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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18100218 No.18100218 [Reply] [Original]

>An Australian shared how living in the United States has changed her taste. Lili Currie opened up about how living in the US has changed her diet in a viral TikTok clip
>She said US food is so sweet that she has to add sugar to meals when she’s visiting home
>The actor also said that fresh fruits and vegetables are extremely expensive in America

What is happening with Americas food industry that foreigners are literally throwing up and their brains being rewired in order to adapt to the high sugar content of American food?

>> No.18100226

Well half the states are endless corn fields, and corn is the highest fructose crop on the planet. Some bored farmers discovered you can just about anything with corn, from soda to cheese puffs to hamburger buns to motor oil. They got extremely rich, shook hands with the nazi scientists who invented fertilizers, and created an epidemic of obesity.

>> No.18100228

They hate us for our freedom

>> No.18100235

>angry ausie mad he can't get fairy bread in the covid concentration camp

>> No.18100240

Usa basically has no regulations on food compared to actual first world countries. Its why americans are so fat and stupid. Companies pump their food full of chemicals and feed them to the american pigs like slop to make them addictes to eating burgers and pizza all day

>> No.18100243

>corn is the highest fructose crop on the planet

>> No.18100248

I’ll let you win this argument if you can answer this question, what is sugar?

>> No.18100277

Its true :(

>> No.18100287

>eats processed food
>is surprised it's processed
Are all Australians this fucking stupid?

>> No.18100293

a miserable pile of carbohydrates

>> No.18100298
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>> No.18100303

>Are all Australians this fucking stupid
um sweaty are you forgetting the part where she mentions all unprocessed fruits and vegetables like the pre-sliced mixed ones from the coffee shop on the corner of whatever urban shithole she lives in are super duper expensive?

>> No.18100304

Seriously though I bought an "American style bbq sauce" from Coles and it must have as much sugar as ice cream. Just tastes like normal au bbq sauce but with 5x the sugar

>> No.18100318

That's rich coming from the country of fairy sprinkled bread

>> No.18100319
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The difference between you and I? I eat fairy bread. You get fairy bred.

>> No.18100338
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what the fuck was she buying?

>> No.18100345

It's true. Even a loaf of bread is filled with sugar. Why the fuck is there sugar in everything ?

>> No.18100349

Dumb bitch was probably shopping at the same place as Seven Limes Paltrow

>> No.18100359

I lived in California for about half a year and all that overprocessed food is completely avoidable. Just don't stuff your face with fast food every day and cook yourself.

Also produce was actually pretty high quality and cheap by Central European standards. (That was in 2014 though when 1 Euro was $1.40)

>> No.18100368

not my problem

>> No.18100388

australian food is processed too they just add way less sugar. you dont even notice until you have something else but american bread is so fucking sweet its unreal. same with peanut butter.

>t. american who lived in australia

>> No.18100412 [DELETED] 

The Safra family (family of kikes from Beirut) owns the biggest banana grower in the US , they can set the price as high as they like.

>> No.18100451
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cheers cunt

>> No.18100545

Bananas are always the cheapest fruit, I don't think I've ever seen normal ones for over .65 a pound.

>> No.18100557

>I lived in California for about half a year and all that overprocessed food is completely avoidable. Just don't stuff your face with fast food every day and cook yourself.
I live in Iowa and it's easily completely avoidable. The lady in the OP is just fucking dumb. I don't know where she's buying her vegetables because they're not that expensive.

Have you ever bought fruit and vegetables? Bananas are almost always the cheapest fruit available.

>> No.18100558
File: 770 KB, 811x597, Screenshot_2022-07-13 Lili Currie on Instagram “Guys, I miss Melbourne public transport Guys, I miss transport Guys, I miss[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprise, surprise, she's from fucking Melbourne, cunts.

>> No.18100563

Not their fault. Putting corn in all the food was a Jewish creation. Farmers just grow what their bosses tell them to. (most farms are corporate owned, not independent, and even the indie ones usually have contracts with a big ag company)

>> No.18100565

>Usa basically has no regulations on food compared to actual first world countries
Simply not true. Also you guys have to call up the food manufacturer to get the full list of ingredients... Imagine having a good alergy and having to call up Unilever at the grocery store just so you can feel safe..

>> No.18100567

There's like 5 different styles of bbw sauce in America. Only one of them is sweet.

>> No.18100569

It's really not. Leaving that much stem on is a fucking scam. Show the Jew who's boss.

>> No.18100573

Well they aren't jewing Americans. Bananas are significantly cheaper in the US than Europe.

>> No.18100574
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>bbw sauce

>> No.18100577

I think the US gov subsidizes them because of some deal the Safra family made. Goes back to the banana republics and trying to fight communism or some shit.

>> No.18100579

Australians are slightly thinner than Americans, which only makes them fatter than 164 out of 191 countries - corresponding to roughly 90% of the world's population.

People need to absorb the fact that Japan and SK are the only developed countries that aren't full of fat people.

>> No.18100580

In America, they add the entire bag of sugar to everything even fruit and vegetables

>> No.18100582

...yet, they'll catch up eventually.

>> No.18100585

Only one of them seems sweet to the American palate, you mean.

>> No.18100591

If you cook everything from scratch as I do, there is no noticeable difference other than the quality of the ingredients used.

>> No.18100610

rip big lez

>> No.18100614


>> No.18100625

Tbh, Australians like to make fun of Americans but we eat way too much too. We’re the country of Pie floaters, potato fritters, and other delicacies.

>> No.18100639

The article is just about some retarded attentionwhore cunt from Melbourne.
>"Ohmigosh, look at me, I have to add extra sugar to my food to make it taste American, teehee!"
>"Ugh, fruits and veg are SOOO expensive in America..."
>"Don't forget to follow my fashion blog!"
Vapid cunt with a platform.

>> No.18100678

Who cares what some melbourne rich parent having hipster DYKE thinks? Melbourne, sydney and brisbane are shotholes filled with violent brown people and insufferable fagettes like this cunt.

She spends a few months in america being an "actor" on her parents money and that changes her taste completely?

>> No.18100684
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Choose only one

>> No.18100716

>corn is the highest fructose crop on the planet

No, starch. Starch gets broken down to glucose, then some of that glucose is isomerized to fructose

Go to school

>> No.18100726

If you don't want to eat unhealthy garbage the US has all kinds of options, no one is forcing you to eat processed shit just because there's a lot of it.
>The actor also said that fresh fruits and vegetables are extremely expensive in America
literally making shit up, what the fuck?

>> No.18100737

t. absolutely obsessed with jews

>> No.18100738

>and corn is the highest fructose crop on the planet
Fucking lol you’re as retarded as the cunt in OP pic

>> No.18100741

0.2% of the world population, 70% of space in /pol/'s head

>> No.18100746

Sure ya did. I bet it even said “Whoa totally American style!” on the bottle.

>> No.18100761

>american bread
>t. american who lived in australia
Doubt. Most Americans know there is a variety of bread available, and the ones who travel know that the “sugary” stuff can be found in any other country.

>> No.18100762

>4chan interviewing tiktok.jpeg

>> No.18100772

hello, yes, I'd like to nuke Melbourne please

>> No.18100776

I'd never live in America just because how foul the food is, and everyone who's been there ahas told me exactly the same thing.
>everything is fried
>no fresh food
>very poor food hygiene
>limited availability of essential nutrients
The obesity is just as bad but the public health is even worse.
At least fat fucks in Australia eat vegetables

>> No.18100784

the peanut butter is incredibly sweet and I don't know why. I bake my own bread for a while but this time of year is too hot to turn an oven on. I tried grocery store bread for the first time in a while and I really get it now. I don't know why the fuck is has to be so sweet.

>> No.18100836
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>> No.18100849

I don't know if this schizo territory but here it goes.

