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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 282 KB, 1000x677, 1000_F_64906236_8NHKTqGFQs9tHm3ISkNfDT81F53LOlmM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18106824 No.18106824 [Reply] [Original]

Americans don't have schnitzel or brötchen. as a result they never experienced the culinary delight that is the Schnitzelbrötchen. if you knew what you're missing out on you wouldn't put up with your homeland slop anymore

>> No.18106833

The Hoosier boys ain't gonna take kindly to that blatantly false statement.

>> No.18106835

I've found 3 restaurants withing 10 minutes of me that all serve it, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.18106836

Looks like a mediocre chicken sandwich to me
0/10 for stock photo and stupid thread

>> No.18106848

schnitzel is veal, not chicken

>> No.18106855

Bernd pls, i haven't seen a veal schnitzelbrötchen ever. It's pork.

>> No.18106860

>Americans don't have schnitzel
Yes we do, we call them "cutlets"

>> No.18106864

not the same

>> No.18106867

We have everything in America. Everything. You can not name a single thing you have that we do not.

>> No.18106871

protection from bodily harm by both fellow citizens and the state
an intelligent populace
livable conditions

>> No.18106876
File: 67 KB, 696x701, 1648298635926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is the same

>> No.18106879

You don't have any of that either?

>> No.18106884

All three accounted for.

>> No.18106891

About the only things that I've seen in Europe that we don't have here are old buildings, cigarette butter and graffiti fucking everywhere

>> No.18106893

So a cutlet in typical American usuage is a piece of meat that has been pounded flat, covered with flour, egg wash, and bread crumbs, then pan fried. How exactly is that different than schnitzel?

>> No.18106894

>breaded meat between more bread
what's the point?

>> No.18106896

Butts, also probably cigarette butter from all the butts ground into the floor everywhere

>> No.18106897

if you need an explanation you will never understand

>> No.18106898

Sandwich bread that isn't cake

>> No.18106899
File: 167 KB, 659x525, GeniusApu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just call 'em hot dogs. Though the shit in your pic looks more like a less good mcchicken sandwich.

>> No.18106907

>you wouldn't put up with your homeland slop anymore
Don't ever talk that way about sloppa again

>> No.18106908

There's plenty of it, thats how I know you haven't been to the USA
So that means you have no explanation. Breaded pork tenderloin sandwiches are identical to schnitzel sandwiches.

>> No.18106915

>There's plenty of it, thats how I know you haven't been to the USA
Not true. Even the brands with less sugar than wonderbread still have 3 - 5X more sugar than brands everywhere else in the world.

>> No.18106916

Anon I think you're thinking of that restaurant chain Der Weinerschnitzel, which serves hot dogs. Schnitzel is more like a chicken or pork cutlet

>> No.18106920

Could you give me a recipe for schnitzel then? I could make some and some cutlets for a side-by-side comparison.

>> No.18106922

Wonder bread is no longer the standard American bread and it hasn't been for a while. You're operating on old knowledge. There's barely one brand for anything anymore in the USA because there's so many different brands. The breads I buy from my grocery store bakery do not have a noticeable amount of sugar.

>> No.18106924

Look, I'm not a word scientist but clearly we have both hot dogs and mcchickens.

>> No.18106930

I know that anon I thought you just may have been confused on what the word meant

>> No.18107146

>Americans don't have pork cutlet sandwiches

>> No.18107163

Correct. Americans don’t eat pork (they are controlled by the Jews).

>> No.18107170

god I can't wait for summer to be over

>> No.18107206

fuck off back to your hoesärehälföff, nazi mouth.
no one wants to know about your schittzinbritcheß

>> No.18107212

Interesting observation

>> No.18107233
File: 10 KB, 225x224, smugpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have experienced it because my mother is German and I lived there for 6 years. I get the best of both worlds

>> No.18107242
File: 374 KB, 750x580, A32D2E0E-5855-4801-8640-443877E58C59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s called a torta de milanesa you stupid wienerschnitzel

>> No.18107256

Dios mío...Espíritu del Señor. Espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, ángeles, arcángeles y santos del paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor, lléname de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquílas, destrúyelas. Expulsa de mí los maleficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, el luz extinguido, el americano... Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica... destruye al monstruo, a la creatura... Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí ni a ningun ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, el abominación... debe morir... Encadenado por San Miguel arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada, aleja el aberración genetíca, al ogro de las Americas... Amén.

