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File: 42 KB, 560x420, 0002356_beef-liverwurst-1-lb_560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18148630 No.18148630 [Reply] [Original]

liverwurst is delicious and the only way i can stomach liver

>> No.18148635
File: 37 KB, 496x384, leberknodelsuppe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken liver is god tier, whether fried at the cracker barrel, or pan sauteed for spread, jewish deli style.

>> No.18148641

if i add powdered milk to the chopped liver pate as im making it, will it resemble liverwurst?

>> No.18148644

how about just not eating organ meat, anon?

>> No.18148647

its good for you

>> No.18148675

Try haggis. Haggis has liver and is very delicious with potatoes, or even in a buttered sandwich. Make sure you get sheep or beef haggis though, pork haggis tastes weird

>> No.18148683

am I the only one who isn't a weak faggot who actually loves fried beef liver? nigger I don't even need to dip that shit in buttermilk, I just salt and pepper that bad boy and into my mouth it goes

>> No.18148684
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>liverwurst is delicious and the only way i can stomach liver
tell me about it

>> No.18148686

It's crazy I remember eating and craving this as a toddler.

So it's all like a roll of cozy whenever I buy it. T_T

>> No.18148729
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"mortadella di fegato" ("liver bologna", basically) is not very popular even in Italy, but it's some of the tastiest shit ever, and I'm usually not a fan of liver myself

>> No.18149169

It was a sad day here in Japan when the Tokyo govt decided to ban serving raw pork liver. Tasty shit, and I have a few bolt holes who will still serve it. Barely seared chicken liver godlike as well.

>> No.18149474

>very delicious
stop eating organ meat.

>> No.18149484

Leberknödelsuppe is the best thing ever. It's basically all I ate when I was skiing in Austria.

>> No.18150892

>fresh dill
>pickles or leftover fried cabbage
>rolled in pizza or pastry dough, baked
I love it. I spread it out over dough like one does a pizza, then roll it into a loaf shape like pic related. Wipe it down with melted butter, salt, pepper, and a little garlic before baking. Delicious.

>> No.18150897
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I'm retarded

>> No.18150992
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, delete africans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cats love this shit, for obvious reasons.
Its cat food, plain and simple. That's not a bad thing, cats eat a lot of our meats, and its about time we eat one of theirs.

>> No.18151089

The only liver i can stomach.

>> No.18151227
File: 142 KB, 800x800, smeerleverworst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its the spreadable version

>> No.18151239
File: 362 KB, 901x1200, liverwurst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18151266

what's the ultimate liverwurst sandwich? should you sear it? what toppings?

when i google recipe for it i just get a bunch of old boomers making extra mayo liverwurst and onion sandwiches on untoasted wonder bread. while that actually does sound pretty good, im just curious of any anons have refined this process.

>> No.18151280

Smear liverwurst on bread. Voila.

>> No.18151389

>only way i can stomach liver
but can you liver stomach?

>> No.18151847

I love liverwurst but aldi only sells those giant rolls of it and I can't eat it every day, how do I preserve it? even putting it facedown on tinfoil it gets crusty and eventually moldy after opening

>> No.18151859

>the only way i can stomach liver

I get what you mean, liver is the wurst

>> No.18151865

Take the tampon out of your vagina, and you might be able to eat more

>> No.18152051

Leberwurst (I prefer the "coarse" ones) + mustard (optional) + sour pickles on a dark farmer's bread (sourdough is best, but not required).
That's how I prefer mine. You usually eat it as a open sandwich.

>> No.18152061

Based. I love it on ritz with some onion and mustard but the supreme version is miracle whip, white bread, onions, liverwurst and maybe a bit of mustard. The best sandwich on the planet

>> No.18152403

Somehow I think some pickled red onion, and maybe a bit of butter, sour cream and dill would fucking rock.
Haven't tried it, but I will soon.

>> No.18152496

Why didn't you make your own?

>> No.18153805

can i make liver dumplings with liverwurst or do i need actual liver?

>> No.18153829

Liverwurst is just liver and fat so it would melt away. At least the spreadable types.

>> No.18153844

well it's not called liverbest for a reason anon :[

>> No.18153870

I heard somewhere that was Hitlers favorite dish. Not trying to talk it down because of that, it sounds delicious and I want to try it but that’s pretty much the reason I know about it