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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 242 KB, 1459x994, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18096792 No.18096792 [Reply] [Original]

What was the worst cooking decision you've ever made?

>> No.18096797

Thats just the dumbest decision. Didnt they ask about allergies first? Isnt that just normal procedure? That restaurant should be closed. Removing one ingredient isnt the problem.

>> No.18096806

Why the fuck do you eat food you didn't cook yourself ? I have a muslim buddy and when we travel aboard he always eat the same fucking thing every fucking day to avoid eating pork. Chili seriously ? If are a freak of nature who can die while eating a peanut maybe it's up to you to take care of your own fucking life and not eat outside.

>> No.18096812

>That restaurant should be closed.
It's your responsibility to know what you're deathly allergic to.

>> No.18096814
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>Didnt they ask about allergies first?
It's a restaurant, not a hospital, no need to do a fucking anamnesis before providing food to fucking retards. You have food allergies ? Great, don't eat at fucking restaurants you dumbass.

>> No.18096955

>Miss Brodsky, who was ranked 10th in the women's 18-and-under division by the United States Squash Association before coming to Brown, was allergic to nuts, and had been trained to ask whether there were nuts in food she was about to eat, said Dr. Sumner H. Hoffman, director of Brown's health service. But he said, ''Nobody would expect to ask if there were nuts in chili.''
>Carol Rosenblatt, who owns the restaurant with her husband, Jon, disagreed. She said it was ''very widely known'' that the chili contained peanut butter, with the recipe having been printed in The Providence Journal-Bulletin after it won a Providence chili contest last September.

>Miss Brodsky ate the chili about 7:30 P.M., Mrs. Rosenblatt said. She became ill, Mrs. Rosenblatt said, and was driven home. Mr. Rosenblatt said Miss Brodsky had repeatedly insisted that she not be taken to an emergency room.
>Dr. Hoffman said that Miss Brodsky asked initially to be taken to her dormitory room. When she got there, however, she felt sicker, he said, and asked to be taken to the nearby home of her grandparents.

I can understand not expecting nuts in chili and it probably should've said something on the menu (I'm assuming there was no written warning) but the person who died apparently turned down medical treatment after her reaction started which is asinine.

>> No.18096978

I can't really see how the kid was at fault. Why would anyone expect peanut butter in chili? And I can't imagine a Providence restaurant was in the habit of informing people about the ingredients in their food.

>> No.18096982
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>Sucks your kidneys dry...

>> No.18096983

women were a mistake

>> No.18096992
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I put eggs in carbonara once.
Never again.

>> No.18096993

as a person with severe life threatening allergies
its absolutely the kids fault unless the retauraunt misinformed her

>> No.18097016
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>the person who died apparently turned down medical treatment
*According to the person who could be liable for her death if she didn't say that.

>> No.18097029

>Dr. Sumner H. Hoffman, director of Brown's health service
>Dr. Hoffman said that Miss Brodsky asked initially to be taken to her dormitory room. When she got there, however, she felt sicker, he said, and asked to be taken to the nearby home of her grandparents.

>> No.18097031

>playing squash
>he just used his time machine to go back to the 80s

>dying from a common food type

>> No.18097044
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If you put peanut butter in the chili and don't have (may contain nuts) on the chili menu item then yeah it's the restaurant's fault. The average person wouldn't expect peanut butter to be in chili.

>> No.18097050

As a paramedic I can tell you people refuse medical care for these things all the time. Someone could have a blood sugar of 10 and when you give them sugar IV and they wake up they refuse to go to the ER or sign themselves out. Then the next call is some basketball american calling 911 cause his lips are chapped

>> No.18097054

>''Nobody would expect to ask if there were nuts in chili.''
Bullshit, I'm cealiac and ask about everything I'll put in my mouth before eating or drinking.

>> No.18097063

I was an RN for 12 years before I switched to working in a restaurant kitchen.
I have NEVER encountered someone with a peanut allergy.

I'm 99% convinced it's something Americans make up so they can feel special.

>> No.18097082

Lol I know the son of the family that owns this restaurant
I didn't realize his parents did this, cool

>> No.18097101

The correct and reasonable viewpoint

>> No.18097122

I've never encountered a midget, therefore they don't exist.

>> No.18097144

They likely did have a food allergy disclaimer on the menu, practically every restaurant does. Dumb ass kid just won a Darwin award is all.

>> No.18097158

Just call it alfredo pasta if you're going to use cream instead of eggs, retard. Carbonara is literally just parmesan, eggs, noodles, pepper and bacon/guanciale/pancetta, no more no less.

>> No.18097161

Not in 1986

>> No.18097166

whoops, triggered the ita*ian purist
i bet you'd have an aneurism if they used rotini instead of elbows

>> No.18097175

So why are we discussing someone that was dead and forgotten 40 years ago then?

>> No.18097177

I have encountered shitloads of other allergies, though.
I mention working in healthcare and cooking because those are both jobs where you have a lot of different people coming through and any allergics will generally inform you of the fact when they do.
When I speak to Americans, however, peanut allergies come up constantly. PB&Js being outlawed in schools, constant kvetching about traces of peanuts in candy bars etc.
Americans talk about peanut allergy like half the fucking country has it and I have never, with thousands and thousands of patients and dinner guests, encountered it once. Why is that?

Also, a peanut is not a nut, so if they kid was trained to ask about nuts that wouldn't have done her much good anyway.

>> No.18097180

So that we never forget what they took from us.

>> No.18097187

>had repeatedly insisted that she not be taken to an emergency room
costs too much?

>> No.18097217

>shartmerican woman w/ severe peanut allergy

>> No.18097235

Ill forget about her the minute this thread 404s

>> No.18097287

>umm waiter just to be sure any peanuts in this chili lol?
>ummm no ma'am
>ikr it's silly but I have a killer allergy and want to be sure
>no maam
>waiter to kitchen staff: this stupid hoe be asking me if peanus in chili she be tripping yo haha
>oh shit maam maam do not...

>> No.18097305
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>had been trained to ask whether there were nuts in food

So she would have died even she'd asked.

