's a good business opportunity by any stretch of imagination.

>> No.18173373

did this guy get in an accident? what else what cause such a manly man to have a sick scar like that?
>>this is what they want you to think

>> No.18174846

Do americans really dont need money and can use burgers as a currency?

>> No.18174870

>Volunteer at chick fill a
>Have to deal with lunch rush
>Shit is over
>Get my 15 chicken sandwiches
>Get to make them myself
>Could have made them myself at home
All jokes aside I would spend three hours on a Sunday working as a burger flipper if it fed me for an entire week. I'm a busy boy don't got time to cook every day

>> No.18174890

Food is an acceptable trade for work