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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 81 KB, 800x450, altoona-style-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18101928 No.18101928 [Reply] [Original]

>people in Pennsylvania actually eat pizza like this

This has to be a big joke or something. There's no way anyone would willingly eat this

>> No.18101933

who fucking cares
you're not eating it, are you?

>> No.18101961

Slices of Velveeta?

>> No.18101967

Seethe in 60 seconds.

>> No.18102226

what the fuck is wrong with Penisvillania?

>> No.18102235

>outs herself as a Pennsylvanian
Since you're here, why the fuck are you guys so retarded? Why do you put cheese slices on pizza?

>> No.18102243

probably still better than the abomination of a pizza I got served in Florida the other week. The sauce was sweet like candy, the cheese plastic-y, and the crust tasted like slightly crunchier cardboard

>> No.18102271


>another European thread cherry-picking regional American foodstuffs

Here is your (You) Rajneesh.

>> No.18102305

Rent free

>> No.18102306

Amerifat cuisine ladies and gentleman!

>> No.18102317

Pick one.

>> No.18102384

Absolutely not.

>> No.18102391

Nobody does bud. One shitty town doesn

are you the faggot from Ohio that’s seethed about PA

>> No.18102395
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>> No.18102402

Looks like a helluva ‘za my dude

>> No.18102433

You heard me.

>> No.18102457

There are no women on the internet

>> No.18102462

Except for every Pennsylvanian. They're all bitches.

>> No.18102467

That was before smartphones and the ascent of social media. These days everybody knows if you are a dog, and there are many women on the internet.

>> No.18102481

>These days everybody knows if you are a dog
Yeah right
>Except for every Pennsylvanian. They're all bitches.
I'm a man. With a cock and two balls.

>> No.18103042

I've lived in PA all my life and never seen that shit

>> No.18103074

No you're not.

>> No.18103081
File: 109 KB, 1480x843, 5a7880c6ba65694e55144579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they eat it in philadelphia. fuck that city and fuck that state at large. a nuke could hit there and NOTHING would be missed

>> No.18103153

>>people in Pennsylvania actually eat pizza like this
I've never seen a single Pennsylvanian eat a pizza like this. My grandmother makes tacos and puts slabs of American cheese on it (and I never ever put cheese on it because they didn't have anything else) like a mutant if that makes your non-existing seethe thread better.
>t. lived in pennsylvania since i was born and been all around western and northern pa

>> No.18103171
File: 2.89 MB, 3893x2603, B7ACF360-A1A3-419A-BD34-D95B03F6CC70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck if there’s one thing that pisses me off, it’s people who aren’t me enjoying something I didn’t approve of.

>> No.18103193

Yeah, I’m like 2 hours from Altoona and that doesn’t exist. It’s a local gimmick and OP is a faggot.

>> No.18103255
File: 404 KB, 2000x1427, Kingdom of Michigan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18103271

I don't want green bay or chicago, detroit is enough of a burden as it is

otherwise, sure

>> No.18103287
File: 44 KB, 768x494, 98272AB5-0ED1-469A-8F48-C9A728C6CBFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring it

>> No.18103305
File: 40 KB, 520x425, -cia83l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just tell this garbage was made by city slickers in Philadelphia

>> No.18103331

We don't eat this shit in philly, although I agree we should be nuked

This is definitely hick/inland town food not city slicker food

>> No.18103339

I'm in Erie and anyone trying to pass that off as pizza here wouldn't stay in business long

>> No.18103351

I actually live here and no one I know has ever even tried this abomination

>> No.18103405

Altoona is central/ western PA basically the ultimate Hickville
Also in general it’s funny people act like PA is one state when it’s really three. Eastern PA from Scranton to Philly, western Pa hugging the border from Pittsburgh to Erie, and Pennsyltucky in between which is identical in culture to West Virginia in a lot of ways. They’re all wildly different culturally and we have no real business being one state desu.

>> No.18103443
File: 76 KB, 800x459, CEA38F3E-894E-4175-8146-8A9BD482E6F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the cuisine of the Pennsylvania Dutch especially shoofly pie

>> No.18103446

Honestly agree but at the end of the day, everywhere is a total shitshow with zero infrastructure, shittiest roads on the east coast and some of the absolute worst fucking people anywhere you can imagine to go, T. NE PA resident

>> No.18103786

just further proof that the US was never meant to be 50 states, it just never made sense. We're too different.