>> No.18097307

it's pretty common for restaurants to list allergens in meals on the menu, usually via an * or something similar where they say at the bottom *contains nuts/eggs/gluten etc. especially if it's something that doesn't usually contain them, like peanut butter in chili.
i don't think anyone's really "at fault" lol the inbred neckbeards on 4chan are always looking to blame someone for something. mishaps happen. kid didn't expect PB in his chili and the restaurant didn't think about allergies, they're both "at fault".

>> No.18097320 [DELETED] 

This is why the US needs European style legislation, clear frameworks, everything must be stipulated and codified. Next they should all give up their guns, including hunting rifles. I am European and know better what's best for you

>> No.18097325

If the allergy is severe enough to be life threatening then you inform the restaurant 100% of the time so the kitchen knows that your food needs to be protected from cross contamination. Gluten, soy, and peanuts also show up in all sorts of unexpected foods because they're commonly used as thickeners, oils, and/or filler protein.

>> No.18097398

I agree, but also if I've got a life threatening illness I'm not putting my life in the hands of some drunken line cook.

>> No.18097515 [DELETED] 

Come take them from us :) our government doesn't even have the balls to do it.

>> No.18097531

as a person with severe life experience working in restaurants it's absolutely the kids fault unless dumbass bitch Jessica told him that it didn't have peanuts.
fucking learn what's in the dishes bitch, it's not like it's rocket science. Even a fucking highschool drop out like you can pull together at least two neurons.

>> No.18097636 [DELETED] 

kid, if the government wants your guns they're coming at 4am with SWAT to get them, and you'll be gunned down in 30 seconds. your delusions of becoming a martyr are just that: delusions

>> No.18097643 [DELETED] 

Ok kid, they aren't going anywhere. Stay mad.

>> No.18097662

This reads like a tragic death that's trying to be turned into a pay day.

>> No.18097667


>> No.18097668

The average person doesn't have a deadly allergy.

>> No.18097669 [DELETED] 

And after they've killed that one guy 40% of the adult male population starts hunting police on the streets. Overt gun grabbing didn't work for King George and it wouldn't work any better for supreme chancellor Biden.

>> No.18097690
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>> No.18097713 [DELETED] 

you won't do fucking shit

>> No.18097733 [DELETED] 

Try us, you won't, and our government won't do it for your feelings.

>> No.18097736 [DELETED] 

You are correct. They did not do shit when their sacred elections got blatantly tampered with in broad daylight right in front of their faces, they will not do shit when the glowies come take their boomsticks.

>> No.18097756

I live in Rhode Island and their chili is fucking shit, now. It tastes greasy.

>> No.18097759 [DELETED] 

Your envy is showing.

>> No.18097771

I won't have to because my state isn't retarded enough to try. Whichever blue state inevitably does try it first will have a lot of dead cops on their hands though.

>> No.18097779 [DELETED] 

Nah son, you have no idea how hard I was rooting for you guys.

>> No.18097815 [DELETED] 

It's not over til it happens, and you're a fool if you think democrats don't own just as many guns.

>> No.18097825

real people aren't allergic to fucking peanuts. this is simply survival of the fittest. if you can't eat peanuts fuck off we don't need you in the gene pool

>> No.18097903

What the fuck is squash for that matter?

>> No.18097909

something tells me this dystopian mind set does not slide in reality

>> No.18097912
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>> No.18097915

It's some retarded british name for pumpkins, like how they call elevators chips.

>> No.18097924

Yeah but how is it a sport?

>> No.18097931

Racquetball with slightly different rules.

>> No.18097943

It's not, she was an athlete and also played the squash >>18097912

>> No.18098029

I learnt what goes in Chili and it's not fucking Peanut Butter lmao

>> No.18098079

Bet you also think beans can't go in chili.

>> No.18098126
File: 5 KB, 255x198, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>the person who died apparently turned down medical treatment
It's more common than you'd think.
I've personally watched a seizure-prone co-worker repeatedly refuse treatment during an emergency. It was even something he'd signed in writing to upper management.
The last words I ever heard him speak was a haggard rasp "Don't call an ambulance". Then his started seizing.
We were required to wait until his eyes rolled into the back of his head to make the phone call, at which point his request no longer legally mattered.
He never came back to work after that.

Worst company picnic ever.

>> No.18098128

how is personal responsibility dystopian?

>> No.18098136

Those with food allergies are weak, their genetics are weak, and they should he purged from the population

>> No.18098163

putting peanut butter in chili without making it clear that the chili contains peanuts is kinda stupid but still if you know you will fucking DIE if you eat a peanut and you don't question every single thing you put in your mouth you're even more stupid

>> No.18098173

Just add a warning? Why sabotage your income like this

>> No.18098174

>Racquetball with slightly different rules.
Racquetball but far more skill is involved

>> No.18098228

How the fuck do you just go eat at a restaurant when you have a deathly allergy to something so common
Even if the restaurant was trying to label shit, it only takes one strung out retard in a kitchen of meth heads to fuck one thing up

>> No.18098396

Ohhh, it was a woman. That makes sense.

>> No.18098415
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beans, tomatoes, corn, olives and now peanut butter?
what the fuck is wrong with you fucks that can't make chili worth a shit? this is foul

>> No.18098440

>Thought the waitress was impolite and said "Deez nutz" were in the chili when in fact, she was saying there were peanuts.

>> No.18098476

If you have a nut allergy, you can only rely on yourself. You can't assume every food establishment is competent enough to warn for food allergies.

>> No.18098701

food allergies are common enough among the population to warrant catering to that population. for dishes you wouldn't expect certain ingredients in, such as peanuts in chili, a bare minimum courtesy would be to make note of such on the menu. you're right that it's the person with the allergy's perrogative to make sure they're not about to do some dumb shit. but again that would not be a hard slip up to make with something like chili, nobody associates nuts with it. yes it is ultimately the kid's responsibility because it is his body and the restaurant wouldn't know, but also yes some very simple information could have prevented his death.
i guess my question is how did the restaurant not get any complaints about this before, nut allergy is super common. its hard to imagine its not listed somewhere if this is some famous chili place

>> No.18098710
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70 posts later and someone finally got the point of this thread.
Stop adding stupid shit to chili.
I'm looking at you, beanfags.