American food was planned from the 50s to be conveniet and affordable to the masses while always being cheap to make. Granulated sugar, HFCS, Enriched Bleach Flour, etc, are all ingredients to create these foods. All of these ingredients are devoid of nutrients. The Food Processing Moguls know this, and have been planning this, so that their partners in Big Pharma can create seperate supplements of each necessary nutrient that the human body needs so they can sell it seperately in high prices. Right now we're at the stages where Food Processing Moguls are destroying all the remaining natural grains and meats so it'll mark up in price and make devoid slop affordable, and later supplements will come in and people will have to buy those aswell.

>> No.18100855

wtf I am American and I do get what she is saying, the last time I ate a cookie I had to lie down for several minutes because I felt nauseous
but that is so goofy of her to add extra sugar to Australian food
just don't eat American food with extra sugar in it

>> No.18100856

>The actor also said that fresh fruits and vegetables are extremely expensive in America
Hoh boy, wait until she sees the prices in Sydney.

>> No.18100860


Why the fuck is your standard white bread so sweet. It's like cake. Even the sausage patties I had for breakfast in a hotel outside Boston were sweet. I just had scrambled eggs the next morning and they thankfully were normal.

>> No.18100863

depends on the kind of hotel you were at
some pajeets tried to serve us powdered scrambled eggs. my memory's a bit faulty but i think they were actually microwaved on top of that? is it possible to microwave powdered scrambled eggs? i've never seen such a thing in my country

>> No.18100865

They were probably steamed if it came in one of those silver trays

>> No.18100875


It was a Marriott owned hotel I think. Most stuff was fine I just remember those sausage patties and the white bread because it was the first thing I ate in the morning as I got to the hotel late the night before.

>> No.18100889

we need to perpetuate this stereotype that American food is inedible poison

>> No.18100905

Can Americsns go for 1 day without having corn syrup IV into their blood stream? Can they?

>> No.18100918

I guarantee your friends and the dumb bitch in the OP did nothing but eat at restaurants or order take-out, which is of course overloaded with butter, sugar, etc. to get people hooked on it. And yes if you order restaurant food made by stinky third-worlders, then of course it's going to have poor hygiene. You can buy fresh meat, fruits, and vegetables at any grocery store. We do have lots of prepackaged food for convenience, but every real grocery store has fresh food.

>> No.18100926

it would be extremely painful

>> No.18100937

After living in india for awhile when I got home I had to put shit in my food because of the taste.

>> No.18100940
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if munchie boxes are normal in your country you don't get to criticize American food culture

>> No.18100942

fuck this antisemte

>> No.18100953

Those are meant for large gatherings of 1000 people or more. No one buys one for less than 10 people.

>> No.18100956

You overplayed your hand, retard.

>> No.18100975

for u

>> No.18100978

pretty sure they're only prevalent in scotland

>> No.18100979

Don't call me a retard you fucking njgger. I'll find you irl.

>> No.18100989

a cheeseburger at mcdonalds in the US is cheaper than half kg of tomatoes, that is insane.
also yeah in my experience you can have tasty, healthy food but you can also have experience like the one in OP. I once ate a fucking chocolate chip cookie that filled my veins with sugar for couple hours, as a yuropoor I wasn't prepared to this level of freedom

>> No.18101063

bodega bro died to expose your lying american mouth

>> No.18101067

NYC is a shithole where real Americans don't live, everyone knows this.

>> No.18101076

>Usa basically has no regulations on food compared to actual first world countries.
The FDA guideline for sushi stated that it has to be frozen atleast 7 days at -20°C to kill Anisakis. While the japanese guideline said that 1 day at -20°C is enough.
That's just one example.

>> No.18101079
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>woman opens its mouth
>whatever falls out is treated as undisputed fact
Conduct a study or fuck off.

>> No.18101117

Japanese women the thinnest in the world are killing themselves with diet pills and are always on a diet. They won't be catching up.

>> No.18101124
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>woman's opinion on anything
lmao even

>> No.18101135

Imagine going to a supermarket and looking at the Mexican endcap and thinking "this is what Mexicans eat for every meal".
This is how foreigners judge American food.

>> No.18101137
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>007, we have an urgent assignment for you in the Land of the Rising Sun.
>Just don't go overboard this time. We don't want you getting tangled up with any sumo wrestlers.

>> No.18101138

Practically everything has corn syrup in it now, even shit like tonic water. you have to make deliberate efforts to avoid it.

>> No.18101174
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>> No.18101184

Yeah right get down the servo get me fuckin four chiko rolls yea grouse mate

>> No.18101186


Oh man thanks for letting me know it's exaggerated sensationalist bullshit

>> No.18101201

That is simply untrue. I can walk down the local Kroger and get 6 beefsteak tomatoes for $5. Romas are even cheaper, and cheerys even less. Vegetables in general are super cheap unless you decide to pay the “organic” idiot tax where an identical zucchini costs you 75cents more for no goddamn reason.

Goddamn it seems like you idiots always assume that every grocery store in America sells things at the same price as Wholefoods in LA.

>another thread about muh American “food”
>rent free

>> No.18101235

>BREAKING: Whore says shit on TikTok for attention!
Welp, better obsess over America.

>> No.18101237

>>The actor also said that fresh fruits and vegetables are extremely expensive in America
bullshit...just another celeb getting social media traffic

>> No.18101239

Hi Lili Currie, fuck off already you imbecile.

>> No.18101272

>She said US food is so sweet that she has to add sugar to meals when she’s visiting home

Absolute bullshit. The only two categories of food I've seen occasionally veer into sickeningly sweet are Chinese-American takeout and southern BBQ, neither of which are exactly daily drivers in the American diet.

For every overly-sweet product non-Americans mock us for, there is always a readily-available alternative for the consumer. For every sweet Jiffy peanut butter there is a natural alternative of just smashed nuts and salt. For every sugar-filled loaf of white bread is a whole artisanal bakery section of products that are just flour, water, salt, (and perhaps some preservatives). For every overly sweet Prego pasta sauce is a higher quality Rao's at less than a third of that sugar content.

The cheapest processed products here certainly cut their food with high amounts of sugar and sodium to make up for their low quality ingredients, but unless you're literally living here like an EBT queen, healthy, nutritionally balanced products are available everywhere at comparable or cheaper prices to other developed nations.

>The actor also said that fresh fruits and vegetables are extremely expensive in America

The USA probably has some of the cheapest produce in the developed world.

>> No.18101275

I'm australian and i live in the usa and i dont have this problem but i just don't eat out. Dumb roastie whore probably can't cook for herself.

>> No.18101280


>> No.18101286

>fruits and vegetables are extremely expensive in America
I've been all over Latin America, and I can google prices in cities all over the world, this is blantly false. Fruits and vegetables are sometimes the exact same price here, as they were when I visited Central America.

>> No.18101287

She probably lived in LA and thought whole foods was the only place where you could buy fresh produce

>> No.18101293

It's true
I bought a bag of celery in the USA and it tasted like it was candy coated to me

>> No.18101296

uhhh eurobros this isn't a good look for us....

>> No.18101297

>eats the goyslop free continental breakfast at his economy hotel
>hmm this must be a solid representation of American food!

You people are such a meme

>> No.18101303
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go back to discord, transvestite

>> No.18101304

The first time I went to US (I'm from rural southern europe) I ate in some burger place a basic meal.

10 minutes later I could feel my veins pumping, and a general feeling of being tired and dizzy. I have know idea how amerimutts survive until old age with the shit they ingest.

>> No.18101307

This was my experience but it was a hot dog that did it to me

>> No.18101326

>yuropoors eat a 400 calorie meal for the first time and can't handle it

>> No.18101328
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> bbw sauce

>> No.18101329

Every single person on this website that talks in memes is a tranny. Go outside and talk to a human in person, and learn what it's like to try not to strike outrage in others for attention.

>> No.18101333

Go away your "meme" is such forced outsider trash

>> No.18101335
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>this mad people dont want his discord tranny meme word spammed

>> No.18101338

Lol holy fuck you clearly have something wrong with you.
People all over the world eat burgers without issue. It isn’t America’s fault you’re a vegan-tier fag.

