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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18080791 No.18080791 [Reply] [Original]

Why are mukbangers so obnoxious?

>> No.18080793

because the entire concept of a mukbang is obnoxious

>> No.18080794

Gets more clicks the more they act like retards.

>> No.18080796

Who is this kid? He looks familiar

>> No.18080801

Because people who eat loudly are usually obnoxious.

>> No.18080809
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his mcdonalds mukbangs blew up a while back but he fell off and resorted to lower hanging fruit

>> No.18080872

It's like watching someone eat in real life. No one wants to see that.

>> No.18081189
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For me, it's 'cado

>> No.18081202

What's 'cado?

>> No.18081214
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>> No.18081244

Nikocado’s ancestor

>> No.18081253
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>> No.18081438

>the royal pulse checker is here to make sure ye not dead, m'lord

>> No.18081991
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>> No.18082095

Because being an Internet attention whore wasn't enough, they have to be disgusting gluttons as well.

>> No.18082474
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>> No.18082543

Cados balls fit in yo mouth?

>> No.18082638

Almost all "content creators" are obnoxious

>> No.18082645

Why did you post about it here if you hate it?

>> No.18082671

first post best post

>> No.18082931

This is the weirdest shit that is on youtube how can people watch it?
Do White people watch these or is this like an Asian trend?

>> No.18082985

this he is the only one that use the mukbang genre for something else, higher. hope he is good now that ge stopped posting anything

>> No.18082999

it was an asian trend, mukbang is a korean word.
then american young women started doing it
then Nikocado Avocado was the first american man to do it and he subverted the mukbang forat by adding social commentary and theatre
now OP look like some zoomer started doing it and it doesnt surprise me

>> No.18083002

>oh boy I want to watch 45 minutes of someone chewing and smacking their lips I sure do love those soudns
If you watch mukbang or asmr in general you are irredeemable.

>> No.18083030

mukbang is so gross. But it is so popular. Why do people like it?

>> No.18083081

because you touch yourself at night

>> No.18083085

Are you excited to start 8th grade this fall?

>> No.18083087


>> No.18083095

sick burn, really got me in the 8th grade disorder

>> No.18083099

>But it is so popular

>> No.18083105

i mean, i'm sorry, i assumed i was talking to an adult man. If you're actually a child then yeah, that was wrong of me to say. Kind of assume people keep their actual children off this website.

>> No.18083117

actually you know what? I changed my mind, i probably wouldn't say that to an actual adult man neither. But come on. Mukbang is all about someone caring about someone that's starving and doing anything they can to bring that person joy through food <3 imo it's a pure form of charity and love for kids that otherwise might not have had a chance ;/ too many unfit parents in this world, too many starving kids. No equal playingfield to hunt on.

>> No.18083125

I am willing to pay dozens of dollars to see what a mukbangers blood test looks like. Ain’t no fucking way their hdl is better than mine

>> No.18083128

happiness and joy can do amazing things for your health anon (:

>> No.18084748
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>> No.18084759

is he okay bros...

>> No.18084778

Watching skinny people eat it stops anorexia and fear of gaining weight

Watching fat people eat it serves as a warning which motivates you to gym and eat healthy.

It’s therapy without paying thousands of dollars

>> No.18085988


>> No.18085994

haha goteeem

>> No.18085998
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>> No.18086005

Why would you watch one of these "mukbangs" to begin with? I can't see any appeal in watching someone eat. Makes me feel sick thinking about it.

>> No.18086238

Mukbang isn't asmr at all and asmr is cool

>> No.18086260

They get paid doing what I love. I wish I could be a mukbanger, but I simply have a face for radio and a voice for print.

>> No.18086288
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>> No.18086312

cool story, loser

>> No.18086929

yet another white peepoo post
where the fuck did you come from

>> No.18087113
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Lmao. This bitch has no shame.
>discussing how someone was horribly murdered, continues gorging/binge eating
>trend took off, literally became her personality and now this is all she does, crime and mukbang
Why do women do this? I also see women doing makeup and commentating over how people were killed.

>> No.18087123

I cannot imagine seeing someone who murdered my family member in a thumbnail alongside some ho and her binge eating. Ahahah these people have no hope

>> No.18087138
File: 2.09 MB, 2790x1517, screenshot-www.youtube.com-2022.07.09-20_23_13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this all mukbang is?

