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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 705x1024, French-Dip-Sandwiches-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18130188 No.18130188 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything you refuse to try even once? Me? French dip sandwich. The concept is so utterly retarded I refuse to try it.

>> No.18130193 [DELETED] 

Yeah for it's the vaxx haha

>> No.18130252

Why is the concept retarded? People have been dipping bread into broth since time immemorial, so why not do the same with a sandwhich?

>> No.18130254

is that some heckin sogginess YUCK

>> No.18130305

>so why not do the same with a sandwhich?
In OP's defense, bread's integrity gets compromised when you slice it in half and then hold roast beef between it. It's counterintuitive when the point of bread in a sandwich is essentially hold all the ingredients together. It's the last thing you'd normally want to get wet.

OP's a faggot for not at least trying it, but it really is a straight up unconventional sandwich.

>> No.18130306

you will like it you dumb faggot. go try it>>18130252

>> No.18130307

you need the right type of roll that can hold up to the au jus

>> No.18130309

Normalfags don't want you to genuinely improve, they'd rather you hold onto false hope for years than actually get laid
When I schizo post about women I'm talking from experience, but some faggot who's everything women like, or some dumb female (saying female as a derogatory) pretending she's any different

>> No.18130316


>> No.18130317

you only dip the bit you're about to bite, your roll shouldn't sog out that quickly

>> No.18130327
File: 287 KB, 1500x844, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__serious_eats__seriouseats.com__images__2013__12__20131206-dried-seafood-primary-70c08949c991466fb83dda74cdec91d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't eat snails, I won't eat frogs, no liver paté or offal of any kind, no tongue, no blood sausage, no fucking lutefisk. No Chick-fil-A, no runny fucking eggs, no century eggs, no seafood pizza, no food packaged in China, and no god damn diet soda.

>> No.18130328

Bitch do you not soak up any steak juice on the plate when you have bread with your steak?

>> No.18130370

Hell no

>> No.18130374

what is wrong with you

>> No.18130383

>offal of any kind, no tongue,
You're a pleb and you're not worthy of eating meat if you don't appreciate the the life it gave

>> No.18130386
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as long as I'm not starving I will stick to my policy. it's not like I'm picky because I won't eat organs or snails.

>> No.18130389

I don't want my bread soaked in montreal flavored meat fluids

>> No.18130421 [DELETED] 

t.goyslop consuming fatty

>> No.18130489

I think Turkish has a soaked burger where they dip the whole bun in a liquid sauce before assembling it

>> No.18130931

>When I schizo post
Holy shit you really don't know who's controlling your narrative, do you?
only shitcord trannies say "schizo".
anything containing mayo
any salt water fish
any fresh water fish that's not white
urine therapy

>> No.18130939

>any fresh water fish that's not white
That's a coincidence. Fish of your own race don't suit you?

>> No.18130945
File: 230 KB, 1200x1800, slow-cooker-italian-beef-sandwiches-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck a French dip, I want an Italian beef, son.

>> No.18130959
File: 172 KB, 1400x1400, LeGarage_PChang_9297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all started with this Buzzfeed shit
Muricanization of a simple Mexican snack

>> No.18130964

i don't understand your sentiment.
white people don't eat red fish.

>> No.18130977

this thread is a canada tourist board psyop do not read do not pay attention move along

>> No.18130978

oddest post on 4chan.

>> No.18131011

What on earth is a French dip? I Googled it and didn't find anything French? It's just fast food made with gravy and bland bread, served with Heinz and filthy fries?

I refuse to eat animals that are too intelligent/emotionally developed: horses, humans, dogs and pigs/boar. I'll try anything else at least once. Even Covid bats.

>> No.18131013


>> No.18131033

if you hate mayo you're not white

>> No.18131166


French dip is only viable when the bread is super crusty so it doesn't get soggy before you can take your bite.

Anyway, offal, refried beans, chink piss eggs.

>> No.18131186

I worked in a sandwich shop and black people almost always asked for extra mayo, so I'm not sure why it's seen as a white food. I think it's Jewish propaganda.

>> No.18131204
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Anything bugs or bugs looking. It means lobster and prawn too.

