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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 190 KB, 634x843, broccoli stems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18046777 No.18046777 [Reply] [Original]


People actually throw the stem away? It's not as easily tasty as the leaves but I like how it last longer in the fridge. I usually eat the leaves of broccoli and bok choy first, then I use the stem in stir fry or soup.

>> No.18046781

>paying for part of something you're not going to eat
I do the same thing with asparagus, snap the bottom third off and leave it for the wagies to clean up

>> No.18046786

I'm laughing at those prices. Really? It's like $1.50/lb in Burgerland.

>> No.18046799

Ausfailia has the highest living costs in the world anon

>> No.18046803

The bottoms are included in the price so if you snap them off you are gaming that system that's going to eventually lead to supermarket selling it without stem -- more expensive because of the labour to remove the stem, and it'll be less fresh.

>> No.18046805

But the best part that retards are snapping off will be sold separately at a lower price.

>> No.18046809

And they also suck the most dick for cash so u should be fine

>> No.18046817

Wasteful fucks, those stems are still useful for plenty of things if you put in the slightest bit of culinary thought into it

>> No.18046819

Stop drunkposting.

>> No.18046826

anyone else having trouble getting the full version of this image from the 4chan img servers?

>> No.18046832

>just pay $12/lb for broccoli goyim

fuck off

>> No.18046872

Why have I never thought of this

Good on ya Aussie poofters

>> No.18046895

kg. A little under $6/lb.

>> No.18046898

1 kilo is 2.2lbs, that's still wildly expensive though

>> No.18046901

worst part of the broccoli

>> No.18046912

Translating it from $11.90/kg AUD to lbs/USD equates to roughly $3.71/lb in America.

>> No.18046921

I'm the OP and I can't get the full version, must be a site glitch, well go to the article and that pic is there if you want to see it bigger.

Often I like the stem better than the head as the head goes bad so fast.

>> No.18046925

I like the stems. When steamed, they're fine. Australians are a nation of slack jawed faggots

>> No.18046935

Most of our teeth get knocked out early in life fighting kangaroos that try to steal our girlfriends.

>> No.18046943

what index are you looking at?

>> No.18046951

Annual broccoli expenditure per capita.

>> No.18046955

Ah that's alright then cunt

>> No.18046960

If it's 11.90 a kilo, then you are paying for the inedible part and might as well take off the stems since it's more than half the weight, and inedible.

But seriously even converted to normal money that price is insane, but I guess that's the downside to trying to grow it in a desert.

>> No.18046966

I got 4lbs of asparagus the other week for $1.
Used some, blanched, shocked and froze the rest.

99c/lb here the same week I bought the asparagus.

>the leaves
You mean the florets, right? Leaves are my favourite part, florets are good, too, but not as good as the leaves. As for the stems, I process them separately. I like to shred them and either make slaw or add them to a stir-fry to up the vegetable content.
Is there a leaf-only version of western broccoli? we have a stem-only version (kohlrabi) so why not a leaf-only version with the same taste and texture as leaves from common broccoli?
I know there are friarielli, but they have a different taste entirely.

Moi aussi.

>> No.18046975

Stem is not inedible, tho.

>> No.18046980

Yes all images.

>> No.18046995

I clear $2kaus a week as a forklift driver working arvo shift

>> No.18047006

this. the stems are the most nutrient and tastier part
fucking australian barbarians, asaparagus, artichokes and broccoli you boil and eat the stem, is the best part, our ngmi in life like this fucking hell

>> No.18047054
File: 247 KB, 1200x1387, 5638f775dd08957b788b463e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a leaf-only version of western broccoli?

You mean kale?

>> No.18047101

For some reason, I find that pic disingenuous. Is there a tender leaf variety of kale? I've only had the tough variety best used for stewing.

>> No.18047136

Try gai lan.

>> No.18047141

I've always done this

>> No.18047160

Not the same flavour. Thanks, for the suggestion, though. I'll look into kale. Maybe the leaves get tough with age and young kale is tender and broccoli like or something. I'll look into it.

