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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18037 No.18037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

can americans explain how these tastes like?

I have never seen them anywhere except on the internet.

>> No.18038

Do you know what a hot dog tastes like?
Do you know what cornbread tastes like?

It tastes kinda like those two things together, only also fried.

>> No.18039


like a hot dog and cornbread but slightly more artificial tasting.

>> No.18040


>> No.18041

i fucking love corndogs

if i ever open a stupid hipster restaurant it will totally have some kind of heightened corn dog on the menu

>> No.18042

Feel on tongue is a little leathery but firm, like a chubby elbow.
Soft spongy texture when bitten into. The less flavorful outside layer gives way to sweet cornbread flavor that is quickly overrun by the salty pork hot dog taste. When chewed, the cornbread particles spread across the tongue while the hot dog provides a gently chewy texture.

>> No.18043

Hey you are really good at this
Do you read comics? It reminds me of a character out of chew

>> No.18044


It's a hot dog dipped in cornmeal batter and then deep fried... Good combination of sweet, salty, and savory; good contrast of fried crumby outside and snappy juicy pulverized meat product on the inside.

It's trashy carnival/children's food. Nothing too really overthink.

>> No.18045

The cornbread is like a firm fried polenta, but also very sweet

this combines with the smokey salty hot dog

>> No.18046

Not really. My ex read comics so I tried to get into them to relate to her. I really liked hellboy and umbrella academy but I didn't read much more than that.

>> No.18047

Corndogs are proof that God exists, and He wants use to be happy

>> No.18048
File: 19 KB, 300x226, AIPUKE_2303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a package of industrialized corn dogs from the imports section of the supermarket once.
Expensive, considering it should be only a simple hot-dog with a type of corn based dough around.
...i never eated anything so bad before. Tasted like shit: inferior meat, horrible seasoned dough. I felt i was eating styrofoam with salt.
Then again, trumplanders might confirm that are cheap, bad brands of packaged corn dogs around. Maybe i was unlucky?

>> No.18049

You have to get them fresh at a mid-west state fair to really get the full impact of how wonderful they are.

>> No.18050

First lesson you should learn before reading comics is that almost everything made by the big two is utter trash made to either pander to people who have been reading their trash for decades or try to recapture the interest of children and failing to
Chew is cool, pretty cool focused, it's an alternative of the food safety and control in a world that banned chicken and people have food related super powers
Chew can see all the memories of anything he eats Wich is cool for a cop/detective badass

>> No.18051

this, or make them yourself. pronto pups are food of the gods

>> No.18052
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heaven. they taste like fucking heaven.

>> No.18053

That sounds familiar, I think she mentioned it to me once. I like the format and art of comics but I just haven't taken time to find good ones. Any other recs?

>> No.18054


>flyovers actually think that they somehow make better tasting corn dogs out in flyover land


>> No.18055

hey I don't rag on you for living on the coast even though I'd never live there in a million years. have some fucking manners.

>> No.18056

Sandman by Neil Gaiman. It is the only comic that I will call gorgeous.

>> No.18057

I have been out of the loop for a while but if you don't like to read too many words Jason got awards for being able to tell a good story with little to no speech
As for biographical comics my favourite is ponyang by delisle, stay away from Jerusalem it's just really dense and boring
Right now I have been trying to get into Cerberus, Wich is kind of a feat to read since it's the longest graphic novel ever published and it doesn't get good until you are half kn

>> No.18058
File: 61 KB, 533x400, tmp_10640-s400_47a0553782dcaa4537eaea39241061909651472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today at lunch I ordered spicy chicken tendies n fries for a coworker n I. The guy behind me was ordering corndogs.
When I left I saw him driving away eating his cdog. I think they taste like America in an old truck calling people ma'am, wearing 3 days unwashed levis with sunglasses tan lines.

>> No.18059

seconding this, sandman is classic

>> No.18060


Hand dipped corn dogs are better than the frozen variety served at most places.

