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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18127171 No.18127171 [Reply] [Original]

Unless you're a poorfag and your time is literally worthless, why would you *ever* cook at home?

You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant
You'll never have to spend hours inefficiently cleaning up every dish in your kitchen and all of the countertops and appliances

You know why profit margins are so thin for restaurants? Because they're all in a race to the bottom and they can't price their food to rip you off or they'll go out of business. They're already barely pricing food above cost. They use loopholes to pay staff under minimum wage (you're expected to subsidize this through tipping, skip the tip and save). They already have way more efficient systems in place to prep, cook and clean than you'll ever have doing the same for one meal at a time.

It's a no-brainer: If you're employed, you'll *save* money by getting takeout and you'll enjoy the convenience and pleasure of getting good food to boot. Don't fall for the home cooking meme that is literally wasting your life away by inefficiently mimicking restaurant quality at best, but most likely wasting your life away to eat bland, shitty food that you're too tired to make properly anyway.

>> No.18127181

its fun, didnt read the rest

>> No.18127183

Look mom, I posted it again!

>> No.18127247

If you're single and making $30/hour, then yeah you probably are better off getting takeout than spending 30-60 minutes to make it yourself if you don't enjoy cooking. The more family members you have though the more economic sense cooking makes.
cope faggot

>> No.18127250

decided against reading this

>> No.18127359

Yep, like I said, you're pretty much forced to cook if you're a poorfag since your time isn't worth anything. Poors lose out on all of the advantages of getting takeout/delivery

>> No.18127403

so you've never worked in a restaurant?
the places are filthy. eating out is like binge drinking, it's pleasant but it'll kill you eventually

>> No.18127408

Nice copypesto, here's your (You), and may your anus be violated beyond repair by Clydesdale horses.

>> No.18127414

I am a poorfag. And I get to enjoy food made exactly as I want it (resources willing) because of it.

>> No.18127416

t. soulless stembug who lives off of the same 20-30 frozen Sysco ingredients combined in slightly different patterns

>> No.18127426
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I like cooking and I think your post is wrong.

>> No.18127430

>words words words
Go away, Shlomo.

>> No.18127481

They're no different than the farms, factories, plants, markets and grocery stores that all handle your consumer goods, really.

I get food from scratch kitchens (local farms and local/regional distributors) and a personal chef mostly. I don't eat at the places that get sysco, gordon's, usf etc.

>> No.18127507
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only read the first sentence but keep consooming your goyslop so you have more time to play with your bing bing wahoo

>> No.18127518

OP has a net worth of about 7 thousand dollars and can't figure out why.

>> No.18127520

It's not about who handles your food... it's about the amounts of fat, salt and sugar in your usual restaurant meals. Those are a big part of the reason why homemade versions of the same dishes never quite taste the same.

>> No.18127525

Yeah, it's why home cooking tastes like shit, I agree.

>> No.18127526

I like cooking.

>> No.18127532
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>> No.18127534

Restaurants don't sell what I cook and for some things they do, it's far more time efficient to make them at home (burgers, for example) than to get them out.

If I'm going out to eat, I'm getting shit too time consuming to make myself.

>> No.18127536

Home cooking only tastes like shit if you're an incompetent cook, or an purebred amerilard accustomed exclusively to hyperpalatable foods.

>> No.18127544

True, make sure you add enough fat, salt and sugar to your food, unlike >>18127520 who doesn't know how to cook.

Myself? I can cook just fine but I prefer to save time by having someone else do it for me. It's just one of the many benefits of not being poor.

>> No.18127566

making burger at home
>thaw out mince; 1,5 minutes per quarter pound
>form patties; 1 minute
>cook patties; 6 minutes
>>>>>>>>meanwhile, slice tomato, onion and pickle
>assemble burgers; 2 minutes
Total time: 11ish minutes.

getting burger out
>shit, where the fuck are the keys; 1 minute
>get to the drive-thru; 5 minutes
>wait in the drive-thru; 3 minutes
>order the food; 1 minute
>wait in the drive-thru; 3 minutes
>get the food; 1 minute
>get out of the car because they forgot something; 1 minute
>go inside and wait in line; 5 minutes
>explain the situation, show the receipt and wait again; 3 minutes
>get the forgotten item and get back in the car; 1 minute
>drive home; 5 minutes
Total time: 29ish minutes.

Checks out.

>> No.18127570

cause I happen to love seeing muttering paki terrorists making my 'lasagna'

>> No.18127571

Sysco sells all of the same raw ingredients that your supermarket sells and then some. If you run a successful restaurant, running to the supermarket every day for your ingredients ain't gonna cut it.

>> No.18127576

>open doordash app
>hit repeat order
Total time: 1 minute

Checks out, good post that illustrates OP's point well.

