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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 886 KB, 3227x3227, unicorn icecream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18122162 No.18122162 [Reply] [Original]

What's this new trend of rainbow/unicorn/mermaid etc. sweet food? I'm seeing it everywhere in the icecream, candy and snack sections of stores now

>> No.18122169 [DELETED] 

Goyslop for trannies

>> No.18122179

victim of Baader-Meinhof phenomenon

>> No.18122180
File: 2.46 MB, 494x740, 1621707579216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute and funny marketing
my niece would love this

>> No.18122183
File: 6 KB, 183x275, download (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha i posted it again

>> No.18122187 [DELETED] 

Schizo meme

>> No.18122191 [DELETED] 

goyslop consumers w/the fluoride stare

>> No.18122197

Love how this makes you kikels seethe so hard

>> No.18122206

Do Americunts really?

>> No.18122225



>> No.18122232

I have noticed it. Its the alphabet people grooming kids again.

>> No.18122234

grrrl power is very much "in" right now
in a few years, when the people producing this stuff start feeling it in their pocket books, they'll move on to something else.

>> No.18122254
File: 118 KB, 900x900, 39589273_10156225250905783_4604529426091212800_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that just another take on Superman ice cream?

>> No.18122277
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Children love bright colors.
This is a product for children.

Any further questions?

>> No.18122278

It’s a rebranding effort thing. It used to be called things like cotton candy, sugar cookie, etc. But people began being adverse to words like “candy” or “sugar”. So now it’s mermaid, unicorn, birthday cake, etc.

For the earliest instance I know, I think that would come from the snow-cone industry and the Tiger’s Blood flavor. But how would you market a mixture of water melon, cherry, and coconut? The red color makes blood an obvious choice, and then tigers are cool.

>> No.18122282

he says, while crying about jews on the internet

>> No.18122295 [DELETED] 

Based goyslopper

>> No.18122299

I kind of want it. I like colorful things and cake.

>> No.18122308

Why does she have minion goggles on?

>> No.18122309

What’s the matter? Did your rabbi eat your foreskin?

>> No.18122310

I don't understand you, are you implying that we should eat kosher food?

>> No.18122317

weird cope

>> No.18122323

>new trend
How fucking late are you OP?

>> No.18122338

but i also notice this sort of stuff for clothing or shit like that
like a few years ago the meme animal to put on posters and clothes was foxes and then it was llamas you know what im talking about?

>> No.18122344

>What's this new trend of rainbow/unicorn/mermaid etc. sweet food? I'm seeing it everywhere in the icecream, candy and snack sections of stores now
there has always been utter crap dyed sugary cereals, cookies, poptarts, donuts, popsicles, ice cream.
Don't buy them or do. Carry on.

>> No.18122404

>""""new"""" trend
I mean... If you consider something 5+ years old a "new trend," sure.

>> No.18122406

What fucking flavor is blue moon, and how is the moon a fruit?

>> No.18122414

Why don't you?

>> No.18122415

walmart started stocking the ice cream 3 months ago, I am very meticulous in the ice cream aisle and would've known if they had it earlier

>> No.18122426

Maybe it's like in Hawaii where "blue" is coconut for some reason. No idea why, but if you see something blue, it's sure to be coconut.

>> No.18122436 [DELETED] 

>thread about icecream
are we a /v/ tier board now?

>> No.18122438

In Euroland, it's called Smurf ice cream. Nobody really knows what flavour it is.

>> No.18122447

Well, unicorn/mermaid/faerie/princess/sparkle/etc puddings, cakes and cake mixes, ice cream, yog[h]urt (been living in the US for years now and it still pains me to write 'yoghurt' without the H) and more have been a thing for a while.
Did you buy it and, if so, how/what is it? I've no idea what it's meant to taste of.

I check ice cream aisles meticulously, too, searching for black walnut and banana ice creams. Haven't seen either in years. BW paid off last time I went to the supermarket as I finally found it. Now, I just need banana. And not that chunky monkey shit. What ice cream are you looking for?

>> No.18122451

>cake flavored ice cream

>> No.18122480

>Did you buy it
Nah, they had a new one that looked good this week but I wouldn't be able to freeze it in time
>What ice cream are you looking for?
mostly just looking for something new to get every week

>> No.18122506

Easier to just make it yourself.
Cuisinart ice-21 is good for a machine. Anyway no idea how banana isn't more popular of an ice cream flavor

>> No.18122516

Because diversity it's our strenght!