>> No.18047227

At my supermarket there's two products "broccoli bunch" and "broccoli florets" side by side. The broccoli bunch has a long stem and small top, and you get a few of those rubber banded together, while the "broccoli florets" is just a single large head. What I don't understand is that the broccoli bunch costs more per pound than the florets. It makes no sense. Who actually WANTS more stem and would pay a premium for it on top of that?

>> No.18047485

Stems are flavourful and good in soups, the florets would just be mush.

I can't believe people are throwing out stems!

>> No.18047869

I would take them because they're the best part. I cut off the florets, cut into parts the bigger florets, and slice the stalks before baking. I could eat just the stalks and they're less likely to burn.

>> No.18047892

Maybe the supermarket should separate and sell the stem and florets separately then...though I like the florets being an indicator of how fresh the stem is, if I can buy the "useless stem" cheaper per pound while the florets have to pay more for their florets...

>> No.18047916

Most likely, they originally were the same plant, but countless generations of cultivation have made them distinct plants. So you probably cant grow a broccoli plant and harvest good cabbage off of it.

>> No.18047924

i thought that was new york or california?

>> No.18047937

Australian here. People had always done this. That is why my based local grocer has a sign up that says they will charge extra if your brocolli has no stem.
It is just happening more now since Joe Biden fucked our economy or whatever.

>> No.18047947

The "bunch" sounds like broccolini, a different, inexplicably costlier variety of broccoli.

>> No.18047959

What a shit manager. It's not theft if it stays in the store

>> No.18047969
File: 93 KB, 661x768, 1288630083997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this is basically like frugal people husking corn before buying it. It's always happened.

is2.4chan.org (image server 2) is currently buggered. i.4cdn.org which handles thumbnails, site images, and some user images is still working.

>> No.18047992

the stalk is the tastiest part though
people are so weird

>> No.18048050

Yeah, I thought it was just my piece of shit browser but then I saw a thread on /pol/ about it.
Turns out it's a conspiracy against us all perpetrated by international Jewry.

If that happened here I'd ask the staff if I could have the stems for free.
If they said yes and we ended up making it a regular thing I guess I'd buy them a cake for the lunchroom or something. I used to work retail while I was in nursing school. I know it's miserable.

>> No.18048055


>> No.18048071

Wow. Thats crazy man. Lets all have a discussion about some Australians choosing to remove the stems from their broccoli. Fascinating.

>> No.18048210

Does broccoli not grow there or something? The one thing that bugs me though is when imported vegetables rise in price the local farmers say oh well, look how expensive the out of season trucked in product is, I'm gonna charge more than that because mine is better. Even when you buy it direct from the farm. Greedy bastards.

>> No.18048217

Domestic crop harvests have been fucky this year because... reasons. That said, it's heading into winter now and it's still 20degC in QLD, so the fuckery has no end in sight.

>> No.18048313
File: 123 KB, 1024x769, 2f4da32bb9601f32e29bd6b33fbae50e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it costs 11 dollars for a lettuce they get what they deserve.

>> No.18048333

>classed as theft
It's a shitty thing to do but its not stealing. Nothing is being taken without paying for. I know Aussie laws are retarded but there is another totally reasonable law this falls under, and its called destruction of merchandise.

>> No.18048344

It's all a scam by the Australian farmers to be allowed to flood the country with third world workers again. They do it since the pandemic closed borders. They refuse to pay legal wages so they claim Aussies are too lazy to pick their fruit and veg so they threaten to just let it all rot unless they immediately get permission to fly in 20,000 Fijians who will work for 2 dollars a day with no lunch breaks. Aussie farmers are scum

>> No.18048365 [DELETED] 

I dont.
I eat it, its great in stir fry.

this 100%.
>support the farmers
nope and never. they are greedy assholes with millions in gov. handouts...
>get the unemployed to pick the fruit and veg
good luck with that.