And, generally, the only time I run into hand dipped are at specialty stores where the demographic supports them - flyover land... and carnivals, country fairs, air shows, higher quality theme parks. a lot of those places are also fly over.

Its not impossible to hand dip a quality beef dog in some fresh cornbread batter while in the city limits of a major metropolitan area that people fly to instead of over, but it is less likely that you will run into a quality hand dipped dog.

t. i have eaten at every restaurant in the universe and know these things for a fact

>> No.18061


>i have eaten at every restaurant in the universe and know these things for a fact

You should make another round trip. Corn dogs and the like are pretty trendy in an ironic flyover kind of way in drinking establishments in non-flyover parts of the country these days, and they aren't buying frozen.

>> No.18062

>Corn dogs and the like are pretty trendy

Well.. out in flyover land, it's not trendy or ironic. Its a fucking way of life. They know what they are doing and if I wanted to go get circle jerked by some lumber jacking moron with a mustache in a downtown bar - i'd skip your half assing at sucking cock and i'd just hit up the gayest fucking bar in the city and take down the first 27 drag queens i came across.

now thats a corn dog i can dig on.

>> No.18063


It doesn't matter that it's trendy or ironic, it's a deep fried hot dog. And everyone everywhere in the country grew up eating corn dogs, at least at their local fairs.

The trendy/ironic thing is to serve good quality versions of food you ate as a kid (implying any 14 year old can't make a corn dog).

You shouldn't feel proud about living in a part of the country that unironically considers kid's food a "way of life".

>> No.18064

If you can get a corn dog freshly battered and outta the fryer, likely at a fair or carnival, it is fucking heavenly. I only put mustard on it. I'm thin but I will eat like 5 or 6 of those throughout the night at the fair. Perhaps because outside of that they are depressing. And soggy. adding to the depression. Come on carnival season! You with me you autistic fucks?

>> No.18065

a good corn dog tastes like you are giving god a blow job.

>> No.18066


I never said I live out in fly over land.

Flyover land does make a better corn dog though.

You're just pissy because you hate thinking that flyover land is better than your local hipster trash heap "bar."

Everyone else in the country is laughing at you fucking retards.

>> No.18067


>pissy because you hate thinking that flyover land is better than your local hipster trash heap

I've spent over half my life in flyover land. It's shit, and does nothing better.

>> No.18068

as a non american i would rather live the rest of my life among crackheads and niggers than to ever set foot on jew central
why is all american culture either retardly poor or retardly rich?

>> No.18069


As a non-American you have no clue what you're talking about and your opinion is invalid.


>> No.18070

>fresh air
>corn dogs
>innocent preacher's daughters

you don't know what you are talking about city fag

>> No.18071
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>he thinks the non-flyover states are covered with nothing but two giant sprawling cities that stretch up and down each coast

>> No.18072

>loses argument
>moves goal posts


>> No.18073

>pancake sausage dogs dipped in syrup

good shit

>> No.18074

>buying them premade
the hot dogs in them are shit
just buy hot dogs you like, look up a recipe for batter, and make one, or find a place that sells em hot and order one.

>> No.18075
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This is the superior variation of said dish:

>> No.18076
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shut the fuck up you fly over, its easy, because we have street fairs where people come to buy products instead of go on rides, theres always a bunch of carnival food and hipster food trucks and you can bet your anus you can not only get amazing corn dogs but you can go buy a taco made of pigs anus and green salsa at the same time.

>> No.18077

forcemeat sausage, cornmeal batter, fried.

Not much else to describe.

>> No.18078

Will someone just ban this guy?
We're on month 6 of him not shutting the fuck up for 12-16 hours a day.

Please mods? Can we have 3 nice days?

>> No.18079
File: 122 KB, 800x792, blueberry-corndog-pancake-sausage-corndog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pancakes and bfast sausage

>> No.18080

>pigs anus

You're not impressing any one with your shit tier garbage truck food, Chad.

>> No.18081

I've seen them in every country I've ever been to that also sells hotdogs.