>> No.18122562

"Tiger's blood" is from that charlie sheen interview

>> No.18122578

idk, kids like colorful sugary shit, nothing new. "Unicorn" or "Mermaid" allows brands to make weird colorful food that will attract kids without it being blatant like they did back then with the jimmy neutron blue french fry shit. Funnily enough i bought some of the debbie ice creams because they were hyped up and despite never having a unicorn cake in my life, i was surprised how good it was even though it was obvious fake chemical strawberry

>> No.18122604

You're an idiot. It's been around forever. Want me to show you just how oblivious you ate? Here's one of those faggot tech channels that randomly destroy iphones with stupid shit involved that did so with Starbucks Unicorn Frappucinos or something. Back in fucking 2017.


And even with that being half a decade old, that trend is even older than that. It probably coincides with the MLP boom. Birthday Cake flavored ice cream has been around since at least the 90's.

>> No.18122640

I used to make ice cream regularly but my machine stopped working. Still, I want that artificial shit. Last time I had delicious, fake-ass banana ice cream was two or three years ago.

>> No.18122642

bright colors and cute things are a selling tactic.
anime taught me this.

>> No.18122692

It's Zogchow.

>> No.18122697

Nah, that one didn't catch on when we tried forcing it.

>> No.18122712

It will. Give it 2 more weeks

>> No.18122729

We had rainbow ice-cream in the 90s, don't you remember?

>> No.18122733

Rainbow icecream is nothing new though. It was all the rage back then in the 90s. Probably a comeback nowadays.

>> No.18122740

It's just part of the continued infantilization of society.

>> No.18122814

>Sky Cream
Phenomenal name.

>> No.18122816 [DELETED] 

It's called "treyf".

I'm not sure how you didn't already know this, considering that you're koscher to begin with.

>> No.18122844

Calling it "sparkle unicorn rainbow delight" means you don't have to actually make it taste like anything, just excessively sweet.

>> No.18122847

pretty sure, like every other criticism, it's just projection of his own cultural inadequacies and shortcomings

>> No.18122898

gay people are so god damn delusional
you dont own the fucking rainbow

>> No.18122915

The more upset you get the funnier it is.

>> No.18122927

blue bunny makes a delicious banana split ice cream
probably gonna have to go to the midwest to find it

>> No.18122934
File: 596 KB, 600x600, 0070640012380_CL_Syndigo_default_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic related

>> No.18122938

its for fags

>> No.18122939

There's Blue Bunny where I live but I've never seen their banana split ice cream.
Thanks for letting me know.

>> No.18122948

The funniest part is that you're just reinforcing Zionist eating practices and encouraging everyone to become kosher.
>Watcha doin rabbi?

>> No.18122963

Touché mysterious computer man...

>> No.18123204

Zoomers are all pony fans.

>> No.18123224

The unicorn flavor of Bang is pretty good, and I hate half the flavors.

>> No.18123305

lol goldfish branched out into cupcake flavors too

>> No.18123362
File: 2.52 MB, 4128x3096, 20220716_160146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Always 41% off

>> No.18123407

It's literally for instagram, they get free promotion and advertising for insta "influencers"
Also this

>> No.18123433
File: 96 KB, 900x675, 3947d12e3736329530a9395a13770970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HARD pass.

It always suckers me in, because I love crazy-colored foods and sweets, usually because it looks like it would be a zesty fruit punch flavor or something. But no. Not anymore. Now it's always "birthday cake omg yassss", which is weird, because if you ask literally anyone, they can all agree that generic birthday cakes tend to taste gross and way too sweet.

So now I fucking hate "cake" flavor, because "cake flavor" is literally just the taste of a shitty generic grocery store birthday cake, i.e: mild vanilla cake (a.k.a the taste of normal vanilla ice cream, cookies, etc.), and insanely plasticky sugar frosting. The result is just generic vanilla-ish flavor but with WAY more sugar, and a weird butter-y background taste. The problem is that they rarely even call it "birthday cake" anymore, as if they're trying to sneak it past us, so I have to stay on my toes to watch for all the red flag words associated with "cake" flavored trash:
Yes, they are literally even claiming the word "rainbow" (or at least "rainbow something" or "something rainbow"), which used to always be the flavor of a bunch of different fruits. Now it just tastes like buttery vanilla sugar.

>> No.18123482

correct answer, thread should have ended here

>> No.18123519

All the unicorn/mermaid products i tried so far were really good desu
are you afraid of pink anon?

>> No.18123643

No, only diabetes.

>> No.18124356

that's nothing new, I remember eating rainbow ice cream when I was a kid in the 90s

>> No.18124888

This country is collapsing, obviously.

