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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18158601 No.18158601 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18158604

Soft drink.

>> No.18158608

Live outside of the map, lol.

>> No.18158611

fwiw, I live in Columbus and I and most my friends call it soda

>> No.18158616

I've never actually heard anyone refer to all soda as Coke

>> No.18158621
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>> No.18158647


>> No.18158651

sucks :/

>> No.18158652

WI fag here, nobody says pop. maybe if you are like a super boomer who's 70+ that's about it

>> No.18158658

It is definitely not so well defined a map
I'm from Indiana-Ohio and call it "soft-o"

>> No.18158660

gazovana voda

>> No.18158663

I'm Alaskan you Biitch!

>> No.18158667

Soda makes the most sense because it's carbonated.

>> No.18158670


>> No.18158678

technically correct, as you are Americans and thus say pahp instead of pop

>> No.18158680

southern retardation knows no bounds

>> No.18158691

I live in florida, I and everyone I know calls it soda

>> No.18158737

Liquid diabetes

>> No.18158762

t. PA fag

>> No.18158768

north carolina is 100% soda country.

>> No.18158769

Refrigerante, or sumo. Otherwise, we just call things by their names ( i want a Coca-Cola, or Pepsi). Real chads Will know its pineaple Sumol

>> No.18158782
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>retarded southerners calling everything coke

>> No.18158787

Texan here, literally only my grandpa has called a soda that isn't a Coca Cola, a Coke.
We all say soda.
In CO though they all fucking say pop though.

>> No.18158798

How the fuck else you say it? Pope? Pup? Pöp?

>> No.18158833
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>Soft drink
That's what me and my family have always said too, "soft drink." My favorite soft drink is Mexican RC

>> No.18158842

It's not as prominent as people like to meme but there are a few people who unironically do it.
t. AL

>> No.18158850
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"That's right, I love you, I truly do. No Coke or Pepsi or Dr. Pepper. They are all bad for your body. I will only sell you water. That will be $20 please."

>> No.18158928


>> No.18158934

>Berg water
>The logo is literally a merchant nose

>> No.18158936 [DELETED] 

>$20 water
checks out

>> No.18158937

sody pop

>> No.18158944

Soda: well-educated homeowner, married, reads books to his children, vaccinated

Pop: yokel simpleton, barely finished high school, eats canned food primarily

Coke: inbred cousin fucker, low iq, never ending cycle of poverty, unvaccinated

>> No.18158975 [DELETED] 

Soda : brown shitskin, hates White people
Coke : brown shitskin, worships White people
Pop : White people

>> No.18159043

Most of the folks that call soda "pop" are blacks at least in the mid-west.

>> No.18159060

It's pop

>> No.18159064

maine is mostly whites tho

>> No.18159071

and 100% of the people that call pop "soda" are some shade of brown
no offense if you are brown, it's not like it's something you can control, but it is an objective fact that you are not white and you will never be one either

>> No.18159115
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>you are not white and you will never be one either

>> No.18159400

I tried this water a couple years ago, before rich people started buying it, and it shot the price up. You can tell it's super pure.

>> No.18159460

>Country of Origin: Canada
>Source: North Atlantic, Natural Iceberg
>Type: Still Water
>Hardness: Soft
>Orientation: Hint of Sweet
>pH: 7.8
>TDS: 10
This water is shit. There are way better options out there.

>> No.18159503

>coke soda or poop?

>> No.18159508
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Meanwhile in his foodtruck

>> No.18159510
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I'm a proud Texan

>> No.18159555
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>> No.18159583

>Anon points out obvious data bullshit
>gets called a schizo
Okay now I really believe what they said. Thanks for confirming that.

>> No.18159596

It's not a datamining thread. It's some 300lb dimwit sitting in his shit crusted boxers and came across this image in his /ck/ folder so he decided to make this thread for the 487th time this year. You schizos really overestimate the amount of ai and bots that are here. People get bored and want to talk about mundane things. What useful information would be able to be datamined by asking what people call soft drinks in their region? Especially on 4chan of all places where 97% of the replies will just be racist trolls arguing over dumb shit and calling each other faggots.

>> No.18159601


>> No.18159611

As a Hoosier, I always pegged PA as soda country. Interesting...

