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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18094349 No.18094349 [Reply] [Original]

>Next, rest in the fridge overn-

Seriously, no. Why should I tolerate this? If I waste my time on your shitty recipe AND IT DOESN'T EVEN RESULT IN DINNER what kind of idiot am I? I'm not going to make your banana potroast surprise boomerslop PLUS an actual meal for tonight's consumption. Kill yourself.

>> No.18094354

its called delayed gratification and its healthy

>> No.18094358

It's called instant satisfaction and it has risks and pitfalls.

>> No.18094359
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I have -never- seen any recipe suggest letting a cooked meal rest in the fridge overnight. Any examples of this? Explanations?

>> No.18094362

Aw sweet, 404 guy is an impatient retardc while cooking!

>> No.18094363
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you're supposed to read the recipes all the way through before starting.

>> No.18094364
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>> No.18094369

Brines off the top of my head.
But I don't think that counts as cooked, though it's often boiled and cooled before soaking the meat overnight

>> No.18094371

i slow cook ribs and rest them overnight in the fridge so that fat recoagulates and then theyre the perfect texture after a quick sear on the grill the next day

>> No.18094372

Ain't nobody got time for that.

>> No.18094373

Makes sense you'd be too retarded to understand the passage of time.

If the recipe requires resting overnight AT ANY POINT it goes straight into the garbage. Invent a better recipe next time, moron.

>> No.18094374

From the top of my mind there is this banana potroast surprise boomerslop recipe that I've seen mentioned somewhere.

>> No.18094377

Just make it on a day where you're having leftovers.

>> No.18094381

No, the only good part about leftovers is I don't have to cook or wash dishes.

>> No.18094387

>Make Ragu Bolognese
>Make a huge amount
>Put it in the fridge overnight
>Suddenly tastes 10x better

Meat stews tend to be amazing after a night in the fridge. Yeah you can eat it right away but get's even better the next.

>> No.18094414

Fine. If it's ready tonight but *better* tomorrow then okay. But I'm not going to make dinner twice in one night just so I can eat your grandmother's traditional phimosis stew tomorrow, not my fault your granny was a retard slut.

>> No.18094458

I like the pinache. Give that granny hell.

>> No.18094716

Puddin' Pops.

>> No.18094786

Bold of you to assume he has the mental capacity for that

>> No.18094818

I can't tell if you're legitimately stupid and upset or just making a mountain out of a molehill for attention. Any insights OP?

>> No.18096408

Some recipes need to rest like that since ingredients stabilize and\or "ferment"
But actually i don't understand what the real deal is:
-You have to "waste time", sooner or later
-How much time you lose? An hour? you're learning shit nigga, Mens sana in motherfucking corpore sana

in your fridge you can do it for pizza and bread dough, for a delayed cooking (and possibly a solwer rise, i don't know so much about that), for sauces, it stabilize ingredients or make meat\vegetables drop waters inside them (salt does it) to make it tastier and less bitter.
There's a lot of reasons. Even some desserts will improve

who the fuck skips a dinner for making the next day dinner, go make a sandwich or a salad
go for a takeaway, wtf