>> No.18131206
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I'll hold the line with you anon.
Same with """birria""" tacos.

>> No.18131309

lurk more faggot

>> No.18131324

lol wrong thread

>> No.18131342

Never tried or seen this here, but seems like thick gravy on the sammich would be preferable

>> No.18131349
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>> No.18131372

i will not eat ze bugs

>> No.18131384

Brains, don't wanna risk getting some prion disease.
I also feel no strong desire to try oysters.

>> No.18131402

I've had it at a good restaurant. How are they at arby's though? I just want to get one quick.

>> No.18131459
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Balut and Natto
Texture gets me big time.

>> No.18131481

What about Impossible meat?

>> No.18131619

Not eating organ meat is a sign of a picky eater

>> No.18131648

It's alright, the jus is watered down though

>> No.18131652

Slimy things like oysters and cum

>> No.18131654

not wanting to eat offal isn't a sign of a picky eater
it's a sign of having standards
I don't earn all this money to eat like a peasant from the 1200s

>> No.18131984

>no Chik Fil A
>no offal
Based schizo

>> No.18131989

I'll never try fwahgrah or however that's spelt

>> No.18132100

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.18132139

I went to France with family when I was 12, and there was always some lunch special at restaurants, for like 7 euros, you'd get your lunch, and this giant tub of foigras and a drink.
But the giant tub of foisgras would be comically large, and they'd literally just give it to another table when you were done.
As an American it was freaking me out, but it seemed normal there

>> No.18132504

I’m sorry anon, you are truly missing out on something special.

>> No.18132527

>no offal
>no pate
>no tongue
>no runny eggs
confirmed tastelet

>> No.18132530
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 1601676062403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Chick-fil-A

>> No.18132534

It’s ‘frog em’ raw’ uncuntured swine.

>> No.18132551

I can’t imagine what it’s like living with this level of autism.
I hope you get the help you need someday, OP.

>> No.18132572

Blue Cheese. I don't care how good it may or may not taste, the smell alone causes me pain.

>> No.18132574

This cracks me up because you may have eaten a chicken liver without knowing what it was. I just had one mixed in with my 6 piece baked drumsticks, thighs, and wings I got from a regional grocery store.

>> No.18132655
File: 83 KB, 319x315, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shits awesome you pussy!
get it at Arbys everytime i go

>> No.18132666

That shit is amazing and you're a clown for not liking it

>> No.18132673

What the duck are you retarded piece of shit? Why can’t you fags stay in your containment board and stop ruining boards with actual merit? Your need for constant attention is embarrassing

>> No.18132688


>> No.18132800

Nobody abuses mayo worse than nonwhites tbqh

>> No.18132810

I'll say escargot. I love a lot of french food, but I've got my limits.

>> No.18132836
File: 56 KB, 507x664, 391731BE-C8E3-4F39-B587-D9E8A8DC3C51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are crazy if you don’t like French Dips

>> No.18132840

>It's the last thing you'd normally want to get wet.
you're supposed to immediately bit off the portion you get wet dumbass

>> No.18132898

a roast beef sandwich with au jus sauce is the bomb dot com

>> No.18132914

Read my post carefully, you over reactive retard.
I'm not here to argue with you

>> No.18132946

>unconventional sandwich
ultra dumbass

>> No.18132982

imagine getting filtered by a roast beef sandwich.
fucking kek

>> No.18133005

hot beef, french dip, birria are trash

only poutine for me boys

>> No.18133022
File: 238 KB, 507x664, 1658370149091101 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed it

>> No.18133100

French Dip actually makes sense if you do it right
French baguette's used to be very dry and crusty on the outside and very firm and chewy inside, and they were often baked then stored in the air with no wrapper making them even drier
Dipping in a bit of broth made them easier to chew and swallow
Now people use soft modern bread which doesn't need to be moistened to chew and basically turns into a sodden mess if you dip it in broth

>> No.18133101

It is an unconventional sandwich.
How many sandwiches can you think of that require you to dip them?

