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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18088478 No.18088478 [Reply] [Original]

Welp /ck/, it's been awhile. I'm in a new house now with a smaller kitchen but life is good. It's a cold dreary winter sunday in upside-down land so we're making beef soup! I grew up on this shit.

You will need:
>beef chuck or other stewmeat cut
>2-3 cans of whole peeled tomatoes
>small pasta of choice, I prefer ditalini but didn't make it to the ditalini store this week, so orecchiette it is
>2 coarsely chopped onions
>3-4 finely chopped celery stalks WITH the leaves
>a handful of barley or for today a barley mix with various grains and legumes
>beef stock
>leafy greens, my all time favourite for this soup is rocket/arugula, today I'm going with spinach.
>dried onion flakes
>ccouple bay leafs
>white OR red wine

>> No.18088482
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first thing is to get the broth started
>6 cups of water
>add your stock pot or cubes It's Up To You™
>handful of peppercorns
>healthy pinch or two of the dried onion
>bay leafs

>> No.18088484
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get a heavy skillet warming. I usually use my cast iron for this but decided to see how my non-stick skillet performs with the induction hob

>> No.18088486

Oh my fucking god kill yourself this isn't reddit

>> No.18088487
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While we're waiting for things to get to temperature crush those tomatoes a bit. I like lots of awkwardly sized chunks so I prefer to do this rather than buy crushed.

>> No.18088491
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broth is ready so time to start searing

>> No.18088494
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beef, in

this will have to be done in 3-4 batches but is very quick as the induction gets so hot

>> No.18088498

once all your beef is browned get it into the pot and reduce to medium-low. you want a light simmer only, a rolling boil will dry you meat out before it gets tender

>> No.18088499
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>> No.18088501

you've already failed. the stew would be so much better if you just cooked the meat inside the water

>> No.18088503

Nobody fucking cares retard

>> No.18088504

Based cook along

>> No.18088505
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don't forget to get your barely in now that it's boiling. if you put it in cold it'll clump and stick to the bottom, not good

>> No.18088509
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now get your onions and celery in the hot skille and toast them up awhile.

nobody likes the texture of celery so be sure you chop it up finely. it adds so much flavour but you don't want anything knowing they're eating celery

>> No.18088512

Good thread anon. Ignore the fags

>> No.18088514
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once they've had some time to toast, add some wine to deglaze all the beef and veg goodies crisped to the surface. going with white today, red works too!

>> No.18088516
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make sure you reduce it thoroughly to get the booze off it. the skillet surface should be nice an clean now

>> No.18088521
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get all that good stuff in the pot!

>> No.18088522

>praising yourself via samefag
Fucking pathetic.

>> No.18088525
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add the tomatoes

>> No.18088532
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now that's everything, but now it has to simmer until the meat is tender, about 2-3 hours

>> No.18088533


>> No.18088535
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keep an eye on it and stir regularly, the barley likes to stick to the bottom if you let it

>> No.18088538
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make a cup of tea and enjoy the sound of the rain on the roof and get cozy

>> No.18088543
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about 2.5 hours and the beef is tender but not dried out yet! I've added water along the way as the barley and evaporation thickened the soup. heat off. and add your greens. I chop my greens because I hate when the stems get tangled around my spoon. for kale you want to add it about 30mins sooner to really get it tender. most greens will just wilt into the soup at the end.

>> No.18088545

rare pepe

>> No.18088548
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>> No.18088549
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get your pasta and your appetite ready!

>> No.18088553
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>> No.18088555
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aand ƒin


>> No.18088557

Comfy cook along anon. ty

>> No.18088567

Don't thank yourself you fucking moron it's sad. The IP count hasn't changed, you're literally talking to yourself while I sit here and make fun of you.

>> No.18088569

Thanks anon, glad you enjoyed

>> No.18088588


>> No.18088600

Fuck off, cook-a-longs rule.

>> No.18088637

I don't know why you cooked this if you weren't trying to sear it, otherwise soup looks good.

>> No.18088643

Well done cunt

>> No.18088658
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I did sear it, just not on all sides. i just let it sit a minute or two with the induction on 2kW and then dump it into the broth. the photo just doesn't capture the bottom sides. also I usually use cast iron, the steel skillet is a lot more gentle than I'm used to

>> No.18089100


>> No.18089673

Interesting, I didn't really think it could get cold in Australia. Soup looks perfect for warming up.

>> No.18089777

It can get cold here! Not as cold as where you're from, but it can dip below
freezing at night.

>> No.18089820


im jelly

>> No.18089824


>> No.18089971

beef into boiling water?
is this chili?
nice rug and sound system. is that where the tantra hoes massage your balls?
i would have greened the specific serving bowl so you can store the rest without the greens going bad. looks like very spinachy kale.

very weird soup. hope it tastes good.

>> No.18090627

doesn't look seared, looks gray.

>> No.18090681

Why not sauteed the veggies before adding the liquid?

>> No.18090683
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most of the pieces got a pretty good sear on them in the end, I just didn't get a good shot. plus more importantly there was a nice heavy fond left in the pan which deglazed and went into the soop with the veggies

>> No.18090746

next time brown it up homes, dust that shit in flour if you gotta.