>> No.18082
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>> No.18083
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I dont run a food truck. the only thing they need to impress is my tongue and they have my buisness.

>> No.18084


who washes jeans every time they wear them?

>> No.18085

Like cornbread and a hotdog with a crunchy exterior

>> No.18086


no one thinks an animeposter has a job, don't worry

>> No.18087

>What is Hot Dog on a Stick?
Come on.
I'm always flattered, when my hot dogs getting battered.

>> No.18088

That sausage looks like an anal prolapse.

>> No.18089

One of the benefits of denim jeans is that they are difficult to get dirty because of the nature of the material, and require less washing because of this. This, coupled with their durability leads them to be good work trousers. Unless you have a tendency to walk around in filth, sweat profusely, or piss yourself, washing denim more than once a week is wasteful, especially if you alternate your trousers.

>> No.18090

These are what I think of when I hear pigs-n-a-blanket.

>> No.18091

You can't imagine the lengths I have to go through to get an all beef or all pork corndog where I live.

Everything is fucking turkey and chicken. It disgusts me.

>> No.18092


The damn tastiest anal prolapse.

>> No.18093
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>implying I'm a neet

>> No.18094

so like a deep fried hotdog?

>> No.18095

Cornbread is not really a thing outside the US.

>> No.18096
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>> No.18097


How about polenta, then. It's not so far off from cornbread flavor-wise.

>> No.18098

That's an absolute crime.

>> No.18099

I'd like to try this stuff one day, though perhaps I never will

>> No.18100

what's cornbread?

>> No.18101

Funny thing is, you can actually eat cattails.

>> No.18102

Good news, jew central is where most of the crackheads and niggers live.
In Real America all you run into is meth and PCP.

>> No.18103

holy shit I could almost taste a pronto pup just reading this. Describe more food pls

>> No.18104

down boy, down.

>> No.18105

>op asks for someone to explain how corndogs taste
>anon give an excellently written description
>cancerous reddit anon: "down boy, down"(???)

what did he mean by this? Also, kys

>> No.18106

>what did he mean by this?

Apparently "cancerous reddit anon" felt that the "excellently written description" was a little over the top and/or its author was too excited.

>> No.18107

Do you guys know what a "joke" is?

>> No.18108

In Australia they are called dagwood dogs or pluto pups. I like chewing on the crunchy base of the thing.

>> No.18109

Too much discussion for you? Need more epic ironic shitposting, huh? Surely there's a subreddit you can go to for that.

>> No.18110


how's that?

>> No.18111

Yeah. Do you know what an "unfunny joke" is?

>> No.18112

That's an Italian thing, I think. Never had it.

>> No.18113
File: 31 KB, 560x420, IMG_1466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a great description, but this is only for supermarket microwaved corndogs. Fresh hand-dipped corndogs are better. They're crunchy on the outside and spongy on the inside with the same cornbread flavor (a mix of buttery, salty, and sweet).

>> No.18114

A hot dog encased in a sweet muffin

It's as disgusting as it sounds, even more if you get a shitty one that has an improperly cooked hotdog triple battered with waffle mix.

fuck corndogs

>> No.18115

It's a bread made with cornmeal.

>> No.18116

Someone give this guy his own thread!
This is amazing!

>> No.18117

no fuck you you fucking child

>> No.18118

this 2bh

>you fucking child
Says the defender of fucking corn dogs, the poster-child of autistic children's food.

>> No.18119

Corn dogs are carnie food you moron, autistic children don't go out to the fucking fair because they have nobody to take with them.

>> No.18120


their handlers you cock knobbling hammonkey

>> No.18121


you seem to be forgetting the frozen corndogs available at your local Wal-mart. The favorite of white trash moms everywhere!

>> No.18122

sounds disgusting

>> No.18123

>combination of sweet, salty, and savory
why do americans do this? its awful

>> No.18124

We need to free the other countries and give them cornbread and take their oil.

>> No.18125

>why do americans do this?