>> No.18133106

It's good times 50 million

>> No.18133148
File: 603 KB, 755x423, literally one of the most basic sandwiches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18133485

He thinks French Dip isn't like 200 yrs old and was copied from his own Mexican take on the soggy sandwich

>> No.18133556

Clever filename.
I didn't realize they were called "cheese dip sandwiches".

>> No.18133649


There's a location near me where the jus is almost gravy and it's great.

>> No.18133799
File: 126 KB, 342x343, 1445765121267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having worked in a coffee shop, blacks just have fried tastebuds.

>> No.18133812

this is a pairing, not a requirement to the sandwich
a french dip sandwich explicitly requires it to be dipped

>> No.18133938
File: 580 KB, 1500x1000, Torta-ahogada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That why the Mexicans version is better.
Create a Hardened bread to resist the soggness of the bread. all server in a big warm bowl of salsa.

>> No.18133987
File: 80 KB, 400x387, despondent_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw last time I orted a french dip sandwich they forgot the dip

>> No.18134341

Frog legs are good.

>> No.18134368

well maybe, but story time:

I was at a diner with my parents when I was maybe 4 years old and there was a fatman at a booth with his fat wife and piggy kids wolfing down plate after plate of frog legs, to the point where it was becoming a spectacle. must have been going for the record or something.

anyway, I vividly remember the trauma of seeing him casually vomit all these plates of frog legs all over himself and the table, mid-mouthful.

I will not, can not, eat frog legs :[

>> No.18134403

When used to wait tables at a little Italian joint in my early 20s. Always high on something, I didn't have much of a filter and people liked that I didn't kiss their asses. Whenever I got a group of women I'd have a little fun with them, and they'd always tip well. Being an Italian place most dishes came with a complimentary salad. On one occasion I was serving a table of women in their 30s, all of which ordered alcohol upon being seated. They were flirty in a nice way and seemed fun, so I felt comfortable really letting loose. As I'm taking their order one lady asks for a mixed greens with bleu cheese dressing. I tell her if she wants something cheesy hairy and blue I'd be happy to pull out my balls free of charge. The whole table loses it while I'm standing there grinning like an idiot. The dumbest thing I'd ever said to a customer actually landed, and I scored my highest tip. I don't think they'll ever forget it.. Oh and everybody clapped. Thanks for reading.

>> No.18134410

You never even had a chance kid. It's a cold cruel world.

>> No.18134414

nah, you were (and are) the dip

>> No.18134483
File: 187 KB, 704x1024, 6407220551_5fdd7b3dcf_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of those Turkish wet burgers they dip in tomato sauce.

>> No.18134489

I think its a travesty. Mexicans should show them by all going back to Mexico and taking their culture with them.

>> No.18134498

It would be fine if done with a hardier bread like a good crusty baguette. However, too many places make their sandwiches with a soft bread that turns immediately to mush when dunked in the jus.

>> No.18134573

You're dipping bread and meat into a broth. It tastes great. It's not retarded at all.

>> No.18134925

>pre dipped so it no control over sogginess
>cant eat without cutlery or messy hands

>> No.18135549

words of truth

>> No.18135779
File: 1020 KB, 1080x926, rib_ley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy lmao

>> No.18135810


>> No.18135831

got me, fair kek

>> No.18135842

it’s not fast food
it’s not gravy
it’s not bland bread

how fuckin dumb are you

>> No.18135850

its so fucking good tho, i love a french dip

>> No.18135928


>> No.18136042
File: 2.17 MB, 3872x2592, DSC_0426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's impossible to overstate how much you're really missing out on here. It is food for kings.

>> No.18136076

I've eaten some gross shit, like shirako.
Also had raw beef, raw horse, shark, snake, whale, dolphin...I'll pretty much try anything at least once. Here are my exceptions:

>Korean live squid
fucked up, I don't want it to jizz/sting my cheek (that has happened to people)
I'm not eating anything sentient while it's still alive

>foie gras, veal
I eat meat but something force fed or kept in a small crate on purpose is too cruel for me

I'm just not going to eat fucking bugs, and I can't imagine I'm missing anything

>> No.18136088

What this anon >>18131652 wrote and I concur, anything slimey is no-go territory.