Yeah, give it time, and everything will back to "normal"

>> No.18048372
File: 35 KB, 400x387, 1656564958682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the Australian dollar like .7 USD? 1 kg is 2.2lbs
So like $3.80 USD per lb of broccoli

Idk doesn't seem super terrible

>> No.18048375

I'm not saying you're wrong, trust me I know the biggest industries attract the biggest assholes. My point was the sign is retarded

>> No.18048376

Looks more like one person left the stalks on the shelf.

>> No.18048381

Noodles, carrots, broccoli, garlic, tamari sauce fried in sesame oil. It's never bad.

>> No.18048434
File: 120 KB, 400x400, i-am-not-your-brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Australians check stems for breakage at checkout
Fuck your fascist shit.

>> No.18048451

Lmao bro have you ever heard of
Look it up.

>> No.18048609

Australian farmers are some of the least subsidised in the world.

>> No.18048622

Classic middle management move and makes no difference. Holding the minimum wagie's nose to the grindstone is like holding a 9/10th's dead cat's head to the fire, they literally do not care. Unless management is hovering over their shoulders at all times this is pure (not even) lip service.

>> No.18048629

nice digits

the only time I ever set foot in a woolworths or coles is to scam the shit out of the self serves

>> No.18048954

Every place I've been to here in WA sells it by the head, they should've thought that maybe by selling it by weight that this would happen.

>> No.18049295

They have tax free funds to place all their money in and never pay tax and pull it out during a fake drought year and it's all tax free. Driving around in the latest John deer trucks and tractors while owning hundreds of acres of land and crying poor to the government for gibs
>It's rained too much
>It hasn't rained enough
That's called being a farmer. Not an excuse to be on millions of dollars of welfare a year. I don't own a brand new tractor, do you?

>> No.18049482

I genuinely can't afford vegetables. Lettuce is fucking $7 each and isn't even in stock. I'm buying frozen veg but even that's really expensive

>> No.18049504

>$3.80 USD per lb of broccoli
that better be some heirloom-handcrafted-by-a-gaggle-of-blind-nuns kind of broccoli

>> No.18049517

You can eat the stems, just peel off the fibrous outer layer and they actually taste pretty good, even taste good raw.

>> No.18049522

>People actually throw the stem away? It's not as easily tasty as the leaves but I like how it last longer in the fridge.
it's obviously because of the price you stupid fucking faggot

>> No.18049537

Yes, they're edible. Are they tender? No they are not, which is what I like about asparagus. I'm not a cow chewing her cud, fuck outta here with that shit.

>> No.18049673

Frozen veg actually is healthier than fresh veg you can buy.

>> No.18049678

You can't cook shit.
The stem of the broccoli is fucking good if you cut it in "cubetti" and cook it in a pan whit small amount of olive oil
asparagus stem you can use it shakes in a pasta souce( same for the broccoli one)
Just kys and make it fast.
People outsides Italy will die in two week whit a big famine.
you know shit about food.

>> No.18049682

Maybe in burgherland.

>> No.18049688

It's got-unusually-rare-because-half-the-farms-drowned-this-season kind of broccoli.

>> No.18049689

Probably 1 person. Theres only 3 stalks left behind. Clickbait

>> No.18049714

>Are they tender? No they are not
Yes, actually they are.

>> No.18049763

It's snap frozen at the source, frozen beats fresh every single time. Everywhere in the world.

>> No.18049767

lmao imagine someone snapping away at a bundles worth of asparagus.