>> No.18090781

Browned on just one side? Why?

>> No.18090805

Disgusting. Please put that frog plush in a large jar and shit on it until it's full

>> No.18090888

Not OP but does it make a great difference when you're going to be stewing the things for hours? You're only doing it to produce some browned flavours. Searing one side really well seems equivalent to searing all sides just okay and way less messing about.

>> No.18090932

it was fine, normally I use my cast iron like I said but I’m still happy with the results

>> No.18090952

That doesn't sound right. 1 = 6?
To me it's kinda obvious that the more browned sides you have the more intense the flavor will be

>> No.18090985

I wasn’t too fussed about it, one risk to overheating the meat by cooking all sides is it gets tough. With the cast iron I get it super hot and sear for like 5 seconds and then into the broth it goes

>> No.18091002

I get I sorta hate it. I hate really tough meat at least

>> No.18091054

Way too much fucking sodium.

>> No.18091115

Why don't you just do these in the pot before starting the broth?

>> No.18091122

Maybe he likes gnawing on stupidly tough chunks of meat like the retarded donkey he is.

>> No.18091123

Anon that’s 8 cups worth of stock pots for like 10 cups of liquid

>> No.18091134

I meant to say I sorta get it, not hate it btw

>> No.18091203

Yeah I figured that

>> No.18091305

You are the cancer that is killing /ck/

>> No.18091323

soup is the best meal to make at home, so comfy

>> No.18091779

nice looking meal op

>> No.18091795

Unfortunately I had to throw it away because it was too hard to chew.

>> No.18091845

>an actual discussion on cooking

>> No.18091909

hey you're not me

sorry anon

>> No.18092114
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always twice as good the second day

>> No.18093624

Where is the tomato ketchup?

>> No.18093708

That doesn't look half bad, well done anon.

>> No.18094478

Yeah no one cares you made a McBurger thread again buttfucking faggoty ass zoomzoom

>> No.18094876

Thanks anon. And I’ve got about 2L frozen for whenever I get covid again or whatever

>> No.18094896

Weird shells but looks good, would eat

>> No.18095704

They’re little ears ṯbh

>> No.18095779

I'm going to kill you with a rock

>> No.18096704

Degrees??? Time?

>> No.18096727
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most portable induction cooktops max out at 2kW. I find that 800W-1kW simulates the hottest most home gas or electric stoves get (I've used many of both), the 2kW is hot enough to damage non-stick if it isn't full of food, and with my cast iron it completely vaporizes the seasoning layer in a few seconds.

I use it almost exclusively for searing beef, it takes like 4 seconds to crisp the beef on each side BUT
1. the house gets smokey as fuck so I bought an industrial fan to ventilate
2. you will have to re-season your cast iron kind of from scratch again but it doesn't matter, it's there to be used and abused and restored and used again

note: the induction isn't as effective with a steel-bottom non-stick like I used this time. should have let it heat longer but live and learn. next time I'll just use the cast iron again

>pic is me searing beef for this recipe in my old house before I bought the $$ industrial floor fan

>> No.18096917

Comfy thread OP, I like it.
That doesn't make much sense though.

>> No.18096929

I wish I'd gotten a pic, after the last round of beef there was a huge crusty mat of brown beef fond stuck in the pan before I drumped the vedgies in. Yes it def would have just scraped out but was nicer to steam it out with the veg and wine. Plus a properly reduced white wine adds soooo much flavour.

So call it what you will, it was still the right thing to do.

And thanks anon it was a comfy day

>> No.18097946

>You're only doing it to produce some browned flavours.
no, searing also prevents the meat from drying out and becoming chewy in the stew

>> No.18097954

It's not a stew, it's a soup. It won't dry in water.

>> No.18097965

wow two wrong facts for the price of one, thanks

>> No.18098062

How, by sealing in the juices?

>> No.18098131

it forms a crust that prevents water flowing out by osmosis

>> No.18098249

Interesting theory.

>> No.18098322

This is a myth. Water molecules are much smaller than the connective tissue in steak, allowing them to escape.

>> No.18098350

>osmosis is a myth
this isn't /sci/

>> No.18098379

The post said it prevents water flowing out, which is untrue. This is a good thing though, if water can escape then it means water can get in too (osmosis). The sear definitely dries it out a little bit (the noise searing makes is water evaporating) but is worth it for the flavor and texture, and any water that does escape is replaced with the water in the stew or braise or whatever.

>> No.18098682

OP here. My understanding (think I may have gotten this from Alton Brown but not quite sure) is that searing the meat too long causes it to cook through at too high a temp/too quickly, which causes tough meat to seize up and stay tough. Searing it quickly and getting it into simmering (not boiling) water right away stops this from happening. I find if I boil too aggressively the meat stays tough and gets dry, simmering low for 2-3 hours and usually reaches a magical point where suddenly it gets tender and you can chew it with just your tongue if you wanted to. The problem seems to be exposing the meat to too high of heat, so you need a gentle touch when searing to get some caramelization but keep the meat from cooking