>> No.18101349

Not him but only in America are the buns made out of pure sugar. Hamburgers everywhere else are a savoury meal

>> No.18101353

This is the only way that you know how to get attention, like a tiktot thot shaking her ass for attention. You're a tranny. And the exact reason why you hate the world. Go outside. Fix yourself.

>> No.18101356

you're right, everybody in america uses the national standard federally-issued burger bunTM. we all use the same buns and they're all made out of the same things. a country of hundreds of millions but we all use one standardized bun just to piss off poor third worlders lmao

>> No.18101358

Everyone in the world uses brioche as there go to bun for burgers. Now go back to tiktok and shake your ass for attention.

>> No.18101368

“american sweet bread” is a meme and a lie. just don’t fucking eat wonder bread you dipshit

>> No.18101374

>She said US food is so sweet that she has to add sugar to meals when she’s visiting home
So she just ate the shittiest fast food the whole time she was in the US? Like they don't have McDick's and other American fast food in Australia? This article makes no sense.

>> No.18101383

>“american sweet bread” is a meme and a lie. just don’t fucking eat wonder bread
Dude our bread isn't sweet at all, as long as you avoid the biggest and most-consumed brands!

>> No.18101391

Americans buy sweet bread 90% of the time because the organic brand is grossly overpriced. At least that was the case when I visited America.

>> No.18101393

You know you can buy peanut butter and bread that doesn't have added sugar and it's the same price or cheaper than the sweetened stuff. Do you guys never go to the grocery store? Is this a psyop? I never understand these threads

>> No.18101401

You’re a special flavor of retarded, anon.

>> No.18101405

>sweet bread
What do you even mean? The sliced white bread available in every country I’ve ever been to?

>> No.18101410

I'm guessing foreigners either eat Wonder Bread or those King's Hawaiian sweet rolls, and think it's representative of all the bread in the USA. You can look at the nutrition facts of one of our brands of "sweet" wheat bread that is made with honey, and it has only 1g of sugar per slice.


>> No.18101414

The American brands taste like they're 3x sweeter. So do the biscuits and they're dessert items.

>> No.18101417

Burger white bread is typically manufactured with a much higher sugar content than europistan because it's a hold over from WW1 when the introduction of sugar into the process was used as a cost cutting measure

>> No.18101418

the fr*nch did it to America. your country could be next you were all warned

>> No.18101431

Brioche has sugar and butter in it. That's true all over the world.

>> No.18101435

Read the post again

>> No.18101441

Yeah, your made up reasoning of how brioche bread was created.

>> No.18101442

>a hold over from WW1 when the introduction of sugar into the process was used as a cost cutting measure
Wow, is this the power of zoomer education?
>an item that was literally rationed during the war was used during the war as a cost cutting measure

>> No.18101446

Anglos in general are the fattest white nations.

>> No.18101451

LOL. He has no idea why mayonnaise was used in chocolate cakes to sub in for missing eggs, or that beets that made red velvet cake were used just for missing sugar

>> No.18101463
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>1 slice, 70
>2 slices, 130

>> No.18101464

the problem is corn, but the important thing about it is the absolutely retarded amounts of subsidies we throw at it, leading it to be dirt cheap, leading it to be made into high fructose corn syrup and put into absolutely everything. we even pay people not to grow corn, as part of "price stabilization" which seems to counterintuitive to why we're paying subsidies in the first place

>> No.18101467
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Foot longs! Get yer foot long cakes here!

>> No.18101472

This is what every sane and rational person ITT has been saying but Americans get mad about it

>> No.18101477
File: 132 KB, 1166x752, 718JXp5GJmL._SL1166_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an american, and 8/10 BBQ sauces from stores in the US are way too sweet. the other replies to you are fatasses in denial for sure.

for example, every single one of these is way too sweet, and are among the most popular line of BBQ sauce

>> No.18101482

>cherrypicks brand and flavors with "sugar", "honey", and "sweet" in the name
no shit they're sweet, that's the whole point of these

>> No.18101486

thats the entirety of their lineup I;ve seen at stores, and like I said is probably the most popular line of BBQ sauce

Stubbs is the only brand I've found for some of their line to not be too sweet, and sometimes not really sweet at all

what BBQ sauces found in stores do you not consider too sweet?

>> No.18101488

no clue I don't buy sauces I just make my own

>> No.18101492

then you have no idea what you;re talking about. making your own sauce is the answer, and what I do as well, specifically because all store-bought shit is too sweet and ruins a BBQ

>> No.18101496
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Holy fuck it's half sugar.

>> No.18101500

Americans eat syrup meat

>> No.18101501

and it high fructose corn syrup at that, sweeter than sugar and the first ingredient

>> No.18101505

>restaurant food

>> No.18101514


>> No.18101515

What the fuck garbage was she eating?

I had my Australian friend visit me twice, and they have a super sensitive stomach. Aside from a time we ate too much bbq they were just fine.

>> No.18101520

and 40% of the capitaist ruling class

>> No.18101534
File: 67 KB, 478x637, duck dinnerc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an american and here is what I typically eat for dinner.

>> No.18101548


>> No.18101575

No, he was talking about regular white bread (including burger buns) sold in America, not brioche. The existence of brioche is immaterial to the discussion because yuroqueers don't eat brioche every day and brioche also exists in America.

>> No.18101582

Not all of us can farm ducks, buddy.

>> No.18101591

>Flyover forgets he's in a backwater 2% group of the population

>> No.18101598

>coastal fagot forgets that the apocalyptic hellscape he lives in has turned him into a dribbling idiot

>> No.18101603

just replace it with chicken then jfc

>> No.18101610

Burger buns are brioche. Sandwich bread is brioche light. These are eaten all over the world for the same purpose as Americans do.

>> No.18101613

>If I don't have to do it, then surely no one else has to. Everyone is me
Try living the real world sometime you autist

>> No.18101692

>Burger buns are brioche. Sandwich bread is brioche light.
I guess it's understandable Americans think this due to the high sugar content in their standard white bread. It's not accurate though.

>> No.18101703

didn'taus have like 12 dollar lettuce last month

>> No.18101709

straya demanded us to vaxx ourselves, I got visited by the coppers for taking a stroll, refused the vaxx, selling my mangos and living life, inherited a mango grove from my father the absolute king. fuck the police and fuck the strayan so called elite, hope they die and burn in hell forever, fucking parasites.

>> No.18101728

>a negrified shithole where he can't even afford a home or food is the "real world"
lmao coastie gettin toasty

>> No.18101736

coasties have to live with the lesser races let's not be to harsh

>> No.18101751

Sandwich bread has on average 50 grams sugar, and 50 grams butter/oil per 350 grams flour. That's no where near the ratio in brioche. Go outside.

>> No.18101770

butter is healthy, sneedoil is not

>> No.18101801

Go shake your ass somewhere else.

>> No.18101814

Welcome to the world of government loopholes, enjoy your stay.

>> No.18101836

>literal who roastie says nonsense for clout
I have been to multiple countries outside the US, including in Europe, and there is very little discernible difference in food quality amongst the first world nations. White bread tastes like white bread, Coke tastes like Coke, grapes taste like grapes. Oops, looks like my anecdote cancels out hers.

>> No.18101841

The bigger problem is that corn is subsidized in America. As a result, farmers have little reason to grow anything else. This makes corn syrup cheap so it's used in everything.

>> No.18101847

Most of these comparisons come from people who have no interest in the subject whatsoever other than to shit on the US. So, they always will compare McDonald's in the US with nice place that they're used to in their home country.

>> No.18101856
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This is my local grocery's ad in LA. Looks fine to me.

>> No.18101864

What other staple crop should the United States grow in the hot and humid Midwest? Perhaps one of the other grain crops that the United States is a major producer of in the world, like wheat, which is grown in the winter?

>> No.18101868

When i traveled through the use one of the things that really irked me(aside from many other things, like TVs playing news or sportsball in almost every fucking bar) was how sweet the mayo was. Mayo needs some acidity, your mayo is FUCKING SWEET. Disgusting.

