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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18040188 No.18040188 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a sandwhich rate thread /ck/
BBQ sauce, Avocado, Spinach, Pepperjack, 2 Eggs fried, turkey and jalapeños ,you can add salt and pepper if you wanna get fancy. Thoughts?

>> No.18040210

Your eggs are overcooked as shit, bbq sauce doesn't go with any of the other things, and you didn't even bother to cut it in half. Also, seasoning your food isn't "getting fancy".
I'll give you a 3/10 if that's toasted Milton's bread. Otherwise it's a 2.

>> No.18040216

ruined by bbq suace, makes me thing this is bate thread

>> No.18040217

Way too much going on anon. Not sure why you wanted 2 burnt eggs either. Is this a troll thread? Am I getting worked here?

>> No.18040227
File: 20 KB, 211x500, 412ZjjSCPGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was just the edges of the egg,
This BBQ is really good so I threw it on there it worked really well.

>> No.18040232

>literally every reply saying the same thing
>op doubles down and insists that it was actually really good
Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.18040236

Why is that piece of shit fruit so overrated?
Shit's overpriced and tastes like shit to boot.

>> No.18040285

I remember when these posts started showing up here. It was like 10 years ago when places like Burger King and Subway started putting avocado on things, and it was obviously the first time a ton of flyovers and people in Finland or wherever tried it. And then avocado toast kind of became a thing so all the same people actually thought it was some new fad. It was kind of annoying back then, but now it's kind of funny. It's like you're making fun of something you think is "hipster", except that it isn't and never way, and you're also a decade late.

>> No.18040301

I remember the first time I saw avocado toast on a menu about 10 years ago in Seattle. I think they wanted something like $9 for it and they had real items on their menu for a similar price so obviously I did not order that.

About two years ago I found a local cafe that did not require masks during the pandemic, had lots of Christian iconography & that served it for $6. So I ordered it and omg nothing is better than a young white country girl spending three minutes smashing avocado into a piece of whole wheat toast and sprinkling it with chili oil and furikake.

>> No.18041068

You put nyquil in that fucker too?

>> No.18042003

idk why these kitchen sink sandwiches get hate. let the fuck enjoy the taste and face the consequences of fighting for his life on the toilet later.

>> No.18043303
File: 1.21 MB, 2631x1754, 665E719C-FAC6-4E4D-94E9-7732D6575E9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks tasty to me. I had BLT's for dinner.

>> No.18043307

Burnt eggs, cheese isn't melted, use better bread
6/10 room for improvement

>> No.18043335

What part of this sandwich has NyQuil?

>> No.18043382
File: 443 KB, 864x864, IMG_20220130_095014_946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about open sandwiches/toasts?
This was avocado, scrambled egg, and homemade mole.

>> No.18043445
File: 1.62 MB, 2339x2298, 808FC535-E567-4660-B138-551CAC6153F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took two pieces of leftover 7/11 pizza, cut the crusts off, slapped em together, lathered the monstrosity with mayo, and grilled it in a pan.

>> No.18043640
File: 276 KB, 724x444, Screenshot_20220628-193250_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sick thread OP

>> No.18043660


>> No.18044620

That doesn't sound... horrible?

>> No.18044699

this looks fucking godly

>> No.18045111

Looks good man.

>> No.18045487

Ran out of bacon,used spicy sausage. I really liked the flavor.

>> No.18045498

It says ClearLAX Anon, not Clearelake but yeah, that other Anon is on Laxatives and I don't want to imagine his shits

>> No.18045611
File: 10 KB, 215x171, 1489975128509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wheat bread

>> No.18045620

Kill yourself

>> No.18045653

Fourteen hours :(

>> No.18046087

Wheat bread can add complexity that is very different than plain white bread.

>> No.18046137

No cut up apples?

>> No.18046147

In all seriousness sounds pretty good

>> No.18046149

OP asked for a rating, he doesn't have to agree with your opinions, twinkie

>> No.18046169

looks awesome, id eat that
kys samefag

>> No.18046205
File: 449 KB, 864x864, IMG_20220130_095015_230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you brother
Have another angle

>> No.18046288

Sometimes I use very thin hamburger patties with finely diced jalapeños mixed in.

>> No.18046297

Trying to limit apples to two times a week. I'm about twenty pounds over my target weight.

>> No.18046327

that sounds good but jeeze man it's not a blt

>> No.18046333

I remember the first time I saw a piece of advertising on a product that actually said it was good for avocado toast. It was everything bagel seasoning.

>> No.18046405

I use what's at hand. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it's truly horrible, lol.

>> No.18046415

- spinach
- eggs
+ breaded chicken
+ tomato
+ lettuce
+ poached onions
+ goat cheese