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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 600x300, garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18046120 No.18046120 [Reply] [Original]

>Garlic cup with pizza
>Flavor explosion
>Taste garlic cup on its own
>Suddenly 0 flavor

>> No.18046125

why did you drink the garlic butterblend?
why did you eat snail-po?

>> No.18046127

Look at the ingredients list, tranny

>> No.18046164

Cool, but how does it have lots of flavor with food but tastes like the gustatory equivalent of invisible if you try tasting some in isolation?
No other sauces I know of do that e.g. soy sauce, bbq dip, ranch dressing, mustard, etc. definitely each still have the same basic flavor whether you eat them with food or taste them in isolation.

>> No.18046196 [DELETED] 

>cram garlic cup ass
>0 flavor
what gives?

>> No.18046211

It's mostly oil, which doesn't have much flavor. Try drinking vegetable oil on its own, it doesn't really have a flavor. But stuff fried in oil is a flavor explosion compared to plain. I think the oil fills in the gaps between your tastebuds and the food texture and allows the flavor of the food to conduct more efficiently to your tongue, similar to thermal paste.

>> No.18046217

You're not supposed to eat the cup it comes in, fucking retard.

>> No.18046225

That's bullshit and didn't answer my question at all, thanks for wasting my time.

>> No.18046230

The human palate enjoys complimentary and contrasting tastes. Some completely bland and mild things like buffalo mozzarella are extremely tasty when paired with the rights things. Nobody normally eats butter or garlic or oil alone, but they're delicious as seasonings.

>> No.18046231

I find dip gets in the way of the flavors I actually want when the pizza is fresh, but it's the MVP when leftovers come out of the fridge the next day.

>> No.18046235

It wasn't your question you imposter.

>> No.18046275

Fat, salt, and acid are the three big flavor enhancers. Of those three fat is the only one without a flavor of its own and the only one that has calories - nearly double other macronutrients. You'd think that might be enough for evolutionary pressure to let us detect fat as a particular flavor, but the thing is the true utility of eating fat is unlocked when combined with fat-soluble nutrients. It's an evolutionary disadvantage to encourage eating straight fat, but a big advantage to encourage eating fat with other foods. That's why fat is gross and flavorless on its own but incredible when added to anything remotely nutritious.

>> No.18046285

carbs 4cal/gram
fats 9cal/gram
protein 4cal/gram
it's more than twice

>> No.18046305

ZOMG, ACKSHUALLY IT'S 2.25X! THAT CHANGE... next to nothing.

>> No.18046339

there's no sense in being mad about learning new things anon

>> No.18047651

>Nobody normally eats butter or garlic or oil alone
I'm what you'd call... a little crazy...... a little psycho.......... kind of deranged............. not a "normal guy".................. ;)

>> No.18047656

I've stopped doing this lately since I've become more concious about my soybean oil consumption (don't give a fuck about all the shitpost articles, I just don't like how it makes me feel bloated) but occasionally I used to use 3-4 of the leftover cups mixed into a box of boiled pasta to make Depression Alfredo.

>> No.18047662 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 680x607, 1655409186391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually eating this seed oil based goyslop
Papa was based though. Fuck niggers.

>> No.18048708

Papa Johns garlic sauce is fucking grim.
Way different from the stuff we have here in bongland so first time having papa johns a few years ago was a bit of an experience. It's taste was just melted margarine and weird garlic taste added.

>> No.18048735

I don't know what that is but I'm guessing it doesn't have much salt.