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18102424 No.18102424 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everything so expensive now?

>> No.18102676

because money is worth less
they watered down the money with the covid stimulus cheques and stuff

>> No.18102690

Combination of covid messing with the economy and the war in Ukraine messing with the economy again

>> No.18102694

It's part of a deep strategy to counter China's long habit of suppressing the value of the yuan.

>> No.18102709

Companies realized they could raise prices and not lose customers.

>> No.18102742

Because the world is a barn and we are the sheep being shepard to a economic collapse, we sheep are being scammed out of our money with increasing rates and taxes, so that the rich will have enough to pocket and shelter or leave to their private islands, until the end comes.

>> No.18102746

>war in Ukraine
there is no war in ukraine, it's over
the was more economic impact created from the war in afghanistan, syria and iraq(not combined)

it wasn't even a war in ukraine, it was a scuffle, the economy is fucked up because the federal government printed more money, way more money than you can understand, the dollar isn't real, it's a broken thing propped up by military power and control

ukraine is just the flavor of the month scapegoat, there is only ONE thing that creates inflation, increasing the money supply, printing more dollars

>> No.18102752

not everyone lives in the us, shizo. try to tell Europeans that the war doesn't impact them

>> No.18102968

based doomer

>> No.18103085

the war doesn't impact you.

>> No.18103403

mutts still buy it at those prices instead of abandoning them until they lower prices

>> No.18103442

Yes it does. Increased demand for gas in Europe has inflated the price of gas supply in the domestic market as it has to compete with the price on the export market.

>> No.18103478

What I hate the most about ordering a burger or sandwich at a non-fast food restaurant is that they'll pile shitass fries on it. And if you don't want them, they will withhold them but still keep the price the same.
>dude trust me the disruption of global energy, fertilizer and food had 0 impact
>the high energy prices worldwide are because of uhhhh BIDEN

>> No.18103494

The burger is just a loss leader for the fries and drink. They usually just about break even on the burger but sell the drinks and fries at a 1000% markup

>> No.18103521 [DELETED] 

the US has lost more oil production from the dem's sabotage than Russia has lost from sanctions
before the november coup, the US was a strong exporter and could have easily taken over all of Russia's customers to make the sanctions comprehensive
instead, it was crippled to the point that the US is an importer again and the common people are paying the price for that
Not the oligarchs though, they're fine as always

>> No.18103522

think about this, if the western powers instead decided to support russia in stopping the genocidal ukrainians, there would be no boycotts, the energy and resources from russia would still flow, the food would still export from ukraine, there would be no ukrainian sea mines in the black sea to block commerce

instead your leaders hoping to gain some small win by trying to hurt russia have brought the west into the worst position in modern history

the impacts you feel aren't because of war, it's because your leaders made the wrong decisions, leaders that you voted for, leaders that your support

at the end, it is all your own fault

>> No.18103541

Voters literally have zero say in policy.

>> No.18103589

central banking
bad monetary policy
quantitative easing
bailouts and corruption
infinite debt ceilings

>> No.18103607

That would be a strategic blunder. Ukraine isn't the only part of the former Russian empire that Putin aspires to expand into. He wants all of Holy Rus, and probably a little more if he finishes that goal easily enough.

>> No.18103652

all you hear on the news here is about how to save gas and energy bc of how expensive it is rn and it's fucking summer now, can't wait for the winter

>> No.18103661

>he thinks voting means anything

>> No.18103662

Because the election was stolen and we are experiencing the consequences

>> No.18103683

>Why is everything so expensive now?
how long were you in a coma?

>> No.18103712

the gameplan is to kill america by any means necessary.
as long as americans have guns, the "power structure" can't control us.
so they'll try to starve us, stress us, gaslight us, etc.

china already lost and can't accept it.

>> No.18103719

>our money
not since 1913, anon.
russia never had gas or oil, anons.
you were getting it from saudi arabia just like everybody else.
stop being lied to.
the prices were skyrocketing on everything 6 months before russia invaded ukraine.

>> No.18103725


>> No.18103727

they raised minimum wage to $15, even $25 an hour in some places

>> No.18103743

Get a job.

>> No.18103762

if you think voting doesn't work or your leaders aren't operating in your best interest or that the system ignores your collective will then why don't you simply kill them?

they are obviously willing to see you suffer while they make wealth that lasts for generations, but you can't afford what your parent or grandparents could

somehow you can have baby food shortages and simulteously your leaders can enact policy to rapidly import it from foreign warehouses? and they tout this as a win while they make out like janurary 6th was some great threat? if you haven't out the fear of death into your leaders by now then you are culpable in your own frustrations

>> No.18104294

this image amuses me

>> No.18104319

absolutely glowing

>> No.18104422

Because people want to be paid a fair wage

>> No.18104434

charging $7 for a la carte fries will surely increase wages. you are so smart

>> No.18104450

It goes the other way around in real countries, fair wages result in more expensive things, basic math

>> No.18104466

>fair wages result in more expensive things
Wouldnt that make the wages unfair, since things are more expensive now?

>> No.18104471

No it wouldn't, you're confusing fairness with convenience

>> No.18104894

actual brainlet

>> No.18104936

>, fair wages result in more expensive things, basic math
60 years ago people could afford a house on unskilled labor and everything was way cheaper.

>> No.18104937

So all that money flowing into Russia after the year 2000 was in return for nothing but tricking the general population into thinking Russia was selling gas? Germany cut off all its alternative power sources to trick the world? Damn. This goes deep.

>> No.18104950 [DELETED] 

Biden approved more new oil drilling operations than Trump did you absolute retard

>> No.18104963
File: 112 KB, 912x940, fuchs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys should stick to food

>> No.18105009

Only after everyone started bitching about gas prices. And now biden has the balls to send oil overseas instead of keeping it in the states.