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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 317 KB, 1178x589, olivo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18096619 No.18096619 [Reply] [Original]

>"Just a tiny touch of olive oil."

>> No.18096901
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>> No.18096904
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>> No.18097036

I prefer Canola oil. It works better in anything and nothing sticks. It's also fucking delicious.

>> No.18097043

>>"Just a tiny touch of olive oil."
soooo many chefs. I noticed Jamie Oliver did it back in the day on TV. I think the reason is the use of shitty bland oil or oilive oil blends in the prep of the food, so they cheat a bit by drizzling the good stuff on top at the end. Your first hint of fragrance of the richer scent and flavor with the first bite fools you.

>> No.18097045

stick to olive for general use and avocado for frying or you are putting so much poison into your body it isnt even funny. you get enough canola oil daily in the processed food you scarf down

>> No.18097085

Are you kidding? Why lie on the internet?


>> No.18097089

OP will never recover

>> No.18097227
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>> No.18097262

yeah every soul in that thread is calling your canola shilling ass a fool too.
thanks for sharing

>> No.18097344

Lol schizos don’t have those.

>> No.18097490

It's a healthy oil silly. 4chan is just troll heaven.

>> No.18097537
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you're supposed to pour it in, not drink it like a glutton. sick.

>> No.18097540

Canola oil is factory made goyslop. There is no reason to ever consume that trash.

>> No.18097551

Has literally half the saturated fat olive oil does fatty.

>> No.18097577

Saturated fat is good for you. PUFAs are bad for you.

>> No.18097650

>saturated fats are good for you
Biggest troll statement of the year

Yeah, if I want to die early from heart disease.

>> No.18097658
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are you actually not content with your own thread, that youre shilling your oils in another? you sound like some mom online who walks into every convo going "umm ok sweetie enjoy your ___ haha. did you hear about ___? did you hear about it?? haha guess youll be dealing what that, enjoy it haha.... take me back Joseph please im so lonely"

>> No.18097680

based cathie dabbing on mold eaters

>> No.18097685

blue cheese is kino

>> No.18097692
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The fact that you think this is a troll statement is testament to how unbelievably brainwashed you are.

>> No.18097704

It has mold in it.

>> No.18097712
File: 94 KB, 307x300, otis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are we even arguing with this retard anymore?
best case scenario hes trolling
at worst hes a literal NPC and maybe a shill here to advertise us industry-waste oils, and were not going to be able to change his mind or any other normie tourist who agrees with him
fuck it just leave it

>> No.18097716

>olive oil doesn’t come from a factory
>le forced as fuck g*yslop maymay
>schizo sneed “charts” right on cue

You either need more meds or more tinfoil.

>> No.18097724

Not all of us came here from your schizophrenic containment board. Fuck off with the “we” shit.

>> No.18097729

yknow, i think i get it now, anon is either a woman or a very effeminate man, people like them are very susceptible to a sort of "social filter" when it comes to personal belief. most of us are to a degree, sure, but they are especially sensitive to it, thats why the whole 'oooo scary consiratards' thing works so well on them, they dont wanna appear silly so they take on whatever opinion is pushed by society and they perceive to be safe and pleasant, and nominate nonbelievers as the enemy

>> No.18097728

>saturated fat bad
That's where your problem is

>> No.18097731

Yes. And that's a good thing. Fuck Cathie and her shit tier immune system

>> No.18097767

Everything about canola oil appeals to fem*ales and female-adjacent men:
>Vegeterian = good
>No spooky scary fats and cholesterol = good
>Pushed by most corporations and polite society, females are unable to question things
>Words like "lard" "beef" or "fat" sound icky yucky, and women base 50% of their decision making on what makes them look good
>The other 50% is based on what society will approve of them doing

>> No.18097781

>effeminate man on /ck/
more likely to be a 300lb slob

>> No.18097799

femininity is a state of mind, not appearances, disregard what you learned from your gay trap hentai
the modern world has become more feminine-minded, both men and women, and its for the worse
>but women are more masculine/androgynous!
you might say, but remember, thats only the case in how they look and dress, their brains have become extremely feminine
feminine qualities of compassion and emotional openness, at their most extreme, what would be considered "toxic femininity" turn into childish overemotion and weakness
a good woman is as strong as she is pleasant

>> No.18097864

>cathie is probably dead now
Good riddance

>> No.18097892

What happened after 2000?

>> No.18097897

Probably improvements in modern medicine

>> No.18097906

>schizo sneed “charts”
Can you please speak like someone who isn't trying to "fit in"?

>> No.18097911

>everyone eats normal food
>introduce new "food" that originated from an attempt to turn food industry waste into lamp and machine oil
>suddenly sickness
>"solve" the problem by selling more medication

>> No.18097947

Maybe, but I'm still not convinced.
Along with seed oils, thousands of other things have been invented over the last century and our lifestyle changed a lot. Cars or planes didn't exist before for example. Or to keep it food related, we didn't eat nowhere near as much sugar, crops didn't use artificial fertilizers, animals were grown at their own pace, plastic wasn't everywhere, people did much more physical work, and the list goes on.
Saying heart diseases are just because of seed oils sounds too good to be true.

>> No.18097971

There are obviously a huge number of variables that contribute to modern diseases. But there is some pretty overwhelming evidence that seed oils contribute at least in part to the decaying health of society at large. Watch this:

Of course you still have to exercise, get sun, get nature, avoid plastics/chemicals, avoid hormone/antibiotic tainted food etc. if you really want to be healthy. But seed oils are a big factor, and I have seen no good evidence to the contrary.

>> No.18097979
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>> No.18097990

Improvements in keeping people alive longer so that they can spend more money on healthcare. Not in keeping people healthy or curing people.

>> No.18097995
File: 595 KB, 1254x1246, bewarethemoldmenace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
