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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 1280x512, instacart-logo-wordmark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18038973 No.18038973 [Reply] [Original]

Instacart bros get in here!

>> No.18038989 [DELETED] 

No fuck off nigger

>> No.18039000
File: 57 KB, 976x850, frog staring at your stupid ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

walmart+ is way cheaper because you don't pay 50% markup for the individual items

>> No.18039025

why not just go to the store and spend 20 minutes getting a weeks worth of 'roceries yourself and save all that money?

>> No.18039034 [DELETED] 

Autism, dealing with niggers, general anxiety. Etc

>> No.18039038

walmart curbside?

>> No.18039042

Don't have time. When I'm not at work I don't want to leave my house

>> No.18039049
File: 279 KB, 1243x561, 7636AC1E-AD2D-4310-9C90-A2C2063473F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neurodivergent community

>> No.18039051
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dont have a car

>> No.18039053

Fuck instacart. Walmart and publix delivery only. Walmart target walmart mdconalds groceries and also for me it's the McChicken

>> No.18039079

ok but what about normal people

>> No.18039082

Walmart got successfully lobbied out of my town by Kroger...

>> No.18039091

don't come here

>> No.18039100

I can relate to the anon who doesn't want to go out when they're not at work. Sometimes I get my shit delivered because I'm just too lazy to go after work

>> No.18039102

Used it for the first time yesterday. Felt under the weather but wasn't going to eat if I didn't. Had to make a couple of adjustments and they were cool about it. Then today, I discovered some sweet peppers were riddled with black spots and they just refunded me no problems.

Not worth it under normal circumstances but it came in handy.

>> No.18039121

i just want normal people to respond to me thanks

how much money do you need to be making to justify this? obviously there is a threshold but where?

>> No.18039158
File: 877 KB, 1280x927, 1655065515449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4-pack of 5oz cans of albacore tuna on sale for $4.30
>fat mexican lady brings me 3-pack of 3oz cans
>Instacart refunds me $5 for the mistake
>rescind her tip anyways
learn to read, dumb fucking beaner

>> No.18039243

I'm financially comfortable enough to not have a problem using instacart once or twice a month

>> No.18039458

>50% markup
What? Instacart has like a single 3 dollar fee for the entire order and that's all. All the products themselves are the same price.

>> No.18039486

I dont trust a stranger to pick out good produce and cuts of meats

>> No.18039512

I hurt my back two or three times over the past year and it's pretty convenient combine that with the fact that I can work from wherever I want since I was a little kid, I find it useful.

>> No.18039530

I've found them pretty good about that as long as you set the replacement setting. It would be nice if those carried on and I could make a set and then copy it and modify it to make active. I know how to do this with databases, but it's not that easy.
I suspect their lawyers don't want to encroach upon amazon and their way of making lists.

>> No.18039576

I like instacart because I love having the ability to get the low class to be servants.

>> No.18039621

I just checked a local supermarket chain, first item I saw was 2-liter coke bottle, $2.29 on instacart. Checked the supermarket site, $1.99.

How do you think instacart makes its money?

>> No.18039647

convenience, don't be a daft asshole.
What do you think it would be?

>> No.18039656

I always get a receipt from the originating company complete with the instacart bill, why aren't you doing that?

>> No.18039659

Post a link lying faggot.

>> No.18039687

>get shot

>> No.18040196

I started using this during the pandemic and now I don’t go outside anymore.

>> No.18040205

I got walmart delivery but without the +, was still worth it

>> No.18040635
File: 10 KB, 208x210, 1315688054035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you even going on about?

That doesn't mean the prices aren't marked up. Just go to any supermarket's website and look at the prices there versus the ones at that same store but on instacart.

Here's a second supermarket chain I looked at, also marked up prices:

>> No.18041103

It's always black people delivering the stuff and always something is missing. Those retards can't read.

>> No.18041167
File: 33 KB, 433x427, 1573716526698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marked up prices
>nigger shoppers that don’t buy half the things you put on the order
>tip before you get the items
You’d have to be a real loser to use this shit

>> No.18041168


>> No.18041377

>walmart+ is cheaper
facts but im not too big on walmart meat. I use walmart+ for most stuff then use instacart for costco meats because higher quality and a lot more bang for buck.
No car, but if I had one I'd absolutely do my own grocery shopping and much more frequently for fresher ingredients.
They don't. It's why I started using walmart+ since it's harder to fuck up shit like "get me an onion that doesn't look like its about to rot"

>> No.18041557

That's what you get for shopping at billy bob's countryside assfuck mart instead of a normal grocery store.