>> No.18098743

If you read the fucking thread you would know that the use of peanut butter was widely know and the full recipe had even been published. This place was well known locally, so most out of towners coming would probably have heard of the gimmick.

>> No.18098746

Shut it, California transplants. The only written in stone rule there is to chili is that you follow YOUR recipe and don't make an idiot of yourself by claiming everyone else has to follow your recipe. Just because you had to coopt someone else's recipe to make up for your lack of chili tradition does not mean it's the only recipe out there and you need to autistically sperg out over different ones.
You Will Never Be A Texan

>> No.18098750

idk why that matters

>> No.18098751

Who the fuck expects peanut butter in a chilli?

>> No.18098756

for sure pancake syrup in coffee

>> No.18098757

Another healthy young athlete tragically murdered by the chilli we call "Climate Change"...

>> No.18098760

and the average prson isn't a massive faggot, either, yet society makes accomodations for your condition

>> No.18098763

who the fuck has a fatal peanut allergy and doesn't ask if there are any peanuts in the kitchen at all?

>> No.18098765

>not carrying 3 epipens full of adrenaline at all times when you have severe allergies

>> No.18098767

It is the restaurants responsibility to make it known if their food contains nuts.

>> No.18098768

>not telling customers that I'm putting a known allergen into a food that rarely if ever contains that allergen is my RIGHT as a proud MURKEN SITIZEN
All grocery store food should be sold in unmarked mystery cans then isn't that right dude macho shitter online

>> No.18098801

A retarded teenager

>> No.18098822
File: 54 KB, 340x330, 1643517077109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be texan child
>get shot
>police stand around and play on their phones for 2 hours watching
don't wanna be. but chili and Texas are similar. Better without the beans

>> No.18098828

I'm firmly convinced that the single biggest problem in the world is people refusing to take responsibility for themselves. This is just another example of that.

>> No.18098844

maybe in the world, but the biggest problem in the universe is entropy. we will drift outward infinitely until there will not be enough space between objects to create heat to sustain life.

>> No.18098857

extremely gay post. Every single person in this board and their computer will be dust on the other side of the galaxy by the time we're halfway there

>> No.18098867

you should really be more responsible with who you give (you)s to

>> No.18098868


>> No.18098873

woman moment

>> No.18098875
File: 18 KB, 698x180, chili.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only written in stone rule there is to chili is that you follow YOUR recipe
You can have your amateur hour homestyle chili padded out with filler ingredients like beans if you want, but keep it to yourself as a shameful secret.

>> No.18098884

both parties are at fault, which is the only way this happened

>> No.18098888

Lmao, another Texas tradition overtaken by uppity faggots from California and Arizona, then praised as "traditional". Go back.

>> No.18098900

>this nigga doesn't have his own chili recipe and has to rely on some charity organization to tell him what to do
lmao, confirmed not Texan

>> No.18098912

Bowl of red has never included beans you delusional faggots.

>> No.18098922

Imagine letting someone else tell you what you can put in your chili. This faggot is getting deported from Texas.

>> No.18098930

>nnnnnoooooooo, you can't heckin do that...! the chili authority on the internet says so!!!
said no Texan ever.

>> No.18098935

My best friend has had 2 allergic reactions after the restaurant fucking lied to him about what they cook with. Most waiters/waitresses just don't know.

>> No.18098947

i had to get in the abulance at costco because my tongue swole up after one of their samples. it had shellfish, which i had never had before. pretty sure i still owe them money for a ambulance ride even though i was fine after they gave me medicine in the back and didn't consent to being driven but my shit was too swollen to tell them not to take me. /blog

>> No.18098951

Maybe in Houston "Texas" means "being a retard and letting any random bullshit pass as acceptable."

>> No.18098972

You literally used the internet as a defence, you soyboy faggot. I thought your type was against "cultural appropriation" and yet here you come pretending you know everything about chili thanks to google and internet memes.

>> No.18098995

We're literally on the internet. Ideally common sense alone would be enough for your kind to get why beans don't belong in chili but here we are.

>> No.18099004

A chili without beans is spiced manwich, nothing more

>> No.18099006

what's with this frothing retard schizo and his transplant leftist ranting?

>> No.18099009

Simce when is forcing vegetables into a meat dish a right wing agenda you communist liar?

>> No.18099011

A chili without beans is actual chili. Sorry you don't like chili.

>> No.18099019

It’s just chili you spergs

>> No.18099033

You're not an athlete if a peanut can kill you.

>> No.18099046

I don't think the two are related. Athletes drop dead from rare medical conditions all the time. Probably if you have the genetics of people from a region that wasn't exposed to peanuts as much then there's a greater chance your genes didn't bother making you immune to that particular variety of poison.

>> No.18099054

Dead rich white girl, so of course it's newsworthy

>> No.18099069

oh hey so it was actually the evil profit-driven American healthcare system, who could have guessed

did you know:

>> No.18099078

if they put peanuts in a food where there isn't usually peanuts i 100% guarantee that it's mentioned in the store and on the menu

>> No.18099773

Not counting dumb shit I did as a kid, I made chili for someone who doesn't like spicy food. I used two jalapenos from my own plants without testing either of them - because everything else I'd grown had been super mild. Apparently these two peppers got all of the heat. I apologized profusely and took her out for dinner. All's well that ends well, but I was fucking mortified.

>> No.18099785 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18099812 [DELETED] 

This image is so bad. First of all there's an emoji for no reason, then the second picture is just a zoom in of the first but no other picture in the image zooms in at all, and the fade into the second image is so barely visible it doesn't even justify having it in the first place.

God damn I hate the person who made this image.

>> No.18099818

Squash is a fruit dum dum

>> No.18099824

using steak sauce as a cooking ingredient when i was 12.

it was edible but much worse than it could have been.

>> No.18099842

>cleansing another peanut allergy from the gene pool
I'm making chili tomorrow

>> No.18099867

I used sugar free chocolate in brownies for a church bake sale. I watched a kid puke and cry because I never tasted them before I brought them. Ended up getting yelled at by the priest and changed churches later

>> No.18099915
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>> No.18099925

alright, but since they aren't making it anymore can I get the recipe for the chili?