>> No.18101874

no I like /ck/ been postan for years, it's comfy

>> No.18101888

Trolling is against the rules, tiktok thot.

>> No.18101905

fresh fruit are more expensive to store than hfcs. Also let's be honest, the inconsistency in taste and mouthfeel is off-putting for fruits.

>> No.18101909

If anything, it seems like health and safety regulations are stricter in the US. This naturally leads towards fewer mom and pop restaurants and more industrialized chains. It's the same with land use regulations that drive small farms out of business.

>> No.18101927
File: 203 KB, 1451x1500, 1651797875861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried these things before and nearly threw up from sugar overdose.

>> No.18101951

Sounds like tax funded subsidies must be unnecessary, then.

>> No.18101969

>The actor also said that fresh fruits and vegetables are extremely expensive in America
A lettuce costs $7 in Australia, fuck off

>> No.18101981

>brand literally has the word "sweet" in it
>flavors name based on sugary ingredients like honey and brown sugar
>"wow! this stuff is so sweet! why didnt anyone tell me????"

is there a gas leak?

>> No.18101990

The only reason you heard about that is because it's anomalous.

>> No.18102001

Or because I went to buy a lettuce and they're all wilted because no ones paying that much? Cabbage and cauliflower are also stupid expensive, just as pretty much everything else in the fresh food aisle

>> No.18102010

>Potato fritter
It's called a scollop

>> No.18102017

Then you would know it's anomalous and shouldn't have mentioned it.

>> No.18102025

Fruit and veg have been expensive here for tonks. Unless you go to a farmer run place but even those are pretty expensive. Heck my farmers market is basically the same price as Woolworths.
Not to mention the cost of meat here is astronomically high, and it doesn't help that unless you drive out to a low socioeconomic area, every butcher is "gourmet".

>> No.18102029

Subsidies, insure farmers in America get paid livable wages, while consumers have food prices comparable to Central America without having to import as much food.

>> No.18102037

>They don't eat the stem

>> No.18102044

>Subsidies, insure farmers in America get paid livable wages, while consumers have food prices comparable to Central America without having to import as much food.
ensuring corn production ensures ethanol production

if they subsidized sugar more than corn, they knowingly pollute Florida's watershed

>> No.18102050

Sorry, but you were dead in the water when you used an anomaly as your springboard.

>> No.18102057

If you can't update your perspective after new information has been provided that's on you.

>> No.18102075

How is this supposed to be insulting?
>cheap and plentiful meat/produce from local farms if you choose to drive an extra 5mins past Walmart
>plenty of green outdoor space to live and enjoy (if not in the corn belt like a retard)
>lower overall cost of living (ez mode when you have any sort of skill and make 120k/year)
>lower crime rates (less coloreds)

Looks like my punishment for being superior is having to deal with Coasties, Eurofags, or fucking Australians foaming at the mouth because they saw a picture of a chili dog or the rest stop at Gateway, PN again.

>> No.18102078


>> No.18102081

What are you even getting at?

>> No.18102092

There wasn't any new information. One anomalous fact followed by vague impression.

>> No.18102244

>0.5 health star rating

>> No.18102262

I disagree. All the sugary bread is like 1.12 at walmart. I know because I buy it.

>> No.18102404

>a miserable pile of carbohydrates
Literally me after drinking 20 beers and crying myself to sleep

>> No.18102439

I'm not the one saying they're the same thing. American bread still has way more sugar than European bread, so you're just dancing around the point. Eat less bread.

>> No.18102526

always outnumbered

still win


>> No.18102580

Australian health stars mean nothing because the system behind them is so incredibly flawed as to give chips (the snack) 3 health stars but pure beans 4.5

>> No.18102600

This bitch ate nothing but nasty processed food and can't take responsibility.
It is true our society has let obesity fester. Yet, it's also easy to eat right. Just stop buying snack food and frozen meals.

>> No.18102628

yeah of course you can buy products with less sugar but I am just saying, comparing apples to apples, the american mass produced products have way more sugar added than the australian ones

>> No.18102630
File: 1.72 MB, 2000x1333, typical Austrian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual first world countries

>> No.18102637
File: 1.40 MB, 1234x1070, when he says he's 6'3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently she's some TikTok "comedian"
This is just a paid promotion article

>> No.18102678
File: 68 KB, 777x612, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and heres the proof.

left is wonderbread, right is tip top from australia (literally australias version of wonderbread, just shitty mass produced white bread). you can see that wonderbread has almost 350% more added sugar in a serving size that is 20% smaller. its fucking insane how much sugar they are pouring into shit in the states.

>> No.18102687


>> No.18102693

>20% smaller
sorry make that 30% smaller. the sugar content in american processed food is far higher than australian (and probably NZ, UK, europe, etc) by many orders of magnitude.

>> No.18102708

The memes are true. They quite literally eat cake. It's cake-bread.

>> No.18102745

>2% sugar by volume
>9% sugar by volume
so a typical American who buys typical products like Wonderbread, is consuming more than 4.5 times the amount of sugar than a typical Australian who buys typical products...

>> No.18102749

>more than
make that exactly 4.5 times sorry

>> No.18102751

I bet someone could sell actual bread in America that isn't cake and make billions

>> No.18102762

You don't have to eat garbage you know. Retard

>> No.18102801

>most of the broccoli has been sold
>only 3 stems visible, likely from the same shopper as they are all near each other
What is manufactured outrage for $500?

>> No.18102802

>because the organic brand is grossly overpriced
lolwut, it has always been significantly cheaper to pick up fresh loaves of bread from a local bakery.
The reason Americans always have a loaf of soft white bread at home is because that shit lasts for weeks even without freezing.

>> No.18102814

Bakeries in America only sell cakes, doughnuts, etc 99% of the time. Bread is very rare. It's not like Europe

>> No.18102818
File: 273 KB, 1364x772, wonderbread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this wonderbread from walmart is 2.72. please show me an independent local bakery selling freshly baked loaves of bread for "significantly cheaper"

>> No.18102829

Your anomaly detection algorithm is flawed.

>> No.18102920

>please show me an independent local bakery selling freshly baked loaves of bread for "significantly cheaper"
>REGULAR $1.60

>> No.18102938


lol wonderbread just got raped

>> No.18102944




>literally not one single picture of their bread
>all donuts cakes and pastries
bread is probably loaded with sugar too.

>> No.18102952

Why are you coping? You asked for it and you got it. And yeah, bakeries make donuts and pastries too, why is that surprising?

>> No.18102959

To say nothing of the fact that you can't find any actual evidence of their bread other than >REGULAR $1.60, it doesn't provide us with the nutritional content. There is no reason to believe that there would be any less sugar in it than the store bought bread which is manipulated with sugar to suit the sugar obsessed American palate. All this bakery does is sell hyper sugarized pastry. There is no reason to believe their bread would be super healthy low sugar.

>> No.18102971

Americans are so addicted to sugar that they probably sell donuts without glaze as their sandwich bread

>> No.18102975

You set up what you thought was a gotcha and got BTFO. Now you're coping and trying to move the goal post. Just accept that you were wrong, it'll sting for a moment but you'll come out a wiser man.

>> No.18102991

This is cope. There is nothing to suggest what I already said - that the bread would even be significantly less sugary than what is in stores. And they are being sold in a bakery where 99% of their products are donuts and donut holes means that on the balance of probabilities they are probably sugary loafs.

Even if this weren't the case, the vast majority of Americans don't buy their bread from these places. And every city I have looked at for bakeries that isn't in the middle of bumfuck nowhere Missouri are selling "artisanal" bread for far more than you could buy in a supermarket.

>> No.18103003

>Bakeries in America only sell cakes, doughnuts, etc 99% of the time. Bread is very rare. It's not like Europe
There's different types of bakeries, you're just looking in the wrong places. There's the obvious supermart bakeries, but smaller local bakeries often double up as a deli, bagel shop, etc.. Growing up my family got most of our italian and french loaves from a greek deli that was a 10m walk away.