>> No.18124902

to make sure you're mopping up your food coloring, that could only do good things for you
and to make sure you pass the habit to your offspring

>> No.18125073 [DELETED] 
File: 457 KB, 800x1200, Superman-Ice-Cream-1.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superman icecream > goyslop ponyshit

>> No.18125680

Nah fuck off, birthday cake flavor is good. It’s really just an eggy cake batter type flavor with sprinkles and I find nothing offensive about it. The best ice cream I have ever has is at marble slab. You get half birthday cake half blue cotton candy ice cream with sprinkles and marshmallow fluff mixed in (the marshmallow sauce they use is better and ask them to let it sit on the slab for a few seconds). My friend who worked there showed it to me and I really don’t care how faggy and childish it is, it tastes and looks how you expected desserts to when you saw them in cartoons as a kid, and it’s fucking delicious.

>> No.18125840

I mean, he’s literally not wrong.

>> No.18125883

Every unicorn/rainbow flavored stuff I tried has sucked. It's usually cotton candy flavored. Not good

>> No.18125891

the only correct answer in this thread
but unfortunately the pol tourists need something to sperg about, so they will ignore this post as usual to resume their constant screeching about kikes and troons

>> No.18125999

What fucking flavor is rocky road? Or moose tracks, superman, boston creampie?

>> No.18126107


I personally think it tastes like pistachio

>> No.18126121

National brands finally discovered Instagram food trends from 7 years ago.

>> No.18126124

That isn't 41% unfortunately. You're looking for the pink and blue cake.

>> No.18126126

>frozen dairy dessert

>> No.18126147

Im sorry I know that youre like 12 bro and the world’s a scary place, but its far too complex to boil down to “le kikes” my guy.
You still mad daddy takes you to church?

>> No.18126150

The snowcone place by me has had Tiger’s Blood years before that coked up faggot’s ramblings. try again zoomer.

>> No.18126164

I don't believe you. No one used that term until the meme came out. Even the website says it just magically appeared in the south and then migrated to Hawaii.

Also zoomers don't know things from 11 years ago, they were children.

>> No.18126166

The Homosexualization of children.

>> No.18126171

Nigger tigers blood flavor has existed forwver.

>> No.18126172

You know rocky road is an actual thing right

>> No.18126173

Show me any evidence of it existing before 2011

>> No.18126176
File: 313 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20220522-063711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mark all these words as advertisments containing adrenochrome and any factory involved as suppliers.

Further continuation of the poopsie surprise unicorn line. (<Harm)

Similac justice loading onwards (I hope) but anyone advertising with these words needs to be investigated.

>> No.18126182

I was eating a snowball when I was in my aunts new car before 2011 and I'm 95% sure it was tigers blood flavor. And I spilled it all over the cars floor

>> No.18126187

uh oh retard

>> No.18126262

You are not very bright.

>> No.18126445

>boston creampie

>> No.18126458


>> No.18126475
File: 164 KB, 400x306, rainbow-vomit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18126477
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>> No.18126539

You're only realizing it now?

>> No.18126687
File: 229 KB, 865x842, 9327E782-8AF1-4684-AEDD-45EC7F41E21B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meds now

>> No.18126711

>notices how the poison merchant never drinks poison himself
>stops drinking poison because its obviously bad
>some faggot says you should keep drinking poison otherwise you're "just like them"
Sorry goy, extruded corn syrup paste with chemical dyes is not kosher. I wish I could drink this delicious poison but I just can't. Go ahead and drink it, you dont want to be a Jew do you?

>> No.18126739

It's just a trend.

>> No.18126832 [DELETED] 

I'm going to rape you, you subhuman leftoid troon.

>> No.18126919

jesus christ that recipe is fucking THICK
3 cups liquid and 3 bananas. what the hell?

>> No.18127167

I'm pretty sure they've been plastering shit like that all over products since like...the 70s.

>> No.18127193

So when are the troons and /pol/tourists gonna fuck? They live for each other so I’m surprised they aren’t fucking on the regular. Is it more a brother relationship since troons are incels who’ve cut their cock off while the /pol/cels haven’t yet?

>> No.18127210

Delete this transphobia you chud incel freak

>> No.18127224
File: 46 KB, 612x612, b3b9fc4b-458e-461d-9fd9-cbd5a08d9840.eb206d2c588037374916ec211200d852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get work or go broke.

Reminder: Corporations are not your friend

>> No.18127230

>packed with fudge
>broken cherries

cheeky bastards

>> No.18127235

I remember getting the tigers blood flavor shaved ice drink from the Hot Licks Creamery in Fairbanks, AK in the year 2000, before my dad deployed. I got tigers blood because the name sounded cool, and it’s been my favorite syrup flavor ever since.