>> No.18099980

She most likely turned down going to the hospital so she could use her epipen in her dormroom. Why wait 5 hours and spend 500000000 ameribucks at the hospital when you have your treatment at home?

>> No.18100053


>> No.18100059

the world cannot cater to a minority just like that. If you're deathly allergic to something, (you) should be the one informing the restaurant about them

>> No.18100065

probably also didn't want to be tested for enhancement drug usage

>> No.18100066

I knew a kid with a peanut allergy in elementary school and he singlehandedly got the school to ban peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I always hated that fucker for that

>> No.18100103

I add liver to my chilli, fite me irl

>> No.18100353

is that different to maple syrup? i loved putting maple syrup into milk and then adding coffee to it

>> No.18100366

When I was a kid, I mixed a can of ravioli with a can of chili. Tazted fine, but a couple hours later, I waz blasting out my ass for the rest of the night. Smell was so foul I puked while on the toilet.
A similar thing happened a few years ago, where at the end of the month, all I had for a meal was rice, a jar of pickled jalapenos, a jar of kraut, and a containter of kimchee. I mixed them all up over heat and ate it over rice. Same result as above.

>> No.18100405

>have a peanut allergy
>dont immediately tell waitstaff and leave when you find out peanuts are used in literally anything
Shellfish and Peanut allergies are the two that are always fatal if so much as a speck is somewhere in the pot of soup your bowl was ladled from

>> No.18101224

>the award winning chilli is just a standard chilli
Holy fuck, you sound like you'd guzzle from a bleach bottle of somebody stuck a coca cola label on it.

>> No.18101261

I don't eat chili UNLESS it has beans

>> No.18101292

Good thing I make chilli and not bowls or red.

>> No.18101318 [DELETED] 

You've been steadily losing gun rights for the past 80 years.

>> No.18101334 [DELETED] 

Not in my state :)

>> No.18101350 [DELETED] 

This fucking happen 1986 you cunt

>> No.18101371

Stop being allergic to everyday benign ingredients.
If you're allergic to peanuts (of all fucking things) then you are weak and deserve to die.

>> No.18101415 [DELETED] 

It's the opposite. Look up constitutional carry laws. We are winning and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

>> No.18101421 [DELETED] 
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Is that so?

>> No.18101439

Using Maggi in a meal that was absolutely peaking on its own, going overboard and killing it all. I ditched it then and there, swore never to use Maggi or any sort of flavor enhancing cubes in my cooking ever.
I now only rely on broths and alcohol to boost the oomph.

>> No.18102177

If it's something really well defined and fundamental like chicken noodle soup and you put beans in it instead then you're fully in the wrong there. There are plenty of dishes already meant for beans, like half of the menu at Taco Bell if you want to get a job there and work out your culinary deviance in an accepting environment.

>> No.18102182

What do you mean instead? You are a sneaky word user.

>> No.18102251

There's nothing sneaky about chili con carne meaning chili con carne.
It's not called a bean burrito or arroz con frijoles or lentil soup.

>> No.18102261

I made some crockpot pork chops with grape jelly once and it was f'ing disgusting. Don't do that.

>> No.18102337

You sneak in the word instead when the discussion is about adding things. Sneaky bad person.

>> No.18102530

Sneak in what word? Chili is an abbreviated slang for chili con carne. Either that or you use the word to talk about a chili pepper. What other possible interpretation of "chili" is there?

>> No.18102538

The word instead.

>> No.18102555
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Not seeing chili con frijoles there, try again beanfag.

>> No.18102744

>I'm cealiac

Fake meme "condition".

>> No.18102797

99% of this thread is off topic, but i guess op expected this since he used the /tv/ bait technique

>> No.18102843

If you add A to B, B is is still B. But if you put C in B instead of D, B becomes E. When you use the word instead you are being sneaky and changing the wordscape.

>> No.18102859 [DELETED] 
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>You've been steadily losing gun rights for the past 80 years.

The tide turned in the late 1970s when there was a power struggle within the NRA, where those concerned about ever growing government gun control legislation took power from dumbass fuds and the NRA became a political organization and not just a hobbyist group.

Since then, our inalienable human right to keep & bear arms has been getting stronger, both at the federal and state level as well the courts overturning bullshit commie-pinko-anti-gun-fundie laws.

>> No.18102876
File: 146 KB, 949x475, saber-toothed-tiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those with food allergies are weak, their genetics are weak, and they should he purged from the population

Indeed. Back in the good old days, they'd have been eaten by a saber toothed tiger long before they became a burden to the tribe.

>> No.18102891

Chili is not a word for "everything in chili except the meat that you can add beans to." It has always, always meant chili con carne. Con carne.

>> No.18102898
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Chili is an ancient Mesoamerican BEAN stew. The primary ingredients are tomatoes, chili peppers and BEANS, meat is in fact optional.

"Chili" without beans is simply not chili.

>> No.18102910

Saber tooth tigers aren't usually cooked with peanuts though.
Not sure why everyone keeps acting like a deadly reaction to a particular substance means being weak against all other natural phenomena.
Peanuts weren't distributed everywhere on the planet in the past and unless your ancient ancestors were in what's now the Americas they probably wouldn't have any evolutionary pressure either for or against reactions to peanuts.
You can be taken out by a tiny amount of some substance or another no matter who you are.

>> No.18102919

Surprisingly chili con carne is one of the few things you can legit attribute to Texans rather than Mexicans. I don't think Mexicans even try to take credit for chili.

>> No.18102939



>> No.18102993

Yeah it is, sorry for your loss

>> No.18103185
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who could be behind this

>> No.18103196

Picture this, if you will:
>Be allergic to peanuts
>Love chili
>Be invited to lunch by chilihead friends telling me this place has award winning chili
>would you like a menu sir
>No give me a bowl of chili
It's not something that would typically have nuts in it. I really think they should ask.
However, if eating some peanuts inadvertently in a public space in full view of everybody, and presumably in possession of any epipens he's normally in possession of, is enough to kill him, then he was going to die anyway and it's just this restaurant's bad luck it happened to be their fuckup.

>> No.18103222

This, we had a celiac ask if there was gluten in our fries. They got told no. “ hurr dey potato not wheat”
On the box? Big letters saying CONTAINS GLUTEN.