>> No.18103016

why are you moving the goalpost anon?
>Show me a bakery that sell bread cheaper than this!
>Wait... Masaka.... You actually shown it to me?
>W-well, they are loaded with sugar for sure! It is being sold in the same shop with donuts so it must be sweet too!

>> No.18103027

Excuse me but that's not correct. You said that it is cheaper to collect bread from bakeries which may or may not be the case. The implication however was that this bread is far healthier for you (based on the context of the thread and this reply chain). This remains to be seen. It's also the case that almost nobody does this regularly.

>> No.18103038

You aren't even considering the money and time cost of going to independent bakery instead of just going to the Walmart (which is what most Americans do) and you aren't considering the size of the loaf. We have absolutely zero information on this "loaf of bread" other than the fact that it costs 1.60 and is in the middle of nowhere. Not even a photograph.

>> No.18103048

I searched for "WST post" to see what it was. This led me to www.wst.tv which apparently is nothing but high-level Snooker competition.
So, thank you OP. Your post was useless but flowers blossomed nonetheless.

>> No.18103052

>this wonderbread from walmart is 2.72. please show me an independent local bakery selling freshly baked loaves of bread for "significantly cheaper"
which sentence in that paragraph said that the guy replied have to factor in money and time cost?
which sentence in that paragraph said that the guy replied have to factor in healthiness?
Stop moving the goalpost.

>> No.18103079

>American literally cannot understand context OR subtext
>his brain only functions in over simplified absolutes that have no real bearing on on anything
I don't blame you, I blame the American public school system.

>> No.18103109

how big is the loaf? how could you say this is not relevant? if it isnt 20 ounces then the argument is null.
>which sentence in that paragraph said that the guy replied have to factor in money and time cost?
the cost of getting to this bakery obviously has to be factored in. if it is across town and costs a dollar in gas to get there, its the same cost as a loaf of wonderbread from the supermarket where you do the rest of your shopping. even if it doesnt cost that much, it isnt "significantly cheaper", certainly not enough to justify going all the way there for it. and since they dont even seem to advertise it on any of their online media, i would say its a pretty unpopular item which suggests it must not be much better than the shitty bread people just buy at the supermarket.

>> No.18103116

>Moved the goalpost
>Someone pointed out that you moved the goalpost
maybe don't try to weasle your way and accept that you got BTFO like a man next time

>> No.18103121

>which sentence in that paragraph said that the guy replied have to factor in healthiness?
also there isnt anything to suggest healthiness had to be factored in, but from the context of the thread and the discussion, the idea was that only supermarket bread is high in sugar, while independent american bakeries dont have much sugar in their bread. there is nothing that suggests that at all

>> No.18103122

I will ask you again:
which sentence in this post >>18102818
said that the guy replied have to factor in money and time cost?

>> No.18103125

>fully understanding the argument at hand and arguing thusly is "moving the goalpost"
No child left behind.

>> No.18103131

>I am a huge retard: the post
lol, lmao even. don't @ me

>> No.18103133

>understanding the argument
Obviously you didn't understand, otherwise you wouldnt move the goalpost with "le time cost".

>> No.18103137

>There is nothing to suggest what I already said - that the bread would even be significantly less sugary than what is in stores.
There is nothing to suggest otherwise either. Most bakery breads are extremely basic.
>And they are being sold in a bakery where 99% of their products are donuts and donut holes means that on the balance of probabilities they are probably sugary loafs.
This is such a weird argument. Almost all bakeries make both sweet and non-sweet items. Not sure why you think they can't just make a simple loaf like any other bakery.
> the vast majority of Americans don't buy their bread from these places. And every city I have looked at for bakeries that isn't in the middle of bumfuck nowhere Missouri are selling "artisanal" bread for far more than you could buy in a supermarket.
All you asked for is an example, which you got. I just posted the first example where the price was listed which satisfied your request. Now you're moving the goal post far beyond what you originally asked for. Sorry, bud, that's coping.

>> No.18103139

I accept your concession.

>> No.18103141

>foreigner goes to different country
>eats local food and drinks the water
>has a tummy ache and shits themselves
This literally happens to every country anyone visits

>> No.18103142

>go to supermarket
>do literally all of my shopping
>except bread
>drive across town to purchase bread for 1.60
>my time is valuable though so the relative price of this 1.60 loaf has now gone up
>gas is valuable so the relative price of this 1.60 loaf has now gone up
>the loaf may even be smaller, so the relative price of this 1.60 loaf has now gone up
>the loaf is therefore not significantly cheaper than the loaf I could have just bought at the supermarket
it really isn't rocket science.

>> No.18103150

>I just posted the first example where the price was listed which satisfied your request.
You mean you intentionally scoured small towns of fewer than 10k people in the middle of literally nowhere until you found a bakery selling cheap bread (that we know nothing about) to the broke ass people who live there to somehow "prove" that bakeries in America sell loaves of bread for cheaper than in supermarkets.

Find one in an actual city where people live.

>> No.18103151

I said a cheeseburger is less expensive than tomatoes and you proved a point. not hating on the us have several friends and love the culture, still you have more sugar in your food

>> No.18103154

>0 Add sugar to product
>10 People buy more of it
>20 Add more sugar to product
>30 GOTO 10

>> No.18103157

>a cheeseburger at mcdonalds in the US is cheaper than half kg of tomatoes, that is insane.
how so, its less filling

>> No.18103174

>this wonderbread from walmart is 2.72. please show me an independent local bakery selling freshly baked loaves of bread for "significantly cheaper"
My shoprite has daily fresh baked semolina Italian bread for about 90% the cost per ounce of Wonder classic white bread. I don't recall and can't look up the prices/weights of my local bakeries.
If we pretend the super mart is a decent representation then my usage of the adjective "significantly" may be a hyperbole. But that would also simultaneously mean that the claim I was responding to, "organic brand is grossly overpriced", is incorrect.

>> No.18103190

kek this. americans really have no concept of what things actually cost its just "this number BIG but this number small? grug think small number good even if grug travel over mountain"

>> No.18103213

>"organic brand is grossly overpriced", is incorrect.
just because it's baked in a bakery doesn't automatically make it organic. verified organic products carry a high premium, because organic ingredients carry a high cost. you also need to be able to prove that it's organic to advertise as organic, which carries an additional cost paid to whichever regulatory body is certifying your organic products.

I guarantee you your fresh baked semolina Italian bread is not organic.

>> No.18103232

I'm Australian and when I visited America it felt like my gut bacteria was being exterminated and I started getting the foulest smelling shits that were all sloppy
Idk what happened
The food didn't taste all that different from similar foods here

>> No.18103254

Their meat is chlorinated and contaminated with faeces

>> No.18103266

I assumed you didn't mean the literal definition of "organic" since that would make your claim invalid from the get-go, because whether or not 70%+ of the ingredients of a loaf of bread were not grown in soil that had 'prohibited substances' applied within three years prior to harvest has no bearing on how many simple carbohydrates the bread contains.
You're better off going with the argument I assumed you made instead of that.

>> No.18103269

Is this bitch stupid? I just created for myself a huge spreadsheet where I priced everything per pound and fresh produce is cheaper than most processed shit. And frozen and canned produce is cheap for the most part. Processed foods are horribly expensive especially crap like frozen meals, which I noticed are purchased mostly by middle aged women like her.

>> No.18103273

Which is it, retard.
Fun fact, the European Union allows and encourages produce to be rinsed with bleach solutions before being sold for sanitation.

>> No.18103280
File: 44 KB, 500x375, 51p695iZL9L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy bread with little to no sugar. You just have to look.

>> No.18103289

America allows and encourages faeces meats

>> No.18103294

These retards can't price anything per unit since that involves math. They just look at the sale price and think something priced cheaper must be cheaper even though they are getting LESS.

>> No.18103303

I wasnt the guy making the organic argument I have no idea what he meant but when someone says organic they usually mean organic

>> No.18103307

There used to be a factory in Tampa I would drive by. It smelled so fucking good.

>> No.18103308

But I thought you said they rinse them in chlorine. Which is it, retard.

