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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 102 KB, 828x826, sneed oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18049226 No.18049226 [Reply] [Original]

Just a coincidence innit

>> No.18049253

China needs that beef tallow and they'll pay more for it.

>> No.18049297

Burgers don't eat that much fries that they would be so much affected by this change r-right?

>> No.18049321
File: 250 KB, 848x678, 2-Figure1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just a coincidence innit
Yes. It's not a mystery why people get fat. They eat too many calories.
>Increased energy intake appears to be more than sufficient to explain weight gain in the US population. A reversal of the increase in energy intake of ≈2000 kJ/d (500 kcal/d) for adults and of 1500 kJ/d (350 kcal/d) for children would be needed for a reversal to the mean body weights of the 1970s.

>> No.18049326

People would get just as fat from fries cooked in tallow. The issue is people eat a lot more and larger portions than back in the 90s. Fast food restaurants are also far more numerous now.

>> No.18049400

The oil of the plant fuels the American.

>> No.18049415

Wonder what will be the next retarded crusade of /ck/ after vegetable oils

>> No.18049469

There is no next crusade
Read the ingredients some time the culprits are seed oils and excess sugar

>> No.18049981

If eating McDonalds is a staple of your diet, then you deserve to be fat, you poor, dumb, fat fuck

>> No.18050024

the colorado of today would have been the most obese state in the union of 1990.
i hate fat people so much it's unreal

>> No.18050028

yes, the entire obesity crisis has been single handily caused by one restaurant chain changing the ingredients in one of their dishes

>> No.18050041

You can’t argue with science

>> No.18050055

sneed oil derangement syndrome

>> No.18050062

The culprit is people eating too many calories. Don't know why it's so popular to come up with every random alternative explanation imaginable instead of simply acknowledging the really obvious one everyone's been aware of since forever.

>> No.18050081

I'm sure it has nothing to do with people in america eating more fatty junk food in general.

>> No.18050127

McDonalds seems healthy compared to the kind of shit I eat at home

>> No.18051047

It's a lot of factors. This is probably one of them. Other things would be portion sizes from mcdonalds and every other restaurant and the scummy practice of making their underpaid employees push more food on you.
There's more poor people and people that don't have time to cook their own meals so people eat out or they buy prepared foods.
Education. They teach it to kids but not in a way everyone gets it. They focus on teaching obedience and memorization. Sure that helps them pass tests a week later but for most people that information comes and goes as soon as they have to learn the next huge load of information.
Or they end up working at mcdonalds to survive and are too mentally tired to realize they probably learned in history class how they could strike against being exploited.
In short, shit's fucked, senpai.

>> No.18051055

Heart disease was literally non existent before the introduction of industrial sneed oil.

>> No.18051059

or like me as a child who was forced to eat unseasoned everything or get beat so I hated "real" food and survived on fast food and snacks when I left home. 10 years later I've lost half my teeth and my digestive system is fucked though I never gained much weight, I didn't eat a lot I just ate like shit. I also didn't give a shit about my health and was pretty passively trying to die anyway, and I think a lot more people that would admit it are walking around in the same state. That's why you see so many people that seem to not give a shit, drive like idiots, eat like idiots, drink like idiots, etc.

>> No.18051065
File: 77 KB, 940x625, buy-em-by-the-bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> more
> larger portions

>> No.18051066

Adam already debunked this shit guys

>> No.18051075

ok, I chuckled, can you provide facts now?

>> No.18051101

The ability to properly diagnose heart disease in the average hospital didn't exist prior to the 20th century.

>> No.18051103 [DELETED] 
File: 449 KB, 497x288, us obesity gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US has been gradually getting fatter every decade since the 70s. it didn't accelerate or slow down much, it was a pretty steady increase of about 10% every decade

>> No.18051109
File: 449 KB, 497x288, us obesity gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US has been gradually getting fatter every decade since the 80s. it didn't accelerate or slow down much, it was a pretty steady increase of about 10% every decade

>> No.18051116

correlation vs causation you fucking idiot did you even go to school
do you even know to look at data and actually gather some fucking nuance from it
jesus christ learn how to think for yourself
people arent gonna be so willing to point out the basics for you especially if it just seems like bad bait try again next time

>> No.18051120

that graph isn't controlled by date, it's just a scatter plot of caloric intake and weight
Just finding points that line up with the averages of two different datasets isn't proof of anything

>inb4 click the link and read the entire paper
not clicking and not reading, see if /fit/ likes it

>> No.18051316

The burgers aren't why everyone is obese. It's the 32oz high fructose corn syrup sodas with every meal. That's 90% of the calories in any meal. The burgers are just soy filler and preservatives

>> No.18051633

This. My mom was a McWagie in the 70's and she said the "large" size then is the small size now lmao. People don't understand just how much larger portions have become.