>> No.18103228
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> ancient Mesoamericans develop tomatoes, chilis and beans
> literally thousands of years pass
> it never occurs to them to combine these ingredients…

>> No.18103247


>> No.18103284

Improvements in medical screening...?

>> No.18103304

People with lethal nut allergies usually play it safe since trace cross-contamination can lead to reactions. Even if chili doesn't have nuts in it, any number of other menu items the cook touches could have. This was a fatal derp moment on her part.

>> No.18103657

I hope people are shitposting about me on /ck/ 35 years after I die

>> No.18103666

One of the best ways to achieve immortality IMO. Figured that out myself when I saw how hard the dumpster defenders and Texas Orange got memed.

>> No.18103704
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If you eat a full meal of something you're heavily allergic to, one epipen is not going to save you. The epipen is not a permanent fix. It just works on your airways and blood vessels for a while, keeping you alive until you get actual medical assistance.

>> No.18103736
File: 34 KB, 400x494, f52[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for agreeing with me Satan.
I did create a fairly popular meme that started on /ck/, so in that way I suppose I will live on.
>pic related

>> No.18103742

I work in a factory with a guy who has epilepsy and we use strobe lights every single day as a diagnostic tool. Just waiting for the day.

>> No.18103750

I made a couple reaction pics on /tg/ maybe five years ago and I still see them posted sometimes so I understand the feeling.

>> No.18103768

>don't ask about ingredients
>repeatedly deny medical care after an allergic reaction starts
>it's the restaurant's fault
for once I don't blame the jew this kid was a moron

>> No.18103783

if you have a deathly allergy to anything that's commonly used in cooking then it's on you to tell the staff "I have X allergy, will it be safe for me to eat Y?" and they'll know if there are peanuts strewn about the kitchen, lying in wait to cross-contaminate

>> No.18103816
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In those kinds of situations, does it really matter if you just call an ambulance anyway? Can you even be sued? Does whatever he wrote to upper management somehow legally bind every employee to do as he says? Wouldn't calling for an ambulance effectively reverse-delegate any decisions over medical consent/duty of care over to a higher-level of trained medical professional, thereby absolving you of any (legal) responsibility in the matter?

>> No.18103823

Light-sensitive epilepsy is extremely rare compared to other forms of epilepsy and 90% of the time all you have to do is close your eyes and wait for the nausea to subside.
t. Epileptic

>> No.18103966

Nigger if you administer an epipen, get to the hospital immediately.

>> No.18104066

Caveat Emptor

>> No.18104105

>dumb little girl makes the decision to die rather than pay money to not die
>somehow this is someone else's fault
maybe she should've valued her life more than money

>> No.18104124

coming to this board

>> No.18104153

>squash player
>deadly peanut allergy
Well, add "peanut butter in chili" to the list of things ruined by a jew.

>> No.18104251

Peanut allergies are becoming more common. People who aren't dumb faggots eventually won't be allowed nuts cuz all the dysgenuc retards that kept breeding even tho a fuckin PEANUT kills them will bitch about their allergies.

>> No.18104275

I have noticed that women refuse to have agency in their decision making. She didn't go to the hospital or call 911 or ask about nuts or ANYTHING because she "shouldn't have to." I've seen people cross the street without looking both ways because its illegal to hit a pedestrian, si they "shouldn't have to." This is the same thing. It's entitlement.

>> No.18104307

I used to work at McDonald's and every once in a while someone would say they were allergic to onions while ordering. Like are you for fucking real. It's one of the most common toppings next to cheese. Either you're lying or you're oblivious entitled. I never changed my gloves for that, not that it mattered cuz onions got into the pickles and all over the while line every shift. Everything was contaminated. They were going to the hospital either way unless they were lying.

>> No.18104351

Beans fucking suck

>> No.18104410

>no beans in chili

>> No.18104457

you fucking suck LOSER

>> No.18104486
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When I was in college, I scorched spices in my first attempt at roasting them for a dish.

The fumes were so strong that the entire floor had to evacuate.

>> No.18104515

Hypoglycemic geriatrics are the worst. One was comatose until we gave her d50. She immediately perked up and was instructed to eat since the glucose would burn off. She proceeded to get mad that we didn't give her something slow acting so she could continue with her day like she wasn't just face down on the floor getting ready to croak. I wonder if old age leads to mental retardation or if they have been this daft since the 40's.

>> No.18104540

>Amcient mesoamericans invented any dish involving any ingredients they had access to because they were totally ancient and just come on bro
lol no

>> No.18104547

Beans aren't required. This is common knowledge.

>> No.18104549

This. It's like a car accident where both cars tried to change lanes at the same time without looking. If just one of you looked first and backed off the accident would have been avoided.

>> No.18104551

Not my problem

>> No.18104587

If he lives because you called an ambulance he can 100% sue, because you went against his freedums and now you're liable for that. Prevent liability at all cost, it's why restaurants and grocery stores throw out millions of dollar of perfectly fine food instead of donating it to a food bank or something because if something goes wrong, some hobo or welfare family get sick or injured because of your food, boom, you're liable, boom you're being sued.

>> No.18104604

So if you put a bit of peanut butter in chilli con carne, does it need a brand new name?

>> No.18105312

People do it because ambulance rides can cost thousands.

>> No.18105321


>> No.18105330

Allergies in general don't exist, it's quite literally a lack of exposure which causes your body to think it's an intruder and go apeshit. Regular exposure to a variety of foods, pollen, dust, etc. cures all so called allergies.
Have fun dying to something completely avoidable then.

>> No.18106023

Exactly, if I could die from eating some commonplace thing you couldn't pay me to eat out

>> No.18106038
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>> No.18106046
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The peanut allergy thing is bizarre. Rates are absolutely skyrocketing and nobody is really looking into it.

>> No.18106050

Lack of exposure?
Shouldn't peanut allergy be more common in Europe and less so in the US, then?
Europeans don't eat PB&J usually.

>> No.18106060

Hypoglycemia really is a simple fix tho no need to be hospitalized when a pack of skittles will fix it.
Unless they somehow accidentally took 50 units of insulin there’s zero need to go to the ED.

