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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 497 KB, 1254x837, blended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18147140 No.18147140 [Reply] [Original]

Does blending vegetables destroy the nutrients? Getting tired of eating 10 cups of vegetables in salads every day.

>> No.18147165


>> No.18147173

Only if you use a vitaprep. The blades are so sharp they cut the atoms, setting off miniature nuclear reactions in your drinks.

>> No.18147200

don't listen to >>18147173
cut-up atoms are nature's most potent antioxidants
you won't have to worry about cancer ever again

>> No.18147208

Why do people do this weird shit? Can you even name the nutrients in vegetables you're trying to get? Are they in bioavailable forms? Do they come along with anti nutrients?

On what world is eating 10 cups of vegetables healthy, and what big business interests are inducing this idea I you?

>> No.18147280
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>> No.18147447

What a weird post. I'm on keto, and I'm recommended to eat 10 cups of veggies a day because keto requires more strict nutrient requirements than a carbshit diet.

I have many reasons to be on the diet, like wanting to lower my inflammation and improve my heart health, and getting 4k+ mg of potassium a day is quite important, so I need that many cruciferous veggies and some others on top.

>> No.18147813

Vegetables have carbohydrates.

>> No.18147818
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>> No.18147823

vegetables are almost 100% carbs
usually the only time there aren't carbs in veggies is when you're talking about fiber and water

>> No.18147936

cool posts, but some veggies are very low in net carbs

please stop being retards anytime ty

>> No.18147961

This is actually a good way to just pound vegetables. I do this for breakfast. Just berries and greens and I shoot it.

>> No.18147999

like if you wanna eat carbs, dont let us stop you, but dont pretend that veggies aren't carbs and break out of ketosis

>> No.18148032

you didn't answer his question
>im recommended to eat 10 cups of veggies a day
what veggies? a sweet potato is a vegetable. spinach is a vegetable. You have multiple different nutrient profiles there. Who's recommending them?
>keto requires more strict nutrient requirements than a carbshit diet
which ones of these are exclusively, or preferably, provided by plants? And how bioavailable are these nutrients compared to nutrients available via meat, poultry and fish?

>net carbs
a cope invented so ketards can sneak more carbs into their diets.
hold up, I feel it coming
>B...but muh fiber!
Fiber is completely unnecessary in the human diet and is more frequently a cause of gastrointestinal distress than it is a cure. There is no quality study showing that fiber improves the diversity or function of gut biota.

Anon, you're close to breaking the conditioning. You've climbed out of the carbslave cattlefood trench. But now you have to overcome the next level of the cave and understand that there is no need for any plant based food in any human diet.

Anyways, to answer your original question, provided you're not removing the pulp you aren't removing nutrients. Most plants become more nutritive with cooking, which reduces the impact of antinutrients.

>> No.18148045
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>> No.18148081

retards detected

breaking ketosis is entirely determined by how fast the carbs are broken down into glucose

low carbs = less glucose breakdown and is slower, which is buffered by the additional fiber supplemented by the veggies

I forgot how retarded the average /ck/ poster is, go back to your fast food slop threads, faggots

>> No.18148100
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>Do they come along with anti nutrients?
>Avoid: Wholegrains, leafy greens, nuts.

>> No.18148123

So stop saying, I don't eat carbs. It's retarded.

>> No.18148135

literally nowhere in the thread did I say I ate no carbs

you're schizophrenic

>> No.18148141
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there is no human need for glucose, your body produces all of the glucose it needs
there is no human need for fiber
there are no plant based nutrients
Plants contain natural pesticides and antinutrients that not only reduce the bioavailability of plant based minerals and vitamins (ie, nutrients), they reduce your ability to absorb animal based nutrients. Many are also carcinogenic.
I am not debating that high fiber, low available carb plants are "better" for you than simple, refined carbs. I am advising you that you are hunting down "better" when "best" is sitting right under your nose.
Stop eating plants.

>> No.18148155

>*body starts breaking down after 5+ years on carnivore because you stopped feeding a significant portion of your gut biome bacteria with carbs*

>> No.18148161

No, blending the vegetables has no effect on their nutrient content. Do you plan to mix it into the meat or gulp it down?

>> No.18148174

gulp that shit down so I don't have to take 1 hour consuming a giant salad

something like 100g each of:
>beet tops
>swiss chard
>romaine lettuce
>2 avocados
>half a cucumber
>1 whole lemon
>some fresh parsley

then probably add some drops of stevia to sweeten

>> No.18148200

You can get all of the carbs you need from milk.

>> No.18148210

This is all true except for the first point. Eat sugar, you will feel better.

>> No.18148211

>clinically retarded broscience poster
it checks out

>> No.18148217

That should be fine to do, avocados are gonna make that more buttery than a smoothie

Doesn't even have to be milk, could just eat greek yogurt, kefir, or a fermented dairy product.

>> No.18148221

yeah if the avocados fuck it up then I have zero issue taking them out and just eating them by themselves

>> No.18148254

Maybe if you ate more carbs, you wouldn't have the memory of an octopus.

>> No.18148289

list one vegetable and one chemical it naturally produces that is a carcinogen

>> No.18148400

oxalates in general are linked to reproductive cancers and are present in a large number of plants.

>> No.18148410

They're also produced by our bodies.

>> No.18148424

Yep, it crushes them and renders them useless. It's best actually to chew your veggies in particular as little as possible. So for example next time you're having cucumber or banana, try to just swallow it whole.

>> No.18148429

because you and everyone in a 20 mile radius will be dead

>> No.18148435

True but they are high in plants and chocolate but you can reduce them by taking in some dairy with your greens and through steaming and soaking. Don't eat anything raw when it comes to oxalates.

>> No.18148440

Does it destroy the fibre if you blend it smooth enough?

>> No.18148447

No, it would not be possible to blend your smoothie enough to destroy the fiber.

>> No.18148453

I've never had kidney stones. Just try to have a well balanced diet.

>> No.18148457

May I have another for bonus points? Oxolates aren't really a concern for me because I don't have much breast tissue to speak of. If I was a woman I'd probably avoid spinach etc., but I mostly eat kale and broccoli which aren't a significant source of it.

>> No.18148574

yeah and there are a number of vegetables low in oxalates and the keto diet in particular, vegetables included, is still massively lowering inflammation so you're not really salient here on any point

>> No.18148585

sorry m8 but kale is high in oxalates, so I avoid it