>> No.18049777

Russia Ukraine shit should've proved how badly you need home grown stuff in a country

Used to work at a small bank that did a lot of stuff for farmers and they worked so hard just to be poor. Like back breaking up at 5am work just to live off $14k a year

>> No.18049779

they dont necessarily throw it away, but they are definitely not worth as much as the fleurettes but they weigh the same if not more (are more dense).
so you are pretty much getting half price brocolli if you break off the stalk, they probably see it as paying double price for not breaking it off

>> No.18049783

at $11.90 a fucking kilo you had better believe i'm going to snap that shit off and leave it in the ice bin

>> No.18049784

we call that 2nd shift round these parts. 1st shift being normal shift, and 3rd being overnights

>> No.18049788

I'm Australian and I eat broccoli stems

>> No.18049789

Eat it you wasteful fuck
Also get a job

>> No.18049790

Here they don't sell them by weight, I just throw the stem out. Makes sense they're sold by weight though

>> No.18049796

Queensland floods every year, and yet this year they raise the price on things.
Something smells fucky

>> No.18049805

it's not wasteful as i'm not paying for it

>> No.18049811

It's food, just eat it

>> No.18049812

It's the smell of your rotting brain. You seriously think crops that rely on not being flooded are being planted in areas that flood every year? Stinky rotting brain.

>> No.18049830

I remember when bananas were going for a hundred dollars a kilo after bad weather in Qld. Some cunts were going farm to farm knocking off bananas instead of robbing shops cause it had more profit.

>> No.18049837

I don't remember that, yet it sounds like something that would happen in this country

>> No.18049882

What size do you buy it in though? 1kg or 1.5 kg is much cheaper per pound than the smaller sizes by a lot, especially store brand.

>> No.18049899

>Attention Slaves: You MUST pay for the worst part broccoli
>You WILL not remove the outer leaves from the cabbage
>You CANNOT shuck the husks off the corn
>This is THEFT you WILL be prosecuted
>Cashiers WILL be performing cavity searches

>> No.18050123

My ex girlfriend used to do this and it made me so embarrassed

>> No.18050128


>> No.18050342

*Chinese are leaving the stalks

>> No.18050357

We call you a poofter around these parts

>> No.18050379

Huh? I always eat the stalks. Peel, cut into sticks, enjoy them with tzatziki

>> No.18050532

I use brocolli stalks to make soup. Very nutritious. Or I sometimes slice them thinly and add them to a stir fry.

>> No.18050621

Someone explain the psyop against broccoli to me

>> No.18050636

It tastes bitter so some people
Also George W Bush said he didn't like it one time so the US Military burned a bunch of broccoli farms down.

>> No.18050729
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I eat the fiberous layer because I paid for it, its not pleasant but I aint wastin' money nigga

>> No.18051154

...but a lot of Chinese greens are mostly stalks which are eaten, as Chinese greens are boiled.

...because they are being cheap in getting something they don't need -- cauliflower is cheaper so they can't say they NEED to do this to save money. I

>> No.18051260

shucking the corn in store is retarded
would you peel a banana before buying it? no

>> No.18051302

I HATE that this country removes the outer leaves of cabbage. They are literally the best leaves. wtf is wrong with Americans?
As for shucking the husk from corn, I don't get what you're complaining about. The green grocer and even the supermarkets have bins right next to the corn for you to shuck the husks into. Also, I've never seen corn sold by weight, only by unit, so shucking corn doesn't alter how much you'd pay for it. In fact, it's on sale starting tomorrow, 8 for $2.

>> No.18051320

Frozen broccoli (and all brassica, actually) has an inexplicably sweet taste to me that I strongly dislike. Brussells sprouts. Kale. Mustard greens. Etc. All sweet to me once frozen. And this is both with factory-frozen produce as well as bought-fresh-and-frozen-at-home produce.
Idk wtf it is about freezing that makes them taste sweet, but it does. Also pumpkin. Made the mistake of buying two Spanish pumpkins to make a pasta dish with. Cooked one, froze the other. When I thawed the second one to make sauce with, it was horridly sweet.
Going back to the green vegetables, I've frozen them both fresh as well as blanched and shocked and both turn out sweet. Just... awful. Peas freeze nicely, though.