>> No.18103310

George Soros ruined American health

>> No.18103312

I thought that was the central issue over Britain abandoning EU meat regulations in favour of American ones?
EU doesn't allow chlorinated meat into their market, Britain was considering permitting chlorinated meat in during their trade negotiations with the USA which does allow it

>> No.18103315

I love articles that don't source their quotes.
>In 2011, the Physicians Committee conducted a study that tested 120 chicken products sold by 15 grocery store chains in 10 U.S. cities for the presence of fecal bacteria. Forty-eight percent of the products tested positive.Forty-eight percent of the products tested positive.
Without knowing what quantified as the cutoff for positive/negative the statement is meaningless. For all I know the cutoff could be lower than the amount of fecal bacteria that I breath in every time I take a shit.

>> No.18103316

They chlorinate the meat because of the abysmal conditions and standards of the American meat industry yet faeces remains...

>> No.18103319

poo eater cope

>> No.18103320

Nobody who says organic knows what organic actually means.

>> No.18103322


Just google America shite meat and you get five million results. Take your pick.

>> No.18103323

I'm rubber and you're glue. You're coping against the notion you could be breathing in more fecal bacteria every time you poo.
It rhymes so I win.

>> No.18103324

>t. poo eater

>> No.18103327

I'm gonna close the thread, take a shit, and then walk my dog who will probably also take a shit.

>> No.18103332

Sounds like some goalpost moving to me.

>> No.18103334

americans literally eat poo and then cope about how its just a small amount of poo

>> No.18103344

>bitches about "moving goalposts"
>oh I didn't think you actually meant organic when you said organic

>> No.18103358

Corn isn't the highest in fructose you ABSOLUTE RETARD!

Does it have any impact on the overall point of your post?

Did you get the important and relevant facts right?

Will I take this opportunity to, anonymously, try to one up you in a world where everyone carries an entire library in their pockets? Will I use posts like yours as a surrogate for any real world esteem which I am either too cowardly, or too infirmed, to pursue?
You bet your fucking ass I will, retard.

>> No.18103366

Mad. Upset, even.

>> No.18103372

That's why American BBQ is so laden with sugar that the meat is practically candy coated
The sugar covers up the taste of faeces. It makes sense now.

>> No.18103377

That's pretty obvious projection considering it was intended as a joke.

>> No.18103381

Jokes are typically funny. Notice how nobody is laughing.

>> No.18103382

and youre going to eat it? thats gross anon come on

>> No.18103388

Here's a reply, bro. You seemed starved for attention tonight.

>> No.18103394

has anyone else encountered the problem of popular dessert or baked goods recipes (like choco chip cookies) that you find on the first page of google results asking for way too much sugar? and then having to reduce the sugar the recipe asks for

>> No.18103408

no because google shows me links to recipes from my own country first

>> No.18103415

Don't follow any recipe that measures in "cups"
It'll ruin whatever you're cooking and make it taste like the bag of sugar

>> No.18103450
File: 589 KB, 582x1737, pcrml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The recommendation is tongue-in-cheek, Deborah Press, an attorney for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, tells CNN. The group represents 12,000 physicians whose mission includes promoting plant-based diets and ethical scientific research.
this is literally just PETA vegans saying "you eat literal shit LOL". note how the study was completely privately funded and conducted, has no peer-review, and you have to contact the company's PR team to get a copy of the study because no reputable scientific journal is going to publish that. what you are sourcing is intentionally misleading data designed to make a point, and you ate it up because it was the first thing on google and happened to corroborate whatever silly point you were hoping to make

p.s. here's your board of directors bro

>> No.18103453

I'll get around to looking up better recipes that measure in grams then. I'm trying to do beginner recipes but the sugar amounts from the popular ones didnt seem right

>> No.18103495

Yes. I reduce the amount of sugar in pretty much every dessert recipe by 25%. It doesn't affect the texture and it lets it taste like something other than sugar.

>> No.18103505


>> No.18103523

This is going to shock you but there is poop inside you right this very moment. I know I know please don't panic, I was surprised too when I found out this dark secret. What I am about to reveal next will really blow your mind, animals have poop inside them too. In fact poop is everywhere on everything, your phone, your face, the air you breathe and even your toothbrush. Do with this knowledge what you will friend but be careful out there poop may be lurking around any corner.

>> No.18103532

>The North American Meat Institute didn't deny the presence of fecal bacteria in beef. But it says the report failed to highlight the fact that almost all the bacteria Consumer Reports found is harmless.

Americans love the taste of shite as long as it doesn't make them sick

>> No.18103536

And? Who cares?

>> No.18103553

its the theme of the thread retard.

>> No.18103554

It's the same worldwide.

>> No.18103591

where are the reports about presence of fecal bacteria in beef in your country, anon?

>> No.18103681

Do you really need to be concerned with 2 grams of sugar per slice of sandwich bread?

>> No.18103696

>most American banknotes are contaminated with cocaine, therefore all Americans are cocaine users

>> No.18103716

>10% sugar by volume
this is literally the same as fucking coca cola

>> No.18103779

The average sandwich bread has two grams of sugar per 36 grams of flour per slice. I'm sorry, but I'm not concerned about 10 added calories per slice of bread. I'm not training for the Olympics, and I don't eat candy, soda, or desert.

>> No.18103790
File: 39 KB, 453x576, internetlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18103813

>the average sandwich bread has two grams of sugar per 36 grams of flour
source? doesnt matter anyway because the point of the thread is that american food has more sugar than australian food, which is true.

>> No.18103831

Keep being concerned about 10 calories you lazy fucking faggot.

>> No.18103835

im not concerned about it at all im just stating the simple fact that american food is more sugary than other foods. you are seething about it.

>> No.18103836

Yeah but they're also keeling from colon cancer, high blood pressure from their diets. They do a fuck ton better than us weight-wise but their guts and hearts are taking a beating from all that salty fermented food and kimchi. They have to, since East Asians suffer and die from metabolic disease at a much lower weight than Westerners do. Notice how you occasionally see middle aged or old 300+ lb fatties in the West but never in the East.

China's also facing a diabetes crisis. 10% of their population has type-2 diabetes, just like the US. Japan and S.Korea have smaller populations, but higher percentages at around 14%

>> No.18103840

MMhhhhhmmm cake bread for my sugar meats

>> No.18103844

Unprocessed food is pretty damn cheap, unless you are paying for useless labeling like "organic" and "non-gmo" and other unregulated bullshit marketing terms at a whole foods or other high-end grocer. Which she probably is because women are brainlets to marketing.

Avocados are under a buck, tomatoes are a bit expensive at a buck and change per, lettuce and stuff is a couple of bucks depending on type. Nothing in the produce section exceeds 2 bucks for a single unit item (and you can get cheaper with bulk). Pasta, rice, flour, all that stuff is cheap at 1-2 bucks a box, or 5-6 for the "fancy" versions.

>> No.18103854

You do know this manga was made by a black American man, right?

>> No.18103866

Yeah, those 10 calories make it hard to fit into your skinny jeans faggots. Can't be bothered to walk 5 minutes to burn it off either.

>> No.18103868

If only all the illegal immigrants would believe this and avoid coming here as a result.

>> No.18103871

>uncontrollably seething and boiling and coping
kek, kwab even

>> No.18103880

Actually, Felipe Smith is Latinx and proud.

>> No.18103881

Never thought about it that way. I've wondered if soda is the main reason why sugar has to be added to everything else. When I used to drink a lot of soda it didn't really seem sweet and I'd still crave desserts after a meal.

>> No.18103889

>t. melbourne troon

>> No.18103895

I'm sorry that you sit down for over 8 hours a day and have to worry about 10 calories.

>> No.18103899

i am a winemaker

>> No.18103902

It's not true though. I just looked at the cheap loaf of sandwich bread in the fridge. 2 grams of added sugar per two slices that weigh 37 grams.

>> No.18103907

>doesnt post proof

>> No.18103913

Cultural misconceptions and stereotypes are a main theme in Peepo Choo, so I really don't see what you're getting at.

