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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18096484 No.18096484 [Reply] [Original]

I only noticed how fucked up sugar actually is once I cut it out completely out of my diet. It is the ultimate consumer product. It makes you hungry faster and addicted to it. You can live so cheap and healthy without it. Everything tastes better too. It's unironically like smoking. I quit smoking so I know that addiction feeling and sugar does it to you too just not in the same intervals.

>> No.18096501

You sound fat. Only lardfucks complain about struggling with sugar.

>> No.18096505

you sound like you are projecting dear esl tard. Nowhere did I say I'm struggling with it.

>> No.18096509

The fact you are bitching about it so much makes it obvious you are. Those of us that are normal human size don't even think about sugar because sugary stuff is something only eaten on rare occasion for dessert and such. It's not normal to be stuffing your fat fucking face with junk food and ice cream every single day like the obese retard you are.

>> No.18096513

wow you are mad for being called out huh? I'm saying that it's unhealthy and addicting and you are projecting you fatness onto this thread. This is what I mean. You are so fat because of sugar you have to defend it even on the internet. Get help you mentally ill pathetic loser lol

>> No.18096518

I actually didn't read all of you fattysperging before but
>sugary stuff is something only eaten on rare occasion for dessert and such.
lmao you are actually retarded as fuck. Like a legit brainlet. Leave the thread

>> No.18096585

>I'm saying that it's unhealthy and addicting
Indeed, and that's why it's obvious you're a lardfuck. Normal sized humans don't think of it as addicting because we rarely eat anything without an excessive amount of sugar.

>> No.18096588
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Kek lardy is mad

>> No.18096590

>Posters: 2
>Getting so mad about OP that he had to respond to the same reply twice