>> No.18107276

ok bb

>> No.18107282

>my pork, chicken, veal fried in breading is unique
>nobody else has this
>especially not Americans

you believe this nigger

>> No.18107288


>> No.18107292


>> No.18107293

Is your reading comprehension bad?

>> No.18107317

Fuck off with livable conditions commie

>> No.18107329

What the fuck are you talking about, do you seriously not have chicken schnitzel in America?
Electric Kettles

>> No.18107338

You realize that America is like 40% German retards of its 56% white, right? You can get schnitzelbrötschen in any diner in the Midwest, though most people have the sense to call it by its English name the pork chop sandwich.

>> No.18107382
File: 55 KB, 529x403, 3DF43958-AED3-4558-A952-A37799B22B6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello from Indiana

>> No.18107389

That looks terrible. Americans eat cardboard sandwiches

>> No.18107392

Hope that table is clean

>> No.18107399

it's more based every time I see it

>> No.18107400

what about free health care?

>> No.18107408

It exists in America.

>> No.18107409

in what states?

>> No.18107412


>> No.18107414
File: 14 KB, 183x275, images-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's mettbrötchen

>> No.18107416

All of them. Hospitals are in bed with their creditors and you literally don't have to pay for shit unless you're retarded.
They bill non-citizens for healthcare in Canada.

>> No.18107420

then why are you guys always complaining about non having free health care and saying how you can get in debt if you get really sick?

>> No.18107424

Enjoy your destroyed credit

>> No.18107432

>Americans don't have schnitzel or brötchen
you don't think people don't know how to pound flat and bread a piece of meat?

>> No.18107433

There are a lot of retarded people who don't know how hospitals and debt work in the US and genuinely think they have to pay for shit when they receive the bill like they're dining at a fucking restaurant.
Oh, nooooo, not the fake money!

>> No.18107452

Most states can deny you employment if you have terrible credit. I guess that doesn't matter to ditch diggers that have filed for bankruptcy like you.

>> No.18107458

>he thinks you have to file for bankruptcy to dodge hospital debt
Oh, hey, I just mentioned you when I referred to the "retarded people who don't know how hospitals and debt work in the US". What a coincidence.

>> No.18107461

You forgot to address the terrible credit part of my post which will happen, ditch digger.

>> No.18107487

Your daddy really drilled that "you don't wanna end up shovelling shit for a living" mantra into you, huh? Did he take you down to watch road workers on the highway when you got a B in math?

>> No.18107496
File: 17 KB, 320x469, 6F0895EE-F840-4744-8B2D-599E61484863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fear the Hoosier Loin

>> No.18107500

Unless you live in California, you're telling everyone that you either do not work or work a very terrible, bottom of the barrel job. Any respectable job will deny you employment when they do a credit check.

>> No.18107549

>Americans don't have schnitzel or brötchen.

>> No.18107588
File: 1.38 MB, 720x900, cornflake schnitzel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken Schnitzel is actually an extremely common dish among American Jews/Israelis
I eat it all the time at other people's houses during holidays and every kosher supermarket I've been to sells it.

A big one I like to go to sells schnitzels with unique breadings. They have normal breading schnitzel, panko schnitzel, cornflake schnitzel, crushed pretzel schnitzel, etc

>> No.18107678

This has already been covered here >>18107163

>> No.18107871

we pay more so you have free.
you're welcome.

>> No.18107930
File: 392 KB, 1600x899, F630BBF8-5D0B-4E05-B6B6-0CC04BE60F4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We totally have schnitzel dummy

>> No.18107994

Just look at the all American gut on that plaid wearing torn jean wearing motherfucker

>> No.18108003

Workin mans clothes and a working mans gut

>> No.18108005
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, 360776D2-2BDB-4D3A-92B9-0B71F5EF5FE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fuckers had an Apple Jacks shake that was bomb. Now it’s a front loops one and it’s good but that Apple one was bomb.