>> No.18159616

i still dont get the south using coke as a blanket term, how the fuck do they know i want a dr. pepper when i say coke?

>> No.18159618

*western PA fag
You're basically Ohio and don't speak for the majority of the people in the state.
It is "soda" country. He lives in the irrelevant part of the state that doesn't count.

>> No.18159619

I don't talk about corn syrup juice at all

>> No.18159624

>Boss, our new stats are in. We've finally cracked what the market really wants using that new hivemind you told us to watch.
>Well then? What do the people want?
>Apparently they love fresh piles of "goyslop" with a large cup of "faggot juice".
>Amazing work. Start the rebranding process immediately!

>> No.18159631

If they drink soda and you ask what they want, they'll probably say Coke, otherwise everyone orders by name.

>> No.18159633

You seem to hold a grudge against western PA. I hope someday you make peace with God and pray for Her forgiveness.

>> No.18159638

literally no one in the south does this. maybe it was something a few small towns did like 60 years ago. go into any restaurant in the green area of the map and ask for a Coke, they will bring you a Coke. i have lived in most of those southern states and everyone says soda.

>> No.18159673

i lold

>> No.18159677

I live in Ontario Canada and I call it soda because it's the most accurate name. Becouse soda still uses soda water. People don't have to "pop" sodas anymore by hitting the bottom of the can. I actually had some nerd try to correct me because apparently in Ontario we are supposed to say "pop" but that word is inaccurate.

>> No.18159695

I live in the green area and I say soda pop.

>> No.18159723

what the flying fuck was that supposed to be?

>> No.18159726

Imagine how much of a goyslop zogchow consuming retard that you refer to soda/pop by a brand name like coke. No wonder it's all niggers in the south.

>> No.18159733

yeah why do rednecks do that?

>> No.18159735


>> No.18159740

Metro areas will often side on the Soda side of this debate as it seems the most neutral.

>> No.18160001


>> No.18160006


>> No.18160007


>> No.18160009


>> No.18160038

wait till you hear how we say "roof"

>> No.18160053

You dont know him, or his life story. You know nothing about him. Who could he be? What could he have gone through? But you can see the experience carved deeply into his face. The wrinkles in his skin suggest old age and all those experiences to be shared. And (You) know what? He might just do it if you ask him about the wrinkles and wonderful head of hair still intact even after so many years of hardship and possible dance with the evil forces driving this land. Hes going to laugh it off at first, but cherish the moment and possible opportunity to tell you maybe everything. Will you ask him more questions? You should. And he will make sure you have the best time hearing his stories. You may choose to spend a few minutes up to maybe even a good 20 minutes listening and enjoying an honest interaction with someone. Or not. You are free to leave with your freshly squeezed lemon water.

>> No.18160070
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>> No.18160077

Sippy cool drink a la carb'n

>> No.18160097

Soft drink refers to all non-alcoholic beverages, including lemonade, sparkling water, milk, and juice. For a carbonated sugar soft drink, what do you call it? What do you call things like orange soda or grape soda?

>> No.18160120

to be more specific it's called fizzy drink

>> No.18160172

Yes, bro. Water is so expensive. Take a look at this literal novelty water for rich people.

>> No.18160178

*indigenous peoples

>> No.18160207

Idahoanon. Called it pop growing up. Soda once I moved out of state.

>> No.18160233

>people in the south call every soda coke
No, we don't. Soda is the common term. We say coke at fast food places where we know we're gonna fill the actual cup up ourselves so it doesn't matter what you call it (and probably 90% of the time it is coke that people actually get).
Texans may actually refer to all soft drinks as cokes but that's because Texas "culture" consists of pretending super hard to be southern.

>> No.18160243

>what do you call it?


>> No.18160264

fizzy drink.

>> No.18160280

I can't wait until next week until this word gets played out. Does it have to be in every thread?

>> No.18160310

Soft drink.

>> No.18160316

nobody in the history of man has ever referred to water or milk as "soft drink". I understand that the "soft" means non-alcoholic, but what you're claiming is retarded.

>> No.18160354

Yeah, and even if they did it's kind of a silly complaint since people use words that can refer to more than one possible thing constantly. It's almost hard to think of words that can't be defined more than one way.

>> No.18160494


>> No.18160523

Imagine being the virgin at the party who asks for a soft drink

>> No.18160529

This. Words evolve senpai no cap fr fr.