I can't think of any culture that doesn't combine sweet and savory.

>> No.18126

give me the french, italian, and spanish combinations of sweet and savoury

>> No.18127

French: Very common to pair sweet fruits with fatty meats. Goose roasted with prunes, apples, etc, stuffed inside. Duck la Orange. Daube de Boeuf À la Gasconne is a beef stew that is sweetened with Armanac and chocolate.

Italian: Tomato + any meat. Tiramisu (savory mascarpone + sugar and sweet liquor) It is common to serve highly aged Balsamic vinegar (which is very sweet) with various cheeses. I don't know the name of this dish, but a friend of the family was Italian and used to serve a "7 courses of fish" meal for Christmas. One of the dishes was a fried eel with a sugary-garlicky sauce.

I must admit that I don't know much about Spanish cuisine, but I do know that the famous Jamon Iberico is often cured using a sugar rub. Caldillo de perro is fish stewed in orange juice. Catalan cream is a classic dessert that's sweet as its base but gets a savory flavor from when it is browned.

>> No.18128

They're pointless and not as good as a plain old hot dog

>> No.18129

So you know American pancakes? Imagine one of those but slightly thinner, more dense, and savoury, wrapped around a hot dog. Not an actual sausage but one of those American hot dogs. That's all there is to it.

>> No.18130

>French: Very common to pair sweet fruits with fatty meats. Goose roasted with prunes, apples, etc, stuffed inside. Duck la Orange. Daube de Boeuf À la Gasconne is a beef stew that is sweetened with Armanac and chocolate.
>Italian: Tomato + any meat. Tiramisu (savory mascarpone + sugar and sweet liquor) It is common to serve highly aged Balsamic vinegar (which is very sweet) with various cheeses. I don't know the name of this dish, but a friend of the family was Italian and used to serve a "7 courses of fish" meal for Christmas. One of the dishes was a fried eel with a sugary-garlicky sauce.
>I must admit that I don't know much about Spanish cuisine, but I do know that the famous Jamon Iberico is often cured using a sugar rub. Caldillo de perro is fish stewed in orange juice. Catalan cream is a classic dessert that's sweet as its base but gets a savory flavor from when it is browned.

>duck a lorange
nouvelle cuisine bullshit

all the other things you listed combine sweet and savoury ingredients in preparation, but the end product only contains savoury or salty tastes, your disgusting corn dog makes you taste all three at once

>> No.18131

What is it with autists here calling grits polenta?

>> No.18132

hush puppy with a wiener surprise inside.

>> No.18133

Corn bread does not taste like pancakes and isn't similarly textured either

>> No.18134
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>nobody has posted the webm
Is the fact that this is true some kind of counter-meme?

>> No.18135

Oh boy nigga. You have not lived until you've had southern style corn bread.

>> No.18136
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Afterall, you are the Boss Hog of your corn bread battered hot dog!

This guy is bento style rekt.

>> No.18137
File: 24 KB, 550x413, Battered sausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading these descriptions


Is it like a battered sausage then that i get from the chippy?

>> No.18138

>my girl visits from new zealand
>has first corndog ever at disneyland
>its a greasy mess

We never ate a corndog :(

>> No.18139

Disneyland corndogs are GOD tier.

>> No.18140

a corndog will have a sweeter batter than that, and not so crispy, but more or less.

>> No.18141

Looks like that's beer-battered, so it's close but the texture and flavor is probably very different. Corn batter tastes so much better than a wheat flour based batter on some things. Like onion rings. For onion rings it's corn battered or it's trash.

>> No.18142

How's the weather in Tel Aviv Schlomo?

>> No.18143

polenta is disgusting

>> No.18144
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>> No.18145

>but the end product only contains savoury or salty tastes,

Absoloutely not. When you eat some roast goose and you have a piece of meat and a bit of the prune from the stuffing on your fork you taste both the savory meat and the sweet fruit.

When you taste a dish cooked with a sweet liquor then you taste that sweetness in addition to the savory meat.