>> No.18108015

froot loops*

>> No.18108023
File: 739 KB, 948x681, still mooing please, extra blood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMERICANS DON'T HAVE [food that is extremely easy to find in America] BECAUSE... BECAUSE... BECAUSE THEY JUST *DON'T*, OKAY?!!?!!?1?

>> No.18108029


>> No.18108302

I'm a rightist, not a leftist

>> No.18108309

>pork chop sandwich
So, not Schnitzel. Thank (you), anon, for your contribution.

>> No.18108319 [DELETED] 

disgusting. are you one of them? if so, end your life

>> No.18108330

that's a hot dog

>> No.18108621
File: 67 KB, 678x509, porktenderloin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoosier here.
It's the one thing we do pretty well.

>> No.18108631

Germans don't use cake bread like Americans
You don't do it well because it's not supposed to be sweet like a dessert

>> No.18108645
File: 434 KB, 500x373, 1584295378461.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what schnitzel or brotchen is, but that looks like a regular old chicken sandwich. Or maybe fish.
Anyways, it's just normal food with a german name.

>> No.18108657
File: 598 KB, 1600x903, boston tea party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have electric kettles. We just don't use them because tea is for fags.

>> No.18108675
File: 393 KB, 1791x932, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_MSGR_PHOTO_FOR_UPLOAD_1641692841360_6885758851290017807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fry porkchops with buttermilk and flour. What use do I have for your little weiner schnitzels Mr Kraut?

>> No.18108789
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>> No.18108811

Schnitzel actually is pretty good, but to be fair European food is so terrible that frying something with no seasoning puts it at top tier.

>> No.18108812

Schnitzel is probably swine, as I know it as pork you pound flat.


>> No.18108819

No you don't, the 120v grid America uses can't handle the load of electric Kettles, have fun microwaving your water

>> No.18108824

That's just a Mcchicken.

>> No.18108846

>proceeds to flip on kettle and stopwatch
Not going to lie it was 4 minutes 6 seconds for a kettle, but at least all the ceramic is going to keep the water so damned hit it will come back to a boil fast. Furthermore, trying to boil a couple of pints in the microwave is going to take that long anyways.

>> No.18108850
File: 477 KB, 864x633, Img_2022_07_15_01_10_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans have an improved version of this called Hoosier Pork Tenderloin

>> No.18108853

More cake bread
Americans do not have proper bread

>> No.18108858

Literally every culture has a form of schnitzel.

>> No.18108862

Wir haben die Beiden in Wisconsin.

>> No.18108864

>Bread is a staple food of every non-nomadic culture on planet Earth
European "food" can stay on their continent, we are doing fine without it.

>> No.18108868

lmao third worlders will NEVER know how good it feels to eat a meal this big. America is the greatest country on the planet.

And yes, before you ask, europe is a third world country.

>> No.18109010

Most jobs don't do a credit check. Banks do, but banking isn't respectable.

>> No.18109165

This. Someone post that map of European cuisine where it’s all just different sandwiches.

>> No.18109173

I prefer a Frikadellerbrötchen from Kamps while eating it in a train station looking at trains.

>> No.18109346

While back there was a Czech guy who had a cart in downtown Portland selling schnitzel sandwiches. Very, very good. Gone now, of course.

>> No.18109352

Not sure how accurate this is, but I found this when I googled it:

>A recent survey by CareerBuilder found that 72 percent of employers conduct background checks on prospective employees and include a credit check in 29 percent of cases. That means if you have a dark financial past, it could come back to haunt you during the job application process.

Most office jobs will perform it and basically every managerial position will. It's another part of the background check along with criminal history and will basically tell an employer that you are an unreliable dipshit if they decide to check it.

>> No.18109362

>Being this eager for hannukah

>> No.18109370

>Americans don't have X
Faggot, we have EVERYTHING. Every culture that is able to has and continues to come to America and brings with them all their shit.

>> No.18109371

29 percent of 72 percent. So something like 15 percent.

>> No.18109378

What jobs don't perform any sort of background check? I guess shit like Mcdonalds won't but every crappy job I've ever applied to including factories do.

>> No.18109385

Sorry to burst your Teutonic bubble, but It's America, nimrod. We have it all. We've got people from every which where, and we all share the recipes. Why do you think we're so fat?

