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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18066840 No.18066840 [Reply] [Original]

Have you made any of The Gooses recipes?

>> No.18066877

His shepherds pie recipe was great. One problem I have with his stuff however is that it is almost always too sweet.

>> No.18066952

Do you use white wine? He seems to have a major sweet tooth. Sugar and acid, he cranks it up to 11 in all his recipes.

>> No.18066959

The pizza I make is inspired by several YTbers. I like to fry the bottom a little in the pan before putting it in the oven. I think I got it from one of Ragusoyas vids

>> No.18067003

I tried for a few but it made the sweetness worse. You have to cut way back on sweet/vinegar in most of his things yeah.

>> No.18067012

yeah, his pan pizza videos

>> No.18067050

Fuck off spamming this clickbait garbage.

>> No.18067179

>beautiful, loving loyal wife
>nice fancy house
>wildly successful YouTube career with fans in the hundreds of thousands
>world class tier cooking skills
Is /ck/ ready to admit that CHADguesa is, dare I say, our guy?

>> No.18067190

>crazy sanpaku eyes
>crippling insecurity

>> No.18067637

jesus christ shut the fuck up adam you suck so fucking hard i hope your shitty kids get molested. no one here likes you

>> No.18067659

I tried the deboned turkey and was really proud of myself when I finally got it all taken apart. Then I remembered that you can buy the pieces separately and avoid all the work.

>> No.18068118

I don't usually follow any of his recipes to the letter, because his flavors aren't really balanced well. His dishes are adapted to his [Western] palette, so they'll usually have too much acid, sweetness, or fat to appreciate any of the ingredients individually. However, his home-cooking adaptations are usually good. Some are just plain stupid though; use your own brain.

>> No.18068138

His manigott recipe is a one way ticket to flavortown. Idiot proof, too.

>> No.18068812

Hes a soyboy

>> No.18068814

stop shilling your channel here adam

>> No.18069138

All the dinners I've tried I've loved.
All the desserts I've tried I've hated.

>> No.18069144

Oh my fucking god plz tell me this is photoshopped I refuse to believe an actual human being looks like this

>> No.18069156

oh that's him all right. sam seder lookin ass boy

>> No.18069162

>Sam Seder
Holy shit the nightmare fuel keeps coming, there is no end to my suffering

>> No.18069232

Bolognese, pizza, roast chicken dinner, creme brulee, coq au vin, pancakes, sheperds pie, pad thai, shakshuka, roast turkey, cream of mushroom soup, and probably a couple more.
Zero complains and i like how he optimises recipes for home cooks i.e. minimising pots you have to wash etc, but the guy is kind of annoying

>> No.18069271

i agree, that's one i made of his and i've started making spins on it from time to time. i had to stop watching his shit though because he's an insufferable prick

>> No.18069289
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>Why I prep the BULL, NOT my gf

>> No.18069355


>> No.18069628

why cant people enjoy food without being so fucking weird about it, if you watch foodtubers, foodchannel, foodies,mukbang whatever the fuck that is related to food as your primary source of entertainment, you're a fucking specimen, disgusting shits that probably need medication

>> No.18069687

His bangers n mash recipe is my new favourite meal. I like that he keeps stuff simple

>> No.18069715
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>primary source of entertainment
Nigga, who the fucc said any of that shit?

>> No.18069727

fucking retard seasons the cutting board. everyone knows you need to season the fork

>> No.18070683

his videos tend to go one of two ways, either simplifying hard or overcomplicating to fuck. both of these types of adam videos can be good or terrible.

>> No.18070707

Ok let me get this straight, does this faggot actually browse this board and shill his videos?

>> No.18070715 [DELETED] 

Best pizza I've ever tasted

>> No.18070727
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all memeing aside, yes

>> No.18070736

>aaaaahhhhh science. i love science so much i have to listen to the experts. science is objective truth and i worship it. i raise my retarded children on science. science is the answer to all problems. just listen to the experts. thinking is so hard.
why is he so insufferably and offensively retarded

>> No.18072130

His recipes are all kinda meh, but his 101 and History/Theory Videos are pretty good, but that's the only thing I'll ever admit liking about him, his personality is just the worst
And if you watch him you need to get really good at predicting and skipping add

>> No.18072138

funnily enough I've made his christmas goose recipe the last two years. It's become a new tradition.

>> No.18072310

Yeah I did his wife a number of times
Gotta admire his prep work though

>> No.18072848

You will never be Chef Jonh from foodwishesdotcom

>> No.18072885

What's unique about it?

>> No.18072931

his coq au vin, pretty good
also got from him the no blowtorch method of making caramel for creme brulee. i've got a blowtorch but my parents don't have one so i use it
also thought it was clever he used the stumps of mushrooms to give some extra flavor to broth or cooking water
someone i know tried his bread pizza meme recipe, said it was alright
he does a good job of explaining but more often than not the recipes he actually presents, i'm not interested in.

>> No.18073012
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he makes all the bay leaves do nothing and not my problem threads

>> No.18073020

I made his coffee cake and it was pretty damn good, and also his burger patty video helped me go from mediocre meatball burger to grade A burger.

>> No.18073783

No because I can do better and his shit is for lazy cooks that don't want to make good food.

>> No.18074145
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>> No.18074635
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>> No.18075773

based. people are finally realizing en masse the fact that he molests his kids

>> No.18076725
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pic related is essentially adam

>> No.18076753

>His bangers n mash recipe
I wouldn't exactly call it his. The only thing remotely unique is using a cornflour slurry instead of flour. I would also like to mention he bought actual bangers from a butcher instead of getting a real sausage (for me it's the humble Cumberland). I can't tell if this is because he's retarded or if it's because Americans think bangers are just what we call sausages. They're not, bangers are specially cheap, high water content sausages that burst open when you cook them.

>> No.18076800

hi adam *poos in your mouth and rapes your wife in minecraft*

>> No.18076818

What the fuck? No of course not.
Just look at him.