>> No.18106064

Yeah, he's just making up bullshit because people prefer to believe everything has simple explanations and solutions you can control yourself, vs. reality where much is unknown and there's little you can do to stop most serious medical problems.

>> No.18106082

have my upvote

>> No.18106084

Lol what is an EMT gonna do? Wave a magic wand and stop the seizure? Severe epileptics just have to live with the risk that they one day fuck their shit up during a random seizure. Paying $1000 for an ambulance ride on top of it so they can’t just tell you at the hospital “hey you had a seizure so we brought you here and now you can go” does nothing.

>> No.18106088

Deenz + mac&cheese

>> No.18106092

you know what, that might actually be pretty good for someone that likes mac and cheese

>> No.18106105

Most food allergies are very mild so simple cross contamination like that won’t be noticed.
It’s the severe ones like peanuts, gluten(for actual celiacs), and shellfish that people should worry about, but those people know to call ahead and ask the management of they even use those ingredients in the kitchen or have special setups.
If you have a severe food allergy you should know which places are safe to eat before you get there.

>> No.18106112

thanks stranger. i will forward whatever reddit gold you send me to my wife's boyfriend.

>> No.18106143

It's not a magic wand exactly, but I'd at least give a shot of diazepam a try.

>> No.18106188

>Deathly allergic to something
>does not bring epipen with her

>> No.18106213 [DELETED] 

This. She was a bit stupid albeit a child basically. Also why do regular people need guns, to defend themselves from the govt? They have tanks and laser guided missiles good luck NRA. No, guns will be collected from all citizens, 3 years tops

>> No.18106217

How is that gonna help when you show up 20 min after the seizure ends?

>> No.18106227

You don't need to be an EMT to administer diazepam rectally. I have had plenty of patients who carried it for that purpose. Their family and friends knew what to do.

>> No.18106258

That's a good point. If a seizure lasts long enough for someone to travel to the patient then they're probably going to die anyway. Seizures aren't supposed to last more than like a minute, maybe two tops, and beyond that is where the serious brain damage begins.

>> No.18106323

>gets ingredients for spaghetti dinner at grocery
>assumes i had italian herb mix at home
>gets home, no damn spice mix
>im too hungry and mentally exhausted to go back to store

>need to start cooking sauce
>spend a millennia looking for italian herb substitutes
>indian spices, salt pepper, no oregano or anything. god damnit
>dig fucking deep into pantry for anything remotely italian-esque
>decide to fucking bloom the garlic in oil and the JUICES FROM THE SARDINES

i cannot describe the smell that followed but i just want to elaborate that over the next 30 minutes of CONTINUING TO COOK THE SAUCE my mirror in the other room fully steamed up from the sauce vapors.

threw that shit out and ordered pickup fuck me

>> No.18106359


Not a horrible mistake actually since many Italians add *1* sardine to sauces to add savory flavors but yeah adding the juice was a huge mistake

>> No.18106403

Describe the smell

>> No.18106445

That's like having no rice in "Fried Rice."

>> No.18106479

Tried to hardboil eggs using a microwave; they exploded and blew the door open, took me about 40 minutes to clean up 99% of the mess.

>> No.18106491

imagine being such a defective human that a fucking peanut kills you lmao, people with allergies like this should be gathered up and killed

>> No.18106498

Lol no.

>> No.18106513

>"why is there a warning label about peanuts now?"
>"yeah, well, uhh, some kid died last year, whoops"
>*leaves restaurant*

>> No.18106520 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 700x462, FreeDucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kid, if the government wants your guns they're coming at 4am with SWAT to get them, and you'll be gunned down in 30 seconds.
>your delusions of becoming a martyr are just that: delusions
A martyr IS someone who's killed you fucking idiot.

>> No.18106522 [DELETED] 

Actually I can open carry in a store now.

>> No.18106552

die of heat stroke stinky t*xoids

>> No.18106639

For fun. You know, target practicing, hunting. Those things media shills want you to think are impossible. Self defense is secondary and hopefully never needed, but you damn sure want to be in the position where you need it and have nothing.

>> No.18106648 [DELETED] 

Also "tanks and laser guided missiles, kek, you've got to be shutting me. Will never happen and it's probably more likely half of the military would resign before helping the government slaughter all of their citizens over a right we've had since the countries inception. But keep dreaming and keep seething Euro trash. Ill mark a day on my calendar in 3 years to oil down my gun collection for you.

>> No.18106666

>it's probably more likely half of the military would resign before helping the government slaughter all of their citizens over a right we've had since the countries inception
That's what they said about police too.

>> No.18106667 [DELETED] 

this post didn't age well

>> No.18106688 [DELETED] 

Tell me how many gun grabs cops have done so far, anon.

>> No.18106705 [DELETED] 

Have you never heard of the ATF, you brain dead faggot? They do nothing but grab guns and shoot dogs.

>> No.18106725 [DELETED] 

You'd be lucky if 4% could be assed to sign a online petition if all the had to do was fill out a name.

>> No.18106730 [DELETED] 

To criminals, not random citizens.

>> No.18106743 [DELETED] 

The only martyr will be their tighty whiteys as they shart themselves crying and coughing from tear gas.

>> No.18106750 [DELETED] 

You sure that not from when you realized your liberal wet dream didn't come true?

>> No.18106776 [DELETED] 

Your fun is killing people though

>> No.18106778 [DELETED] 

Yes because being a Pentecostal is a crime apparently

>> No.18106783

This thread is flooded with more bait than a tackle shop.

>> No.18106786 [DELETED] 

Last I checked I've killed zero people
Cherry picking 1 example doesn't really make me think I'm going to get me house parcelled by a $500,000 missile just to confiscate a handgun.

>> No.18106792

>I wonder if old age leads to mental retardation
When people get old they definitely get dumber. It hits some much harder than others though.

>> No.18106800 [DELETED] 

You know what I mean: your bitching for muh right to have fun lets incels commit murder.
Maybe you dont know, from an European's POV, the US has the most gun related murders in the WORLD!

>> No.18106808 [DELETED] 

And you know what I mean. Stay mad, while I stay armed.

>> No.18106811 [DELETED] 

People get killed to death every day

>> No.18106842 [DELETED] 

Because they deserve it.