>> No.18041620

Tried this with curbside a few times last year and it always played out the same
>Order week's worth of groceries
>Items removed due to being out of stock, even though I ordered in advance
>Wrong quantities of items
>Item substitutions that make no sense (eg: red pepper flakes subbed for turmeric
>Drive back to store to refund unwanted substitutes and buy or substitute the missing items

Every fucking time. Walmart was even worse; I got less than half of the items I actually ordered and just went across the street to Aldi. I guess this is the kind of shit that happens when wagies are rich enough to live on take out.

>> No.18041630

Ordering something in advance isn't magically going to make it impossible to go out of stock.

>> No.18041647

If you wagies weren't retarded and boxed up the advanced orders before stocking shelves it would.

>> No.18041690

Orders are shopped shortly before pick up otherwise they would have to organize space to store hundreds of carts of advanced orders, then there would be spending all their time going back there every time someone changed something in their order and not to mention all the frozen and refrigerated stuff would go bad and all the carts are missing because they are being used to hold people's online orders. It's not practical to change the entire format of a store to a grocery cart warehouse just because you're a lazy fatass that can't deal with the fact that sometimes things aren't in stock.

>> No.18041730

I use it for all my grocery shopping. No more driving, fighting for a close parking spot, shitty shopping carts, idle shoppers, slow cashiers, no baggers, unloading into car, commuting home, etc.

Now, all the food I want is conveniently brought to my door and I take a 10 minute break to put it in my fridge since I work from home.

You get a crap shopper once and a while, but most of the shoppers are nice enough and make proper substitutions, you have to do a little managing but it's way less effort than going to a store. Also, leaving a decent tip really helps.

>> No.18041748

>that formatting
Wait a second...

>> No.18041750

Saving TIME is the only thing that could possibly make curbside worthwhile and you retards fuck it up so badly that it takes twice as long as regular grocery shopping. I can't wait for this shit show to go out of business and all you retards are forced to go back to sucking dick and getting rejected for disability.

>> No.18041755

i drive instacarts sometimes, ama

>> No.18041758

even villages in god forgotten valleys have fruit and vegetable markets, sometimes other regular stuff, is a 20m walk too much?

>> No.18041806

Shaws has 128 stores across the US, it's a huge grocery chain. Why don't you link your stores that are the same price in-store and on instacart? Should be easy for you.

>> No.18041820


Lowest price. No marked up fees. No bullshit.

>> No.18041827

depends on country but what precise line items from an order go directy to you?
Do you pick and drive or just drive and how does that split work?

>> No.18041834

They don't show prices online. Don't believe you. Every single store on instacart has items marked up.

>> No.18041840

what do you mean line items?
you pick and drive. occasionally you can do ones that is just pick - you leave the order at a designated pickup area at the front of the store and the customer picks it up at their convenience

>> No.18041855

>They don't show prices online
They obviously do, apparently you're too retarded to figure out the app.

>> No.18041862

I'm not installing Aldi's app. Post a screenshot to prove it.

>> No.18041875

Not aldi's app you moron. The instacart app, you know, the thing this entire thread is about that we've been talking about the past 10 hours.

>> No.18041888

I prefer Amazon delivery for groceries but I've used instacart in the past with minimal issues

>> No.18041903

I mean specifics instead of generalities as you people do, why are you incspable of being specifc about anything?
It's expected of me why not you?

>> No.18041906

Are you fucking retarded? I'm the one that linked to instacart showing the marked up prices, I know how to see prices on instacart.

I'm saying you can't see prices on Aldi's own website, so you can't prove your point that it's the same as instacart. The point I've been making is prices on Instacart are marked up compared to normal in-store pricing.

>> No.18041932

what are you saying esl?

>> No.18041951

>I'm saying you can't see prices on Aldi's own website
That's because aldi doesn't sell groceries online, everything is done through instacart. You will have to physically go in the store to see the prices. I did look into it more though and apparently there is a small markup of a few cents at aldi, it's probably to cover the cost of the paper bags. I've done it before and even though you use the instacart app it's aldi employees that shop the order and bring it out to you, which is probably why their fees are minimal since they don't have to pay any outside works. I feel much more comfortable knowing it's an aldi worker handling my food rather than some random dirty instacart faggot that wandered in off the street. There are stores like walmart and hyvee that do their own service and there is definitely no markup for them.

>> No.18041960

not him but i am a random dirty instacart faggot and i do aldi all the time. and i have to bag the shit

>> No.18041962


>> No.18041967

Unless you're talking about home deliveries or something that's just not true. I've done it dozens of times over the past couple of years and it's always aldi employees doing it for aldi curbside. You must be talking about a different kind of order, or lying.

>> No.18041971

Kroger has delivery.

>> No.18041987

I am talking about home delivery, so I guess misunderstood. the app asks you when you are at the check out how many bags to charge the customer for. but you have to make a best estimate because you have to bag the shit after the transaction is already done.

>> No.18042025

i dont care as long as it takes my food stamps