>> No.18051638
File: 540 KB, 1180x658, vegetable oil prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll sell him vegetable and seed oils

>> No.18051652


>> No.18051681

modern obesity isn't solely due to caloric intake; modern humans are fatter than people from 100 years ago, even controlling for similar diets and caloric intake. they know this because humans aren't the only animals affected by the obesity problem; lab animals are fatter across the board than their historic counterparts, and this cannot be blamed on overeating as laboratory animal diets are strictly controlled and logged for research purposes. mice and monkeys were particularly fatter.

something showed up in the food supply in the early to mid 1900's that is making us fat. could be pesticides, plastic, radiation. etc. there are too many possibilities.

>> No.18051690

too mentally tired to realize they probably learned in history class how they could strike against being exploited.
you say this like corporations and governments also didn't learn how people could strike against being exploited, and that they don't put billions of dollars of effort into subduing and thwarting these methods. did you think multiculturalism and mass-migration were because big daddy has a big heart?

>> No.18051705

I wonder if it matches up with changing demographics? I bet there's more of a correlation than most people will want to admit.

>> No.18051719

studies have shown its not the fries, it's the sugar, it's the sodas and the sugar loaded into every fucking thing.

people eat less fast food than they did in the 90s and portions have fallen. The average american does eat about 200 more calories per day and all of it is sugar.

>> No.18051794

Yeah, McDonalds was known to be extremely healthy and to have no connection with obesity before they started using seed oils.

>> No.18051841

You wouldn't believe the horrors I've seen. If you ever ask yourself "do Americans really?" the answer is always yes.

>> No.18052640

Those "hamburgers" are the dollar menu ones, which alongside fries and a drink were considered a meal for an adult. Now that's a kids meal

They also didn't have quarter pounders or big macs or any of the promotional stuff back then

>> No.18052648

>finding points
It's a correlation between food energy and weight you retard, not an arbitrary mix of random data points.

>> No.18052666
File: 312 KB, 2028x1000, 1600827638396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The consumer internet also came into fruition during that time. Also 24 hr cartoon channels and home consoles made a resurgence, so kids could sit inside all fucking day and eat snacks.

I doubt a single restaurant changing it's fry oil made everyone a fat fuck.

>> No.18052689

And lead sedentary lives, no exercise unless made to, because of health issues.

>> No.18052695

>that graph isn't controlled by date
Having a field as an axis on a chart is not what "controlled" means, anon. Controlling for something means making sure it's held constant or otherwise accounted for so you aren't mistaking some other factor for that one when trying to analyze a relationship you think you're seeing e.g. you wouldn't want to argue wealth and poor health are correlated when most of your wealthiest subjects are elderly and most of your poorest are young since being old would matter more than being wealthy in terms of how likely it is you're going to have medical problems.
That doesn't mean you need to have age as your X axis on a chart. It just means you should compare apples to apples and look for income vs. hospital visits between two groups that both belong to the same age bracket.
"Controlling by date" doesn't make any sense in this context since time period itself isn't any sort of explanation for average weight and the entire point of showing a correlation with food energy supply and average weight is to show why average weight is already known to have gone up over time.

>> No.18052696

What a waste of a post.
Are you old enough to post here?

>> No.18052700

I thought they reduced the portion sizes after that guy Spurlock "exposed" them.
Have these come back up again?

>> No.18052708

The cope in this post is so strong, fatty.
I nearly fell off my chair!

>> No.18052721
File: 381 KB, 927x1097, poverty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's more poor people
The overall percentage of the US population that's poor has gone down by a lot during the historical period leading into the obesity epidemic, not up.

>> No.18052727

You are wrong there, the reason people are fatter now is because most of the population does no work, gets no real exercise, even walking.
The really fat people ride mobility scooters, when they should be walking, they are NOT disabled or elderly.
Yet because they cannot cook or want to clean up after cooking, they eat easy fast food.
This is not confined to America, the whole world is like this.

>> No.18052728

A reminder that up to 90% Americans are disgustingly obese.
t. American

>> No.18052731

Yeah it's a well known fact that every american is required by law to eat at least 5 times a week at McDonalds and only the products which are fried.

>> No.18052792
File: 149 KB, 439x500, 1591917878395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine blaming poverty for being fat. That doesn't even make sense. Just eat less.

>> No.18052911

sport wouldnt affect the weight that much, you would just gain muscle instead of fat, I've gained 10kg in my early 20s from 70 to 80kg yet lost a lot of fat in the process so I look slimmer than before, mainly around the stomach