>> No.18103914

wrong link

>> No.18103921

And you never posted proof of Australian sandwich bread, or that you don't sit on your ass all day, or that you break a sweat and aren't really concerned with 10 calories or that you don't wear skinny jeans.

>> No.18103926

it wasnt me but he did its right there

>> No.18103951

they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.18103962
File: 2.63 MB, 1336x2375, 54128746128941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go butt pirate. Keep being concerned with 10 calories of added sugar.

>> No.18103977

>includes 2g added sugar
why the fuck are you even ADDING sugar at all lmao
>1.5g sugar per 21.5g slice
>0.75g sugar per 37g slice (no added sugars)
7% sugar by volume vs. 2% sugar by volume. americans are fat, sugar addicted retards.

>> No.18103994

Sugar helps bread stay moist longer. And still, you're concerned with 10 calories.

>> No.18104006

nobody is concerned with 10 calories its the fact that you dump bucketloads of sugar into everything for no reason, get everyone hooked on sweet shit which they then crave and consume in retarded quantities, and then pretend the obesity epidemic is based on "choices" lol

>> No.18104022

major cope

>> No.18104034

2 grams of sugar in added to 41 grams of something is hardly buckeloads. You're doing the equivalent of shaking your ass on tiktok. Go outside, and walk for 5 minutes, and you'll still fit into to your skinny jeans faggot.

>> No.18104037

>goyfeed corporation poisoning all of his food
>yeah but its just a few extra calories

>> No.18104042

they artificially tripled the amount of sugar in it for literally no reason at all. it is bucketloads.

>> No.18104507

You being obsessed with specific American products that no one has to buy because there are cheaper alternatives is the theme of the thread?

>> No.18104510

literally in the OP
>She said US food is so sweet that she has to add sugar to meals when she’s visiting home
kill yourself, you humongous faggot.

>> No.18104513

2 grams of sugar

>> No.18104519

>more than three times sweeter than australia

>> No.18104571

Learn math. The Austrailan one had 1.5 grams of sugar, the American one that I showed had 3 grams, two of which was added to make it be fresh longer. And it was nowhere near the same percentage as in a Coke that you ridiculously claimed. Stop being a tranny and go outside every once in awhile.

>> No.18104578

just buy bread without extra sugar added, idk why you guys are still arguing about this

>> No.18104589

Because it needs to be beaten into trannies heads that they need to get off of the internet every once in awhile, cause being concerned about 10 calories is retarded.

>> No.18104610
File: 26 KB, 720x303, 1657545186040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learn math.
kek KEK

1.5grams PER SERVING which is two slices which is 74g. Therefore 0.75g PER SLICE which is 37g, which is 2% sugar by volume


3 grams PER SERVING which is two slices which is 43g. Therefore 1.5 grams PER SLICE which is 21.5g which is 7% sugar by volume. That is 3.5 times more sugar than the Australian one.

In wonderbread posted here >>18102678 its 5 grams PER SERVING which is two slices which is 57g. Therefore 2.5g PER SLICE which is 28.5g, which is 8.7% sugar by volume. That is almost 4.5 times sweeter than the Australian one. Coca Cola is 10% sugar by volume, Wonderbread is almost as sugary LOL

>Learn math
>Learn math
>Learn math
>Learn math
the fucking STATE of American education LOL, fucking KILL YOURSELF


>> No.18104612
File: 1.28 MB, 360x360, kagami spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OP text implies that literally all american food is loaded with sugar, or at the very least that affordable food in america is. Your claim was that seemingly identical products in america vs australia have more sugar and calories, which while (presumably) true has nothing to do with the OP text. You're a faggot, kys

>> No.18104626

>Your claim was that seemingly identical products in america vs australia have more sugar and calories, which while (presumably) true has nothing to do with the OP text.

>Australian Lili Currie says US food is so high in sugar that it has changed her taste
>She said US food is so sweet that she has to add sugar to meals when she’s visiting home
>American so no no that is not true
>harp on about irrelevant bullshit
>get BTFO with irrefutable facts
It has everything to do with the OP. It's the ENTIRE FUCKING THEME of the thread. fucking KEK Americans are hopelessly brainded.

>> No.18104655

And you said I was seething. Now why are you concerned with 2 grams of sugar, when you eat 50 calories more when you make a sandwich?

>> No.18104660

>Learn math
fucking LOL you absolute retard dont even bother anymore, exposed as a complete brainlet

>> No.18104669

Wow you sure showed me by not reading the OP text. Do emus have to take the TOEFL to go to american colleges? They should

>> No.18104670

No, you just did manipulation. 1.5 grams of sugar in comparison of 3 grams of sugar is a fact. Now, tell me why an American has 120 calories in bread when making a sandwich, and an Australian has 171 calories in bread and you're concerned with 2 grams of sugar?

>> No.18104675

>No, you just did manipulation.
yeah its called maths LMFAO

>> No.18104678

Like I said, you're a tranny, and need to go outside.

>> No.18104687

I literally cannot tell if this cunt is trolling or he actually cannot wrap his head around basic maths. Any other nationality and I would be positive it's a troll.

>> No.18104709

>what is going on with American food
>well its full of sugar
>Americans piss and shit all over themselves the entire thread
yep that's pretty much it

>> No.18104717

I don't consume sugary foods or buy foods with sugar in them. I'm american, never left the country, and am lower middle class. Care to explain? According to your claims, it's literally impossible to do this

>> No.18104727

You do buy foods with sugar in them. It's in all your food.

>> No.18104729

>You mean you intentionally scoured small towns of fewer than 10k people in the middle of literally nowhere until you found a bakery
Are you serious? You gotta be autistic or something

>> No.18104731

I think your posts are stemming from the fact that you personally literally never buy fresh foods, so the idea of someone purchasing whole foods is simply outside of your realm of experience

>> No.18104739

No, I live in NZ and basically every single thing I eat is "whole foods". Your BREAD has added sugar. They TRIPLE the amount of fucking sugar in it, ARTIFICALLY, for no reason. It's been proven in this thread again and again. You're a fucking retard in denial.

>> No.18104743

Putting sugar in bread cause it to stay fresh longer. So it does have a reason. You just haven't been outside in days/weeks.

>> No.18104746

Produce is only expensive in terms of time.

If you're not willing to put in the work and prep it, then you're going to be a fat fuck eating high calorie food. (High cal. food is what sells, after all.)

>> No.18104748

>stay fresh longer
literally WHO THE FUCK CARES if its shitty frankenstein sugar bread LMAO

>> No.18104749

>american style bread is the only thing available in america
You are literally retarded. Not meme retarded but actually. You haven't posted a single reply that's rooted in reality

>> No.18104753

one anon posted wonderbread which actually fucking quintuples the sugar content and some other american retard shot back with his brand of bread which only triples the sugar content like that was some kind of victory lmfao. the vast majority of every day products that the every day american buys is LOADED UP with INSANE amounts of sugar and you are fucking coping hard.

keep coping.

>> No.18104758

You're totally right anon. I literally can't help but buy wonderbread. The supermarkets shelves are lined with that shit it's the only option, that or hard tack. Fuck dude you're so right I have to stop coping OMG

>> No.18104764

mate its bread, its peanut butter, its jams and jellies, its cereals, etc. ALL of your shit adds extra sugar.

>> No.18104771

So bread goes stale in a day, but if you put two grams of sugar in it, it stays fresh for a week and you won't eat it. You're going to die before you're 40, like all retards.

>> No.18104772

I just take a second to read the label and buy whatever doesn't add sugar

>> No.18104776

>mate its bread
My local grocer bakes fresh bread every day
>its peanut butter
I buy peanut butter made with only peanuts, salt, and oil and it's the same price as the sugary jars
>its jams and jellies
Sugar is a normal ingredient in these. Do you not understand how preservation works you fucking naive retard?
>its cereals
No one eats cereal on a regular basis
All of what I said is standard across the country. All you're doing is making yourself look like a clown

>> No.18104777

kek, you realise the USA life expectancy is 2 years below the average in developed countries? and bread doesnt magically go stale overnight if you dont load it up with sugar btw

>> No.18104778

Well, all jams all over the world for thousands of years have required sugar to preserve it.