>> No.18136096

That's one way to make them but usually, the way street vendors make them so you can take them on the go if you want, is dip the outside of the bread pieces just enough to get coated then cook then in a pan to dry it off a bit, the bread becomes soft but it isn't wet bread soggy. The other anon pic would be more from a restaurant trying to be quirky with street foods.

>> No.18136100

Hey buddy, i think you got the wrong door, /cm/ is two blocks down

>> No.18136101

That shit's not gonna go down to well in Dodge.

>> No.18136103

That or /lgbt

>> No.18136175

Curtain rails

>> No.18136230


>> No.18136232
File: 826 KB, 1440x2002, 1646506778788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that filename

>> No.18136280

To all the anti-bug anons, you aren't missing anything. I've tried crickets a few times and I'm always blown away by how bland they are. They just end up tasting like whatever you cook them in or coat them with. For that reason alone I don't think bugs will ever really catch on, apart from the fact that no one likes bugs anyway.

>> No.18136306

>I don't earn all this money to eat like a peasant from the 1200s
>proceeds to pay tons of money for lobster
you are a fucking idiot

>> No.18137062
File: 3.72 MB, 347x244, vladimir-putin-laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even see that, got me a substantial kek.

>> No.18137235
File: 50 KB, 706x960, 1601433760084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek made me smile

>> No.18137249
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>> No.18137261

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.18137266

>anon doesn’t mention lobster
>so you mention it on his behalf
>and then call him a fucking idiot for buying lobster immediately after you invented that “fact”
I bow to your 12D chess, anon.

>> No.18137808

Clever fuck lol

>> No.18137866

I suspect that I wouldn't eat beavers especially space beavers.

>> No.18137911

KFC. I'm not going to eat out of a bucket in a store full of obese people.
Nothing against fried chicken, though.

>> No.18138060

I think that women don't like you because you start ranting about random things apropos of nothing

>> No.18138063

Who the hell eats kfc at a kfc? Take that shit home and be a pig. It's not a dignified food.

>> No.18138065

interesting how the "cool and defiant chad" position is slowly turning into being a kid who only wants to eat chicken nuggets

>> No.18138112

I'd be embarrased being seen taking that home, on the other hand there's nothing wrong with eating that tub in a dark hotel room.

>> No.18138124
File: 14 KB, 235x215, pepe_stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well no, I also won't eat chiggin nuckets

>> No.18138134
File: 413 KB, 821x1024, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly related to the cleanliness of meat. I won't eat animals that are too small to properly clean and dress as I do not like the flavor or idea of eating entrails. I will not eat animals that are known vectors of disease. I also will not eat anything that was prepared in an unclean or unsafe way, such as in a dirty kitchen or by people I know are ill. I also hate grapefruit, but that is just a flavor dislike. Other than that, I'm pretty adventurous.
Just no snails, bugs, oysters, literal vermin, or the local golden coral. Or grapefruit.

>> No.18138138

Clearly the best fast food French dip.

>> No.18138151

>chicken nuggets
Do you think I’m some sort of peasant child?

>> No.18138166

I guess its a good way of eating broth in a sandwich well incorporated without making a mess. not that bad of an idea really, maybe they want to eat the sandwich ingredients with the broth/bread

>> No.18138208

Chicken feet

>> No.18138275
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>> No.18138866
File: 1.68 MB, 1089x821, Screenshot from 2022-07-17 16-03-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is about the sanest thing i have herd on this board
gold star

>> No.18138897

brie cheese. I won't even put that stuff within a foot of my mouth

>> No.18138904


You're too young to be on this site

>> No.18138929

This is a bot post.

>> No.18139000


Oysters are good though

>> No.18139002
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>> No.18139024

autogenerated retard

>> No.18139034

it's duck liver pate
it actually tastes fucking divine

>> No.18139097

>no food packaged in China

But you'll type on a made in China keyboard, sit on a made in China chair, on a made in China rug, in your made in China house? That doesn't really make sense.

