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18068134 No.18068134 [Reply] [Original]

What's the shittiest malt liquor you can buy? What's the prefered brand of the African-American community?

>> No.18068149

is malt liquor even still a thing?
I never see it anymore

>> No.18068161

They sell steel reserve at walmart. That's probably what I'll end up going for.

>> No.18068170

Billy Dee Williams says King Cobra and Lando Calrissian would never lie to me

>> No.18068181

Nigga, that was colt 45.

>> No.18068190

check your local gas station(s)

>> No.18068435

What the fuck is malt liquor?

>> No.18068443

Camo probably but there's a lot of shitty malt liquor so really anything that's not from one of the major brands will likely suck hardcore.
Even the major brands can suck if you get a bad batch, quality control is pretty bad.
It's a shame really, if more of a shit was given when brewing old english I'd actually be a decent strong lager thing.

>> No.18068455

Yes. Just go to your local liquor store and you'll see it

>> No.18068468

Objectively the worst malt liquor goes down easier than any hard liquor
Shut up or pony up beer queers

>> No.18068778

Axe Head or Hurricane
t. Steel Reserve enjoyer

>> No.18069303

Camo is the worst by far. Blacks don't really buy malt liquor--at least the ones in my town didn't when I worked at the liquor store. They tend to buy Remy Martin and Hennessy. White guys in their early 20s and methheads that paid solely in change buy malt liquor.

>> No.18069324
File: 99 KB, 406x800, FF23A441-E33A-42B2-87A1-0E76BD342B1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst I've tried, never drank Camo but based on the fact that it's like 10% I can guarantee it tastes very bad

>> No.18069329

cheap beer with abv >5%

>> No.18070502

The real hood negros enjoy a Hurricane or Steel Reserve.
But Steel is popular with the down and out community of every race due to being 8.1%. Whatchoo know about that?

>> No.18070564

i thought steel reserve was the worst tasting beer until i went to vegas last month and found a 10% abv tall can that was even worse. still drank the shit out of it while there since the liquor store across from my hotel sold em for cheap. i am a fan of hurricane and have grown to enjoy the taste. used to be a king cobra fan.

>> No.18070577

oya, the malt liquor in question was called earthquake. it paired nicely with hits of meth in my room and 8 cent spins on the slot machine

>> No.18070601

Malt liquor has lost a lot of shelf space to random fruity flavored malt beverages in the last five or six years. It's still around though.

1. Mickey's
2. King Cobra
3. Olde English 800
4. Colt 45
5. Colt 45 Double Malt
6. Steel Reserve
90000. St. Ides

>> No.18070606

I spilled Earthquake all over my MacBook 8 years ago and the memory still makes me so mad that I can't drink it.

>> No.18070612

Steel Reserve is a 42 now, bud.

>> No.18070643

>he wasn't prepared for that 10.0 earthquake despite it printed boldly on the can
i feel your pain. i spilt jim beam on my previous laptop keyboard. it was a sad day.

>> No.18070695

Shit, I forgot about Earthquake. Yeah, that's some foul ass shit, anon. It's the only thing worse than Camo I think.

>> No.18071203

It’s delicious and so cheap and refreshing

>> No.18071214

Based and mickeyspilled

>> No.18071283
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The shittiest is Natty Daddy. They put the name lager on there and try to pass it as one buts it's a malt liquor. I bought it buy accident thinking that I was getting the natty lemonade which at least I knew what to expect and was intending to get a strong buzz but I was more than dissapointed. It goes flat a soon as you open it.
If you're thirsty enough sure, some of it will go down but you have to make sure that you drink it like a vacuum so that bubbles don't get through because it likes to foam.

This beer makes me want to go to the capital and protest for beer purity laws. A beer should be labled exactly what it is and if it's not hops, barley and water it should be called something else besides beer.

>> No.18071300

St Ides is by far and away the best

>> No.18071310

This is actually one of the better tasting 8% malt liquors (maybe even the best tasting one). You must not have much experience with them.

>> No.18071319

This shit is beyond awful and has an aftertaste that must be what turpentine tastes like.
It's not true malt liquor though. It's a "lager-malt liquor style," beer.

>> No.18071328

It tastes pretty much like Natural Ice to me. I can't really tell much of a difference. It's definitely not good beer but it's not nearly as bad as shit like Camo, Earthquake, or some of the other shit mentioned ITT.

>> No.18071334

I have lost multiple laptops due to spilling my spit cup or beer on them.
now I walk to the other side of the room to drink and then come back to the computer

>> No.18071537

some of the most fun ive had this decade was when trashed beyond belief on six of these bad boys

>> No.18071555

Dude, I spilled a fucking bottle gatorade and vodka on my t60 and all I had to do was unplug it and leave it upside down on a towel for an hour. What garbage laptops are you buying that aren't spill-resistant?

>> No.18071665

This stuff tastes like rancid medicine. It is disgusting. Also gave me a horrific hangover.

>> No.18071680
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You posted it

>> No.18071701
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>> No.18071707

Where I live, OE is only 6% and actually tastes alright for a malt liquor. However, I heard that it's 8%+ on the west coast so I'm guessing that it tastes completely different/much worse over there.