>> No.18051385

In winter I like to snap off the green onions I have outside for soup, they are sweet, because the sugar keeps them from freezing too much so the plant is less damaged.

I dunno why flash frozen greens would taste sweet though, as they are cut and the freezing is fast.

>> No.18051417

We've had terrible seasons for growing things because of the flooding in NSW and QLD. That's why lettuce is expensive too.
I'm not sure why people are loosing their minds over it though, just buy veg that's isn't expensive.
What happened to eating things that are in season and available?

>> No.18051449

Yeah, idk. I have kohlrabi in my root cellar from literally last year. No rotting. No problems. I mention this because the fuckers, like potatoes and onions do, /are still growing/. The roots are all over.
Maybe the broccoli and other brassica are still technically alive when I buy them so after I stick'em in the freezer, they respond by making/releasing sugar? Idfk
What I do know is that I just had broccoli soup for dinner and it was good.

>> No.18051450
File: 699 KB, 732x3396, 1656153541097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Food prices jacking up high
>Petty prices $1 higher than what they were a year ago
I'm scared bros, someone hold me. When will this shit show end

>> No.18051453

>Aussies are doing it
definitely not Chinese nationals, no way

>> No.18051661

>Aussies leaving broccoli stems behind at the supermarket
not aussie but I have done this too, especially when the stem is longer than 4 inches. no one eats the stem.

>> No.18052121

The stem is delicious, but now I'm wondering if Australia have a variety with woody stems.

>> No.18052127

We don't. We have a surplus of very very stupid people. Intelligence is marginalised as anti-social pomposity.

>> No.18052560

dumb cunts
i am the second australian forklift driver in this thread (which clearly makes me an authority on broccoli) and people who do this are dirt to me. eat your fucking vegetables
this almost exactly. unfortunately even a lot of seasonal stuff has been ruined. the main winter food belt is about to get wrecked again over the next two weeks or so, so we can expect prices to go up once more.
i've been eating a lot of greens i grew myself and a lot of dried beans, pumpkin, potato, turnip, swede, onion... i could really do with some kale though

>> No.18052564

It's winter down here, faggot.

>> No.18052572

That might be your thing.
I take you like sucking cocks, otherwise you'd not have mentioned it.

>> No.18052575

Because no-one but you cares

>> No.18052576

Enjoy removing the nutrients retardo

>> No.18052579

imagine not making asparagus soup after eating asparagus, you can use everything you cut off plus the water you used to steam them.

>> No.18052584

>jews breed brocoloi for thick heavy stalk, and cut it longer and longer each year
>customers snap it off
>jews get mad they've been out-jewed, will ban this soon.

>> No.18052586

Those aren't countries you drooling retard.

>> No.18052670

>more expensive because of the labour to remove the stem, and it'll be less fresh.
they're already snipping it you dumb faggot they'll just snip above the inedible part if they weren't such massive kikes
some jewish retard just figured that if you include 10% more stem then your profit per weight goes up proportionately if not slightly higher % wise since the stem is way more dense than the head

>> No.18052685

More broccoli stems for me to cram up my ass then! Not much of a loss.....

>> No.18052843

lmao I thought shit was expensive in leafland they're 2.49/kg here

>> No.18052891

Yeah, it's a response to frost, the plant converts starch into sugar to make the water in the cells less prone to freezing. Carrots and parsnips will do it too.

>> No.18053039

Chink loves their stir fry veggies dumbass, its geese and duck in a pond they stole
This is just some lazy aussie. Maybe eat the stem with vegemite or some shit

>> No.18053055


>> No.18053059

Jesus, how are there so many people in this thread who don't know how to use broccoli stems? Do you fucktards even cook?

>> No.18053062

Nah, chinks are scummy and are always pulling shit like this to nickel and dime you. Australias have too much respect to pull bullshit like this.

>> No.18053063

the stems are edible you fucking retard. And when they only snip it off at the large stem, you only have to worry about the surface area at the stem's bottom surface. If you snip off all the leafy bits, you increase the surface area, and thus, hasten the spoilage to those smaller bits.