>> No.18109386


You're a cunt.

>> No.18109387

looks bland and undercooked

>> No.18109388
File: 94 KB, 1024x936, 1545764243350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Europeans don't have gas.

>> No.18109394

>salat und tomate
>auf nem schnitzelbrötchen

Was soll die Scheisse? Schnitzel, Senf, Brötchen. sonst nichts.

>> No.18109396

Nobody in Germany or whereever else makes a fkin Schnitzelbrötchen with veal meat. Nobody is that rich. Its ALWAYS pork or chicken. Theres Wiener Schnitzel (Veal) and theres Schnitzel "Wiener Art" which is any meat youd like.

>> No.18109402

>Yanks actually believe all the fear mongering propaganda all the time

You dont have to prove how retarded you are EVER fkin post....

>> No.18109408

Because of poor food regulation, public apathy and an oligopolie in the food market.

Companies like Kraft, PepsiCo, Tyson Foods have gradually increased the amount of sugar in your products and decimated the nutritional value by using shortcuts and substitutes in the production.

You and your fellow countrymen are by and large overweight because you are addicted to food that isn't nutritious.

>> No.18109413

Its not even shortcuts anymore, its blatantly filling up any food item with the worst stuff you could ingest and they even write it on the packages in colorful writing. " NOW MORE FLUORIDE" " NO REAL SUGAR"

>> No.18109416

>Americans think schnitzel is chicken
Poor, obese, hormonal, uneducated

>> No.18109425

Ich weiss ja nicht was dein Problem is aber :>>18109396

>> No.18109430

>I need the government to regulate my food
There's nobody in America that's overweight by accident or ignorance. The healthy food options are there. People just don't choose them.
You want to know what's happened since they started adding government-mandated calorie counts to drive-thru menu boards? You can't find the price of the stuff you're buying. It's lost in a sea of numbers. People are still fat. Anybody with two fat brain cells to rub together should be able to figure out since they are sitting in a drive-thru, they aren't making the healthiest choice.

>> No.18109562

Our Kettles take like 1 minute to boil

>> No.18109573

German here, it basically is exactly that and done here all the same, be it using chicken, turkey, pork or veal. (Schnitzel isnt exclusively veal, just specifically Wiener Schnitzel)

>> No.18109584

this is the prelude and I may chicken out later, but the fbi/cia involves highschoolers and other young adults in their intelligence networks as part of the supposed war on terror. they eliminate them and use them disposably. when a promising honor student dies in some tragedy, it was actually the feds disposing of an asset. jk. this is a larp.

>> No.18109586

the also deliberately give cancer and other diseases to the children of government assets to keep them in line

>> No.18109589

I was waiting for full confirmation and this is actually fact. I wanted to doubt my findings. Of course there is a mix of actual accidents, but these are still the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.18109590

Just kidding, I'm larping. Nobody can prove anything. I have not commited treason. There is no evidence.

>> No.18110035

I belong to a German club in a part of the Midwest with a high percentage of German immigrants (mostly catholic Germans on this side of the state, not sure how that happened). We make schnitzel often, it's not hard. Brötchen... is harder. Flour is different in the US, the product turns out differently.

>> No.18110036

A background check is different. The credit check is still a minority (like you, ESL faggot).

>> No.18110072

>American companies are evil but luckily European companies look out for the best interests of Europeans.
It’s honestly pretty brilliant for euro governments to push that.

>> No.18110076

Chicken fried steak?

>> No.18110079

>Americans don't have deep fried pork cutlets or little breads

u wot m80?

>> No.18110089

>then why are you guys always complaining about non having free health care and saying how you can get in debt if you get really sick?
consider who is actually saying that, and what they want to do to "fix" it, and you'll begin to understand

>> No.18110094

>Most states can deny you employment if you have terrible credit
what shit hole do you live in that the state gets to decide if you deserve employment or not? Jesus Christ, just when I think Europe can't get any more distopian

>> No.18110101

29% of 72% *of participants*

>> No.18110233 [DELETED] 

>Responded seriously to a post that begins "Americans don't have"
>Bumped it too
If you search around a little you might find someone talking about goyslop or how niggers only eat fried chicken and you can bump their threads too.