>> No.18106917

>squash player
I guarantee her parents could afford a hospital bill. Situation is pretty wild though, who would have guessed there were nuts in chili?

>> No.18106932

chili means peppers, there's no good chili recipe where beans are necessary

beans in chili is like fish in sushi
you're an idiot if you insist it has to be in there and you'd be an idiot to expect it without

>> No.18106950

>beans in chili is like fish in sushi
Almost any time I've ever encountered chili in my 35 years of living it's been without beans.
Sushi on the other hand I've only seen without fish if it's that vegetarian / "California" kind.

>> No.18106952

that's the best case scenario. restaurant gets fucked AND the person died. woo hoo!

>> No.18106960 [DELETED] 

Because your government is so fucked, it doesn't surprise me lol. Enjoy getting raped by Jews, mutt.

>> No.18106968

Sushi literally means vinegar and rice
if you've never had beans in your chili, great!
some people have only had the "vegetarian/california" kind of sushi, that's fine too

statement still stands

>Almost any time

>> No.18106979

Just because you always get it without on purpose doesn't mean it's the standard, at all.
Chili is BETTER with beans. Period.

>> No.18106983 [DELETED] 

You'll die waiting on me to get inconvenienced and I'll simply live.

>> No.18107012

What the fuck does that last statement have to do with the thread topic at all? Are you just bored?

>> No.18107020

beans have no real inherent enjoyable flavor, which means every time you add beans you take away from the dish

every bean dish that focuses on beans is either disgusting or has so many seasonings and added components you're just eating the seasonings with beans as filler

>> No.18107025

You have a child's palate then.

>> No.18107036

describe the flavor of beans without using the word earthy, mild, or nutty
bonus points if you can describe the flavor without talking about the texture

>> No.18107041

No lol.

>> No.18107053

You have a child's intelligence then.

>> No.18107067

Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of the canopener opening the can of beans for my chili.

>> No.18107086

You can't hear me because we're communicating through text

Tasteless AND dumb

gg anon

>> No.18107102

That's rich coming from the guy ghat can't handle more than 2 ingredients, but you probably couldn't eat anything rich either.

>> No.18107130

I'm allergic to peanuts but I'd never think to ask if fucking chili has peanuts in it so this would have removed me from the gene pool too

>> No.18107196
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>> No.18107625
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"In writings from 1529, the Franciscan friar, Bernardino de Sahagún described chili pepper-seasoned stews being consumed in the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan, now the location of Mexico City."

>> No.18107658
File: 1.94 MB, 458x292, world war z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I work in a factory with a guy who has epilepsy

Years back I worked in a shop with an epileptic guy (who was also an alcoholic) and one day he came to the parts crib where I worked and asked for some bolts or something and when I turned to tell him we didn't have that size, his eyes rolled back into his head like a fucking zombie and fell straight backward (smacking his head on the floor) and lay there, twitching and frothing at the mouth.

Freaked me the fuck out, as I didn't know what the hell was happening.

>> No.18107683

Groids never have insurance and are immune to judgements.

>> No.18107696

Which wasn't chili con carne. If having chili peppers made a dish count as chili con carne then ajilimójili, erős pista, kōrēgusū, nam phrik, and even lao gan ma or chili lime shrimp flavor maruchan instant noodle soup would all count as chili con carne too.

>> No.18107716
File: 33 KB, 480x360, lawyer 354654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In those kinds of situations, does it really matter if you just call an ambulance anyway? Can you even be sued?
>If he lives because you called an ambulance he can 100% sue, because you went against his freedums and now you're liable for that

No. It's clearly a medical emergency, you're not a doctor and you didn't attempt to do any medical procedures on the victim yourself, you simply made a phone call.

Of course this is America and anybody can sue anybody else for literally anything but actually winning in court (and not being counter-suedin the process) is another story.

>> No.18107726
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>> No.18107747

Is that her? She was a cuter. Doesn't look 18 tho

>> No.18107753
File: 35 KB, 425x418, 91zY8pJ1zgL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deathly allergic to something
>does not bring epipen with her

The incident referenced in the OP happened way back in 1984, they didn't have epipens back in oldy timey days.

>> No.18107769

>hey um this chili does it have peanut butter in it? i'm allergic to peanut butter
>does the chili have peanut butter in it?
Why would this be the kid's fault you retards

>> No.18107800

Or just not get vaccines as a child that fucks your immune system

>> No.18107801

Are you retarded?

>> No.18107815

>"Hey, do you use peanuts in your kitchen? I'm deathly allergic."
>"Yes, in fact, our signature chili uses peanut butter. I'm sorry, but we can't promise there isn't cross-contamination."
>"That's fine. Thank you."

>> No.18107826
File: 387 KB, 1600x1200, R.e49fe31edf5683a2446e2010a21755b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be ancient Mesoamerican
> get home from the latest human sacrifice
> time to make dinner
> mix tomatoes, chili peppers, meat and beans in a stew
> red-handed stinky white-skinned foreign invaders show up
> probably not Quetzalcoatl
> tells me it's not chili...

>> No.18107906

Based child mortality enjoyer.

>> No.18107958

>peanut butter in chili
what sort of reddit-tier millennial bullshit is this?

>> No.18107983

Cull the weak. Everyone with a peanut allergy should die.

>> No.18108002

Nobody would need to tell him his use of chili peppers in random vegetable dishes wasn't chili con carne since that wasn't an existing thing until Texans invented it in the 1800s.

>> No.18108021
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>> No.18108442
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Hey if touching a peanut is enough to kill you, maybe that's a sign from God that you should just die already.

>> No.18108505

Hey, I had a sibling that had a severe, fatal nut allergy. She died horribly, when her boyfriend forced a lethal dose of heroine into her. Allergies and federal informants suck.

>> No.18108513

Based Muslim bro

>> No.18108914

I don't know, have you seen reality lately?

>> No.18108930

When I became liberian warlord and ritually eat childrens hearts.

>> No.18108942

Most food allergies aren't real and only exist in the mind of the person claiming it. I know people who used to be claim to be allergic to strawberries because they had "a reaction" as a kid. Now that they're an adult nothing happens. Same thing happened with me and cantaloupe as a kid.