>> No.18160536

Might have something to do with Coca-Cola being headquartered in Atlanta. Coke is the gold standard, Peaches too.

>> No.18160546 [DELETED] 
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>For a carbonated sugar soft drink, what do you call it?
Soft drink
What do you call things like orange soda or grape soda?
Soft drink
“I wanna rock and rollah!”

>> No.18160552
File: 10 KB, 166x304, 6264EDF3-1FDC-4D46-9057-082B4A94052C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For a carbonated sugar soft drink, what do you call it?
Soft drink
>What do you call things like orange soda or grape soda?
Soft drink
“I wanna rock and rollah!”

>> No.18160583

Ohio- I refer to it as a pop or sodapop.

>> No.18160601
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More accurate map

>> No.18160674

Meanwhile he cooks your foods in seed oils, salts and sugars

>> No.18160698

Cola is a distinct flavor

>> No.18160702

Sprite is not a cola

>> No.18160709

See: >>18160529

>> No.18160761

As you can see, ohio indiana and colorado are the based states where you can just make up whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.18160808

>Sprite is not a cola
in the South though, you will be asked politely if you would like a Coke, and then after that, they'll give you a selection of Sprite, Coke, Ginger Ale, etc..."coke" just means soda, not actual cola upfront.
The exception is Columbus GA, the home of RC cola

>> No.18160829


>> No.18160836

this is not true at all you fucking moron
if you say coke they bring you a coca cola
>t. southerner that isn't a lying retard

>> No.18160872

I call things by their proper names. I live in the Coke region, but I'm always specific.

>> No.18161033

old meme. most people call it soda now because the internet is homogenizing culture

>> No.18161039

>as you are Americans and thus say pahp instead of pop
holy ESL moment... your english sucks, bro. fix it.

>> No.18161044
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I can back this. I live just outside of Columbus and also call it Soda (and so does everyone I know).

>> No.18161047

>Latin American cuisine is so good, bro

>> No.18161050

>pardon me, mam. can i get a sprite coke, please in tarnation shucks howdy.

>> No.18161162


So they narrowed you down to a 1200 sq mile area of land assuming you live in the US.

Such data mine, wow!

>> No.18161175

Pretty much, but you have to add In the spittoon sound.

>> No.18161213


>> No.18161313

Everyone around Zanesville calls it "sodapop".

>> No.18161366
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How is this even a problem, you never ask for a "soda" or a "pop" because you ask for the specific beverage you want. "I'll have a sprite" "I'll get the rootbeer" "Can I have a cocacola, please" Never once have I said to a waiter "Give me a pop/soda/soft-drink", you know? And if I'm getting it at a gas station or store I just don't say anything unless the cashier starts casual conversation.

Gun to your head you have to drink one of these and keep it down until you blast off, which one do you choose?

>> No.18161370

When I lived in Kansas we called it pop, and here in Georgia people call it soda. I've never actually heard "Coke" being used as a catchall for a soft drink.

>> No.18161372

You don't ask for soft drink you ask for the brand (Fanta/Sunkist) or type (cola)

>> No.18161376

I'll take the bullet, thanks.

>> No.18162771

Do these have weed in it?

>> No.18162780

All of them. We're going to Mars tonight, lads.

>> No.18162979

Fizzy drink

>> No.18163002

Live in the South. Literally everyone says "Soda" and always has, unless it's actually a coke. Fucking stupid image, fucking gay OP.

>> No.18163137

I never in my life heard someone call it pop and I live in flyover land

>> No.18163159


>such data mine, wow!

holy shit ur a fag

>> No.18163264

This. Everytime I see someone creaming themselves over “muh datamining” I just roll my eyes. Tell me, and I mean this honestly, what will the FBI/CIA/MI6/KGB whatever knowing my favorite foods and drink do? On the big day of the rope or if I try running for office will they do something nefarious with my favorite food/drink?

>> No.18163591

It's not government datamining, it's corporate datamining you retards

>> No.18163627
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This water is much better

>> No.18163666

don't listen to this
it's literally bottled montezuma's revenge

>> No.18163795

sodie pop

>> No.18163825

So I’ll care even less

>> No.18163853

Dark ones say COCOL.