>> No.18053068

Better this than banana peels.

>> No.18053071

What good is broccoli without the stems. Fucking casuals.

>> No.18053077

I agree with that guy, chinks fucking love their vegetables, there's no way they would throw away the stems, even if their other habits may be utterly reprehensible(mainlanders)
t. SEA chink

>> No.18053085

not boiled, desu. Blanched. Only a small amount of green veg is boiled. Knowing the difference may save your palette

>> No.18053172

Literally just stop selling it by weight retards, make it a cost per head and the entire problem goes away, other than the issue of Australia being a dystopian hellhole.

>> No.18053174

It can't be worse than new zealand.

>> No.18053241
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>Ausfailians don't realize that the stem is edible
>Ausfailians pay $11.90 for broccoli of all things

>> No.18053249
File: 60 KB, 750x860, brogle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I can grow brogle in the Danish Summer you can grow it in the Australian Winter

>> No.18053544

People will start picking the biggest one.

My family would boil a slice of ginger and then the chinese greens: bok choy or the green stuff with yellow flowers (oil greens?). The greens would often be fished out and served on a dish and the water would be soup we drink before rice.

Do chinks even eat broccoli? But if they do, the stem would be eaten too as it's more like chinese green.

-- born in Hong Kong -- so my diet is east mix with west

>> No.18053550

I nostalgia'd hard. When my family lived in SG, it seemed like every other conversation the adults had was about how awful mainlanders are.

>> No.18053560 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18053562

>People will start picking the biggest one.
Yes, then it's first come best dressed. The primary principle of low trust capitalism.

>> No.18053647

>Do chinks even eat broccoli
yes. In fancy chinese restaurants(at least here in Malaysia), if you order the "mixed vegetable" item, one of the miscellaneous vegs included is usually broccoli. Broccoli is god tier in oyster sauce

>> No.18053653

At least we are allowed vegetable gardens

>> No.18053666

Corn will last just fine, bananas won't
Dumb comparison

>> No.18053776

I have never seen capcay with broccoli. Cauliflower, but not broccoli. Or are you talking about something other than capcay?

>> No.18053784

I am fucking retarded. Ignore me. You're talking about sayur campur goreng, yeah? Always has broccoli. I'm dumb. Sorry.

>> No.18054389

>Broccoli is god tier in oyster sauce
That seem like a really weird flavour combo. Bok Choy is good with oyster sauce, Broccoli is good with cheddar cheese.

>> No.18054416

they're not inedible, they're pretty good if you just cut the tough skin layer off.

depending on where you live you can buy baby kale. it's more tender and similar to broccoli leaves but it's usually more expensive. lots of vegetables have good greens that they don't really sell in stores because they don't keep well. your best bet would just be to plant some broccoli and pick the leaves off depending on where you live.

>> No.18054422

oh god i said depending on where you live twice in one post someone just put me out of my misery now

>> No.18055529
File: 38 KB, 474x324, BB01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like chicken bone, brocolli stems can be used for SOUP STOCK. Dumb aussies can't cook soup.

Fact: the first restaurants were soup kitchens that you paid money for.

>> No.18056204

I miss having a balcony where I can grow my own kale or collard greens

>> No.18056413

Realistically the stems are just as nutritious as the florets. I've found ways to enjoy them such as making broccoli fries. I know there not the same, but they don't taste bad.

>> No.18056470
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>> No.18056474

on the contrary, the stems are the tastiest part of the broccoli desu
They have just as much sweetness as a carrot, just dont overcook them

>> No.18056480

This guy is dead now. If the police ask questions remember to mention that he wanted it.

>> No.18056485
File: 247 KB, 1300x866, imagegwrg43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with any seafood-based sauce really. Scallop sauce, abalone sauce, even mushroom sauce.
Broccoli with abalone, or mock abalone in most cases, is a staple dish

>> No.18056487

Wow, carrots and broccoli fries. Thanks I'll try that.