>> No.18127297
File: 161 KB, 1000x722, 23-Scotsburn-Farmers-Family-1.5L-MoonMist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best.

>> No.18127299

I wish my gf will dress up like a minion

>> No.18127311

All those angry replies
The site is really fucked

>> No.18127377

He's not hated for his antisemitism, that being a virtuous trait, but for the fact that he is a pseudo-namefag who lowers board quality by shilling his fucktarded, awkward meme word that will never catch on.

>> No.18127385

>extruded corn syrup paste with chemical dyes is not kosher
Nigger, have you ever been to a grocery store? Even the vilest corn-soy trough shit is kosher-pareve.

>> No.18127512

absolutely no where near new, you fucking child

>> No.18127551
File: 248 KB, 1680x1120, 116343376_728051847769179_883237941710083277_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love artificial tasting icecream and thanks to the trannies I don't have to search anymore, every store has some stocked! I still mostly buy Plombir to support our Russian friends!

>> No.18127554
File: 225 KB, 680x656, 90445252-7285-494A-BCF0-331A980B4690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18127605

not everyone who disagrees with you is a leftist you fucking shizo trumper. stop trying to force this meme. i'm a german natsoc and come here to talk about food not to deal with you on another board, get fucked

>> No.18127621

you really let them win that easy huh?

>> No.18127664


>> No.18127890

Those are all actual flavors, except superman.
Rocky road is chocolate with nuts and marshmallow.
Moose Tracks is vanilla with peanutbutter cup and fudge.
Boston cream pie is a type of cream pie.
Superman is a superhero.
Blue Moon is what? the marshmallow from lucky charms?

>> No.18128679

Fippy bippy as always

>> No.18128705

>Those are all actual flavors, except superman.
See: >>18122254
Also: >>18122438

>> No.18128951

I'm 100% convinced that it's a very subtle gay joke.

>> No.18129376

Did they even put the word gay anywhere on the package?
I'm convinced they've taken the word pride and the rainbow flag as a corporate friendly way to refer to gays without actually saying it, you know, like happy holidays.

>> No.18129423

Have you never met a MtF irl?
Polcels and MtF troons are a single group.

>> No.18129619 [DELETED] 

It literally is goyslop. It's made from skim milk, maltodextrin and corn syrup. It's not even ice cream, it's zogslop. And it fucks with your endocrine system to the extent that you become a tranny.

>> No.18130443
File: 13 KB, 216x462, rsbpxesa9zn51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>18122162 What are you talking about, rainbow ice cream has been a thing forever. Get yourself a fucking paddle pop mate

>> No.18130459 [DELETED] 

The Reddit migration is complete.

>> No.18130499

Grocery stores have become a fucking joke lately. If it isn't unicorn shit, it is organic or plant-based meat shit taking up space where we could have more flavors of normal items. Even ice cream is now full of keto shit instead of more flavor choices.

>> No.18130526 [DELETED] 

>The Reddit migration is complete.
The Reddit migration is complete.

>> No.18130535 [DELETED] 

How do you guys even know that goyslop comes from Reddit if you hate it so much?

>> No.18130614

Why am I being called out like this?

>> No.18130633 [DELETED] 

I can't wait for RaHoWa with my reddit brothers if they're woke on the goyslop issue

>> No.18130798


>> No.18131344

Holy shit, so it's not just me? Some years ago, I bought a private label ice cream sandwich box from a particular supermarket. To make the best use of limited freezer space, I open boxes of individually wrapped frozen things and put them away individually. This time, before putting them away, I set one aside and started to jam the rest into the freezer for storage. At this point, I don't remember what, but something distracted me and I wound up leaving the ice cream sandwich on the table overnight, only noticing it the next morning.
To my surprise, it hadn't melted. Like... at all. It'd softened a bit, but it was still very much sandwich-shaped and not a single drop of melted ice cream anywhere.
I'll be honest: after binning that one, I kept the others and ate them anyway. We all gotta go some time.

>> No.18131356

My nigga

>> No.18131407 [DELETED] 

Goyslop for trannies (woops double posted haha)

>> No.18131647

tl;dr it's not ice cream lmao

>> No.18132656

you must be buying some truly bottom of the barrel shit dude, even great value (walmart brand) ice cream melts

>> No.18132731
File: 364 KB, 646x595, 077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those are all actual flavors, except superman
What if there was a Superman flavor and it just tasted like his sweat. Hahaha I wouldn't buy that at all haha

>> No.18134346 [DELETED] 

they are