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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.49 MB, 2793x2793, Onion_on_White.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18098632 No.18098632 [Reply] [Original]

I noticed that fat people love onions. Why is this? I don't mind onions, I think they are alright, but I don't really put them in that many foods. Whenever I see fat people cook, they flood their food with onions. Do they have some gene that makes onions taste better and also makes them fatter?

>> No.18098656

really? i noticed all people love onions

>> No.18098659

onion taste good
next question

>> No.18098689

Onions don't make you fatter.

>> No.18098709

onions are fantastic, no matter the size

>> No.18098723

>I've noticed fat people love food

>> No.18098833

That's not necessarily true though; fat people love junk food, candy and soda, but are often very picky when it comes to real food.

>> No.18099369

What's happening is their food actually tastes really good because they use onions properly, so they eat more and become fat.

>> No.18099383
File: 15 KB, 225x225, Z(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*fat people love funions

>> No.18099397

If you don't use onions in your cooking, you probably suck at cooking!

>> No.18099611

Onion, garlic, and olive oil/butter.
Wanna cook real food? These things are a great place to start

>> No.18100986

Onions are in most dishes.

Fat people get fat because they either have no quarrels about eating most common vegetables or they have no filter

It would be weird if a fat person didnt like a super common thing like garlic and still be fat

>> No.18100996

>I don't really put them in that many foods
your food could probably be a lot better

>> No.18101068

fat people can eat as many onions as they like. normal people need to restrict stuff like that but if you're a huge disgusting blob you don't need to worry about being a gassy onion-farting mess because no one wants to go near you anyway. i'd eat pounds of onions in every meal if i could but i have a level of self-respect that won't allow it.

>> No.18101095

230lb 6'1" fat guy here. onions just tend to go well with a lot of dishes and i just ended up slowly getting larger portions because of it while becoming more sedentary as I've worked more from home.

>> No.18101096

only weird people dont like onions. i like onions whether they’re raw, sauteed or fried

>> No.18101106

Fat people eat lots of food.
Onions taste good.

>> No.18101119

If you eat them regularly then you'll stop getting gas. Works with beans too. You get gas because you don't digest the more complex sugars as well at first but eventually your body adapts.

>> No.18101154

onions make food delicious -> delicious food is harder to resist -> fat

>> No.18101164

Do people really struggle with digesting onions? That's just silly.

>> No.18101238

Can confirm, I'm fat and I love onions. Maybe fat people eat more onions than normal people because they eat more in general. Like a normal person might eat 1 onion sandwich at lunch and I might eat 9 onion sandwiches in a time frame of 2 hours before to 2 hours after lunch. With some onion soup and onion rings.

>> No.18101245

>I don't mind onions, I think they are alright, but I don't really put them in that many foods
you're just a run of the mill picky eater.

I only find that very heavy onion use is more about poverty, not weight. Youo can smell onions coming out of the pores of the unwashed.

>> No.18101475

Raw onions give me runny shits.
t. Weak stomach / IBS

>> No.18101479

That’s what I eat before I go to the dentist.

>> No.18101493

I love the taste of onions but hate the slimy ass texture, anyone else? I don't get why 99% of recipes tell you sautee them until golden brown, they're so much better burnt. Sweet and it improves the texture.

>> No.18101544

I like them raw or cooked long enough to basically melt. I don't like half cooked onions, they seem bland too.

>> No.18101894

fat people are the only ones that would order an item with onions without onions

>> No.18101914

consuming onions doesnt make you smell like onions unless the smell from being around them lingers on you. bacteria in sweat just create chemicals that smell like onion regardless of your diet. its very simple to test for yourself by eating a lot of onions and taking a shower. what you're actually smelling from the impoverished unwashed is them simply being unwashed. I;d also wager that the poor eat less onions than middle class and higher

>> No.18101974
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 988471057611dccf87943c0fa937523c_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to the dentist

>> No.18102064

onions make everything better and you can practically eat as much as you want without it being detrimental to your weight. I try to add as much onion to my meals as possible to fill me up without consuming too many calories.

>> No.18103333


>> No.18103500

i'd put onions in and on everything if i could. mcdonalds used to have grilled onions, assholes took that from me and then my steak, egg, and cheese bagel.
i like all onions. raw, boiled, fried, grilled, red, white, shallots. no ogres though ogres are fags

>> No.18103527

I suppose I would trust a fat person to know how to cook, which does involve onions. Also the things you notice can reflect more on you than on the observed subject. Maybe you're just obsessed with onions.

>> No.18103545

Almost any savory dish gets better if you add these

>> No.18105278

Because they are oil sponges.

>> No.18105328

fatty here, sort of true, like yeah I can eat a bag of potato chips or whatever, but I'd eat a salad or vegetable stew or whatever over mcdonalds or junk like that any day of the week. What causes fatness is
>too much soda
>too lazy to cook