>> No.18058081

Try this with bok choy. The broccoli stem probably taste good with it, but not the florets.

>> No.18058353

Always wondered why they sell frozen bags of Oops! All Stems! Now I know.

>> No.18058355

based aussies

>> No.18059414

People that agree with me on BROCOLLI STEMS

>> No.18059419

You can and they do but it's just more expensive in winter.

>> No.18059447

ausfag who lives overseas here
was chatting to a mate back home about it last night and apparently its cuz the country's got 4 months of non-stop rain and flood conditions, so its cuz of completely ruined harvests
we dont import any fruit n veg from overseas cuz we usually grow our own, so makes sense.
when it comes to climate, Aus is the kind of place that wont get a drop of rain for 20 years, then you'll get 20 year's worth of rain all at once.

>> No.18061025
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>tfw about to have the third once in a lifetime flood event this year

>> No.18061030

I've been doing that for years.

>> No.18061119

Australian """people"""

>> No.18061171
File: 345 KB, 488x154, Disappointed but not surprised.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People too lazy and/or stupid to use the whole plant ruin everything for everyone

>> No.18061178

They wrote a news article about it as well. This is why I fucking hate australians

>> No.18061190

I'm sure the "news" in your country is never about inane bullshit.

>> No.18061211

on the plus side, retards like OP make life ez pz because the bar is set so low.

>> No.18061219

anon never said it had to be a country. learn to read.

>> No.18061264

Not him but:
I feel as though it was pretty clear that the conversation was about the average of countries since it started with the US then went to Australia. That said, that guy appears to be wrong about Australia so it's a moot point.

>The data makes an assessment based on a range of living costs, factoring in aspects like transportation, clothing, accommodation, internet, utility, groceries, and eating out.
>The data is compiled into an index, using New York City—renowned for being expensive—as a benchmark with its given index score of 100. Consequently, those countries with a cost of living score higher than 100 are more expensive New York and vice versa.
>According to the report, Bermuda is the world’s most expensive place to live. Switzerland ranks second on the list, followed by Norway, Iceland, and Barbados. Thankfully, Australia ranked 14th on the list, with an index of 77.75. Our rent index was significantly lower than Bermuda's 98.58, at just 36.84.

Don't play the semantics game when you can show that someone is just plain wrong.

>> No.18061295

Not him but I just took a fat shit in your mouth. Oops.

>> No.18061420

OK, that'll be 500 USD plus tip.
Now thank me for my service.

>> No.18061468

I knew an Aussie once. He came to NY to be a model. He was also a gay, drug addled thief. Are all Aussies attractive, gay, drug addled thieves or was he a peculiar case? My aunt, uncle and cousin are Aussies living in Perth and while they're attractive, they're not gay or drug addled or thieves but they complain that all their neighbours are.

I'm surprised we're not #1 with how every Swiss complains about prices all the damn time (and ones nearer a border always try to smuggle groceries back in from a neighbouring country).

Two of those people are the same person, but here's a third: me. Swiss people like broccoli stems so much that a variety that's 90% stem was developed in CH, kohlrabi.

>> No.18062337

I love the stalks they are the best part

>> No.18062396

>Are all Aussies attractive, gay, drug addled thieves
Yes, Australia is a giant hive mind

>> No.18062446

Not my problem

>> No.18062463

>Are all Aussies attractive, gay, drug addled thieves
the vast majority of them are at least 1 of those

>> No.18062492

>developed in CH
No you didn't, perfidious mountainjew

>> No.18062493

Heaps if broccoli is grown in australia.
The excuse is blah blah floods climate change etc.
This is horseshit. What is happening is the distriputors and super markets are taking advantage of the situation and price hiking.
Australians are being ripped off. It is somehow legal

>> No.18062504

Don't forget that diesel is twice the price it usually is and most of our goods are transported with trucks.