>> No.18104782

I don't eat jam

>> No.18104784

I've made thousands of loafs of bread.

>> No.18104785

>durrrr jams need sugar
You are purposely being obtuse lol. American jams have way more sugar than needed.

Even American candy has way too much sugar. I had a reeses peanut butter cup and it was the most disgusting sickly sweet thing I had ever tasted. Could feel the fucking sugar granules scraping against my teeth

>> No.18104787

Thread's over. He's grasping for straws now and not even replying to anyone because he knows he's wrong lol

>> No.18104789

>I have to purposely seek out products that don't contain as much sugar as the standard products
The point is that the standard products in other countries just don't have all the sugary products to begin with.

>> No.18104792

just don't eat candy

>> No.18104797

You only eat fresh fruit? Fruit has seasons. You eating nothing but fresh fruit, none that has been persevered, means you endorse slave labor.

>> No.18104798

Literally multiple people in this thread have proved you wrong again and again. You refuse to believe it though because you admitted to never having left the country. Go have a peanut butter sandwich in Australia and you will realise how fucking disgustingly sweet all your food is.

>> No.18104801

I don't eat fruit

>> No.18104802

Prove it.

>> No.18104803

It's been proven.

>> No.18104806

>>I have to purposely seek out products that don't contain as much sugar as the standard products
Uh, I don't. The one's without sugar ARE the standard products, dude. It's right there on the shelf. You're a clown. In any case, I'll keep buying my stuff and you'll be seething over something that doesn't affect you (and isn't true anyway)
Your replies literally read like shitposts
>Literally multiple people in this thread have proved you wrong again and again
They proved that the peanut butter in my cabinet has sugar in it? Okay bro lmao

>> No.18104811

Enjoy cancer. You'll die 4 years before the two years that Americans die on average which is 3 times sooner.

>> No.18104815

fruit doesn't decrease the chance of any type of cancer

>> No.18104817

>They proved that the peanut butter in my cabinet has sugar in it?
No, nobody knows what kind of peanut butter you are buying. But a quick look at the main peanut butters available in American supermarkets (Skippy, JIF, etc) which the vast majority of Americans consume, shows that they all have way more added sugar than those in Australia and elsewhere.

>The one's without sugar ARE the standard products, dude.
No, they arent.

>> No.18104818

By posting one nutritional label of bread from Australia. That's hardly all foods from all over the planet. Not even close to a statistically significant portion of food stuffs.

>> No.18104821

Prove it.

>> No.18104822

>No, nobody knows what kind of peanut butter you are buying
Store brand peanut butter
>But a quick look at the main peanut butters available in American supermarkets
You've clearly never been in an american supermarket
>No, they arent.
Yep they sure are. They're literally the store brand which is the cheapest
Anyway I'm going to bed. I have work in the morning

>> No.18104828

I just eat a lot of vegetables instead, fruit does not have any vitamin that you cannot get in vegetables

>> No.18104830

>They're literally the store brand which is the cheapest
walmart store brand pb has 4g of sugar including 2g added.


coles store brand pb from aus has 1.24 grams lol.


its the bread all over again. you have been thoroughly btfo

>> No.18104832

Go eat some CAKE BREAD and CHILL OUT

>> No.18104834

They don't have the same phytochemicals.

>> No.18104836

sorry, the serving sizes are different.

walmart brand has 12.5g sugar in 100g, half of which is just extra added sugar. in aus the coles brand has 6.2 grams of sugar, none of which is added. so just the no name, store brand pb in USA has twice as much sugar as the same product in australia. you are a fat, sugar addicted fucking retard.

>> No.18104837

thats fine

>> No.18104840

You need them to not get cancer. But you're concerned with 2 grams of sugar. Why don't you show me a nih study showing how much added sugar you can have.

>> No.18104841

thats not even me dipshit you are talking to a fellow american.

>> No.18104843

oh by the way, again this is the same sugar content by volume as coca cola. your bread and peanut butter is just as sugary as coca fucking cola. among many, many other things.

>> No.18104844

you have lied to me, anon


all types of phytochemicals can be found in several different food groups and fruits do not contain one type that cannot be found elsewhere

>> No.18104845

Then you're just as much of an idiot if you think you should eat fruit.

>> No.18104849

And at what concentrations. Do you have to eat 20 pounds of something to get the equivalent of a handful of some fruit?

>> No.18104850

Show peanut butter label.
>he won't

>> No.18104854

How many grams of added sugar can you have a day and be healthy?

>> No.18104858


>> No.18104861

I'll take that as, you're a fucking idiot that doesn't have a well balanced diet lecturing Americans about 2 grams of sugar when you can have 10 percent of your total calories come from added sugar and still be healthy.

>> No.18104865

again, you arent talking to the same person.

>> No.18104867

my diet is balanced and I never said that
settle down, stop seething, stop lying, stop putting words in other's mouths in a desperate attempt to win an argument on 4channel /ck/ of all places

>> No.18104872

>when you can have 10 percent of your total calories come from added sugar and still be healthy.
LOL wtf thats not true retard. the RDV even in America (which is higher than elsewhere since they pack sugar in everything) is 36g per day or 150 calories. The recommended caloric intake for adult men is 2500. That's 6%.

One tiny peanut butter sandwich with sugary american bread and peanut butter is already 25% of your recommended daily intake.

>> No.18104873

and reminder that that is the UPPER LIMIT. you are far better off consuming much less, but that is borderline impossible since everything in USA is laced with the shit.

>> No.18105314
File: 5 KB, 229x213, aud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ. The local Viet bakery we get our bread from here in Aus sells it $2/loaf AND it's hand made every morning. It's some tiny joint with massive machinery visible all the way through it from their tiny little service counter.

I guess they've gotta be good when they're all money laundering schemes. Every fucking decent bakery around here is cash only, even at the peak of covid and the planet went into lockdown.

>> No.18105352

Half my street are aging Xers like the gif and it smells like pot. Cant wait till the frigid boomers die so we can legalise. Wouldnt mind chillin with a blunt once or twice a week with friends in the open than the current alcohol fuelled binges we do right now. I gotto give America props for truly veing the land of the free instead of this nannystate bullshit we have here whennit comes to pot, despite being one of the highest consumers of pot per capita in the world.

>> No.18105412

kek that's it
Even back in high school, all my friends who smoked had parents who smoked and knew most people smoked. You could walk down the street and pass a grandma, turn back and ask her if she has any to spare, and she'd set you up with a reasonably priced dime bag out of her own stash. She also got the added bonus of having 5 high school boys come through her house and do anything she couldn't for her. Changing her lightbulbs was always a treat.

>> No.18105731

Hold up retard, do you know how to do simple mathematics or understand unit price?
>a small beefsteak tomato weighs ~8oz and costs $1 (even less most of the time)
>a BigMac weighs just about the same at 7.6oz and costs $4

So, for the price of a single sandwich I can get 4 tomatoes that I can eat for over a week and use in a variety of recipes. Overall you end up getting much more for much less.

>a cheese burger is less expensive than tomatoes and you proved my point
Lol no

>still you have more sugar in your food
True but that had nothing to do with the point you presented or my response. In any case, it’s not very difficult to avoid eating things with sugar when you actually put effort into minding what you eat. Even in America.

>> No.18105853


>the descendants of a backwater penal colony literally shit their pants over the addition of less than a single teaspoon's worth of sugar across two slices of bread


Kill yourselves.

>> No.18105896

And this is a reminder, that you're a lazy fuck, if you only eat 2000 calories a day and are worried about getting fat/being unhealthy.

>> No.18106116
File: 2.28 MB, 3024x3856, IMG-8351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>australia and nz are so poor that the store brand only has a single variety of each product
Here you go. Taken just now. Shoprite brand aka "bowl and basket"