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18120392 No.18120392 [Reply] [Original]

Is the craft beer industry nothing but meme IPAs and pastry stouts now?
I tried getting back into it after a few year hiatus, but it looks noticeably worse now.
At this point I'd rather just drink Coors Banquet and Hamm's.

>> No.18120407

No it's also a bunch of shitty seltzers

>> No.18120411

lotta sours seems like. the sour wave started a year or three ago and now idk what the new trend is. i've had some good hefeweizens, goses, and lagers. i'm not real "hip to the scene" with brewery stuff so maybe some other anon will know more than i do

>> No.18120418

Is Seltzer going to kill off beer? Apparently beer sales are plummeting due to the popularity of hard selzter and hard tea.
My zoomer sister hates beer but drinks those things

>> No.18120426
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IPAs are falling out of favor for pilsners right now. They're already behind thick, milk sugar sours. They've just become established enough that your local grocery store will pack IPAs regularly.

>> No.18120443

well their made by the same people anyway

>> No.18120447

I have yet to see an increase in craft American pilsners. Meanwhile the Hazebro shit is everywhere

>> No.18120483

I wish Michelob Lager were more widely available + more popular.
It's affordable and hits a perfect balance of being flavorful but not too loud like IPAs and pastry stouts are

>> No.18120490

Only seltzer I've tasted worth anything is by Untitled Arts, but they charge, like, $15 for a six pack.

They're slowly starting to make their way into tap houses. Look for Italian style pilsners in the coming year or so.

>> No.18120498

Unfortunately my local pub (which I like) has IPAs for well over half of its taps.
What I don't get is why there's not a widespread push for a good American lager, a la Michelob regular

>> No.18120550

What are some good American pilsners? I feel like a lot of them are too floral and/or hoppy

>> No.18121072


>> No.18121077

>thick, milk sugar sours
wtf is it like

>> No.18121086

yeah, i feel like every time i look at a brewery now it's nothing but IPAs, stouts, porters, sours, lagers, brown ales, white ales, pale ales, red ales...

>> No.18121091

liar, 90% of the offerings are IPAs and meme stouts

>> No.18121281 [DELETED] 

Citra hops are fucking disgusting. There I said it

>> No.18121285 [DELETED] 
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I enjoy pic related if you can find it. I don't know how far Upland is distributed, it's an Indiana brewery but it's one of the few pilsners I enjoy.

>> No.18121805 [DELETED] 
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>slightly tart
>very sweet and fruity
>thick texture
>deep red or blue color
They're very much a dessert drink. It's honestly hard to even call them sours when regular ones tend to be highly tart with a thin body.

>> No.18121812 [DELETED] 

Maybe it's not seen as worth pursuing because people who want a plain lager are just going to get a macro

>> No.18121899 [DELETED] 

<Branding that doesn’t make me want to Kms
Ok I’ll try

>> No.18121901 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18121947

Best is to mix it up. Want some bitter sweet goodness, get a few dipa or tipas. Want heavy fulfilling youneedtochew beer? Get a double baltic stout. Want something that tastes like a sour sweet creamy fruity desert? Get a pastry sour. Want to taste beer in the sun? Get some lagers. Some stuff is really great and alot of memes indeed.

>> No.18121961

There is a craft beer industry outside of the US, you know? One that is innovative and expressive.

>> No.18121968

general rule of thumb - always try a brewery's lagers/pilsners first. can't mask shitty lagers with piney hops

>> No.18122160
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Rochefort has a "new" beer out (2020), triple extra. Well worth checking out.

The sour wave started 3 millenia ago. We (Belgium) still make those same beers today. We (Belgium) don't want "new wave guys" like you shitting up the craft place. Whether it's cheese making, leatherworking, growing heirloom tomatoes, curing ham or mac-fucking-ramé. Fuck off with your trends and hypes. Crafts are about passing on a respectable trade you love to the people you love. You and your despicable attitude have no place in our value-based production system. Sell out to the Chinese somewhere else.

>> No.18123348

I hate Belgians so much it's unreal. I can picture your smug malformed face as you're typing this, hiding behind your gargantuant nose.