>> No.18127582

>gay bait premise gets stabbed in the heart
>LARP as even richer for damage control

>> No.18127587

What are you having trouble understanding, poorfriend?

>> No.18127625

Sysco sells also "solutions", i.e. dishes to reheat in your rustic handmade bodega chain

>> No.18127706

Everyone knows that, what's your point?

>> No.18127743

>a drunk disease-riddled guatemalan tossing your salad in a dirty bowl with unwashed hands is no different from le GMO jew

>> No.18127751


>> No.18127911

We all saw the webm OP

What a fucking stupid take. Even if I can afford to order out a lot/use a meal service, why would I spend money I don't need to? Remove the scales from your eyes, $30/hr doesn't make you rich and spending all your money flagrantly is the real "poorfag mentality".

>> No.18127930

>why would I spend peanuts to better my life if I can save it and take my money with me to my grave?
impressively stupid take, bravo!

>> No.18127937

What if they fuck up the order? And how does the food materialise from the ether in a single minute? that's amazing.

>> No.18127963

Picking up chinese takeout on the way home from work takes virtually no time and costs 7 bucks, making a meal takes 20-60 minutes, which is $10-$40 worth of time plus a few dollars of ingredient cost plus cleanup time

>> No.18127973


>> No.18127987

Doesn't really happen often but usually it's money back and free food. I don't need the food to materialize desu, I just order ahead usually.

>> No.18128154

Let's see your timestamped bank account, stock portfolio, personal chef, or hand.

>> No.18128221

none of what you mentioned changes anything about OP's irrefutable post tho

>> No.18128231

Let's see your penis in its fully erect state.

>> No.18129154

>You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant
There is no time pressure at home and I have 10 years of experience cooking for myself every week and tailoring my recipes to my exact taste, I will always make better food than the restaurant.

>You'll never have to spend hours inefficiently cleaning up every dish in your kitchen and all of the countertops and appliances
I own a dishwasher that does this for me, I don't need to clean the countertops because I don't spill shit because I can prepare and cook at my leisure.

>You know why profit margins are so thin for restaurants?
Massive embezzlement/fraud since most of these places operate under an investor model and the owners don't actually do any work and just use the business to write off all their personal expenses.

>> No.18129194

I agree op

>> No.18129197
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>> No.18129216

I'm spending my money on finer things like blow, retard.
Get a real hobby.

>> No.18129220

how is what he said wrong?

>> No.18129221

Why are you larping as me anon

>> No.18129233

You don't have your own cook? Are you poor, or something?

>> No.18129242

You could have simply skipped going home and eating by staying to work overtime and you would have earned those $40.
That's all you care about, right?

>> No.18129247

idk I'm a neat talking out my ass

>> No.18129279

I’d love to see you go into convulsions when you happen upon a Sysco truck parked next to a place you go to.

>> No.18129433

I can cook better than a restaurant and my ingredients are healthier
While I have the money to spend on take away I'd rather save it to spend on other things that I like.
I dont despise some amount of cleaning because I'm not a spoilt child

>> No.18129436

You wouldn't be getting that money either way, you've already left work

>> No.18129442

I work from home, I can waste an hour making myself a wonderful meal and still be paid for it.

>> No.18129445

I don't trust restaurant food

>> No.18129493

Most financially responsible boomer right here.

>> No.18129607

i have a gas stove and a cast iron lol food takes 5min to cook

>> No.18129612

also ever bulk cook for the whole week before? you can multitask different things and fill your fridge and end up paying jack shit
you can make food that lasts months/years, i have 10 loaves of bread in my freezer

>> No.18129617

Every minute spent reading business news exponentially increases my income by giving me the knowledge to make sound investments.

>> No.18129711

Every minute spent shitposting on /biz/ exponentially increases my income by giving me the knowledge to make sound investments

>> No.18129712

>He doesn't listen to audio financial news while cooking

>> No.18129715

Unless your a landlet who doesnt grow thier own food and a run a farm, why would ever sell your time? Imagine being so landless you have to worry about cooking vs takeout. The landchad on the other hand grows his own food and barters with others, never selling his time and enjoys cooking a home cooked meal with his ample free time due to not being a wagie.

>> No.18129718


>> No.18129720

God it's gotta be at least 15 years since the last time I went to a drive thru and exited the other side in under 10 minutes. They are so laughably slow now.

>> No.18129735

Seriously though imagine living in such slavery that you think of your time like this. Imagine not having the wealth to simply cook and not have this "cut into your earnings" or some retarded shit like that. You are a slave, OP.

>> No.18129764

>You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant
90% not true, also restaurant food uses less healthy ingredients