>> No.18071714

MD tastes like a wine cooler to me. It's too sweet.

>> No.18071757

Probably thunderbird or night train

>> No.18071797

Drank a bottle of one of these while watching Street Trash for maximum immersion.

>> No.18071876

Had the watermelon once, that was enough

>> No.18072389
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>tfw destroyed my laptop by spilling steel reserve on it when i was 15
still my fav malt liquor

>> No.18072467
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Mickey's is good but it's like 5.6%, you might aa well just drink regular beer.
The grenades are fun though.
Old E is the most reliably not shit and powerful at 7.5%.
Steel reserve and hurricane can be good but the quality control is poor so you can easily get one from a bad batch.
Man, eastern old E must suck in a big way.
I heard the weird super low abv malts they make for states with gay beer laws tastes awful

>> No.18072477


Steel reserve if they still sell it. Nasty shit.

>> No.18072482
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They sell this in 1 litre cans here where I live. It's shit.

>> No.18072536
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>mfw finally look up what the fuck 'malt liquor' is and it's literally just a retarded amerishart word for beer

>> No.18072557

its weak liqour made from malt barley without hops

>> No.18072558

also hurricane

>> No.18072572

kermits trigger discipline weak

>> No.18073814

It gets the job done, but it doesn't taste like beer anymore.

>> No.18073828

jesus fucking christ
this thing tastes worse then anything from the bottom shelf shit here

>> No.18074297

West coast fag here. I've never tried the east coast version but OE 8%+ is surprisingly good.

I took a beer class in college and the professor would sometimes serve unlabeled drinks to see if we could identify styles by taste alone. He served us an unknown beer and most of the class liked it. The most popular guess was some type of Belgian style or hef. When he revealed it was malt liquor a few people called bullshit. Then he brought out the bottle of OE and the beer snobs lost their minds. They loved it blind but were so angry that it was OE and didn't believe the professor. The beer snobs starting arguing and he laughed at them. The lesson was to judge things for their own sake and ignore preconceived notions of what is considered "good" beer. Next week the beer snobs were still angry and the rest of us were happy to find a cheap delicious way to get wasted.

>> No.18075865
File: 155 KB, 283x799, fouro02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find this? I have tried all the liquor stores in my town, even the ones with the steel bars on the door and the lexan box around the cashier.

>> No.18075882

It was hot, on the spot, so I jetted at the block
And I asked for St. Ide's, I could tell by the dot
On the back he rebuilt it... not that charcoal filtered
Ice cold bottle tilted... to my cup he spilt it
AAAAAAAAAAH!!! ST. IDES! mmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.18075917

I always thought the MD stood for mad dog

>> No.18076009

It does, unofficially

>> No.18076012
File: 244 KB, 1600x900, l-intro-1632324905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boonesbros get in here!

>> No.18076062

It's Mogden David or some shit, the wine's inventor, but everyone calls it "Mad Dog 20/20."

>> No.18076093

For me? it's the snow creek berry

>> No.18076301

The ol' MD 2020. Takes me back to the early 90s when we used to boost that from convenience stores.

>> No.18076368
File: 656 KB, 1440x2118, vrjf_web_fa_beer-glass-1440x_comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink this bad boy right here.

9.5% ABV, and it kind of tastes like orange juice.

I then flush it down with a second, more conventional tallboy like a Sapporo or PBR.

>> No.18076372

What in dickballs is with that filename?

>> No.18076393

The shittiest malt liquor is Stack. I do not know the answer to your second question.

>> No.18076414

IPAs suck so much dick. Yuck!

>> No.18076416

this looks radioactive, radioactive.

>> No.18076441
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, 580833E1-ED33-44CE-ACBD-FED15FF7F7FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the prefered brand of the African-American community?
All malt liquor brands are preferred in the African American community

>> No.18076444
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If I wanted to get drunk on cheap shitty premix I'd get wild boar. Gives me the runs though.

>> No.18076445

I like these too, but I prefer the 9% Imperial IPA, this one is just a little too sweet for me
I would usually agree, but these are actually particularly good, also on the cheaper end

>> No.18076466

For me it's strawberry

>> No.18077561
File: 5 KB, 225x225, hurricane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all shitty tasting, but Hurricane is the least shitty tasting.

>> No.18077569

That's a nice story and I believe it. OP is a surprisingly decent beer for the price.

>> No.18077571

**OE I meant to type but I guess OP would work too since that's what he posted

>> No.18077574

For me it's bud ice

>> No.18078356

Zoomers should check each other for drinking that in public, That's even worse than drinking Smirnoff Ice. That's shit you day drink with at best.

>> No.18078374

I'm pretty sure that the only zoomers that drink that are teenage girls.

>> No.18078386


>> No.18078468

Yeah, I drank a bottle of the grape flavor once. No hangover though.

>> No.18078481
File: 81 KB, 640x640, 213172011_0_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those of us in the uk, the discerning cunt will drink the gold label barley wine

also super tennants and special brew contend for the title but nothing beats gold label really

has a very rich, treacley taste, a surpisingly thick texture, its almost like a can of alcoholic bovril really

>> No.18078587

Not according to this thread.