>> No.18103857

You just haven't met any Pennsylvanians. I can't explain or understand them, but don't have the disbelief that you do.

>> No.18104876

Midwesterners (outside of Chicago) should be forbidden from cooking under penalty of public beatings. This is a travesty.

>> No.18104914

The cheese has melted

>> No.18104919

wouldnt that mean more states are better

>> No.18105185

nah as a midwestern american, that shit looks disgusting

>> No.18105190

>land encroaches into minnesota
I would fight and DIE for my cold, bland, somali filled state you fucking disgusting lake nigger

>> No.18105308

Sadly, I live in the midwest and concur with this. Honestly 80% of the places I've been ( be it restaurants or peoples houses ) have no business in a kitchen.

>> No.18105327

These two things don't match. Pennsylvania is up in the Northeast.

>> No.18105343

I'm in PA, never saw this shit in my life. The local delicacies are lebanon balogna and haluski, which I think is from poland or some shit

>> No.18105349


are you fkin retarded?

>> No.18105350

based Dutchie

>> No.18105353
File: 1.19 MB, 2304x1728, IMG_20220105_164035274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah we eat old forge style in nepa

>> No.18105357

>I would DIE
you should way sooner than later

>> No.18105435

absolute fucking faggotry and disillusionment can only be attributed to indiana

>> No.18105450

>Americans will mock putting American 'cheese' on pizza, but then put it on their burgers when it is in fact disgusting in every context

>> No.18105474

>disgusting in every context
just like every fruity foreigner

>> No.18105527

we saw really worst things in this board, it's just some low level fast food stuff, not dissimilar to a mcdonalds patty

>> No.18105679

I'd eat it. Calling it pizza though is equivalent of calling chigago deep dish pizza.
t. not Pennsylvanian

>> No.18105921

pickles are good on pizza

>> No.18105940

I had a cheeseburger pizza once and it had pickles on it
it worked ok

>> No.18106086

>missing the joke

Are you?

>> No.18106301
File: 51 KB, 1024x791, 1651548001348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people in Pennsylvania actually eat pizza like this
I have lived in PA all my life and absolutely no idea what this is or what I'm looking at
Yinz cherrypicking some weird food

>> No.18106336

This looks...comfy and delicious

>> No.18106598

>>Americans will mock putting American 'cheese' on pizza, but then put it on their burgers when it is in fact disgusting in every context
nigga did you ever even have a slice of American cheese on anything? This crap is the exact opposite of disgusting, like it's the most inoffensive cheese there is. You'd have to be seriously autistic (or seething) to "hate" or "be disgusted" by American cheese

>> No.18106602

nothing funny about calling yuros jeets, calling them arabs would at least have made some sense

>> No.18106612

The problem is with calling it cheese.
Like calling beyond beanpatties meat

>> No.18106624

It's made out of some actual cheese, milk and emulsifiers. Close enough

>> No.18106628

Cheese based product is not cheese

>> No.18106677

63 seconds, actually.

>> No.18106845
File: 85 KB, 640x426, 9A96A45F-8052-4EF8-BEFD-7875D28FEA92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking a lot of shit there neighbor.

>> No.18107199

Looks ugly and stupid
Indiana is bullshit and you know it

>> No.18107211

t. doesn't know anything about the midwest
Wisconsin is one of the best food states.

>> No.18107453

I grew up in PA and lived there for 22 years and I've never seen this repulsive shit in my life. But if this is from Philly specifically, I wouldn't be shocked, those people are dogs

>> No.18108580

I legitimately believe 95% of these "gross regional fast food" things are memes and don't exist. I lived in PA for 19 years and I've never seen or heard of this shit in my life. This is probably a gimmick item at literally one single restaurant and /ck/ is just making it seem like some big deal regionally.

>> No.18109031

remember anon, /ck/ hasnt been about actual food discussion in over 10 years
since the newfags came in 2012 it's just been food-themed /v/-tier baitposts so zoomers can farm easy (You)s for their dopamine hits

>> No.18109047


>> No.18109721

Don't forget the fast food marketing.

>> No.18109734

Yeah, as demonstrated by OP talking about food and you supporting the guy trying to shut down discussion of food.

>> No.18109944

A personal attack is supporting the discussion now?