>> No.18110390

There's the first problem. At first you need our German Brötchen. Not the American buns. And that's the most important thing. The second: you make your schnitzelbrötchen like in 10 seconds, it's not a restaurant thing. If a restaurant tell you to do it, it's wrong. It's the same with a Lkw (leberkäs' weckle) or a mettbrötchen. Don't ask your fucked up siri usa plemplem.

>> No.18110424

No it isn't. I worked temp to hire jobs that performed it and it was lumped in with the background check consent form. Faggots ITT are NEETs that have never worked but still want to argue for attention.

>> No.18110432

Our kettles just don't heat up as fast.
Also what's wrong with microwaving water? That's literally what a microwave is for. It heats water. It's not like you're losing flavor in your water.

>> No.18110433

Nearly every state. NEETS ITT are coping hard.

>> No.18110435


>> No.18110449

This happens everywhere. I had a coworker who got fired for it.
Basically they're afraid that poor people are going to steal shit. Especially if their position gives them access to sensitive information.
It's pretty fucked up though because it makes people too poor to work, and keeps them unemployed forever.

>> No.18110465

The schnitzel is Italian though (cotoletta alla milanese). There's your second problem.

>> No.18110482

if you're gonna make stuff up for the Internet, at least make it believable

>> No.18110494

lol, people don't even believe how fucked up America is.

>> No.18110509

>the government will run a credit check and tell a corporation to not hire you if you're too poor
come on, you can't actually believe that I figured you'd backpedal and try to explain it away, but you're really gonna double down?

>> No.18110517

Not him but an employer will run the check not the government you moron.

>> No.18110527

there's the backpedalling I was waiting for

>> No.18110533

The corp does it as part of the background check. If you're in financial trouble they consider you high risk.
Unless you're in the public sector. Then it actually is the government that does it.

>> No.18110544

Are you somekind of retarded? The original is from vienna, Austria. Not italian. And it's lamb, not pork. American trash telling schnitzel is italian...

>> No.18110553


>> No.18111559
File: 88 KB, 1080x1080, ACD750DA-AD6E-4B38-A19F-8C328C887926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18111611


>> No.18111613

>this guy has a mass spectrometer built into his computer monitor so he can detect the amount of sugar in a jpeg
Or you're just a frothing obsessed mongoloid.

>> No.18111640
File: 103 KB, 836x554, tenderloin sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

midwest has it everywhere. They call it pork tenderloin sandwich.

>> No.18111661
File: 242 KB, 220x194, american.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18111671

Wrong bread
That's cake

>> No.18111672

>claim americans don't have authentic german food
>americans fucking freak
you guys are a circus

>> No.18111829

As someone who made a career out of baking bread in America I can tell you firmly, no that's not accurate at all and you're fucking retarded.

>> No.18111851
File: 77 KB, 1200x800, Raptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it's not dry and unpleasant, it's cake.
If I leave cake out uncovered for a day, does it become bread? What makes a bun?

>> No.18111904

actually retard we have this exact thing all over NYC, we just call it a chicken cutlet sandwich
served cold is the patrician's choice

>> No.18111916

>says something stupid
>gets corrected

rent free

>> No.18112843

We have bakeries here in America where we can by freshly baked breads with the basic ingredients. I want you to show us popular super market breads in Europe or wherever the fuck so I can compare it. Because you Europeans LOVE nitpicking and picking out the most absolute dogshit out of our ass.

>> No.18112864

boring bait post

>> No.18112868
File: 193 KB, 960x1271, D1AEFF68-6909-42E6-800E-AB1B671E96B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah we got the cheesecake senpai

>> No.18113370
File: 314 KB, 3000x2000, 805-torta-de-milanesa-con-guacamole-de-chiles-toreados-y-chicharron-de-queso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are tortas a thing?

>> No.18114927


>> No.18115081

Weird Euro seethe over the US

>> No.18116090

Hey guys, I just remembered that all the good people left Europe hundreds of years ago and we can just nuke that shithole without worry.

>> No.18116098

Tried both in Australia. It was like a shitty overpriced chicken sandwich

>> No.18116457

that actually looks delicious