>> No.18163870

WHY ARE YOU LYING no one does this. ask for a Coke in any southern state and they will give you a Coke lying faggot. everyone says soda.

>> No.18163875
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>be in the south
>what would you like to drink
>I'll have a coke
>Is pepsi ok?

>> No.18163956

Pop but I usually say Soda because I feel like a dweeb saying pop and I worry it will be misunderstood in some way while Soda is much clearer of a term

>> No.18163962
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I find it very amusing that the city of El Paso Texas is just barely inside the blue. My father was from El Paso and called it Pop and I never understood why.

>> No.18164006

also kek at all the seething soda cucks "ahh actually this is bad because of mental gymnastic bullshit like he probably charges too much for water so yeah just drink soda its fine ok (this post brought to you buy pepsico from my iphone)"

>> No.18164185

East TN, I've heard all 3. I always called it soda though.

>> No.18164187

Shut up faggot nerd

>> No.18164279

>no Cold Drink
shit map

>> No.18164391

>eating the pasta

>> No.18164408


>> No.18164462

call it whatever the label on the bottle/can says

>> No.18165037

(Born chicagoan moved to vegas at 7)

I'll never forget the time when I freshly moved here this guy at KFC was like "you mean soda ?" And I never said pop again

>> No.18165288

Pretty sure you'll get lynched for suggesting Pepsi in Atlanta.

>> No.18165304

its a cool drink

>> No.18165328

why do people still larp like there are regional differences in the age of globohomo?
it doesn't matter if you were raised in rural georgia or LA, you grew up on the internet either way.

>> No.18165675
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It's called soda.
popfags sound ridiculous and cokefags are literally mentally retarded

>> No.18166251


>> No.18166671


>> No.18167289

I call it, soda, pop, soda pop, coke, or whatever I feel like from AZ

>> No.18168835 [DELETED] 
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Soda pop.

>> No.18169073

Pop or soda equally fine, coke is dumb

>> No.18169089

No, it's not that either. Why would corporations choose such a small userbase where most of the results they are going to get are garbage answers when much larger platforms with stricter regulation exist? It's a waste of time and money for them to even bother trying to sift through threads on a blue board on 4chan where half the replies will be some retard or a troll who doesn't even bother expressing their own opinion but rather takes the moment to call someone a faggot or a flyover or whatever the buzzword of the day is. Seriously, open your eyes. You've had your head buried so deep in "rabbit holes" that you can no longer even comprehend reality.

>> No.18169099

i said pop growing up because my mom did but everybody else here says soda and i eventually conformed as a teenager

>> No.18169161

Dental solvent.

>> No.18169281

fucking ell mates, wit all the haff inching you do over the pond you think youd be smart enough to just use our name for it, fizzy cloying nippacuppa

>> No.18169322

I live well within the "pop" zone and everyone says soda. Fake news

>> No.18169481

It's also because Coke has a much larger market share of fountain drinks, so it's often shorthand for Coke products.

>> No.18169766
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I used to live in Seattle, and I almost never heard anyone call it "pop". In fact, the one person I knew that called it pop (he grew up in Minneosta) was made fun of for calling it that.

>> No.18169787

Never heard anyone use this term; initially thought it referred to things like fruit punch. Carbonated liquid doesn't strike me as "soft".

>> No.18169800
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>> No.18169809

This is the correct answer.

>> No.18169814

The hardness (or softness) refers to the alcohol content. Soft drinks are non-alcoholic, hard drinks are alcoholic.
I honestly find it kind of baffling that you've made it to adulthood without knowing this.

>> No.18169819

>$20 per bottle
>merchant nose logo

>> No.18169821
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soda pop and soda here. 614 zone

>> No.18169841

all cities have the same soulless culture, so of course they're gonna call it the same thing new york and LA does
In REAL ohio we call it pop.

>> No.18171063
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I'm definitely gonna start referring to all sodas as coke after seeing this thread. I knew it annoyed people but this amount of seething was unknown to me. To be able to bring someone to rage over something so small will be so much fun. Thanks for the idea anons.

>> No.18171080

so basically you know if you're in a civilised part of america if the locals refer to it asa soda.

>> No.18171082

You can see the blue and red tendrils devouring us from all sides...

>> No.18171084


>> No.18171086

You live in a big city.

>> No.18171134