Truly the most pathetic place in Europe. Despised by the french you look up to, despised by the swamp Germans who once owned you.

Never post here again

>> No.18124186

Craft breweries like IPAs because it's the easiest style to mask imperfections with. Throw enough hops in it and it will hide anything you fucked up during the brewing process. That's why they never make lagers; despite being the beer of choice for the mass market, it's incredibly difficult to do them well.

And all the fucking stouts/porters are intensely coffee flavored. Fuck that shit.

>> No.18124744

I do like Bell's porter. Those type of beers are tasty but too high in calories for me to drink a bunch of on a regular basis.

>> No.18124810

there's a huge difference between a craft lager and Bud Light. Frankly, the gap between flavorless light beer and loud IPAs and meme stouts is big, and is where I like my beer to be.

>> No.18124823

damn america must be behind in craft beer, or wherever flyover you are, here in BC we still got IPAs but they are old news, lots of pilsners, lagers, saisons, cold IPA, many types of sours. still not enough ales though

>> No.18124835

Canada isn't obsessed with Hazy IPAs right now?

>> No.18124851

RIP Sam Adams Boston Ale :(

>> No.18125541

No, hard seltzer sales have more or less stabilized.

Hazy and few of the lesser known types are the only IPAs still getting any sort of traction. Sours are on the decline as well. Farmhouse style ales are starting to pick up as are goses and Scotch ales, at least in my area.

>> No.18125610

Nigga it's been like that for ages. Only now are we getting brewers who are interested in more diversity of style.

>> No.18125618

The US craft beer industry is the most innovative and expressive though.

>> No.18125620

A lot of breweries that do other styles of beer well don't make good lagers though.

>> No.18125820

I've never seen this in stores, only the Ultra brand. Is it even still made? Premium lager that I can buy in an affordable 12+ pack is my holy grail.

>> No.18126441

I'm glad to see more breweries trying out making lagers but yeah all the hype ones nowadays do:
>DDHNEDIPA nonsense
>Pastry stouts
>Fruited kettle sour smoothie beers that are more or less just wine coolers

They seem to just get the most attention because they look cool on instagram and attract attention of idiot bloggers. Gotta love my local brewery that has literally only one IPA, no sours, and three different lagers.

>> No.18126447

they're literally only popular because basic bitches order them and post them on social media. Think of those stereotypical girl drinks that are like 10% vodka and 90% mixer and you have the beer version

>> No.18126709

Yeah it's still made, but in limited quantities. I've only seen it twice.
If you're mostly into loud beers like IPAs and flavored stouts, it might not be your thing. But it is a damn good "regular beer" and has a lot more going on than a Bud.

>> No.18126735
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>Changes observed with alcohol-related brain disorders, however, may be no more than superficially similar to those seen with aging or AD. In contrast to aging and AD, alcohol's effects on the brain may be reversible (Carlen and Wilkinson 1987). Atrophy decreases after abstinence from alcohol (Kril and Halliday 1999). A study that further investigated cerebral atrophy in alcoholics and age-matched control subjects found no significant differences in the number of nerve cells in the brain (i.e., neurons) between the two groups and that most of the loss occurred in the white matter, which consists largely of nerve fibers that connect neurons (Jensen and Pakkenberg 1993). The researchers concluded that, because neurons did not appear to be lost, disrupted functions could be restored after abstinence as neuronal connections were reestablished. This conclusion is supported by research that also showed no neuronal loss in alcoholics compared with nonalcoholics but did show significant loss of brain cells that provide support for neurons (i.e., glial cells) which, in contrast to neurons, can be regenerated (Korbo 1999). That alcoholics can show improved cognitive performance after abstinence provides additional evidence of a reversible effect (Reed et al. 1992)

>> No.18126904


you cant mask shit brewing with hops in a pilsner

>> No.18126916
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>create a beer so good that everyone tries to copy it and completely flood the market with mediocre IPAs

your welcome

>> No.18127116
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>> No.18127125
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some belgians are based

>> No.18127141
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>drinking beer

sure is pleb in here