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18140775 No.18140775 [Reply] [Original]

For me its menudo

>> No.18140780

I don’t like tripe but that looks really good.

>> No.18140804

I like the stuff that comes in plastic bags they put in your pho right before serving

>> No.18140810
File: 141 KB, 750x620, lampredotto[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went to florence and tried a tripe sandwich, was pretty good

>> No.18140839

I don't like how my culture cooks it. We boil the fuck out of it then eat it cold as a salad. But I like however the fuck the Cantos do it, braised in sweetened soy sauce, I guess? However they do it, it practically melts.

>> No.18140988

I like white menudo.

>> No.18140997
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Szechuan beef and tripe in chili oil

>> No.18141006

Looking at tripe makes me gag. What does it even taste like?

>> No.18141012

If it's well-cleaned, pretty much crunchy and slightly beefy. It's more about the texture.

>> No.18141026

It depends on the type and how it’s prepared. It can range from more crunchy as others have said to melt in your mouth tender. Taste can be fairly meaty to nearly no flavor and it just tastes like whatever you cook it with. Or it can smell and taste kind of shitty if it’s not well cleaned.

>> No.18141090

I tried menudo once
>go to shitty family mexican restaurant with my friend
>hungover and heard that menudo is good for that
>it's a weekend only thing so good thing it's saturday
>waitress tells me they don't have it
>okay I'll pick something else
>waitress comes back and tells me they do have it
>uh okay cool

>it tastes foul
>the texture makes me gag
>eat several bites before giving up
I think I got last week's menudo

>> No.18141094

Try tripe tacos.

>> No.18141246

Like nothing because I don't eat scraps

>> No.18141251


>> No.18141264

you eat commercially produced ground meat. you've eaten at taco bell, you've eaten chicken nuggets. you eat mechanically separated scraps

>> No.18141272

All of those things taste better

>> No.18143067
File: 139 KB, 660x660, i143141-tripes-a-la-mode-de-caen-facile-recette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me: tripes à la mode de Caen.
But I'll try menudo the soonest as possible.

>> No.18143110

These are the best ways

>> No.18144440

i am bean and never had menudo, what's it like?

>> No.18144678


>> No.18144682

i like tripe in pho the best

>> No.18144701

>i am bean and never had menudo, what's it like?
All mexican soups are delicious because they start with homemade stock, and then, are topped with lime juice, and some kind of salsa topping or cilantro and onion topping.
I've never had menudo either, because there are dozens of different soups I'd rather order or make at home Read a recipe and understand that tripe is sliced up in there plus all the stock making bones and offal to flavor the broth, all left in there to pick through.

Even when properly prepared, tripe needs cleaning, boiling, draining, reboiling, or else it tastes like nasty bile. It's basically a tough muscle, chewy, rubbery and devoid of nutrition you can't get from beef cuts. Make the soup yourself and just float in a bit of chicharrones which simulate the tripe without the nonsense.

>> No.18144707

>Best way of eating tripe?

The best way to eat tripe - throw it on the ground!

>> No.18144711

>chicharrones to substitute tripe
don't do this. non fried skin like cueritos might have a somewhat similar texture, but the skin is mostly fat, tripe is not. properly prepared tripe is not hard to find in a mexican grocery store, and it's usually pretty cheap. but if you want to try menudo, just go somewhere as it's also not hard to find if you live in the western half of the US. it tastes like good soup

>> No.18144715
File: 9 KB, 259x194, vips sopa de tortilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't do this. non fried skin like cueritos might have a somewhat similar texture, but the skin is mostly fat, tripe is not.
VIPs in the DF serves a side of chicharones with their Sopa Tortilla Azteca. It's delicious softened up on the broth.

>> No.18144725
File: 86 KB, 406x246, Menudo_members.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18144728

yeah it's pretty common. not saying they're not good, but they will not be the same as tripe if the guy wants to try tripe

>> No.18144745

I don't see Ricky or Johnny in that pic. Where are the bandanas?
My older brother was jumped by fans outside our hotel in Mexico City by screaming female fans screaming besame over and over and grabbing on him. They mistook him for Johnny.

>> No.18145290

This is also my favorite way to eat tripe. I always order it with a hot pot too.

>> No.18145322

You know the flavor goat or mutton has? That little bit gamey, but delicious aroma? Put that in meaty gummy bits, that are bouncy yet crunchy. When prepared properly, tripe is one of the most delicious foods. When improperly cleaned, it's foul and inedible.

>> No.18145396
File: 718 KB, 2507x1673, flaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of tripe virgins in this thread. flaczki hands down is the best.

>> No.18145403

Being afraid of organ meat is like being afraid of the WEF. Menudo is better than you expect. The flavoring and seasoning.