>> No.18108946

>I know people who used to be claim to be allergic to strawberries because they had "a reaction" as a kid. Now that they're an adult nothing happens.
fugg do you know me? I did have a "reaction" as a kid so my parents never let me have strawberries but I accidentally had them a few times in desserts and drinks and nothing happened. So many years of wasted time not eating strawberries

>> No.18109020

>fatal allergy to peanuts
>letting someone else cook your food
What a dumbass

>> No.18109026

Probably because people who have them are surviving now and passing them on
Imagine how many thousands of years people with severe allergies just died before they even got adulthood without anyone understanding why
We're skewing evolution toward accepting negative traits thanks to industrial technology and modern medicine

>> No.18109044

Omg WHY are we digging up 40 years old new stories. People in the thread are getting mad at restraunters when 40 years ago nobody knew what a peanut allergy was.

peanut allergy is a modern disease that only shows up in kids who eat our modern disgusting diets. combine that with vaccinations are you have a recipe for anybody even your own kids getting peanut allergies

>> No.18109427

>Imagine how many thousands of years people with severe allergies just died before they even got adulthood without anyone understanding why
No, that's not it at all. Peanut allergies didn't matter in the past because most people never encounteres peanuts to begin with. It's modern industrialized food processing that makes it possible for peanut residue to end up in food distributed all throughout the developed world.
Genetic fitness has nothing to do with being protected against reactions to foods your ancestors never encountered. That's like saying people injured in car accidents would have been culled from the gene pool in the past but were unnaturally kept alive by medicine. In reality most people weren't getting hit by a car and weren't getting exposed to peanuts in the ancient past.

>> No.18109874

Imagine if people foamed at the mouth against improving everything that was invented in the 1800s.

>> No.18110023

>have peanut allergies
>eat peanut related thing

>> No.18110067

>it's quite literally a lack of exposure which causes your body to think it's an intruder and go apeshit. Regular exposure to a variety of foods, pollen, dust, etc. cures all so called allergies.
Bull fucking shit.
My room has been inundated by dust for over a decade because of how little I clean but that hasn't cleansed me of my minor allergies to dust. I've been exposed to small amounts of pet dander practically every day, but my eyes will still puff up if rub them after petting my cat/dog. etc.
You can claim regular exposure will temper your body to lessen the allergic reactions, because it will. But to think will be able to cure your body of allergies, to remove the allergies without fail, is asinine.

That being said, fuck accepting you can't eat something because of allergies. If I want to eat a bag of delicious looking large cherries, I'm not going to let the discovery that the specific brand or strain is making my mouth tingly stop me. If for some weird reason I really really feel like I want to eat a small bowl of brownies and ice cream, I'm not going to let my lactose intolerance stop me--lactase pills bitch.

>> No.18110120

You're conflating the situation as badly as the people you're describing.
With raw fruit the most common mistake is to think that you're allergic to the fruit itself after a reaction when it was actually an allergic reaction to trace amounts of substance on the fruit's skin. The most common offender is pollen, or rather one or more specific types of pollen.
And no, washing the fruit is not a reliable way of removing the traces. If it's something like an apple you can peel the skin off. Otherwise, cooking the fruit will destroy the structure of the trace allergens enough so that your body won't recognize and attack it.
If you're actually allergic to the food item itself, like a peanut or shellfish allergy, cooking the food will not denature the allergen's structure enough so don't try that and kill yourself.

>> No.18110123

>have deadly peanut allergy
>know you have a deadly peanut allergy
>be with an adult who also knows you have a deadly peanut allergy
>dont ask about the use of peanuts in the kitchen
>in a restaurant known for using peanut butter in a strange way

>> No.18110134

>you didn't attempt to do any medical procedures on the victim yourself, you simply made a phone call.
Fun legal fact from the US, you are less likely to get sued for watching someone die in gutter than you are for soing anything that helps them. Our good samaritan laws hold about as much weight as pre-nups

>> No.18110192

Why, was he a Christian Scientist?

>> No.18111089

i agree. furthermore, its always faggoty liberals that cant eat nuts, milk, soy, shells, eggs, bread, meat, etc.
its never the red-blooded americans that are more than skin/bones, coming up with this pedantic faggotry about needing to be pre-warned. if youd die from a little peanut, maybe you should

>> No.18111116

Can we just make no-go zones for people with peanut allergies?

Every other allergy people seem to be able to manage, but those nut allergy people seem to be completely incapable of avoiding them.

>> No.18111128

Not everyone claiming to have a gluten tolerance may be genuine, but celiac is absolutely real.

>> No.18111129

Clearly the entire hospital and all its staff can be paid in gratitude.

>> No.18111131

There's no point in keeping an epipen if it's not on your person.

>> No.18111676

A moron attending an ivy league school no less.

>> No.18111689


>> No.18112339

I just went down a rabbit hole to find out and while there are a few theories, including >>18103284 Fauci did standardize food allergy test in early 2017, RAST (antibody test) was invented in 1978 and widely used by 1983. Another theory for the rise is due to immigration. Children in less developed countries are exposed to pathogens early on in life, but if their children grow up in a more developed country, there is a rise in peanut allergy cases. Also, a lack of vit D contributes to allergies. Basically the reason the kids are getting sick from everything is because they aren't playing outside.

>> No.18113971

>stinky white-skinned foreign invaders show up
They were literally worshipped as gods by the Aztecs when they first arrived dumbass

>> No.18113987

Imagine getting killed by a peanut lol lmao no wonder why zoomers are all trannies now

>> No.18114002

No, I don't think it was anything religious.
The dude was a war vet with head trauma.
I suspect he has had enough seizures in the past that he trusted them to wear off, and that he hated paying money just for doctors to do nothing.
I also secretly suspect that he hated his life enough that he would have been fine with dying from a seizure anyway.

>> No.18114014

Putting smoked paprika powder into a ratatouille by mistake. It completely ruined it.

>> No.18114175

happened to me too and it was strawberries as well. what's the deal with that?

>> No.18114363

It's simply that you can lose childhood allergies as you age. I've lost my pet allergies for example. When I was a kid if I pet a cat and touched my eye, the white of my eye would swell up to the point it'd overlap my iris and I could faintly see it but now nothing happens.