>> No.18109952

>Americocksuckers make daily threads about toast sandwiches and casu martzu that noone eats
>cry when euros laugh at the goyslop flyovers eat daily

>> No.18110918

I see you guys just watched weird history food too.

>> No.18110925

hey look i found the guy who lives near pittsburgh
i really hate pittsburghese

>> No.18110965
File: 721 KB, 3072x4096, pizza pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are but a child to me

>> No.18111132


>> No.18111139

This is in a handful of places in toon town. I live about a half hour away and have never seen or heard of this until now.

>> No.18111524

>Iron Chef Japanese II
Who's this guy? Never seen him before. I thought Morimoto was the second one.

>> No.18111536

wrong thread

>> No.18111783

w-what is that

>> No.18111814

I'll rather say YINZ than Y'ALL

>> No.18111816

Based fellow yinzers

>> No.18111913

I have never once seen anything like that.
t. Alleghenyfag
Filthadelphia has muh cheese steaks and muh Wawa, they wouldn’t need to do that.
Fun fact, PA almost became two states, with the western bit streching down into Virginia and Maryland and shit. Either way it doesn’t matter since we’re a decrepit and corrupt shithole that looks like something straight from the Yugoslav wars.
>and somehow we’re still better than much of the northeast

>> No.18111932

Living north of Wexford, PA (north of Pittsburgh) and I've never heard of anyone putting slices on their pizza. Maybe store brought bags of shredded cheese but the normal "topping" I've encountered has always been french fries.

>> No.18111948

>Fun fact, PA almost became two states, with the western bit streching down into Virginia and Maryland and shit. Either way it doesn’t matter since we’re a decrepit and corrupt shithole that looks like something straight from the Yugoslav wars.
If it wasn't for the whiskey rebellion outcome pushing a lot of people down to Tennessee and Kentucky. I would easily bet that PA and the surrounding states would look a lot different.

>> No.18112295

Why do you care if he likes it or not? You're not the inventor of that shit tier pizza are you?

>> No.18112315

Da fuq
Hillbillies outside Pittsburgh,

>> No.18112516
File: 80 KB, 801x768, Captain_Rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything West of Philly in that state is flyover status.

>> No.18112865

That does seem weird, but I guess I'd at least be willing to try it once.

>> No.18113161
File: 37 KB, 452x678, images (1) (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post a proper tomato pie

>> No.18113165

>t. goyslop enjoyer

>> No.18113274

pa wants to be NY and NJ

>> No.18113295

You'll never cross the ohio river

>> No.18113326

Yep. Most shit like this was something that was briefly trendy at one time decades ago and now there's like 1 or 2 diners that still do it as a meme or something you might see at a church potluck or county fair

>> No.18113356
File: 29 KB, 306x408, Pickled_beet_eggs_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pickled eggs fucking own

>> No.18113423

>There's no way anyone would willingly eat this
I make pizza similar to this with sandwich bread if I needed my pizza fix

>> No.18114580

No we don't you fucking moron.

>> No.18114768

I am from Pennsylvania and have never eaten or heard of this. It is probably a hyper-rural Appalachia thing which is more specific to that demographic than Pennsylvania in general. I used to live in a failed mining town less than 5 miles in border and have been to big and mid sized cities. This is probably made in absurdly boonie towns with literally less than 100 residents and their equivalents along other Appalachian states. A lot of Appalachian cooking is actually extremely good and the people in Pennsylvania in general are 100x more real and human than where I live now (Michigan). Going back is like being reminded of what people are supposed to be and what culture/tech has stripped from the humanity of us.

>> No.18114781

t. From Somerset/Johnstown area and have been everywhere from Pittsburgh to Philly

For reference given other anons have given their relevant area.^

>> No.18114786

>t. From Somerset/Johnstown
damn another one

>> No.18114846

Why did you go to a Papa John's?

>> No.18114913

Well that looks disgusting. That has to really be some kind of joke played on Pennsylvanian cucks. Why would they eat this? It looks like sliced bread with ketchup and a cheap slice of processed on top

>> No.18114939

I'm also from PA and have no jdea what this is. York sucks btw. Too many Baltimurderers trying to make it Baltimurder 2.0.

>> No.18115190

It's specific to Altoona, as I understand it.

>> No.18115200

anything west of Centre county should be annexed to Ohio anyway