Fuck, any time you have sauteed or caramelized onions on a dish you taste the sweetness of the onion and the savoriness of the rest of the food.

you eat sweet + savory all the time, you just don't realize it.

>> No.18146


If I'm talking to someone outside the US I wouldn't expect them to know what Grits is, but I would expect them to know polenta.

>> No.18147

I'd be all for eating at a high end corn dog place. I bet you could well the shit out of them in a food truck. Fuck just start covering anything tasty in cornbread and fry it and shove a stock in its ass and people would buy it.

>> No.18148

You are a disgusting sloth and I hope someone tells you so in real life, so I don't have to encounter your stank ass.

>> No.18149

Why do I want to put my dick in that fat Jap, oh dubbel man?

>> No.18150

A hotdog in batter that becomes doughy on the inside and crunchy on the outside, the hotdog steams itself from the heat. If you have been to England its like a battered sausage.

>> No.18151

>not knowing that indigo is a natural disinfectant
>not knowing how denim works

We need to take our rock 'n' roll and denim jeans back from you commies.

>> No.18152

cause she's fat on the inside as well

>> No.18153

Best corndogs are from carts in NYC

>> No.18154

It tastes like honey cornbread and wood flavored hot dog.

Mini corn dogs are better because they don't have the shitty wooden stick in the middle.

>> No.18155
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Nice dubs. Nice!

>> No.18156

>How about polenta, then. It's not so far off from cornbread flavor-wise.

Even if you're talking about deep-fried polenta (plenty people eat it creamy instead), the texture is too different to compare.

>polenta is disgusting
Not sure if serious or trolling...

>> No.18157
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delicious. nothing quite like a krusty pup from the fair. c

i pity the fool who bases his opinion on microwave corndogs

>> No.18158
File: 149 KB, 500x375, cattail roots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Funny thing is, you can actually eat cattails.

Sure, but only the baby cattail roots that are no bigger then your finger are really edible, (taste kinda like a bland carrot) as once they get too big they become stringy.

Though the larger roots can be dried and made into a kinda flour.

>> No.18159


I was talking about the flavor only. Yes, the texture would be quite different.

>> No.18160

>only the baby cattail roots

You're fucking nuts. Cattails are arguably the best American wild food source. The young roots of course cooked like potato, but older roots can be dried and ground into flour; young shoots up to 2 feet in salads or cooked like asparagus; the immature flower spikes when still green can be eaten like corn on the cob; and the protein rich pollen can be collected in large quantities by shaking into a bag, sifted and used as a flour. Cattails are a phenomenal food source.

>> No.18161

Was it not the dude claiming the description gave him a boner

>> No.18162

Anyone with recipe for Euro?

>> No.18163
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I'm talking about eating cattail roots raw, in which case only the baby roots are worth bothering with, as the larger ones are stringy (though still edible).

>> No.18164

>can americans explain how these tastes like?
Like a hotdog but fried.
(note: not saying they taste like fried hotdogs)

>> No.18165
File: 227 KB, 630x420, corndog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh corndogs
Aw yesh

>> No.18166
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>> No.18167

If you've never had a krusty pup you've never had a corndog.

>> No.18168

Well done, anon.

>> No.18169

>putting frozen corndogs in the microwave instead of the oven
is this a brand new meme?

>> No.18170

Nah, it's just what impatient fucks do.

>> No.18171

Same could be said about your mum.

>> No.18172

This all looks and sound amazingly interesting so far. Sadly I don't have a place to buy corndogs around. I am thinking about making some myself. Do you guys know a recipe for the batter? And do they HAVE to be fried? How about baking?

>> No.18173

I like when Jay Leno described corn dogs as "white people food". They totally are. They're also delicious.

>> No.18174
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>> No.18175

For fucks sake

>> No.18176
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>all the excess flour
>cold oil
There is no way the breading stayed completely on.

>> No.18177

It didn't.

>> No.18178

>arf arf first time it didn't work well