>> No.18087164

Don't those fries become soggy and cold? Actually I ask this myself with most things these people eat on mass.

>> No.18087201

Is that one of those sleep apnea machines that help people breath at night because they've gotten so fucking fat they can't get air? It surprises me no one has told his insurance company that he's binge eating while wearing one. Disgusting fuck.

>> No.18087204

Remember, they're not eating because they enjoy it.

>> No.18087210
File: 2.15 MB, 1424x1068, trump feast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of picrel
either he has warmers or doesnt mind eating cold, soggy food
occasionally i'll throw fries in a toaster to heat them but i dont bother reheating the entree because i dont like warm veggies on burgers

>> No.18087228

I'm sure he has enough money to pay medical bills directly if he wants to.

>> No.18087229

Some of the food was in chafing dishes, but the burgers and salads were out. He thought that burgers and pizza were what young athletes would want, and paid for it out of pocket as there was a government shutdown due to budget and no kitchen staff. Also, if you've ever worked in a banquet kitchen you'd know you can't just set shit up same day. It's not a magical fucking pantry with infinite staff.

>> No.18087309
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>> No.18088391

Good, now show your desktop setup.

>> No.18088468

>why do clout chasing women do this

>> No.18088570

most of the society cant do that either, thats why it doesnt bother them

>> No.18088624

how the fuck did mukbang go from
>korean culture thing because they ALWAYS eat together with other people, so korean zoomers would watch someone eating food online so they wouldnt feel lonely
>ASMR sluts gorging themselves on absolutely stupid amounts of 25,000kcals worth of food because "OMG SO MUCH/SPICY FOOD AND SHE"S FUKKEN HOT BROS"

>> No.18088625

literally anyone can just buy one online for $1.5k, which considering you retards are giving him 3mil views per video he probably makes 10x that a day

>> No.18088660

I can't wait to watch the blogs of these fat retards suffering in a bariatric hospital bed slowly dying

>> No.18088820

thanks Max

>> No.18088826

what's a muckbanger lmao? stop living in a poltard bubble, nobody in the real world knows about that sort of shit.

>> No.18089020 [DELETED] 

You are suffering in 4channel and slowly dying, just like everyone.

>> No.18089041

You are a fat retard suffering in 4channel and slowly dying, just like everyone.

>> No.18089093

>im this and you are this
whats your problem xir?

>> No.18089125
File: 19 KB, 262x236, 1654770683116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what drives people to watch this shit?

>> No.18089166

sexual fetish
not me though im normal i just like Femboys and girly cocks

>> No.18089173

Carnivals don't come around anymore.

>> No.18089225

Because they went the asmr route, increased their mic vol, introduced excessive eating of large amounts of food to non-competitive eaters, and exaggerates their smacking and reactions when before it was just eating and interacting with people online as a way bond over a meal (probably during a break if it was a livestream) even if everyone wasn't eating or eating the same thing. Food reviewing could also be a part of it if they wanted to help give restaurants some better live publicity for the ones that stream from the restaurant rather than takeaway.
The better ones were the ones where they also included the prep and cooking as an entire show.

It is also a thing that happens to people who are either lonely or their sex drive/life has taken a dive even in relationships. Sex becomes less of a thing and (if it isn't a different activity that replaces the dopamine hit) food is easily the 2nd thing humans get pleasure from.

>asmr is cool
No, it's not and the world should hate most of you autistic tards.

>> No.18090729

>t. can't get tingles
sad. i bet you have Aphantasia too, lmao

>> No.18091871


>> No.18092131

it started out as way for lonely wageslaves to have a kind of roleplay dinner together. People who just wanted some simple companionship together would stream having meals together. Think of those really old 2004ish images of dudes taking pictures eating food with their anime figurines. The power of streaming let you do it FOR REALSIES, and as lonely people fueled each others addictions the globalist realized this was a trend that could make money. A few years later you have clowns making absolute asses of themselves by eating retarded in shit and acting a fool. When the black rock money started flowing in you get faggots like Fatso Avocado pushing social justice bullshit and making a living killing himself with goyslop.

>> No.18092146

Imagine being too autistic to appreciate the primal delight of ASMR.

>> No.18092237

Why do birds fly? Why do fish swim? Why is OP consistently a faggot?

>> No.18093682