>> No.18139159
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>> No.18139246

>Lab grown meat
>Any kind of "impossible" meat
>Vegan "food"
>sneed oils.
>sugar free things that clearly require sugar.
>long pork

>> No.18139506

The flavor is nice until you bite into one that still has that bile/gritt organ thing, or end up with food poisoning because the local chincs have no since of food safety. I note them as not worth it overall as compared to other seafood available.

>> No.18139556

You are weak

>> No.18139667

>to hold up the with juice
>inb4 language changes over time
No, amerilards. You’re just unlucky when thinking

>> No.18139782

No, I'll literally try any meal a few times before I decide to no longer eat it. I dont think there's a single thing I refused after the second time.

>> No.18139823

>you're not worthy of eating meat
lol who the fuck talks like this? you act as if you cant just go to any fucking store and buy some cheap ass meat.

>> No.18140149

not ingesting any of that stuff anon

>> No.18141258
File: 751 KB, 617x722, Screenshot from 2022-07-23 00-24-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going trough my dead grandmas photos and find this this at the same time as i come across this

>> No.18141305

Rich people ate offal too. You're just making excuses for being picky.

>> No.18141363

This has to win the best post of /ck/ 2022 award. I can't imagine anything topping it.

>> No.18141572

I've never had an Italian beef where the meat is pulled and not sliced deli-style. not enough giardiniera, and your're supposed to just dunk the whole sandwich in the broth real quick

>> No.18141587
File: 80 KB, 700x450, C9345E69-3214-4BBD-BEB6-FB9510C36092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cincinnati three-way chili

>> No.18141595

this is the key. italian beef hoagie rolls have to be the kind that's slightly chewy and shiny on the outside, so they maintain integrity under pressure

>> No.18142529
File: 157 KB, 1080x1620, beefdip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beef dip is one of my favorite meals.

>> No.18142576

I eat it there because it'll get ice cold in the 20 minute trip back. Same with mcdonalds, although cold mcdonalds is actually inedible as opposed to just not being good

>> No.18142611
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o zjhoo

>> No.18142636
File: 139 KB, 1300x957, normalreaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am someone who tried dog meat in Northern hong kong village, ate horse meat, ate frog legs in france

I will NEVER eat broccoli in my life, it looks like a green HPV wart and it's the gayest most gross looking typical white europoid food. I am convinced that anyone who eats it is the type of person to wear triple masks and call the police when kids step on their lawn.

>> No.18142649
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>> No.18142667

but anon broccoli is your fren and broccoli will never hurt you.

that other shit if rife with heavy metals, bioaccumulated toxins, and potentially salmonella and e.coli.

someday you'll be grateful for broccoli

>> No.18142688

When I am king you will be first against the wall.

>> No.18142711
File: 172 KB, 432x585, IMG_9113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put me in the screencap

>> No.18142714

Based broccoli white knight.

>> No.18142732
File: 58 KB, 796x1024, 97c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allowing a pet to get this fat is animal abuse

>> No.18142806

I'm convinced most vegetables dislikes are made up by the media. Sure most kids are picky little shits but they're picky about everything for no reason and they might just say it's their favorite food the next day. Also they tend to have the shitty overboiled veggies their retard parents serve them because they can't cook but they'll generally like properly cooked ones.

Like that pic >>18142636, broccoli barely even has a smell and doesn't have much of a taste either. I can undertstand not liking to eat it raw since it's pretty dry and fibrous but that's a different issue from pickyness.

>> No.18142865

It's the media and parents who push for vegetables. Children go by instinct + natural desires, they don't force themselves to like things they dont like because its (((healthy)))

Being a vegetable lover is the biggest sign you are a submissive programmable goy because you "learn" to like things and follow whats been taught to you by parents and vegan globohomo media instead of following your inner desires and instincts, just like a swede who learns to "enjoy" the presence of somalis.

>> No.18142913

>takes half of Mexico at gunpoint
>wtf why are there Mexicans here?

>> No.18142920

People with dumb food hang ups like this just need to grow up. "I don't get the 'concept' so I refuse, fuck off you toddler.

>> No.18142922

A pairing of what you fucking homunculus?

>> No.18142952

>it's only bad or good to be picky when I say