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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18103214 No.18103214 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else have parents who were shit cooks? holy shit, it makes me mad thinking about what shit cooks my parents were.

>> No.18103220

I only eat cabbage, ground turkey and capsaicin extract.

>> No.18103226

My mom only knew how to make jelly and bread sandwiches and macaroni with tomato sauce. Everything else was just restaurant food.

>> No.18103229

My mum used to cook well, but these days she just puts everything in a slow cooker and won't use salt

>> No.18103234

I love my parents but cooking is not their strongest suit.

>> No.18103235

Fortunately, they were/are both pretty good cooks.

>> No.18103242

My parents only made poor people food (like Mac and cheese with cut up hot dogs) or processed things like rice a roni. Even my mom's soup had jarred gravy as a base.

>> No.18103250

>he needs his food sauteed instead of boiled
>he needs salt in his food
>he needs his pasta al dente instead of overcooked
>he needs his stew thickened instead of watery
Tastelet detected.

>> No.18103290

both my parents had the capacity to cook well, and a few dishes each that were genuinely good
but they also cooked a lot of utilitarian meals because going balls to the wall in the kitchen every night wasn't feasible for them

>> No.18103296

Both of my parents have a few recipes that are really good, but 90% of the rest of what they make is mediocre to offensively bad.

>> No.18103302

I grew up in a family of nine so pretty much everything we ate was a casserole, crockpot meal, or something that could be easily and in large quantities. it wasn't bad food but it sure as hell wasn't gourmet
(if ur reading this mom I loved your "swiss chicken." especially when you left it in the slow cooker too long and it got brown on the edges. yum)

>> No.18103383

My mom made rare filet mignon what felt like multiple times a week and I hated it. My dad said she was a fantastic cook but I always thought he was bullshitting.

>> No.18103451

I'm the only person in my family who can cook

>> No.18103459

No. I'm grateful that I learned to appreciate the flavour of what pampered retards consider inedibly bland food.

>> No.18103476

My dad taught me that you can make fried stuff gud with salsa or tomato sauce

>> No.18103501

my dad is a good cook. i don't trust my mother's side of the family to cook anything
>stayed at my grandmother's house for a couple days
>they're making spaghetti
>sounds good
>my grandmother makes a "secret" spaghetti meat sauce
>it's just ragu and sugar
>she's also diabetic and drinks nothing but caffeine free sugar free diet pepsi
i don't know how she's still alive even after 4 heart attacks desu

>> No.18103524

My parents were decent cooks but more importantly than that they made sure I ate a healthy and balanced diet with minimal sugar, and lots of protein. I think about how awesome that was all the time and I hope when I have kids I can do the same for them so they can grow up to be big and strong like me. Both me and my brother are 6'1 with broad shoulders and I attribute a lot of that to our diet when growing up.

For example, my mum used to make me milkshakes when I got home from school and she would put eggs in there without me knowing so I had extra protein.

>> No.18103558

wow fillet mignon for dinner multiple times a week, your childhood must've been terrible

>> No.18103644

why is this shit allowed, but my beer one, posted right before this... not?

>> No.18103665
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My parents are great cooks if you like well done steaks

>> No.18103675

my mom bought all sorts of crap food, tons of spaghetti, cheap cereal, no one would eat vegetables, my brothers drank 5 gallons of milk a week. I'm 6'4" my brothers are 6'6"

>> No.18103708

Mom was below average (overcooked everything and blindly followed recipes) and Dad only cooked occasionally. Both grandmas were god-tier and I'm sad about kids today missing out on grandma food.

>> No.18103796

my dad is a really good cook, but he fell for all the health memes and i guess he forgot how to cook like he used to

>> No.18103814

my mom was a shit cook by her own admission (and mine), although she was a great baker. typical boomer downfalls-- everything was cooked at 350 unless it came in a box that specified otherwise, meats were overdone to the point where'd i'd run to the bathroom to spit out my pork chop, we rotated between ~2 weeks worth of recipes, etc. but even if it was just hotdogs, she made us a home-cooked meal practically every night, so all is forgiven

what i can't forgive is my retarded convict stepdad practically encouraging me to eat the shittiest processed diet imaginable. the guy was really into scooby-doo, liked his steak well-done with heinz 57, called fox news "liberal bullshit", and went to jail for robbing the nice latina lady across the street with a croquet mallet, which should tell you all you need to know.

in case you're retarded, the irony was not lost on him and your unfunny post was both useless and terrible