>> No.18062528

>crops harvested 3km away are marked up the same as imported goods.
Fuel is only partly to blame.

>> No.18062539

>Transported 3km to processing facility
>Then transported 500km to storage and distribution center
>Then transported to 500 different shops
Do underestimate how hard your food moves unless you're buying it straight from the farmer.

>> No.18062552

12 dollars a kilo for fresh veg? is it imported from the moon, wtf.

>> No.18062553

So buy the stuff that hasn't gotten expensive. There are plenty of options. Avocado is still the cheapest it has been since the 90s. These people taking advantage clearly didn't think their plot through.

>> No.18062555

>transported 500km to storage and distribution center
That's part of my point.
Inflexible logistics.
If the closest distripution point is 500km away, then there is a serious flaw which consumers are paying for.
Woolworths is fucked, too big to fail attidude.

>> No.18062561

An avocado is not the equivalent to a brocoli.
Most fresh veg is rediculous.

>> No.18062563

I stopped shopping at supermarkets, should have done it a long time ago.
Now I get a box of veg delivered to my door that lasts me two weeks and is about $20 cheaper than buying the equivalent at Safeway.
I go into the queen Vic market once a fortnight for meat, it's far cheaper than any super market plus much more variety.
The only thing I still buy from supermarkets is some boxed or tinned goods that I can't find elsewhere

>> No.18062574

This is the way to go.
Spud shed in WA has their shit sorted.
They will adjust their supply chain with the market and source locally.

>> No.18062588

No, only half of it. Prices remain reasonable for onions, potatoes, english spinach, silverbeet, some pumpkins, mushrooms, and more.

>> No.18062616

Are we talking about the same rough geographical area?

>> No.18062762

Buying direct from farmers is no good. They got greedy and charge the same as the shit that's been shipped all over. Even if you pick it up at their farm.

>> No.18062785

Hasn't been my experience. I always get shit cheaper at the farm.

>> No.18062789

You're lucky then. Even the subscription boxes some farms offer have more than doubled in price. Higher demand.

>> No.18062816

grow your own faggot

>> No.18062829

Like your parents did?

>> No.18062843

Chinese will husk corn at the store too.

>> No.18062899

I giggled.

>> No.18062944

The perfidious mountainjew is right. If kohlrabi were developed outside of Switzerland, why would they give it a Swiss-German name? Kohl = cabbage. Rabi = turnip. In standard German, turnip = rübe, but in Swiss-German, it's "rabi." so why would that name carry but others not?

>> No.18063262

Based Safeway referrer

>> No.18063282

Sunday 3pm is the time to get in for the meat sales at Vic Market

>> No.18064499

fucken rekt

>> No.18064523

clean it up, wagie

>> No.18064623

Yeah them and tradies really take the piss.They buy so much personal shit and just claim it all through their business!!

>> No.18064629

And not contaminated with as many germs!! I saw a granny sniffing a rockmelon for at least 30 seconds and didn't even buy it..fucking disgusting

>> No.18064826

Name one

>> No.18064847

So basically you're arguing that the supermarket has been charging people for an inedible chunk of broccoli for years and the only reason people put up with it is because broccoli was cheap? And now that the shoe is on the other foot it's the customer's fault?

>> No.18064854

This is why locally sourced food will always be superior. The less logistics involved, the cheaper it is to the end customer, and it's probably better quality too.

>> No.18064925

Wrong. You are wrong. Wrong. I am broccoli.

>> No.18064930

Giles Brandthwaite Shearsmith.

>> No.18065619
File: 156 KB, 850x1100, vegetable_seasonality_chart_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and?

>> No.18066835

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>> No.18066858

my parents buy brocoli and throw 90% of it away. just keep the leaves and a tiny bit of stem below them

>> No.18067341

That chart is for Northern California and even says it is region specific for your retarded ass.

>> No.18067391

Your news doesn't constantly chastise your country, whilst being funded by the people doing those same bad thing?